Secrets of history 2024, October

Berendeys, Pechenegs, Torqui - In The Service Of Russian Princes - Alternative View

Berendeys, Pechenegs, Torqui - In The Service Of Russian Princes - Alternative View

The history of Ancient Rus keeps a lot of mysteries. One of them is the information that has come down to our time about black hoods - mysterious ethnic formation that played a significant role in the XII-XIII centuries

A Critical Look: Nikola Tesla - Facts And Fiction - Alternative View

A Critical Look: Nikola Tesla - Facts And Fiction - Alternative View

Nikola Tesla is one of the people whose name is shrouded in a veil of secrecy. Although his achievements are undeniable, the myths around his name are so numerous and fantastic that if they were true, then Tesla could be called the greatest scientist of all times and peoples

The Battle Of The 9th Company In Afghanistan: How 39 Paratroopers Fought Against 200 Mujahideen - Alternative View

The Battle Of The 9th Company In Afghanistan: How 39 Paratroopers Fought Against 200 Mujahideen - Alternative View

At the end of 1987, Soviet troops were already preparing to withdraw from Afghanistan. Active hostilities have already ended

Iron Lame: What Was Tamerlane - Alternative View

Iron Lame: What Was Tamerlane - Alternative View

Tamerlane was called "the ruler of the world." He was one of the greatest conquerors in world history. This man combined incredible ruthlessness with a subtle understanding of art and science

How Many Soviet Soldiers Died In Afghanistan Actually - Alternative View

How Many Soviet Soldiers Died In Afghanistan Actually - Alternative View

In December 1979, Soviet troops entered Afghanistan in order to support the friendly regime, and were intending to leave in a year at most. But the original plan turned into a long war, the cost of which was heavy losses

The Myth Of The Ninth Company - How The Real Battle For The Height Differed From The Movie - Alternative View

The Myth Of The Ninth Company - How The Real Battle For The Height Differed From The Movie - Alternative View

By 1988, there was not a single province in Afghanistan that was under one hundred percent control of the dushmans. The Soviet army was everywhere

Tutankhamun's Knife Appeared From Space - Alternative View

Tutankhamun's Knife Appeared From Space - Alternative View

Quite often, archaeological finds baffle scientists: for a long time none of the scientists could understand how Stonehenge was created, or how the pyramids were built. Another discovery made by Egyptologists was in this category

Tutankhamun's Bed Was An Ancient Miracle - Alternative View

Tutankhamun's Bed Was An Ancient Miracle - Alternative View

King Tutankhamun, the pharaoh who ruled Egypt over 3,300 years ago, slept on the forerunner of our modern camping bed

Who Was The Father Of Tutankhamun? - Alternative View

Who Was The Father Of Tutankhamun? - Alternative View

At the beginning of this century, Japanese experts were going to investigate the DNA of Tutankhamun's mummy to find out if he was the son of Amenhotep III

Death Of Tutankhamun - Is It Murder Or An Accident? - Alternative View

Death Of Tutankhamun - Is It Murder Or An Accident? - Alternative View

The civilization that emerged in ancient Egypt is fraught with many unsolved mysteries. Archaeologists and scientists around the world have been trying for several centuries to find out and reveal all the secrets of this people

How The Tomb Of Tutankhamun Was Actually Opened - Alternative View

How The Tomb Of Tutankhamun Was Actually Opened - Alternative View

On February 16, 1923, Howard Carter opened the last door on the road to Tutankhamun and his untold wealth. The archaeologist managed to discover his tomb among the sands of the "Kingdom of the Dead" and reveal the secret of the unknown pharaoh

Was Tutankhamun A Hermaphrodite? - Alternative View

Was Tutankhamun A Hermaphrodite? - Alternative View

Tutankhamun - one of the most famous ancient Egyptian pharaohs. Studies of his tomb and remains have been going on for many years

The Mystery Of Nefertiti, What You Wanted And Did Not Want To Know About The Great Queen - Alternative View

The Mystery Of Nefertiti, What You Wanted And Did Not Want To Know About The Great Queen - Alternative View

If you just admire Nefertiti and she is your ideal of beauty, then you should not continue reading. Perhaps you are shocked by some of the details of her family life, or you do not want to see the disfigured mummy, possibly belonging to the queen

From The History Of The Famous Betrayals - Alternative View

From The History Of The Famous Betrayals - Alternative View

In history, not the names of heroes often remain, but the names of traitors. Some do it for money, others out of fear, others under the pressure of circumstances

Archaeologists Have Found Burial Vessels In Luxor With The Organs Of The "Pharaoh's Daughter" - Alternative View

Archaeologists Have Found Burial Vessels In Luxor With The Organs Of The "Pharaoh's Daughter" - Alternative View

An expedition of American archaeologists, carrying out excavations in the territory of Luxor, found several canopics in the tomb of the high priest of Amun - sealed ritual vessels with the organs of a noble woman who lived in the last days of the independence of Ancient Egypt

Archaeologists Told About The Treasures From The Found Tomb In Egypt - Alternative View

Archaeologists Told About The Treasures From The Found Tomb In Egypt - Alternative View

Scientists have discovered near the city of Luxor an undisturbed tomb of a scribe of the 18th Dynasty, a high-ranking official during the heyday of Ancient Egypt, the press service of the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities reports

Prokhorovka Battle - Alternative View

Prokhorovka Battle - Alternative View

Tank battle near Prokhorovka (took place on July 12, 1943), as an episode of the Kursk battle during the execution of the Citadel operation by the German troops. It is considered one of the largest battles in military history using armored vehicles (?)

The Mystery Of The Black Sarcophagus - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Black Sarcophagus - Alternative View

The main news of this year for all history lovers was the discovery in Egyptian Alexandria of a large black sarcophagus, which could have stored the remains of Alexander the Great. Whose tomb is this?

Secrets Of The Disappeared Kingdom - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Disappeared Kingdom - Alternative View

The Kushan kingdom, which flourished at the turn of our era in Central Asia, is little known: its inhabitants, roughly ousting the local rulers, came to the territory of modern Afghanistan, Pakistan and Central Asia from nowhere, and after three and a half

The Most Impregnable Fortresses In World History - Alternative View

The Most Impregnable Fortresses In World History - Alternative View

During the defense, the architecture of the fortress played a decisive role. Location, walls, equipment - all this determined how successful the assault would be, and whether it was worth undertaking at all

Five Impregnable Fortresses, Which Were Taken By Russian Troops - Alternative View

Five Impregnable Fortresses, Which Were Taken By Russian Troops - Alternative View

On December 6, 1761, Kohlberg was taken. It is a fortress and port on the Baltic Sea coast. During the Seven Years' War, twice unsuccessfully besieged by Russian troops: in 1758 and in 1760 together with the Swedes

Who Really Was Diogenes - A Swindler Or A Philosopher, And Whether He Lived In A Barrel - Alternative View

Who Really Was Diogenes - A Swindler Or A Philosopher, And Whether He Lived In A Barrel - Alternative View

A philosopher who lived in a barrel and was distinguished by a cynical attitude towards others - here is the reputation of Diogenes, which he happily maintained. Shocking or loyalty to the dogmas of their own teaching - what did the nature of this ancient Greek sage strive for?

Kronstadt Uprising Of 1921 - Alternative View

Kronstadt Uprising Of 1921 - Alternative View

Kronstadt mutiny 1 - March 18, 1921 - the performance of the sailors of the Kronstadt garrison against the Bolshevik government

The Mystery Of The Vitrified Forts - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Vitrified Forts - Alternative View

Inappropriate artifacts are constantly found on our planet, that is, evidence that official science simply does not accept, sometimes sinking to outright lies

Mysteries Of The Koporskaya Fortress - Alternative View

Mysteries Of The Koporskaya Fortress - Alternative View

The Leningrad region is rich in architectural monuments. And not only such as the brilliant palace and park complexes of Pushkin or Petrodvorets, but also much more modest, but no less mysterious from this, for example, the old fortress in Koporye

The Ship Of The Faithful - Alternative View

The Ship Of The Faithful - Alternative View

In Roman times, this fortress on a rocky mountain top was called Castrum mortis securi, that is, "a fortress (castle) on an impregnable mountain." The locals named her Monsegur

Coven Fortress. Mystical Secrets And Ghosts Of War - Alternative View

Coven Fortress. Mystical Secrets And Ghosts Of War - Alternative View

In 1882, a grandiose construction of defensive lines began on the western border of Russia. The project, which was developed by the best architects and fortifiers, was supposed to cover two defensive rings

Turkish Fortress Anapa - Alternative View

Turkish Fortress Anapa - Alternative View

Few people know about the remarkable victory of the Russian soldiers in 1791 during the Russian-Turkish war over superior enemy forces, thanks to which, later, the entire Black Sea coast of the Caucasus began to belong to the Russian Empire

Scientists Have Established The True Age Of The Novgorod Kremlin - Alternative View

Scientists Have Established The True Age Of The Novgorod Kremlin - Alternative View

The fortress building was laid 300 years earlier than previously thought

The Secret Mission Of The General - Alternative View

The Secret Mission Of The General - Alternative View

While studying materials related to the war of 1812, I somehow came across a mention of the Belarusian village Bocheikovo, short and rather vague

The Dark Secrets Of The Coven Fortress - Alternative View

The Dark Secrets Of The Coven Fortress - Alternative View

All attempts to explore the forts and dungeons of this fortress ended in tragedy. And the reasons for the tragedies are still not known … With a wave of goodbye, Marianne slowly moved along the flooded underground passage

The Mutiny At The "Watchdog" - Alternative View

The Mutiny At The "Watchdog" - Alternative View

On November 7, 1975, in honor of the 58th anniversary of the October Revolution, a naval parade was held in Riga, in which the large anti-submarine ship "Guard" took part

Dolphins In Military Service - Alternative View

Dolphins In Military Service - Alternative View

"All means are good to achieve the goal!" - this slogan underlies any policy, any war. From time immemorial, the "king of nature" did not hesitate to involve our smaller brothers in their showdowns

The Death Of Meduza - Alternative View

The Death Of Meduza - Alternative View

In 1819, a grandiose art exhibition was held in Paris; the walls of the beautiful halls were decorated with paintings on religious and historical subjects

God Is Not In Power, But In Truth: Between East And West - Alternative View

God Is Not In Power, But In Truth: Between East And West - Alternative View

St. Alexander Nevsky was born on May 30, 1219 in the inheritance of his father - Pereyaslavl Zalessky. Father - Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, son of Vsevolod the Big Nest and grandson of Yuri Dolgoruky - was a typical Suzdal prince

What Actually Was Behind The Massive Repressions Of 1937 - Alternative View

What Actually Was Behind The Massive Repressions Of 1937 - Alternative View

These days marks 80 years of events, the debate about which does not subside to this day. We are talking about 1937, when massive political repression began in the country

The Cult Of The Leopard People - Alternative View

The Cult Of The Leopard People - Alternative View

Cults of werewolf sorcerers have existed in Africa since ancient times - boa people, crocodile people and the like. But the most terrible and cruel were and remain anioto - people-leopards

Where The "king Of Fabulous America" is Worshiped - Alternative View

Where The "king Of Fabulous America" is Worshiped - Alternative View

I read this information and something immediately smelled surprisingly familiar. We meet this constantly around us in a slightly different form :-) Read on! One of the strangest cults among the inhabitants of the island of Tanna

Curious Facts About Ancient India - Alternative View

Curious Facts About Ancient India - Alternative View

This charming Asian country has always attracted tourists with its mystery. Many people believe that this is a wild country with no sanitation, where you can easily get infected with some kind of disease, where people adhere to strange customs that are far from the place in the 21st century

"Kroshechka-Khavroshechka" And "Sivka-Burka" - Folk Indian Fairy Tales - Alternative View

"Kroshechka-Khavroshechka" And "Sivka-Burka" - Folk Indian Fairy Tales - Alternative View

In the phrase "Indo-European family of peoples" the word "family" is not an empty phrase, we not only have many common roots in the language, but also similar images and plots in mythology.Let's try to find the "Indian trace" in Russian folk tales