Secrets of history 2024, October

Who Destroyed The Library Of Alexandria? - Alternative View

Who Destroyed The Library Of Alexandria? - Alternative View

The Alexandria Library was one of the largest in the ancient world. Founded by the successors of Alexander the Great, it maintained its status as an intellectual and educational center back in the 5th century

Sanctions Of The Times Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

Sanctions Of The Times Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

Confrontation of the West with Russia with the aim of causing damage to our country by non-military means - not today's invention of enlightened Europe

How Hitler Really Came To Power - Alternative View

How Hitler Really Came To Power - Alternative View

Hitler's rise to power, and most importantly, the almost instantaneous economic growth of Germany and the country's arms buildup that followed, look like a miracle

How Did Adolf Hitler Come To Power - Alternative View

How Did Adolf Hitler Come To Power - Alternative View

Hitler's rise to power, and most importantly, the almost instantaneous economic growth of Germany and the country's arms buildup that followed, look like a miracle

What Did The Remains Of Tsarevich Ivan Tell About? - Alternative View

What Did The Remains Of Tsarevich Ivan Tell About? - Alternative View

In the previous material, the opinions of foreigners were given that the son and heir Ivan died from being hit by the staff of the king himself. Was it really so? Let us refer to the book by the head of the archaeological department of the Moscow Kremlin Museum, Doctor of History

The Throne Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

The Throne Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

Ivan IV Vasilievich, nicknamed G rozny, became the first of the great Moscow dukes to receive the title of Tsar of All Russia. In 1547 he was married to the kingdom with a new title for Russia. It happened in the Kremlin's Assumption Cathedral

The Victory Of Ivan The Terrible, Forbidden For Centuries. Few People Know About This Battle Why? - Alternative View

The Victory Of Ivan The Terrible, Forbidden For Centuries. Few People Know About This Battle Why? - Alternative View

Few people know about this battle … Why ??? … In 1572 the greatest battle took place, which determined the future of the Eurasian continent and the entire planet for many centuries to come. In that battle that claimed more than a hundred thousand lives … Few people know about this battle

Vasilisa Melentieva: How Ivan The Terrible Dealt With His Seventh Wife - Alternative View

Vasilisa Melentieva: How Ivan The Terrible Dealt With His Seventh Wife - Alternative View

Ivan the Terrible, according to some estimates, had eight wives. The women whom he called his spouses in his life were unusually different, noble and not so, Russian and foreign

How To Change The "managerial Elite" Correctly - Alternative View

How To Change The "managerial Elite" Correctly - Alternative View

Tsar Ivan the Terrible, who had left Moscow with his family and those close to him for the Aleksandrovskaya Sloboda (now the city of Aleksandrov, Vladimir region) a month earlier, sent two letters to the capital. The first was addressed to Metropolitan Athanasius

Why Did The Historian Nikolai Karamzin Discredit Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

Why Did The Historian Nikolai Karamzin Discredit Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin was the first to explain clearly and interestingly for readers the entire history of Russia from ancient times to the beginning of the 17th century, as it was known to science at that time

Was Ivan The Terrible Really A Tyrant - Alternative View

Was Ivan The Terrible Really A Tyrant - Alternative View

The role model of John IV was tried on to one degree or another by various rulers of Russia, but without much success. And above all because of the simplified understanding of Tiran Vasilievich

Did Ivan The Terrible Kill His Son? - Alternative View

Did Ivan The Terrible Kill His Son? - Alternative View

The fact of the murder by Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible of his son Tsarevich John until recently seemed indisputable, because he was reflected even in school textbooks as one of the evidences of the allegedly special cruelty of the Russian autocracy

The Testament Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

The Testament Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

“The tsar bequeaths to his descendants his library, which is in a safe underground cache. The will tells where he is and how to get into it

Oprichnina Of Ivan The Terrible - What Is It? - Alternative View

Oprichnina Of Ivan The Terrible - What Is It? - Alternative View

What is Oprichnina Oprichnina (from the word "oprich" - except) began to call the land lot specially allocated to the sovereign, and the staff of the royal entourage, and a special army

The Era Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

The Era Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

Ivan IV Vasilievich (Terrible) (born August 25, 1530 - death 18 (28) March 1584) - sovereign, Grand Duke of Moscow and All Russia (from 1533), the first Russian tsar (from 1547

How Ivan The Terrible Failed To Break Through A Window To Europe - Alternative View

How Ivan The Terrible Failed To Break Through A Window To Europe - Alternative View

On January 23, 1558, the army of Ivan the Terrible set out on a campaign against the Livonian Confederation - a military-religious state created in the Baltic States by German knights

Tell About Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

Tell About Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

John IV is the only Russian tsar who became the hero of the folk epic. Ivan the Pious Fairy tale "Magpies-witches" Ivan was a formidable tsar, but a pious

How Ivan The Terrible Trolled European Monarchs - Alternative View

How Ivan The Terrible Trolled European Monarchs - Alternative View

The art of diplomacy lies in the substitution of meanings and the ability to say "yes", meaning "no", and vice versa. The Russian tsar always knew who to write to and what to write. To know one's worth, to speak without equivocation, directly, openly - as it is in Russian

Why Did Ivan The Terrible Really Die? - Alternative View

Why Did Ivan The Terrible Really Die? - Alternative View

Ivan the Terrible - undoubtedly one of the most prominent figures in Russian history. His personality is surrounded by many myths that are closely intertwined with real facts

The Results Of The Reign Of The First Russian Tsar - Alternative View

The Results Of The Reign Of The First Russian Tsar - Alternative View

If we look at the actual results of the reign of John IV, we will see that the Tsar ruled for 51 years and during this time: 1. The growth of our state territory amounted to almost 100% (from 2.8 million sq. Km to 5.4 million sq. . km)

The Slandered King - Alternative View

The Slandered King - Alternative View

ABOUT THE VICTIMS OF JOHN THE TERRIBLE One of the main, but the most baseless accusations against the Terrible Tsar, is the charge of unprecedented "bloodthirstiness" and mass murders

Why Did Ivan IV Actually Become "formidable" - Alternative View

Why Did Ivan IV Actually Become "formidable" - Alternative View

We call Ivan IV the Terrible, because we were told to call him that in history lessons. However, to the question of when and why Ivan IV became "formidable" still few can answer. We tried

The Lost Liberia Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

The Lost Liberia Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

The mystery of the location of the library of Ivan the Terrible has been haunted by many researchers and scientists not only in Russia, but also in foreign countries for several hundred years

The Iron Robot Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

The Iron Robot Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

Letters from the unknown Dutch merchant Johan Wem would probably have remained unclaimed in one of the departments of the National Archives of the Netherlands, if two young scientists had not found in them a real sensation from the times of Ivan the Terrible

The Head Of Apple Spotted The IPhone In The 17th Century Painting - Alternative View

The Head Of Apple Spotted The IPhone In The 17th Century Painting - Alternative View

According to Tim Cook, he now doubts his knowledge of the place and time of the invention of the iPhone Madame, look what I held in my hand

A Strange Detail Was Found On A Da Vinci Canvas Sold For 450 Million - Alternative View

A Strange Detail Was Found On A Da Vinci Canvas Sold For 450 Million - Alternative View

Leonardo da Vinci's painting "Savior of the World" was recently bought for a record 450.3 million US dollars by an unknown collector, becoming the most expensive work of art in world history

Scientists Have Uncovered The Mystery Of The Posthumous Portraits Of Egyptian Mummies - Alternative View

Scientists Have Uncovered The Mystery Of The Posthumous Portraits Of Egyptian Mummies - Alternative View

The portraits were painted in Roman Egypt in the I-III centuries. American scientists from Northwestern University have uncovered the secret of the "Fayum portraits" - posthumous images of mummies painted in Roman Egypt I-III centuries

14 Famous Works Of Art With Hidden Signs And Symbols - Alternative View

14 Famous Works Of Art With Hidden Signs And Symbols - Alternative View

People love to find hidden symbols in various objects, especially in art. For example, many people know that Da Vinci was a talented musician, but not everyone knows about the melody that he encrypted in the fresco "The Last Supper"

What Can Be Found Within The Walls Of Houses - Alternative View

What Can Be Found Within The Walls Of Houses - Alternative View

You've probably read gothic stories about how treasures or people were immured in the walls of buildings? It turns out that this can actually happen

The Special Department Of Soviet Intelligence Studied Mysticism And UFOs Long Before Hitler's "Ahnenerbe" - Alternative View

The Special Department Of Soviet Intelligence Studied Mysticism And UFOs Long Before Hitler's "Ahnenerbe" - Alternative View

Sami sorcerers and Buryat shamans, experts in cryptography and ancient poisons, hypnotists and psychics, telepaths and clairvoyants - whoever was not hired in a special department of the OGPU, which was headed by one of Lenin's closest associates - Gleb Bo

Suspicious Persons Of History - Alternative View

Suspicious Persons Of History - Alternative View

There are some very famous historical figures that we think of and that we know as real people. But there are very serious doubts about this. Their images are most likely collective and almost fictional

Did It Appear Out Of Nowhere: What Was Before The Appearance Of Russia - Alternative View

Did It Appear Out Of Nowhere: What Was Before The Appearance Of Russia - Alternative View

When you study our textbooks, you often get the impression that Russian history began somehow unexpectedly. There was nothing and suddenly it was. In 862 the Rurikovichs were summoned, and they organized a state for us. This point of view is most likely due to the fact that Russian history was written mainly by foreigners

Artifact - Belt Of The Lord - Alternative View

Artifact - Belt Of The Lord - Alternative View

And it happened in the summer of 1204 … In 1198, the Pope announced a new, IV Crusade, which took place in 1202-1204

Eusapia Palladino: Medium Under The Auspices Of The Mafia - Alternative View

Eusapia Palladino: Medium Under The Auspices Of The Mafia - Alternative View

Very little is known about the childhood of Eusapia Palladino. It seems that she was born in January 1854, and it cost her mother's life

Scientists Have Discovered The Secrets Of Farming Of The First Civilizations Of The Earth - Alternative View

Scientists Have Discovered The Secrets Of Farming Of The First Civilizations Of The Earth - Alternative View

Scientists have found that the first farmers on Earth used fertilizers, irrigation systems and other crop management methods to grow peas and wheat, which disproves the notion of the primitive nature of their agriculture, the article says

The First People Of America - Alternative View

The First People Of America - Alternative View

The beginning of an article in the American newspaper Saint-Paul Pioneer Press for February 17, 1998 read: "The first settlers in America appeared 40 thousand years ago, that is, three times earlier than previously thought." Professor George F

Philosophical Steamer - Alternative View

Philosophical Steamer - Alternative View

September marks the 95th anniversary of the expulsion of the color of the Russian intelligentsia from Petrograd by the Bolsheviks. This dramatic event in our history is reminded today of a modest granite obelisk erected near the Blagoveshchensky Bridge in St. Petersburg

Murder Of Monks In Optina Pustyn In 1993: Who And Why? - Alternative View

Murder Of Monks In Optina Pustyn In 1993: Who And Why? - Alternative View

On the morning of April 1993, three monks were killed at the Optina Pustyn monastery. This happened on the brightest holiday for all believers - Easter. As it turned out later, it was no coincidence that the offender chose this particular day

How England Gave Austria To Hitler - Alternative View

How England Gave Austria To Hitler - Alternative View

On March 13, 1938, Hitler solemnly entered Vienna, he was greeted with applause and flowers. On the same day, the law "On the reunification of Austria with the German Empire" was published

Death Of Pushkin. How The Poet Died - Alternative View

Death Of Pushkin. How The Poet Died - Alternative View

On his deathbed Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin (born May 26 (June 6) 1799 - death January 29 (February 10) 1837) - Russian poet. Duel (on pistols) between A.S