Secrets of history 2024, October

Culture Of The Slavs - Alternative View

Culture Of The Slavs - Alternative View

The culture of the Slavs was formed on the basis of three natural factors, which included forest, river and steppe

Blow Up Parliament - Or Die! - Alternative View

Blow Up Parliament - Or Die! - Alternative View

If you watched the movie "V for Vendetta", then, of course, you remember the mask in which the main character appears on the screen. But not everyone knows that this mask depicts Guy Fawkes, the English folk hero, who is honored on the night of November 5

The Curse Of The Gandhi Clan: The Mystery Of The Death Of Representatives Of The Ruling Dynasty Of India - Alternative View

The Curse Of The Gandhi Clan: The Mystery Of The Death Of Representatives Of The Ruling Dynasty Of India - Alternative View

149 years ago, on October 2, 1869, the Indian statesman and public figure, "father of the nation" Mahatma Gandhi was born. His policy found numerous followers, including his associate Jawaharlal Nehru and his daughter Indira Gandhi

Ancient Sparta: What Is Important To Know - Alternative View

Ancient Sparta: What Is Important To Know - Alternative View

Descendants of Hercules, the Spartans were ideal warriors. They lived in war, and it is how warriors went down in history. Such fame gave rise to many historical myths about Sparta and the Spartans

Battle Of Thermopylae. The Myth About 300 Spartans - Alternative View

Battle Of Thermopylae. The Myth About 300 Spartans - Alternative View

The Battle of Thermopylae took place in September 480 BC. e. in the Thermopylae gorge. Few historical events are as famous and at the same time surrounded by so many myths and misconceptions as the Battle of Thermopylae

What Did They Eat In Ancient Sparta - Alternative View

What Did They Eat In Ancient Sparta - Alternative View

The food of the Spartans, as well as the way of life, was different from what was in the rest of Greece. Sparta was a militarized state, and the whole life of the Spartan people was subject to laws that equalized citizens in everything and deprived them of any comfort

300 Spartans - The First Experience Of Propaganda - Alternative View

300 Spartans - The First Experience Of Propaganda - Alternative View

One or another historical event should be considered with an eye to the time at which it took place

Spartan King Leonidas I - Alternative View

Spartan King Leonidas I - Alternative View

King of Sparta Leonidas I - from the clan of Agids, ruled in 491 - 480 BC. e. Member of the Greco-Persian Wars, died in the Battle of Thermopylae. Leonidas was the son of Anaxandrid II. Considered a twentieth generation descendant of Hercules

Babies Of Sparta - Alternative View

Babies Of Sparta - Alternative View

In the south of the Peloponnese peninsula, the Taygetos Mountains stretch for 75 kilometers

Sparta - Ancient State In Greece - Alternative View

Sparta - Ancient State In Greece - Alternative View

Glory of Sparta - Peloponnesian city in Laconia - in historical chronicles and the world is very loud. It was one of the most famous policies of Ancient Greece, which did not know troubles and civil upheavals, and its army never retreated in front of enemies

About The Battle Of Chaeronea And Its Meaning - Alternative View

About The Battle Of Chaeronea And Its Meaning - Alternative View

Battle of Chaeronea (August 2, 338 BC) - the battle in Greece near the Boeotian town of Chaeronea, during which the Macedonian king Philip II defeated the united army of the Greek city-states. In the IV century BC. eh

Were There 300 Spartans? - Alternative View

Were There 300 Spartans? - Alternative View

An old theme and a well-known legend. I remember at one time everyone believed that there really were only 300 Spartans. Then such a stage began that everyone began to expose, including exposing the Spartans

Interesting Facts About Wars - Alternative View

Interesting Facts About Wars - Alternative View

Smallest army The Danish king Hils, who ruled from 1104-1134, had the smallest army ever in the world. It consisted of 7 people - his personal assistants

Crusades - Alternative View

Crusades - Alternative View

In the XI - XII centuries, at the call of the Vatican and with the approval of the Byzantine emperor, hundreds and hundreds of thousands of Europeans left their countries, moved to liberate the Holy Sepulcher, and in essence, to conquer Asia, "liberate" the lands that once belonged

10 Facts About "nonsense" Wars - Alternative View

10 Facts About "nonsense" Wars - Alternative View

Not much is needed to unleash hostilities. 1. There was once a real war in New York

Who Starts Wars And Why? - Alternative View

Who Starts Wars And Why? - Alternative View

War - it is a terrible and destructive event that is inseparable from human history. Wars never change, and it does not matter at all by what methods and means they are fought. But who starts the wars and why

Pharaoh's Warriors: Who Fought For Great Egypt - Alternative View

Pharaoh's Warriors: Who Fought For Great Egypt - Alternative View

Egypt for a long time remained one of the greatest states of antiquity. Since the Old Kingdom period (2778 - 2220 BC)

How Homosexuals Defeated The Spartans - Alternative View

How Homosexuals Defeated The Spartans - Alternative View

The Persians are betting on Sparta. More than 100 years have passed since the Persian invasion of Hellas was repelled. Much has changed since then

10 Facts About The Assyrian Army That Terrified Half The World - Alternative View

10 Facts About The Assyrian Army That Terrified Half The World - Alternative View

About 3,000 years ago, a people that few people remember today marched through the Middle East with a crushing gait. This army leveled cities to earth, tortured survivors and spread fear throughout the world

Escape From The USSR On A Fighter: How Was The Fate Of A Deserter Pilot In The United States - Alternative View

Escape From The USSR On A Fighter: How Was The Fate Of A Deserter Pilot In The United States - Alternative View

In early autumn 1976, an international scandal erupted: Soviet pilot Viktor Belenko, who served in the Far East, escaped to Japan on the latest MiG-25 fighter, and then asked for political asylum in the United States

The Sverdlovsk Police Obtained Unique Testimonies Allowing To Reveal The Secret Of The Dyatlov Pass - Alternative View

The Sverdlovsk Police Obtained Unique Testimonies Allowing To Reveal The Secret Of The Dyatlov Pass - Alternative View

A clue that could reveal the secret of the death of Igor Dyatlov's tourist group in 1959 on the slope of Mount Otorten fell into the hands of the Sverdlovsk policemen. As it became known, the 72-year-old resident of Verkhoturye, formerly an avid hunter Anatoly Stepochkin, gave important testimony

Addicts Of The Country Of Soviets - Alternative View

Addicts Of The Country Of Soviets - Alternative View

There were 86,000 registered drug addicts with special treatment in the Soviet Union in 1980. But that was just the tip of the iceberg

Accidentally Forgotten Soldiers Or Military "robinsons" - Alternative View

Accidentally Forgotten Soldiers Or Military "robinsons" - Alternative View

During both world wars, there were stories where fighters remained loyal to military duty for many months and even years, being forgotten by their superiors in the resulting confusion

The Strangest Weapons Of World War II - Alternative View

The Strangest Weapons Of World War II - Alternative View

Even war can be beneficial. World War II, for example, stimulated the technical development of the participating countries so much that we still enjoy the fruits of it

Portrait Of A Beautiful Lady - Alternative View

Portrait Of A Beautiful Lady - Alternative View

The name of Alla Ilchun is hardly familiar to many of our visitors. However, it is worth remembering here the one whose life resembled a fascinating adventure novel. Daughter of Kazakhstan and Russia Her father's name was Zhuanhal Ilchun

The Secret Of The Assyrian "Siege Tanks" - Alternative View

The Secret Of The Assyrian "Siege Tanks" - Alternative View

In ancient times, the Assyrian army used "Siege Tanks" to capture the fortresses, which are very similar in appearance to self-propelled ones, although scientists everywhere write that the draft power of horses was used, except that there were no horses per bar

What Was Julius Caesar Really Like? - Alternative View

What Was Julius Caesar Really Like? - Alternative View

Gaius Julius Caesar was born on July 12, 100 BC. He went down in history as a great conqueror and no less successful politician. Like Alexander the Great, he was equated with gods, praised for his bravery and accused of love for men

History Of The Minoan Civilization - Alternative View

History Of The Minoan Civilization - Alternative View

Minoan civilization, its history is outlined by archaeologists rather schematically. Archaeological finds indicate that the first inhabitants appear to have arrived in Crete around 3000 BC

Who Were The Russian Klikushi - Alternative View

Who Were The Russian Klikushi - Alternative View

According to the beliefs of our ancestors, evil spirits could easily move into any person. As a result, he became obsessed or, as they said in Russia, whoop

The Lethal Kitchen Of Typhoid Mary - Alternative View

The Lethal Kitchen Of Typhoid Mary - Alternative View

148 years ago, the world's most dangerous cook was born.She was called the most dangerous woman in America, was caught with the police, banned from working in her specialty and imprisoned in seclusion for more than two decades

Lost Artifacts: The Legend Of The Mahogany Ship - Alternative View

Lost Artifacts: The Legend Of The Mahogany Ship - Alternative View

Man constantly strives to leave behind a part of history. That is why any ancient artifact found worries the minds of all scientists

What Kind Of Torture Did The Russians Come Up With - Alternative View

What Kind Of Torture Did The Russians Come Up With - Alternative View

As for the invention of methods of savage torment for suspects and accused in Russia, there were many magicians. The Slavic experience in this regard was even adopted in the West

Are The Etruscans The Ancestors Of The Russian People? - Alternative View

Are The Etruscans The Ancestors Of The Russian People? - Alternative View

Scientists-historians still really know almost nothing about when and where exactly the origin of the main ancestors of the Russian people took place - slavs

Biography Of Diane De Poitiers - Alternative View

Biography Of Diane De Poitiers - Alternative View

Diana de Poitiers (born September 3, 1499 (or January 9, 1500) - death April 26, 1566) - Duchess de Valentinois, favorite of King Henry II. She was able to maintain her influence on the monarch until his death in 1559

Facts About The Russian Empire That You Did Not Know - Alternative View

Facts About The Russian Empire That You Did Not Know - Alternative View

1. In the Russian Empire, the free carrying of weapons was allowed. Before the 1917 revolution, weapons were freely sold in hunting shops. 2. Instead of a kilogram, the measure of weight in the Russian Empire was a pood equal to 16, 38 kg. 3

Ten Legendary Unsolved Crimes - Alternative View

Ten Legendary Unsolved Crimes - Alternative View

Unsolved crimes are shrouded in a veil of mystery that arouses curiosity and unhealthy interest in the general public, far from the criminal world

The Ancient Greek Father Of Laser Weapons - Alternative View

The Ancient Greek Father Of Laser Weapons - Alternative View

Archimedes was one of the pioneers in the field of mathematics, mechanics, astronomy, physics

The Historian Claims That Jesus Was A Mythical Character And Never Existed - Alternative View

The Historian Claims That Jesus Was A Mythical Character And Never Existed - Alternative View

Historian Mikhail Paulkovich claims that Jesus of Nazareth never existed. He made this statement after he could not find a confirmed mention of the mission from more than one hundred writers of the time of Jesus from the first to the third century

Descendants Of The Orian Tradition Or Who Are The "white-eyed Oddball" - Alternative View

Descendants Of The Orian Tradition Or Who Are The "white-eyed Oddball" - Alternative View

We do not know our real history. Now more and more comes the realization that the so-called. The “official history” we know from school and university textbooks is just a collection of fantastic myths of a free interpretation, published under the editorship of the servants of the ruling “elites”, which contradicts many archaeological artifacts, as well as many oral legends of various peoples of the Earth telling about century "of humanity and the" war of the gods "that followed

The Secret Of The Chud People. Where Did They Disappear, And Why Is It So Much Talked About - Alternative View

The Secret Of The Chud People. Where Did They Disappear, And Why Is It So Much Talked About - Alternative View

During a direct line last week, the Russian president saw on the screen the question "Where did the chuds go?" and decided to answer it. “They were assimilated, in the main,” said Vladimir Vladimirovich. Who are weirdos? Why did they bury themselves alive? We