Secrets of history 2024, October

Historically Unexpected Facts - Alternative View

Historically Unexpected Facts - Alternative View

1. In the army of Napoleon, soldiers could address the generals on "you". 2. In Russia, grasshoppers were called dragonflies. 3. Punishments with rods were abolished in Russia only in 1903. 4. The Hundred Years War lasted 116 years. five

How Many Times Have America Been Discovered? - Alternative View

How Many Times Have America Been Discovered? - Alternative View

America was discovered by Columbus - this is known to every student. He visited America in 1492 at the behest of the Spanish king. However, Europeans and Chinese sailed to America long before Columbus

Real Apocalypses That Nearly Destroyed Humanity In The Past - Alternative View

Real Apocalypses That Nearly Destroyed Humanity In The Past - Alternative View

Sometimes it seems as if modern society is simply obsessed with the end of the world. Popular culture is giving out more and more information about the invasions of zombies, giant meteorites from space and, much more likely, the nuclear destruction of the entire planet

A Magic Mirror From The Distant Past - Alternative View

A Magic Mirror From The Distant Past - Alternative View

She was given There was one mirror; The mirror property had: It speaks skillfully. A. S. Pushkin

Why Did Nicholas II Admit That There Was A Revolution? - Alternative View

Why Did Nicholas II Admit That There Was A Revolution? - Alternative View

As many myths have been created about a single Russian tsar as about the latter, Nicholas II. What actually happened? Was the sovereign a lethargic and weak-willed man? Was he cruel? Could he have won World War I?

Third Reich In Search Of The Great Old Ones - Alternative View

Third Reich In Search Of The Great Old Ones - Alternative View

In 1963, the memoirs of Robert McKinsley, a historian and publicist, were published in England. During World War II, he served on the destroyer Highlander and took part in the naval battle on October 30, 1940 in the North Atlantic

Battle Of Kursk Briefly - Alternative View

Battle Of Kursk Briefly - Alternative View

Dates of the Battle of Kursk 07/05/1943 - 08/23/1943. The Great Patriotic War has 3 significant events:Liberation of Stalingrad;Battle of Kursk;Taking Berlin.Here we will focus on the greatest tank battle in modern history.- Salik.bizBattle of Kursk

Russia Has Declassified Documents About The Battle Of Kursk - Alternative View

Russia Has Declassified Documents About The Battle Of Kursk - Alternative View

The Russian Defense Ministry posted declassified documents on the events of the Great Patriotic War in the summer of 1943

15 Unusual Medical Procedures That Were Popular With Our Ancestors - Alternative View

15 Unusual Medical Procedures That Were Popular With Our Ancestors - Alternative View

In ancient times, some strange medical procedures for modern people were considered the norm. However, even today, at least some of them can still be heard

What Is Known About The Mother Of Adolf Hitler - Alternative View

What Is Known About The Mother Of Adolf Hitler - Alternative View

A lot has already been written about the biography of Adolf Hitler himself. However, the woman who gave birth to the future Fuhrer invariably remains in the shadows. Historians, if they mention Clara Pelzl, it is most often in passing

Antique Evidence Of The Slavs - Alternative View

Antique Evidence Of The Slavs - Alternative View

Homer, the poet of the 9th and 8th centuries, is the first, by right of seniority and greatness of the immortal genius in the brilliant host of ancient authors. BC eh

The Mystery Of The Death Of Tutankhamun - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Death Of Tutankhamun - Alternative View

Today we are increasingly witnessing how many detective historical mysteries reveal their secrets. One of them is the fate and death of Pharaoh Tutankhamun

Russian Jeanne D ' Ark: For Which They Executed Alyona Arzamasskaya - Alternative View

Russian Jeanne D ' Ark: For Which They Executed Alyona Arzamasskaya - Alternative View

Nun Alyona Arzamasskaya in the second half of the 17th century led a detachment of many thousands of rebels, which became part of the army of Stepan Razin

Tragedies Of Submarines - Alternative View

Tragedies Of Submarines - Alternative View

In the first half of the 20th century, submarine navigation was a very risky endeavor

A Farmer Has Opened An Untouched Etruscan Tomb - Alternative View

A Farmer Has Opened An Untouched Etruscan Tomb - Alternative View

A burial structure with two sarcophagi was discovered in the central part of Italy. An Italian farmer was plowing a field near the small town of Citta della Pieve (Umbria, central part of the country) when he found a void under a plow

Women Who Changed The Course Of History: Who Are They? - Alternative View

Women Who Changed The Course Of History: Who Are They? - Alternative View

Femme fatale - beauty and manipulator. Using beauty, intelligence and sexuality, she turns a man into a means to an end. Fatal - means determining destiny

Gold In Australia - Alternative View

Gold In Australia - Alternative View

The first settlers appeared in Australia in 1788 and, as you know, not of their own free will. These were criminals, convicts exiled to a distant continent. The free rode to the "end of the world" reluctantly

Rock Paintings In The Altamira Cave (Spain) - Alternative View

Rock Paintings In The Altamira Cave (Spain) - Alternative View

1878 - Don Marcelino Sanz de Sautuola, an amateur archaeologist, a passionate admirer of antiquities, having visited the World Exhibition in Paris and examined the materials exhibited there in a special section on prehistoric people from the excavations of archaeologists from France, b

Tmutarakan - Alternative View

Tmutarakan - Alternative View

In the IV century. the great migration of peoples began, redrawing the map of Europe

The Main Secrets Of The Slavic Tribes - Alternative View

The Main Secrets Of The Slavic Tribes - Alternative View

Ancient historians were sure that warlike tribes and "people with dog heads" lived on the territory of Ancient Rus. Much time has passed since then, but many mysteries of the Slavic tribes have not yet been solved

Where Did The Volga Bulgaria Disappear? - Alternative View

Where Did The Volga Bulgaria Disappear? - Alternative View

Everyone knows Bulgaria. But few people know that once there was another Bulgaria, where minarets rose instead of Orthodox churches, and which could become the most important center of Europe

Hitler's Chemical Weapons Under Water - Alternative View

Hitler's Chemical Weapons Under Water - Alternative View

The operation was completely secret. Under cover of night, American, British and Soviet ships went out into the waters of the Baltic. The sailors did not know what was in the containers they threw overboard

The Most Horrible Executions Invented By People - Alternative View

The Most Horrible Executions Invented By People - Alternative View

Man is an inventive creature, especially in the matter of killing his own kind. Reading the description of these terrible types of execution - both ancient and completely modern - do not forget to rejoice that you are destined to learn about them exclusively from the outside

Catherine III: The Unfulfilled Great Empress - Alternative View

Catherine III: The Unfulfilled Great Empress - Alternative View

Grand Duchess Ekaterina Pavlovna was the beloved sister of Alexander I. The clever and beautiful woman dreamed of becoming Catherine III: she dreamed of the imperial crown. She was having an affair with Bagration, Napoleon and the English Prince William asked her hands

"Komsomolets" Floats Away Into Eternity - Alternative View

"Komsomolets" Floats Away Into Eternity - Alternative View

By April 1989, the nuclear-powered missile submarine Komsomolets with 69 crew members on board had been sailing for 39 days

The Sinking Of The Thresher Submarine - Alternative View

The Sinking Of The Thresher Submarine - Alternative View

The famous Russian "Tale of Ivan Tsarevich, the Firebird and the Gray Wolf" says: "On the third day, Voron Voronovich flew in and brought with him two vials: in one - living water, in the other - dead, and gave those bubbles to the Gray Wolf

The Secret Of The Soviet Submarine - Alternative View

The Secret Of The Soviet Submarine - Alternative View

In the early 70s of the last century, the Americans carried out a secret operation to raise the sunken Soviet submarine K-129 And it all started on February 24, 1968, when he left the base in Kamchatka on military patrol

The Missing Submarine K-129 - Alternative View

The Missing Submarine K-129 - Alternative View

The strategic missile submarine cruiser of the USSR Navy disappeared without a trace in 1968 while performing a combat mission off the coast of the United States. On board, he carried nuclear weapons. For 30 years, all 98 crew members were reported missing

The Curse Of U-505: The Unluckiest Submarine Of The Kriegsmarine - Alternative View

The Curse Of U-505: The Unluckiest Submarine Of The Kriegsmarine - Alternative View

Since ancient times, the naval brotherhood has been one of the most superstitious. More recently, practically every action of a sailor was determined by many signs and beliefs that have survived to this day. People took curses especially seriously

Betrayal Of Galsworthy - Alternative View

Betrayal Of Galsworthy - Alternative View

The Forsyte Saga by John Galsworthy was called by critics the most outstanding work of English literature of the 20th century. The writer himself considered the novel his passport to the shores of eternity

Board Of Boris Godunov. Time Of Troubles - Alternative View

Board Of Boris Godunov. Time Of Troubles - Alternative View

Under Ivan the Terrible, the brother of the wife of Ivan the Terrible's son Fyodor Ivanovich moved forward into the revelry of the oprichnina - Boris Godunov, who was a talented intriguer, a specialist in "chess" court cruel games

Britannic: The Mystery Of Death - Alternative View

Britannic: The Mystery Of Death - Alternative View

101 years ago, on November 21, 1916, the largest ship in the history of world wars of the 20th century was sunk - - Britannicus. The giant, whose length was 270 meters, sank in the Mediterranean Sea near Greece

Countless Treasures Of The Seas And Oceans - Alternative View

Countless Treasures Of The Seas And Oceans - Alternative View

According to the estimates of the American-born G. Riesenberg, who searches for sea treasures, today treasures with a total value of about 600 billion dollars are under water

Burnt By A Baker London - Alternative View

Burnt By A Baker London - Alternative View

A modest baker named John Farinor lived in London in the second half of the 17th century

Historical Information About The Origin And Use Of The Word "Ukrainians" - Alternative View

Historical Information About The Origin And Use Of The Word "Ukrainians" - Alternative View

How and when did the word "Ukraine" appear? "Oukrainami" ("ukrainami", "ukrainami") from XII to XVII centuries. named various border lands of Russia. The Ipatiev Chronicle under 6695 (1187) mentions the Pereyaslavl "oukrai-na", under 6697 (1189)

Slavic Traditions - Alternative View

Slavic Traditions - Alternative View

There are many beautiful, wise rituals and traditions of our people. It would be unwise to simply copy the life of ancestors living in harmony with nature

Dyatlov Group Members: Were They KGB Agents? - Alternative View

Dyatlov Group Members: Were They KGB Agents? - Alternative View

On February 2, 1959, on the slopes of the Ural mountain Otorten, a group of nine tourists died under strange circumstances. The mountain pass, where the tragedy occurred, later became known as the Dyatlov pass - by the name of the group leader

Unknown Heroes Of Space - Alternative View

Unknown Heroes Of Space - Alternative View

Russia, despite the long time of resuscitation, after the collapse of the USSR, still retained its leading positions in the field of space exploration. However, very few people know at what cost these successes of the then Soviet cosmonautics were given

Historical Events, Which In Fact Turned Out To Be A Myth - Alternative View

Historical Events, Which In Fact Turned Out To Be A Myth - Alternative View

History often repeats itself. It is especially funny when people tell the same story, which in fact has nothing to do with reality

Scientists Triumph: The Homeland Of The "Alpine Man" Otzi Has Been Determined - Alternative View

Scientists Triumph: The Homeland Of The "Alpine Man" Otzi Has Been Determined - Alternative View

The unique well-preserved remains of the Alpine man Otzi have interested many scientists. They studied his body for a long time, trying to find out exactly how he lived. Otzi's mummy was found back in 1991 in the Alps