Secrets of history 2024, October

Warriors Of Genghis Khan - Alternative View

Warriors Of Genghis Khan - Alternative View

The huge Mongol Empire created by the great Genghis Khan surpassed the space of the empires of Napoleon Bonaparte and Alexander the Great many times

Genghis Khan Found European Roots - Alternative View

Genghis Khan Found European Roots - Alternative View

Geneticists from Mongolia and South Korea found out that Genghis Khan had European roots

Descendants Of Genghis Khan. The Wonders Of Genetics - Alternative View

Descendants Of Genghis Khan. The Wonders Of Genetics - Alternative View

The greatest commander of all times and peoples Temuchin, known as Genghis Khan, created the largest empire in world history, occupying vast territories of Eurasia from the Black Sea to the Japanese

Briefly About The Footprints On The Slope Of The Dyatlov Group. They Didn’t Go Without Shoes - Alternative View

Briefly About The Footprints On The Slope Of The Dyatlov Group. They Didn’t Go Without Shoes - Alternative View

I decided to comment on the footprints found down the slope from the tent. Which broke off then and did not appear again. I read the interrogations of those people who first saw the tracks

10 Little-known Facts About The Great Conqueror Genghis Khan - Alternative View

10 Little-known Facts About The Great Conqueror Genghis Khan - Alternative View

For 30 years, the Mongol horde led by Genghis Khan marched across Asia, killing one-tenth of all people on Earth and conquering almost a quarter of the land. His reign was the most brutal in all of human history

Getty Green - The Witch Of Wall Street - Alternative View

Getty Green - The Witch Of Wall Street - Alternative View

According to statistics, the rich are the most greedy people. For example, in the United States, every fourth millionaire prefers to buy shoes for less than $ 100. As for suits, every tenth owner of a large fortune seeks to keep within $ 200

Scythians, Scythia, Slavs - Alternative View

Scythians, Scythia, Slavs - Alternative View

If you carefully look into the mounds of hills around the Sudak fortress in Crimea or stroll slowly along the beaches of Koktebel, you will surely come across fragments of ancient potters' products - glazed ceramics with a characteristic green-yellow-brown ornament

Dyatlov Group. Analysis Of The Kas Version. The Tempest Cruise Missile - Alternative View

Dyatlov Group. Analysis Of The Kas Version. The Tempest Cruise Missile - Alternative View

I have already expressed my opinion about the participation of the military in the tragedy associated with the death of the Dyatlov group. Rather, he expressed doubts that the military were involved in this in the article “The Dyatlov Group. M

The History Of The Scythians - Alternative View

The History Of The Scythians - Alternative View

Scythians - common name of northern nomadic peoples (Iranian (presumably) origin) in Europe and Asia, in ancient times (VIII century BC - IV century AD

Nuclear Explosion Over Moscow Or Who Is To Blame For The Fire Of 1812? - Alternative View

Nuclear Explosion Over Moscow Or Who Is To Blame For The Fire Of 1812? - Alternative View

"Two officers settled in one of the Kremlin buildings, from where they had a view of the northern and eastern parts of the city

Legends About The Scythians - Alternative View

Legends About The Scythians - Alternative View

Scythians - ancient tribes in the Northern Black Sea region, who lived in the VII - III centuries BC. e. and who managed to create a culture high enough for that time, which was subsequently absorbed by the peoples of Eastern Europe, Western and Central Asia

5555 Years Of Great Scythia - Alternative View

5555 Years Of Great Scythia - Alternative View

4400 years of the Great Slovenian - the ancestor of Novgorod the Great, 4400 years of Rus Slavyansky - future Staraya Russa Dates of the proposed anniversaries - of course - epic, which allows some deviations for a dozen or two years, but - essentially - vpo

Cimmeria And Scythia - Alternative View

Cimmeria And Scythia - Alternative View

It is quite obvious that the CIMMERIANS - THESE ARE CARRIERS OF THE FAR CULTURE OF THE SOUTH RUSSIAN STEPPES of the Late Bronze Age (1600 - 1000 BC)

What Did The Scythians Teach Humanity - Alternative View

What Did The Scythians Teach Humanity - Alternative View

Fierce and dashing warriors, ruthless to enemies, skilled archers and riders - here is the image of the Scythians, which was created by ancient authors, including Herodotus (484-425 BC)

Mysteries Of History. Naples-Scythian - Alternative View

Mysteries Of History. Naples-Scythian - Alternative View

Naples-Scythian inside The modern city of Simferopol - political, economic and cultural center of the Republic of Crimea

The Truth About Boris Godunov - Alternative View

The Truth About Boris Godunov - Alternative View

Where did he come from? Even during the reign of Ivan Kalita (1328-1341), the ancestor of Boris Godunov (1552-1605) Chet fled from the Horde and entered the service of the Moscow prince

The Customs And Culture Of The Ancient Scythians - Alternative View

The Customs And Culture Of The Ancient Scythians - Alternative View

Scientists still argue about the origin of the Scythians. There are many different points of view, but, in general, historians adhere to one of the two most proven and common hypotheses. The first hypothesis belongs to Boris Nikolaevich Grakov

Why Has Russia Celebrated The Nativity Of Christ On January 7 For Almost 100 Years Now - Alternative View

Why Has Russia Celebrated The Nativity Of Christ On January 7 For Almost 100 Years Now - Alternative View

For the first 330 years in the history of the Christian faith, because of its persecution, the Nativity of Christ was not celebrated. And only in the IV century, the Roman emperor Constantine the Great allowed Christians to openly confess their faith and build the Church of the Nativity

Who Are The Scythians - Alternative View

Who Are The Scythians - Alternative View

The steppes of Central Asia have been home to many nomadic peoples for centuries. Tribes of pastoralists from time to time raided neighboring towns. The first to describe the nomads was the Greek scientist Herodotus, who lived in the 5th century BC

Our Clan Is Moscow, That Is, Scythian, Slavic-Russian Part One - Alternative View

Our Clan Is Moscow, That Is, Scythian, Slavic-Russian Part One - Alternative View

The Macedonians, whose language belongs to the Slavic group, left the lands between the Danube and the Volga 5,000 years ago. Alexander the Great (356 - 323 BC) was fair-haired. He showed northern traditions in his behavior

Crowned Traitor - Alternative View

Crowned Traitor - Alternative View

None of the rulers of the Scythians could surpass in treachery, treachery and cruelty Spargapis, the father of the future legendary queen Tomiris. All his allies subsequently paid dearly for their trust

The Curse Of Tamerlane: Was It Really? - Alternative View

The Curse Of Tamerlane: Was It Really? - Alternative View

You've probably heard that the Great Patriotic War began immediately after the tomb of the Central Asian military leader and conqueror Tamerlane was opened. Many people still believe that the tomb was cursed

Tamerlane - The Invasion Of Russia. The Most Mysterious Hike - Alternative View

Tamerlane - The Invasion Of Russia. The Most Mysterious Hike - Alternative View

In 1395, a terrible misfortune hung over Russia, the troops of Amir Temur marched to Moscow and its lands. And they moved with one goal to betray the Russian lands to fire and sword. Since the time of Khan Batu there was no greater danger, Russia literally hung by a thread

Scythian Gold - Secrets And Curses - Alternative View

Scythian Gold - Secrets And Curses - Alternative View

Those who had a chance to travel along the Black Sea steppes, for the most part plowed up and rugged forest plantations, probably paid attention to earthen mounds periodically encountered on the way

Was There A Curse? The Riddle Of Tamerlane - Alternative View

Was There A Curse? The Riddle Of Tamerlane - Alternative View

Until now, a lot of people, including some scientists, continue to believe in the legend of the curse of Tamerlane's tomb

Tutankhamun's Tomb Was Built For A Woman, Scientists Have Proven - Alternative View

Tutankhamun's Tomb Was Built For A Woman, Scientists Have Proven - Alternative View

Scientists are sure that the legendary tomb of Tutankhamun was originally erected for a woman, according to the Daily Mail. The researchers noticed that the inner passage to the structure turns to the right, which is not typical for female burials

Archaeologists Have Found In The Crimea An Undeveloped Necropolis Of The Late Scythians - Alternative View

Archaeologists Have Found In The Crimea An Undeveloped Necropolis Of The Late Scythians - Alternative View

The Crimean expedition of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, during excavations on the future highway "Tavrida" near Sevastopol, discovered an untouched Late Scythian burial ground of the 2nd-4th centuries AD

The Cards Lie, But Who Else To Believe? - Alternative View

The Cards Lie, But Who Else To Believe? - Alternative View

The famous Polish traveler Jacek Palkiewicz invites you to look at the ancient atlases.How many times, being cut off from the civilized world, I asked this question: how the hell did our distant ancestors navigate the terrain? How did the pioneers find their way in the hot deserts, deserted steppes, deep taiga or the highest mountain ranges accessible only in summer?

"Fool's Cap Map" - One Of The Biggest Mysteries Of Cartography - Alternative View

"Fool's Cap Map" - One Of The Biggest Mysteries Of Cartography - Alternative View

This slightly ominous picture - one of the biggest mysteries in the history of Western cartography. Usually it is simply called the "Fool's Cap Card" - and until now no one knows why, when, where and by whom it was created

Ancient Maps Of The Continents Force Us To Reconsider The History Of - Alternative View

Ancient Maps Of The Continents Force Us To Reconsider The History Of - Alternative View

People around the world have speculated for decades that the history we are taught in school is inaccurate

In What Environment Were The Famous Revolutionaries Brought Up - Alternative View

In What Environment Were The Famous Revolutionaries Brought Up - Alternative View

Somehow I came across a theory with which one can partly agree, that revolutions in the world are created by people who were raised, for the most part, in families with wealth

Forgotten Maps Of The Russian Empire - Alternative View

Forgotten Maps Of The Russian Empire - Alternative View

Recently, researchers have made available unique maps of the Russian Empire. They were created at the behest of the emperor at the beginning of the 18th century by the famous Russian cartographer and traveler - Semyon Ulyanovich Remezov

Crown Of Saint Eric - Alternative View

Crown Of Saint Eric - Alternative View

In the long list of Swedish kings, as well as among Russian princes, there are those whose existence has always been questioned. In Sweden they are called "kings from the sagas", and in Russia - "Heroes of the annals"

Carrier Women - Alternative View

Carrier Women - Alternative View

Since the beginning of the last millennium, carts with ammunition and food have been moving along the roads of Europe after the army. But they also included carts in which the fair sex was seated

Caribbean Crisis - Start Of Events - Alternative View

Caribbean Crisis - Start Of Events - Alternative View

About this incident, which occurred half a century ago off the coast of Cuba during the Cuban missile crisis, the author of the article was told by retired Colonel Pavel Tikhonovich Korolev, who recently celebrated his 95th birthday.- Salik

A Vessel With Tears Was Found In The Burial Place Of A 2000-year-old Man On Taman - - Alternative View

A Vessel With Tears Was Found In The Burial Place Of A 2000-year-old Man On Taman - - Alternative View

And at its bottom, a dark sediment was visible.This find was found by archaeologists of Phanagoria back in 2018. During excavations on the territory of the Eastern Necropolis in a tomb of the 2nd century AD. e. there was balsamarium - a tightly sealed glass vessel

How The Frenchman Nicolas Legrand Rebuilt Moscow - Alternative View

How The Frenchman Nicolas Legrand Rebuilt Moscow - Alternative View

The appearance of Moscow as we know it today, with its wide central streets and circular boulevards, began to be created in the second half of the 18th century

Pyramids For Stalin - Alternative View

Pyramids For Stalin - Alternative View

They changed the appearance of Moscow and immortalized the name of Stalin

Stalin's Skyscrapers: 10 Myths And Facts - Alternative View

Stalin's Skyscrapers: 10 Myths And Facts - Alternative View

The spire of the high-rise building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is being dismantled in order to build exactly the same new one in its place, from modern metal structures. For about six months, the famous building will stand in front of Muscovites "bareheaded", the spire will return only by the end of 2017

What Do The Russian Chronicles Hide - Alternative View

What Do The Russian Chronicles Hide - Alternative View

We draw information about early Russian history from the chronicles. And what, in fact, do we know about them? To this day, researchers cannot come to a common opinion, both about their authorship and about their objectivity. Who is the author?