Secrets of history 2024, October

The Most Famous Serial Killers In The World - Alternative View

The Most Famous Serial Killers In The World - Alternative View

Everyone has long known that peace and kindness do not always reign in the world as we would like. There are definitely people who are called to upset the balance and harmony. There have been countless such personalities throughout the history of mankind

An Ancient Statue Was Found In Antikythera Harbor - - Alternative View

An Ancient Statue Was Found In Antikythera Harbor - - Alternative View

In Antikythera harbor, under a layer of silt and stones laid by the sea over two thousand years, a group of Greek and Swedish archaeologists discovered the bronze arm of an ancient statue

Mysterious Celestial Catastrophes - Alternative View

Mysterious Celestial Catastrophes - Alternative View

Very often in our lives strange and mysterious tragedies occur, for which no one can give an explanation. So, for example, despite the fact that airplanes are considered to be the safest mode of transport, plane crashes often occur

Mysteries Of Matua Island - Alternative View

Mysteries Of Matua Island - Alternative View

After the end of the war with Japan, President Truman turned to Stalin with an unusual request: to provide the United States with the island of Matua, located in the very center of the Kuril ridge, occupied by Soviet troops

Titanic Doubles - Alternative View

Titanic Doubles - Alternative View

The catastrophe of the ocean liner "Titanic", which sank on the maiden voyage after colliding with an iceberg, is well known all over the world thanks to the cinema

Synchronicity Is The Incomprehensible Repetition Of - Alternative View

Synchronicity Is The Incomprehensible Repetition Of - Alternative View

Synchronicity (synonyms: synchronicity, synchronicity - from the Greek "simultaneous") is the same type, grouping of two or more events around one semantic center

Are There Still Human Remains On The Titanic? - Alternative View

Are There Still Human Remains On The Titanic? - Alternative View

Human remains are likely still at the site of the famous shipwreck in the Atlantic Ocean, American archaeologist James Delgado said after analyzing recently published photographs from the seabed

Invincible Violet - Alternative View

Invincible Violet - Alternative View

Does anyone else know this amazing story?

Why The Titanic Actually Drowned: The Iceberg Is Not To Blame - Alternative View

Why The Titanic Actually Drowned: The Iceberg Is Not To Blame - Alternative View

An Irish journalist said he knew why the Titanic actually sank. The death of the famous ship was not due to a collision with an iceberg - blame for a fire that happened on board three weeks before the start of the flight

Forbidden Cargo: What The Titanic Actually Transported - Alternative View

Forbidden Cargo: What The Titanic Actually Transported - Alternative View

The tragic history of the Titanic has been the subject of countless books, documentaries, and academic studies. More than a hundred years ago, the largest liner of its time hit an iceberg and sank, taking one and a half thousand people with it into the abyss

The Death Of The German Airship LZ-129 "Hindenburg" - Alternative View

The Death Of The German Airship LZ-129 "Hindenburg" - Alternative View

A symbol of the greatness of Nazi Germany, the giant airship LZ-129, which received the nickname "Heavenly Titanic", exploded in 1937 while mooring at the US naval base in New Jersey

Opium And Electric Horses - The Strange Baggage Of The Titanic - Alternative View

Opium And Electric Horses - The Strange Baggage Of The Titanic - Alternative View

The tragic story of the Titanic, which sank after a collision with an iceberg, became the plot of countless books and films, one of which even won an Oscar

The Death Of The Cruiser "Sydney" - Alternative View

The Death Of The Cruiser "Sydney" - Alternative View

A few years ago, the Australian government allocated $ 4 million for research that was supposed to provide an answer to one of the burning secrets of World War II

The Philadelphia Ship Experiment: The Unsolved Mystery Of The 20th Century - Alternative View

The Philadelphia Ship Experiment: The Unsolved Mystery Of The 20th Century - Alternative View

On a gloomy October morning in 1943, the destroyer Eldridge, hull number DE 173, was stationed in the protected area of the Philadelphia naval base

Disasters Caused By Ridiculous Mistakes - Alternative View

Disasters Caused By Ridiculous Mistakes - Alternative View

We can call some disasters accidents, in which only a terrible combination of circumstances is to blame

7 Largest Disasters In The History Of Astronautics - Alternative View

7 Largest Disasters In The History Of Astronautics - Alternative View

Over the relatively short history of astronautics, spacecraft crashes and accidents have occurred both in orbit and not far from the Earth. There were depressurization and even collisions in the vastness of space. Juno

The Death Of The Battleship "Novorossiysk" - Alternative View

The Death Of The Battleship "Novorossiysk" - Alternative View

1955, October 29 - a mysterious disaster on the battleship Novorossiysk claimed the lives of 609 sailors. Even after so many years, the sinking of the battleship Novorossiysk remains, perhaps, the darkest page in the history of the USSR Navy

How The Soviet Timetable Predicted The Most Mysterious Plane Crash, In Which He Himself Died - Alternative View

How The Soviet Timetable Predicted The Most Mysterious Plane Crash, In Which He Himself Died - Alternative View

History knows many cases when people of art, be they writers, poets or artists, became unwitting prophets not only in relation to their own lives, but also in relation to the lives of others

The Unsolved Mystery Of The Sabu - Alternative View

The Unsolved Mystery Of The Sabu - Alternative View

In 1936, Egyptologist Walter Brian Emeray, during the excavation of Mastaba Sabu (grave 3111, c. 3100-3000 BC) in Saqqara, a disc was discovered, divided into three parts

What The Authorities Were Silent About: 9 Terrible Man-made Disasters That Occurred In The USSR - Alternative View

What The Authorities Were Silent About: 9 Terrible Man-made Disasters That Occurred In The USSR - Alternative View

It was not customary to talk about accidents and disasters, especially man-made ones, in the Soviet Union. Data on the events themselves, their causes and the number of deaths or injured were almost always hidden

"La Bourgogne" - The Shame Of France - Alternative View

"La Bourgogne" - The Shame Of France - Alternative View

The catastrophe of the liner "La Bourgogne", which broke out on July 4, 1898, shocked the world not in size and not in the number of victims, but in the cruelty that reigned on the sinking ship

Echoes Of Ancient Catastrophes - Alternative View

Echoes Of Ancient Catastrophes - Alternative View

EASTERN SIBERIA, 251 MILLION YEARS AGO A gigantic stream of mantle material rose from the bowels in the northeastern part of Pangea - - where Siberia was located, and melted the stone shell

The Asteroid That Put An End To The Dinosaurs: How It Was - Alternative View

The Asteroid That Put An End To The Dinosaurs: How It Was - Alternative View

Almost everyone knows that 66 million years ago an asteroid fell to Earth, which seemed to lead to the death of the dinosaurs. However, this fall led to mysterious consequences

The Mysterious Death Of Edgar PO - Alternative View

The Mysterious Death Of Edgar PO - Alternative View

I have never understood his work, let alone his genius. But the world famous American writer Edgar Allan Poe was a rather controversial person

Biblical Floods - Not Fiction? - Alternative View

Biblical Floods - Not Fiction? - Alternative View

Biblical figure of Noah, who seems to be not the only person forced to wander the seas and oceans during the devastating flood that took place in time immemorial

What Were The Eunuchs Doing In Russia - Alternative View

What Were The Eunuchs Doing In Russia - Alternative View

The skopstvo movement appeared in Russia in the middle of the 18th century. Its founder is considered to be the fugitive serf Kondraty Selivanov, who left the sect of the Khlysty "Mother of God" Akulina Ivanovna

Ivan The Terrible - The Mystery Of Death - Alternative View

Ivan The Terrible - The Mystery Of Death - Alternative View

The first Russian Tsar Ivan IV, the son of Grand Duke Vasily III and Elena Vasilievna Glinskaya, came from the Rurik family, was a descendant of Dmitry Donskoy and Alexander Nevsky. He was born on August 25, 1530 in the village of Kolomenskoye near Moscow

"There Was A Biblical Flood," Says The Archaeologist Who Discovered The Titanic - Alternative View

"There Was A Biblical Flood," Says The Archaeologist Who Discovered The Titanic - Alternative View

The story of Noah's Ark and the Biblical Flood is known to everyone, but most people believe that this is a myth. However, Robert Ballard, a renowned underwater archaeologist, believes he has found evidence that this story is based on true events

Panfilov's 28: What Really Happened - Alternative View

Panfilov's 28: What Really Happened - Alternative View

Even from school textbooks, we all know about the famous feat of 28 Panfilov's men, who at one time, under the command of Major General I.V. Panfilov, at the cost of his own life, stopped the Nazis on the outskirts of Moscow

60 Years Without Answers: What Really Happened At The Dyatlov Pass - Alternative View

60 Years Without Answers: What Really Happened At The Dyatlov Pass - Alternative View

Exactly 60 years have passed since the mysterious death of the Dyatlov tourist group in the Northern Urals, and during this time this tragedy has managed to acquire a huge number of myths and versions, each of which claims to be authentic

15 Most Terrible Oddities Of Our World - Alternative View

15 Most Terrible Oddities Of Our World - Alternative View

How much everything - mystical, terrible, incomprehensible and terrible is happening around us. Here are 15 facts from the life of people in which there is mysticism, horrors, strange actions, no less strange events and phenomena

Forgotten Russian Travelers Of The 18th Century - Alternative View

Forgotten Russian Travelers Of The 18th Century - Alternative View

Fanatical people, these scientists, researchers. How do you read what had to be experienced and experienced in distant geographical expeditions, that one wonders - why did they need it?

Times Of Impostors - Alternative View

Times Of Impostors - Alternative View

Kings, kings, emperors, presidents … We rarely find in history examples of the successful destinies of the powerful

The Mystery Of The Death Of Sodom And Gomorrah - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Death Of Sodom And Gomorrah - Alternative View

Almost every person who has not even read the Bible has heard of Sodom and Gomorrah - cities that by the will of God were wiped off the face of the earth. So God punished the inhabitants of these cities for licentiousness, debauchery and cruelty

Retribution - Alternative View

Retribution - Alternative View

Christmas in 1834 was especially remembered by Natalya Nikolaevna with magnificent balls and social events. She was so happy about the opportunity to be in the palace that at times she looked like a little girl, all whose thoughts were occupied with dresses and dances

Russian Researchers Found Sodom And Gomorrah - Alternative View

Russian Researchers Found Sodom And Gomorrah - Alternative View

It so often happens that many significant discoveries and scientific discoveries fall to the lot not of venerable scientists, but of ordinary enthusiasts, often far from classical science, but ready to seek and determined to win

The Missing Gold Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

The Missing Gold Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

The Austrian town of Bad Aussee has always attracted tourists. About seventy years ago, it was no less popular: people who knew a lot about luxury settled here

Adam And Eve: The Most Revealing Facts - Alternative View

Adam And Eve: The Most Revealing Facts - Alternative View

The Sefer ha-Zógar (Hebrew Book of Radiance) was created on the basis of various sources around the year 150 by the Jewish rabbi Shimon ben Yochai

How Many Years Did Adam And Eve Live According To The Bible - Alternative View

How Many Years Did Adam And Eve Live According To The Bible - Alternative View

Biblical legends are famous for very inaccurate information, but it is understandable … it is not known for certain whether these events actually took place or the Garden of Eden is fiction, and with it the first people.The Bible indicates that after the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Eden, they began to age. I

Secrets Of The Bible: What Information From The Book Of Books Is Confirmed By Science - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Bible: What Information From The Book Of Books Is Confirmed By Science - Alternative View

Scientists agree with the facts set out in the Book of Books In modern atheistic society, it is customary to oppose religion and science