Forbidden Cargo: What The Titanic Actually Transported - Alternative View

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Forbidden Cargo: What The Titanic Actually Transported - Alternative View
Forbidden Cargo: What The Titanic Actually Transported - Alternative View

The tragic history of the Titanic has been the subject of countless books, documentaries, and academic studies. More than a hundred years ago, the largest liner of its time hit an iceberg and sank, taking with it 1,500 people into the abyss of life. To this day, in the scientific communities, disputes about the true causes of the disaster do not subside: there is a version that the ship was attacked on purpose to capture unknown treasures that the captain secretly transported on board. Most of the assumptions are completely absurd and invented by charlatans eager for hoaxes, but there are also theories that confirm some facts.


During the voyage, four passengers of the Titanic were taken to the onboard hospital for treatment from severe opium addiction. In 1912, opium was already banned for sale in many civilized countries and the transportation of the potion has risen significantly. The remains of several tons of opium pressed into plates were found in the holds of the Titanic. It was transported, of course, illegally.


Hope Diamond

One theory is that the couple transported a rare blue Hope diamond on the Titanic. This stone has long been famous for the curse gravitating over it: stolen in India, it passed to Louis XV, then to Marie Antoinette, who ended her days on the scaffold. It is believed that it was the Hope diamond that brought the plague to Europe, and that it also killed its new owners - and at the same time the entire ship.

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Egyptian mummy

Several surviving sailors told the press and police a rather strange story about an Egyptian mummy, allegedly hoisted on board just before sailing. The mysterious box was transported to America by Lord Cantherville, who insisted that the valuable cargo be kept right on the captain's bridge.


Gold bars

The first class was occupied by very wealthy people. The very first expedition to the sunken ship made it possible to estimate its treasures at 250 million dollars. Antiques, paintings and precious stones were captured by cameras, and some of the most valuable items were even raised to the surface. However, the diving robots were unable to cope with the iron safes installed on the lower deck of the sunken giant. It is believed that one of the trusted leaders of the Masonic order carried a ton of gold in them.


Expensive painting

It is reliably known that the painting by Jacques-Francois Blondel La Circassienne Au Bain was transported on the Titanic, and the insurance company even paid the owner (Moritz Steffanson) its cost - about $ 100,000. By today's standards, this amount would have already exceeded two and a half million dollars. Interestingly, Moritz Steffanson said about a whole collection of incredibly expensive paintings, but then chose to take his words back. It is believed that Steffanson actually transported rare paintings stolen from the largest museums in Europe in the holds of the Titanic.