Secrets of history 2024, October

Eve Is The First Criminal To Give Birth To Cain, The Killer. And These Are Our Roots In The Bible? - Alternative View

Eve Is The First Criminal To Give Birth To Cain, The Killer. And These Are Our Roots In The Bible? - Alternative View

A lot of people are familiar with the Bible, and if they have not read it, they must have heard many legends and myths from this scripture. Who does not know that Adam and Eve lived in paradise Eden, enjoying the love of God until Lucifer tempted Eve

How Moses Managed To Make The Sea Part - Alternative View

How Moses Managed To Make The Sea Part - Alternative View

Part of the Pentateuch and the Old Testament, Exodus tells how the Red Sea parted for the prophet Moses and his people as soon as he waved the rod

Did Moses Perform Miracles? - Alternative View

Did Moses Perform Miracles? - Alternative View

Anyone who carefully reads the first and second chapters of the book of Genesis will immediately notice that in the third verse of the second chapter one story about the creation of man ends and a completely different story begins on the same topic, which differs from the first in the main

Dispute About Moses - Alternative View

Dispute About Moses - Alternative View

“To deprive the people of the person whom he glorifies as the greatest of his sons is not one of those actions that you decide to do with a light heart, especially if you yourself belong to this nation

People-riddles: Diverse Moses - Alternative View

People-riddles: Diverse Moses - Alternative View

As you know, Divine teaching was first presented to the prophet Moses on Mount Sinai. It is curious that the tradition of this is present simultaneously in the Christian, Jewish and Muslim scriptures (in Islam, Moses is named Musa)

A Crater That Killed Dinosaurs Was Found In The Arctic - Alternative View

A Crater That Killed Dinosaurs Was Found In The Arctic - Alternative View

Scientists have proven that the 25-kilometer crater found on Victoria Island (Canadian Arctic Archipelago) was formed by a meteor shower that killed the dinosaurs

7 Secret Rooms Discovered By Accident - Alternative View

7 Secret Rooms Discovered By Accident - Alternative View

Secret rooms can be located where even the owners of the house will not find them. The entrance to some of these rooms can be found only after tens or even thousands of years. And quite by accident.At first glance, they are completely invisible

Scientists Have Proven The Sumerian Origin Of The Biblical "Abraham And Sarah" - Alternative View

Scientists Have Proven The Sumerian Origin Of The Biblical "Abraham And Sarah" - Alternative View

It would seem that there is and nothing can be more Jewish than the real characters mentioned in the Bible - Abraham (a distant descendant of Noah) and Sarah ("cool couple"). However, this is far from easy

Versions: People Before The Flood Did Not Eat Meat And Did Not Know Diseases - Alternative View

Versions: People Before The Flood Did Not Eat Meat And Did Not Know Diseases - Alternative View

The Bible places great emphasis on food. Imagine the situation after the disaster: there is a scorched earth covered with thousands of animal corpses

Jesus' Tomb Discovered In Jerusalem? - Alternative View

Jesus' Tomb Discovered In Jerusalem? - Alternative View

New Archaeological Find in Jerusalem May Influence the Foundations of Christianity. Cinematographer and amateur archaeologist Simha Dzhakobovici, also known as the "naked archaeologist", held a press conference on February 28

Noah's Ark: Truth And Fiction - Alternative View

Noah's Ark: Truth And Fiction - Alternative View

For believers, Noah is “a righteous and blameless man in his kind”, the one who, according to the Bible, “walks before God,” who “found grace in the eyes of the Lord,” and who died nine hundred and fifty years old

Versions: 10 Egyptian Executions And Climate Change - Alternative View

Versions: 10 Egyptian Executions And Climate Change - Alternative View

God's punishment, by definition, should be a hundred times more sophisticated and more terrible than any execution invented by people. Earthly rulers could execute hundreds, thousands of people, and heavenly rulers could execute entire nations

Antediluvian Centenarians - Alternative View

Antediluvian Centenarians - Alternative View

One of the greatest mysteries of the Bible is the lifespan of its characters. Indeed, is man capable of living for more than nine hundred years, like Adam or Seth? The Bible says nothing is impossible. But is it

When Did A New Era Begin? - Alternative View

When Did A New Era Begin? - Alternative View

In most countries of the world, including Russia, the church is separated from the state, but religious traditions have a huge impact on everyday social life

Archaeological Evidence Of The Crucifixion - Alternative View

Archaeological Evidence Of The Crucifixion - Alternative View

In late 1968, the author of the article, Vasilios Tsaferis, explored the tombs northeast of Jerusalem in the Givat ha Mivtar region. The contents of one family tomb tell a lot about those to whom it belonged and who is buried in it

Antarctica Without Ice: The Controversial Map Of Boucher - Alternative View

Antarctica Without Ice: The Controversial Map Of Boucher - Alternative View

The 18th-century Boucher map is said to accurately depict the continent of Antarctica as it was before it was covered with ice

How Vasily Kuznetsov Was The Head Of The USSR Three Times - Alternative View

How Vasily Kuznetsov Was The Head Of The USSR Three Times - Alternative View

Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Nikita Khrushchev - everyone knows about these and other leaders of the Soviet state. However, there was a man in the history of the USSR who led the country several times, but at the same time remained in the shadows

Except Rasputin: Fools, Mystics And Charlatans Surrounded By Nicholas II - Alternative View

Except Rasputin: Fools, Mystics And Charlatans Surrounded By Nicholas II - Alternative View

Elder Grigory Rasputin became a symbol of the moral degradation of power under the last Russian emperor. The uncritical trust of the royal family in the scandalous seer caused bewilderment and outrage among the dignitaries and the public

Perhaps The Item Was Found Because Of Which, In 1959, The Group Of Igor Dyatlov Was Killed - Alternative View

Perhaps The Item Was Found Because Of Which, In 1959, The Group Of Igor Dyatlov Was Killed - Alternative View

For me personally, it is quite obvious that Igor Dyatlov's group was killed. The murder was complete on the night of February 2, 1959. The motives for the murder have not yet been established, but the case was closed (in my opinion) too early

Vlad Tepes: The Most Shocking Facts - Alternative View

Vlad Tepes: The Most Shocking Facts - Alternative View

His life was full of power struggles with fierce opponents. And he himself committed many atrocities that gave rise to horrific myths about vampires among the people

Death Camps - Alternative View

Death Camps - Alternative View

World War II: Nazi death camps World War II - terrible time. Those of the people who caught her and remember the horrors that they had to endure do not like to remember that period of their lives

What Do The Russians Have To Do With The Etruscans - Alternative View

What Do The Russians Have To Do With The Etruscans - Alternative View

The Etruscans are rightfully considered one of the most amazing mysteries in history. Scientists do not know exactly where they came from and what language they spoke. The question of a possible connection between the Etruscans and the Russians is still not clear

No Wonder They Nicknamed The Wise - How Prince Yaroslav Attached His Children - Alternative View

No Wonder They Nicknamed The Wise - How Prince Yaroslav Attached His Children - Alternative View

Prince of Rostov, Novgorod and Kiev Yaroslav Vladimirovich, who went down in history as Yaroslav the Wise, was a truly far-sighted politician

Duties Of Boys In A Peasant Family - Alternative View

Duties Of Boys In A Peasant Family - Alternative View

For a long time in Russia, the teaching of children to peasant work took place according to a certain system, well thought out by many generations of people

Can Numbers Predict Revolutions? - Alternative View

Can Numbers Predict Revolutions? - Alternative View

Peter Turchin claims to be able to transform history from a collection of anecdotes into a rigorous science and thus foresee the future. Cliodynamics - so he calls his discipline (obviously, according to the ancient Greek museum of history)

The First Power Of The Rus - Alternative View

The First Power Of The Rus - Alternative View

The strongest among the Baltic Slavic states was the rug principality. The same people are known as the Rus. The sound "th" in the word "ruth" or "ruthen" in different pronunciations can be perceived as "g", and as "s", and as "t"

What Happened To The Scythians - Alternative View

What Happened To The Scythians - Alternative View

The Scythians ruled over the present territory of Russia for almost a millennium. Neither the Persian Empire nor Alexander the Great could break them. But suddenly, overnight, this people mysteriously disappeared into history, leaving behind only majestic burial mounds

The Myth Of The Age-old Servility Of The Russians - Alternative View

The Myth Of The Age-old Servility Of The Russians - Alternative View

With the light hand of the famous sixties poetess in the comprador-pseudo-intellectual circles of Moscow and Leningrad, the aphorism turned out to be quite popular: “Russia - millennial slave "

Rus - People Of The Sword - Alternative View

Rus - People Of The Sword - Alternative View

Until now, many researchers refute the Slavism of the ancient Rus, attributing to them a different ethnic origin (Germanic, Celtic, Indo-Aryan, etc.)

Who Were The Russians - Alternative View

Who Were The Russians - Alternative View

Who are the Rus, or dew, or Rus? The usual answer is either a people or a certain social group. And who's ethnicity? Again stupor: either the Germans, or the Scandinavians, or the Slavs, or even the Celts

History Of Rus In Indian - Alternative View

History Of Rus In Indian - Alternative View

Recently in Kiev, the followers of the Indian Vedas disseminated information about how the Indians imagine world history in the light of the teachings of the ancient Russian prophet Krishna, who lived in India in the 32nd century BC: “In the sixties of our century in Tse

Where Did The Great Mughals Come From? - Alternative View

Where Did The Great Mughals Come From? - Alternative View

First, why the Mughals? And secondly, why Great? How was the Mughal empire formed and why was it called that, what was Mongol in it? Do the cruel nomads of the Tatar-Mongols have anything to do with it, and what

Simeon Bekbulatovich And Other Famous Descendants Of Genghis Khan In Russian History - Alternative View

Simeon Bekbulatovich And Other Famous Descendants Of Genghis Khan In Russian History - Alternative View

The closest descendants of Genghis Khan and a number of his direct descendants are well known to many even from the school history course: the khans Baty, Tokhtamysh, Akhmat, Devlet-Girey. All of them at different times walked across Russia with fire and sword

Genghis Khan: Great Conqueror Or Spy Of The Song Dynasty? - Alternative View

Genghis Khan: Great Conqueror Or Spy Of The Song Dynasty? - Alternative View

It is very difficult to assess the activities of Genghis Khan. It is difficult because any politician is compared with someone of his contemporaries or with those who acted in the same way. There is one serious problem with Genghis Khan - there is simply no one to compare him with

The Grandson Of Genghis Khan - Alternative View

The Grandson Of Genghis Khan - Alternative View

It just so happened that we all look at history, as they say, from our bell tower. For us, Batu (in Mongolian - Batu) is a merciless conqueror, the conqueror of Russia, from which the Horde yoke begins

Version: Genghis Khan's Ancestors Were Europeans - Alternative View

Version: Genghis Khan's Ancestors Were Europeans - Alternative View

Scientists made this discovery after excavating the grave of the Mongol queen - a relative of the great conqueror About the origin of Genghis Khan - the creator of the most powerful empire of all times and peoples, scientists know very little

Shaker Of The Universe - Alternative View

Shaker Of The Universe - Alternative View

He established Peace, Peace in the Universe at the cost of wars Many modern historians, such as, for example, In

What Ethnicity Was Genghis Khan? - Alternative View

What Ethnicity Was Genghis Khan? - Alternative View

There is still no reliable information on this issue. Some scholars are of the opinion that he was a Turkic Aryan, originally from Kashgar. Other historians are inclined to believe that he was a Mongol

Scientists Have Deciphered The Genghis Khan Manuscript Stored In Altai - Alternative View

Scientists Have Deciphered The Genghis Khan Manuscript Stored In Altai - Alternative View

Among the instructions of the great conqueror - Do not take the woman's words too seriously Scientists deciphered the manuscript of Genghis Khan, which is kept in the National Museum of the Altai Republic named after A.V. Anokhin

The Rise And Fall Of The Templars - Alternative View

The Rise And Fall Of The Templars - Alternative View

The First Crusade (1096-1099), which ended in the victory of the Christian army, paradoxically worsened the situation of Christian pilgrims who make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem