Dispute About Moses - Alternative View

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Dispute About Moses - Alternative View
Dispute About Moses - Alternative View

Video: Dispute About Moses - Alternative View

Video: Dispute About Moses - Alternative View
Video: What Nobody Ever Told You About Moses 2024, October

“To deprive the people of the man whom he glorifies as the greatest of his sons is not one of those actions that you decide to do with a light heart, especially if you yourself belong to this nation. No considerations, however, would have forced me to abandon the truth in favor of the so-called national interests. Sigmund Freud.

The hypothesis of the great psychiatrist

Recently, archaeologists and historians have been able to find evidence of the reality of many events described in the Bible. One of the exceptions is the person of Moses. According to scientists, "complete absence of information about Moses in any sources other than the Bible itself was recorded."

It was not a professional historian who ventured to prove that Moses is a real person, but not exactly who he is considered to be, but the world famous scientist-psychologist Sigmund Freud. In his work "This man is Moses," which he decided to publish shortly before his death, Freud claims that you can read about Moses … in the ancient Egyptian chronicles. In addition, an Austrian psychiatrist makes a shocking statement: the founder of Judaism was not a Jew.

Freud dates the time of Moses' life to the period of the reign of Amenhotep IV in Egypt - around 1365-1348 BC. Having ascended the throne at the age of 15, the pharaoh imposed a new religion on the Egyptians. He was the first in the history of mankind to part with the pantheon of numerous gods and recognized only one god - Aton, the sun god. Pharaoh changed his name to Akhenaten - "Useful for Aton". and forbade making idols in his honor. "The true God," the governor said, "has no guise."

According to legend, Moses was born around 1350 BC, and when he began to beg Pharaoh to release the Jews from Egypt, he was 80 years old.

“The first thing that worries us about the personality of Moses,” Freud writes, “is his name, which is spelled“Moshe”in Hebrew." Traditionally, it is believed that the Egyptian princess, who brought the child out of the Nile waters, named him by this name: "Since I pulled him out of the water." But some Bible scholars are convinced that the name "Moses" is taken from the Egyptian dictionary and means "child."

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Create a new empire

In his work, Freud compares the Jewish religion with the religion of Egypt before the introduction of the cult of Aton and shows the dissimilarity of these religions with each other, while the belief in Yahweh and in the sun god is basically identical. In particular. they both say nothing about the afterlife. “I would venture to draw the following conclusion,” Freud asserts, “if Moses was an Egyptian and passed on his religion to the Jews, then this religion was Akhenaten, that is, the cult of Aton.”

There is another sign that the Jews as a nation were determined precisely after their exodus from Egypt and that the Egyptian Moses had a great influence on this: “Moses not only gave the Jews a new religion: it is absolutely certain that he also introduced the custom of circumcision … No other people the eastern Mediterranean, as far as we know, did not have such a custom; it is safe to say that the Semites, Babylonians and Sumerians were not circumcised … If we assume that Moses was in fact a Jew who planned to free his compatriots from serving the Egyptian rulers and bring them out of the country so that they would find an independent, independent existence … what is the point was at the same time to impose on them a burdensome custom, which turned them, so to speak, Egyptians and inevitably reinforced the memories of Egypt,if his goal was exactly the opposite - to tear his people away from the country of slavery."

Freud suggests that Moses was an aristocrat. Closely associated with the pharaoh, he became a staunch supporter of the new religion. But after the death of the ruler and the reaction that followed, Moses saw that all his dreams and plans were dispelled. like smoke. The active nature of Moses did not come to terms with this, and he invented a plan to create a new empire, with a new people, who can be bestowed on the religion rejected by the Egyptians. “It was, - says Freud, - a heroic attempt to fight fate, to compensate for oneself - in two directions at once - that was lost in the catastrophe of Akhenaten. Perhaps during this catastrophe, Moses was the ruler of that border province of Gosh, in which some Semitic tribes settled. It was them that he chose for the role of his new people … The Jews, with whom he left his native country, were to become an improved surrogate for the Egyptians,left behind. They were not to be inferior to them in any way. He wanted to make them a "people of saints" - the biblical text directly tells us about this."

From the tribe of Levi

Fragments can be found in Jewish apocryphal literature that support Freud's hypothesis that Moses was not a Jew. As you know from the Bible, the Pharaoh, who ruled in Egypt at that time, decided to exterminate the Jews and ordered that midwives kill all the boys who were born, so that the Jews would not multiply in number. And suddenly a Jewish baby appears in the palace of the pharaoh, and he, like a good-natured grandfather, takes the boy on his knees and plays with him. He does not resent when a three-year-old child pulled off the crown from his head and put it on his own. When Pharaoh learned from the wise men that this act testifies to the great future of Moses, he did not order, in full accordance with the law, to drown “the one who threatened his power,” but first gave him a brilliant education, then made him a military leader.

And here's another interesting point. The Bible says that Moses was "tongue-tied." “Here,” says Freud. - in a slightly distorted form, you can see traces of memories that Moses spoke in another language and could not communicate with his Semitic Neo-Egyptians without the help of an interpreter - at least at first. Then it would be another confirmation of our thesis: Moses is an Egyptian."

The greatest mystery of ancient Hebrew history is associated with the Levites - believed to be the ministers of religious worship among the ancient Jews. Tradition says that the Levites belonged to one of the 12 tribes of Israel. knee of Levi. According to the Bible, Moses came from this tribe. But Freud's opinion is different: he is convinced that the Levites were the Egyptians who were close to Moses - friends, scribes, servants who came with him to the Jews. This assumption is supported by the fact that Egyptian names are found among the Jews only among the Levites.

But the great psychologist still could not explain why the Jews believed in a new, unusual religion so much that they left the fertile country and went into the lifeless desert for an Egyptian aristocrat who could not even speak their language.

Pharaoh's son

The Russian historian Valery Sysoev tried to resolve this contradiction in Freud's hypothesis. He agrees that Moses was born into an aristocratic Egyptian family - the most noble of all possible - into the family of Pharaoh Akhenaten. But the mother of Moses was not the famous queen Nefertiti, but the Jewess Kiya. A sculptural image of Kiya has survived. “A thin nose with a slight hump, full lips with a small mouth. almond eyes … I affirm. - Sysoev writes in his work. - they did not belong to an Egyptian at all, but a Jewish woman by blood"

According to the assumption of the Russian historian, Akhenaten, while still a prince. met Kiya during his trip to the lower Nile. “Maybe,” Sysoev believes, “that the beauty that attracted her was not only married, but also had a son … During his expedition to the north of Egypt, the prince took a young Jewish woman as his concubine. The inspection ends and the prince returns to Thebes. One, without Kiya. His father soon dies and the prince becomes pharaoh. A short time later, a message arrives from the north that Kiya has given birth to a son. Moses lived for four years with his mother in the palace. But here the pharaoh married Nefertiti - a representative of an influential clan. Kiyu with Moses and his half-brother are sent to the lower reaches of the Nile to the Jewish community. Pharaoh's marriage coincides with his religious transformations. he takes on a new name,builds a new capital and abandons the traditional Egyptian polytheism. Four years later, only Nefertiti's daughters are born, and then eight-year-old Moses is brought to the newly built capital of Egypt - Akhetaton. A magnificent manor of the Sun was built here. Kiya settled in it with Pharaoh's son Moses.

Then it becomes clear why the noble Egyptian rushes, as we know from the Book of Exodus, to defend the beaten Jew and even, outraged, kills the overseer - after all, Moses spent his childhood in the Jewish community. His half-brother Aaron is not a translator, and Moses did not suffer from tongue-tied language, as recorded in the Bible. But it was difficult for an aristocrat who revolved among the generals and high priests to convey to the shepherds and artisans a religion in which there is one God without an image and there is no concept of the kingdom of the dead. Aaron did not translate Moses, but expounded his thoughts in a language clear to ordinary people.

More logical in this case is the fierce persecution of the Jews who had gone into the desert - with them the irreconcilable enemy of the old religion, the son of the deceased Pharaoh, the legitimate claimant to the throne, whose authority could be used by the enemies of Egypt, left the country.

Magazine "Secrets of the XX century" № 39. Ivan Reshetnikov