Secrets of history 2024, October

Captain Hall's Polar Odyssey - Alternative View

Captain Hall's Polar Odyssey - Alternative View

The North-South civil war interrupted American research in the Arctic for a long time. For a whole 10 years, no attempts were made in the United States to reach the North Pole. Only in 1871 the situation changed

Leningrad. September 8, 1941 - The Beginning Of The Blockade - Alternative View

Leningrad. September 8, 1941 - The Beginning Of The Blockade - Alternative View

The blockade of Leningrad by German, Finnish and Spanish (Blue Division) troops during the Great Patriotic War began on September 8, 1941 and lasted until January 27, 1944 (the blockade ring was broken on January 18, 1943) - 872 days

"Challenger" That Blew Up The Sky - Alternative View

"Challenger" That Blew Up The Sky - Alternative View

Color photograph of seven smiling American astronauts - two women and five men - in blue suits and with spacesuits in her hands against the background of the Stars and Stripes flag on January 28, 1986, she went around the world. In the beginning as good news from NASA

Lady Of The Seas: The Main Female Pirates In History - Alternative View

Lady Of The Seas: The Main Female Pirates In History - Alternative View

At the mention of sea robbers, images of bearded men in a cocked hat with a bottle of rum in one hand and a saber in the other pop up

Vestal Priestesses: Secrets Of The Main Women Of Ancient Rome - Alternative View

Vestal Priestesses: Secrets Of The Main Women Of Ancient Rome - Alternative View

Who are they - the virgin vestal priestesses of ancient Rome, and why is this definition still used to describe purity and perfection? We will find out what place these women occupied in ancient Roman society

How Would Russia Have Changed If The Bolsheviks Had Not Seized Power - Alternative View

How Would Russia Have Changed If The Bolsheviks Had Not Seized Power - Alternative View

October 1917 was an epoch-making turning point in the history of Russia. According to some, this was an unnatural scenario for the development of events, others call it a natural result of the degradation of power

Swedenborg And The Otherworldly "sphere Of Being" - Alternative View

Swedenborg And The Otherworldly "sphere Of Being" - Alternative View

Emmanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772) was an advisor to the Swedish king on engineering issues that had a "substantive meaning"

From Freedom To Lawlessness, Or About The Emancipation Of Women In The Early Period Of The USSR - Alternative View

From Freedom To Lawlessness, Or About The Emancipation Of Women In The Early Period Of The USSR - Alternative View

Soviet power, which existed in the early stages of the formation of the USSR, criticized the household and the traditional family

The Mystery Of The Diaries Of The Dyatlov Group. A Word About Pages Torn Out By Someone - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Diaries Of The Dyatlov Group. A Word About Pages Torn Out By Someone - Alternative View

The tragedy of 1959 is an important news item today. I noticed that in some of the diaries (from among the surviving ones) written by members of Igor Dyatlov's team, there are not enough pages

The Only Female General In The Military Intelligence Of The USSR - Alternative View

The Only Female General In The Military Intelligence Of The USSR - Alternative View

Mysteries of biography As is customary in intelligence, the life of Mirra Goetz (or Getz?) Is shrouded in riddles and secrets. She entered the history of military intelligence of the Soviet Union as Maria Filippovna Sakhnovskaya-Flerova

What People Became Executioners In Russia - Alternative View

What People Became Executioners In Russia - Alternative View

Executioner - a specific profession, which today is no longer relevant, but it was in great demand during the existence of Russia and not only

Executioner From The USA John Wood: How To Execute A Nazi In 10 Minutes - Alternative View

Executioner From The USA John Wood: How To Execute A Nazi In 10 Minutes - Alternative View

He is called the most famous executioner of the twentieth century - on the account of the American John Wood 347 murdered convicts sentenced to death by the courts

John Woods - The Executioner And His Memories - Alternative View

John Woods - The Executioner And His Memories - Alternative View

John Woods is probably one of the few Americans who could say a sincere thanks to Adolf Hitler. Without Hitler, there would be no World War II (at least in the format known to us) and the Nuremberg Tribunal. Namely, thanks to the latter, John Woods not only made good money, but also became the most famous executioner of the 20th century

Executioners: Cruel Killers Or An Instrument In The Hands Of Justice - Alternative View

Executioners: Cruel Killers Or An Instrument In The Hands Of Justice - Alternative View

At the mere mention of the word "executioner" imagination immediately draws gloomy pictures of a ruthless man in a mask with an ax in his hands. Executioners tortured defendants to get confessions and carried out death sentences

The Most Terrible Times In The History Of Russia - Alternative View

The Most Terrible Times In The History Of Russia - Alternative View

The Little Ice Age became a time of trials for Europe and Russia. He showed that even a slight change in temperature can lead to irreversible consequences and radically change life. Why did it come?

The Last Public Execution In France By The Guillotine - Alternative View

The Last Public Execution In France By The Guillotine - Alternative View

Some time ago, we studied in great detail with you who invented the guillotine, and now we will remember 1939, France. There, at this time, the last PUBLIC execution was carried out by the method of cutting off the head

The Most Humane Executions In Human History - Alternative View

The Most Humane Executions In Human History - Alternative View

The deprivation of a person's life in itself cannot be called a particularly humane act. It is always associated with a panic fear of death, horror of the upcoming suffering, physical torment itself and the very fact of parting with life

What We Probably Didn’t Know About The Executioners - Alternative View

What We Probably Didn’t Know About The Executioners - Alternative View

The death penalty, around which disputes between human rights defenders and the public are raging today, - punishment that appeared in ancient times and has come down to our days

The Mystery Of The Severed Human Head From Mason Road - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Severed Human Head From Mason Road - Alternative View

In December 2014, a student at a local school found a severed human head on the side of the Mason Road country road, 30 miles from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Executioners In History - Alternative View

Executioners In History - Alternative View

Barely huddled in a flock, people began to establish certain rules for life within the community. Not everyone liked it. Violators, when caught, were tried and punished. For a long time, people knew only one type of punishment - death

Live Dog Head - Alternative View

Live Dog Head - Alternative View

Many events described in the novels of science fiction writers have turned into reality over time. The same can be said about the work of Alexander Belyaev "Head of Professor Dowell"

Who Invented The Guillotine? - Alternative View

Who Invented The Guillotine? - Alternative View

Towards the end of his life, a man who bore what he believed was “monstrous”, the name Guillotin, turned to the authorities of Napoleonic France with a request to change the name of the terrible device of the same name for execution, but his request was rejected

Hitler's Purses: Freedom In Exchange For Silence - Alternative View

Hitler's Purses: Freedom In Exchange For Silence - Alternative View

Who actually financed Hitler's rise to power? Historians still do not agree on this point: some believe that the Nazis were secretly kept by the German Reichswehr, who cherished the dream of revenge after the defeat in World War I, others argue that the main sponsors of the Fuhrer were German industrialists

Nine Grams Of Justice - Alternative View

Nine Grams Of Justice - Alternative View

On August 2, 1996, Sergei Aleksandrovich Golovkin, found guilty of murder and rape of adolescents, was shot in the special block of the Butyrka prison, becoming at the moment the last convict in Russia, against whom death was applied

A Product Of Humanism. How A Compassionate Dentist Came Up With The "electric Chair" - Alternative View

A Product Of Humanism. How A Compassionate Dentist Came Up With The "electric Chair" - Alternative View

Humanely invented, the electric chair turned out to be one of the most brutal methods of capital punishment. War of currents On August 6, 1890, humanity has written a new page in its history

Incredible In The History Of The Death Penalty - Alternative View

Incredible In The History Of The Death Penalty - Alternative View

Incredible capital punishments Since time immemorial, it has been noticed that the death penalty is often accompanied by incredible mystical phenomena

On August 11, 1979, Tonka Was Executed - Machine Gunner - Alternative View

On August 11, 1979, Tonka Was Executed - Machine Gunner - Alternative View

She hoped to receive a three-year suspended sentence, but a Soviet court sentenced her to capital punishment. 1979 in the USSR was declared the Year of the Woman and she hoped for the favor of the court. But on the morning of August 11, 1979, she was shot

How They Were Executed In Russia - Alternative View

How They Were Executed In Russia - Alternative View

It was a simple matter to please the block. At other times, disagreement with the powers that be might have been enough, and the executioner was already sharpening the ax. But there were also periods of humanism when death sentences were not passed at all

The Last Wish Of The Duke Of Schaunberg - Alternative View

The Last Wish Of The Duke Of Schaunberg - Alternative View

In 1336, King Louis of Bavaria sentenced the nobleman Diez von SchauMburg and four of his associates to death for planning an assassination attempt on the king

What Was Written In The Execution Orders - Alternative View

What Was Written In The Execution Orders - Alternative View

During the years of Soviet power, one of the highest penalties for crimes was the death penalty. The criminal sentenced to her, in case of refusal to pardon, was awaiting execution

What Kazan Was Like Before The Arrival Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

What Kazan Was Like Before The Arrival Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

The history of Kazan can be divided into two periods: before 1552 and after. At the beginning of the reign of John IV Vasilyevich, nicknamed the Terrible by the people, the city was captured by the troops of the Moscow Tsar

Head On Clipping - Alternative View

Head On Clipping - Alternative View

What the rulers in Central Europe did in the 17th-18th centuries to curb their subordinates is incomprehensible to the mind. Let us recall only one description that came to us from the great Gogol, who loved Ukraine - his cradle, and his people

Whom And For What They Impaled In Russia - Alternative View

Whom And For What They Impaled In Russia - Alternative View

Execution by impaling a criminal was practiced by many Slavic, Germanic and other Western European peoples. It was widespread in Russia as well

Execution In Japan: Jisei - Song Of Death - Alternative View

Execution In Japan: Jisei - Song Of Death - Alternative View

In 818, the Japanese emperor Saga, under whom, according to chronicles and legends, peace reigned in the country and the arts flourished, abolished the death penalty. She returned to legislation as a punishment only after three hundred years

What Executions In Russia Were The Most Common - Alternative View

What Executions In Russia Were The Most Common - Alternative View

Execution in Russia has long been, sophisticated and painful. Historians to this day have not come to a consensus about the reasons for the appearance of the death penalty. Some are inclined to the version of the continuation of the custom of blood feud, others prefer Byzantine influence

The Only Woman To Be Executed In New Zealand - Alternative View

The Only Woman To Be Executed In New Zealand - Alternative View

Minnie Dean - local legend like Babayka. New Zealand kids were told that if they misbehave, the evil Minnie Dean will come for them and drag them to hell

What Were The Most Brutal Executions In World War II - Alternative View

What Were The Most Brutal Executions In World War II - Alternative View

It is common knowledge that wars - the time when people wake up, sometimes, all the darkest and most cruel that is in human nature

The Most Terrible And Cruel Torture. From Antiquity To Modern Times - Alternative View

The Most Terrible And Cruel Torture. From Antiquity To Modern Times - Alternative View

Sometimes it's hard to believe that the most intelligent creature on the planet is capable of something like this. The torture appeared at that moment, as soon as a person had a mind. What for?

Why Was Execution On The Gallows Considered Shameful - Alternative View

Why Was Execution On The Gallows Considered Shameful - Alternative View

The most popular forms of execution in the Middle Ages were beheading and hanging. Moreover, they were applied to people of different classes. Decapitation was used as a punishment for noble people, and the gallows was the lot of the rootless poor

Why Was The Beloved Doctor Of The Russian Tsar Executed On Red Square - Alternative View

Why Was The Beloved Doctor Of The Russian Tsar Executed On Red Square - Alternative View

Danila Zhidovin was the favorite doctor of the second Russian tsar from the Romanov dynasty - Alexei Mikhailovich Tishaishiy, and then the only doctor whom his son recognized and admitted to him - Fedor Alekseevich