Secrets of history 2024, October

The Hero Of The American Revolutionary War Suddenly Turned Out To Be A Woman - Alternative View

The Hero Of The American Revolutionary War Suddenly Turned Out To Be A Woman - Alternative View

A native of Poland, Kazimir Puławski (1745-1779), for a relatively short life, managed to fight to his heart's content both at home and overseas, and in the latter case, he became a general at all and was named "the father of the American cavalry"

About The Origin Of The Russians. Top Secret - Alternative View

About The Origin Of The Russians. Top Secret - Alternative View

The scientific evidence below is a terrible secret

The Story Of Boyarynya Morozova - Alternative View

The Story Of Boyarynya Morozova - Alternative View

The famous painting by the artist Vasily Surikov "Boyarynya Morozova" depicts a woman in black clothes, who sits on the wood. She is being taken to prison in front of a crowd of people. This is the heroine of the picture - Feodosia Morozova

Indo-Arya - Alternative View

Indo-Arya - Alternative View

Vedas - monuments of sacred literature of the Indian group of Aryans (Indo-Aryans). In terms of language and mythology, they are closest to the Iranian Avesta. The word "veda" itself is related to the Russian "to know", that is, "to know" (we are talking, of course, about secret, sacred knowledge)

Secrets Of The Third Reich In Karelia - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Third Reich In Karelia - Alternative View

Ever since at the end of the 18th century, scientists established the kinship of dozens of languages in the space from Ireland to India, they have been looking for a historical explanation for this phenomenon

Who Wrote The History Of Russia? List Of Names - Alternative View

Who Wrote The History Of Russia? List Of Names - Alternative View

Now we will consistently list ALL HISTORIAN ACADEMICIANS of the Russian Academy of Sciences, both foreigners and domestic, starting from its foundation in 1724 until 1918. (reference edition, book 1) We also give the year of election

Ermak, Prince Of Siberia - Alternative View

Ermak, Prince Of Siberia - Alternative View

Ataman Ermak - one of the most popular characters in our history. Having defeated Khan Kuchum, he "got for the tsar" practically all of Siberia. But few people know that the dashing ataman himself was a descendant of the Siberian khans

Secrets Of The Third Reich. The Bell Project, Which Was 1000 Years Ahead Of Its Time - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Third Reich. The Bell Project, Which Was 1000 Years Ahead Of Its Time - Alternative View

The BELL Project is the most secret, most mysterious and most ambitious Project in Germany during the Hitler era. Its implementation promised the Fuhrer the fulfillment of the most unimaginable dreams, and the rest of the world was threatened with complete enslavement …-

"Our Glory Will Be Eternal" - Alternative View

"Our Glory Will Be Eternal" - Alternative View

These words, according to the chronicle, said Yermak Timofeevich, addressing his associates during the Siberian campaign before the decisive battle with Kuchum. The shrewd and brave chieftain was not mistaken

Biography Of Ermak - Alternative View

Biography Of Ermak - Alternative View

Ermak Timofeevich (Timofeev) (born about 1532 - death on August 6 (16), 1585) - Cossack chieftain in the service of the Perm merchants Stroganovs, who conquered the Siberian kingdom (khanate) for Russia, a fragment of the Golden Horde

Khazar Kaganate, What Do We Know About It? - Alternative View

Khazar Kaganate, What Do We Know About It? - Alternative View

Khazar Kaganate - a medieval state founded by a nomadic people - Khazars. Khazaria separated from the Western Türkic Kaganate in the first half of the 7th century and almost immediately began its conquests

The Terrible Fun Of Daria Saltykova - Alternative View

The Terrible Fun Of Daria Saltykova - Alternative View

In 1768, the landowner Daria Saltykova, the famous Saltychikha, who tortured to death at least 138 of her serfs, stood near the Execution Ground at the pillar of shame

Mysteries Of History. Prince Oleg II - Alternative View

Mysteries Of History. Prince Oleg II - Alternative View

After Oleg the Prophetic, the “second” Oleg, apparently, who in oral legends merged with the first, apparently ruled; it is possible that he was the son of the first

The Nazis Were At The South Pole, But Were Their Bases There? - Alternative View

The Nazis Were At The South Pole, But Were Their Bases There? - Alternative View

The secrets of the Third Reich have haunted the minds of historians from the moment this state ceased to exist

Were There Bombs? - Alternative View

Were There Bombs? - Alternative View

The Soviet Union left us a legacy of many secrets and mysteries

The Mystery Of Lead Books Describing The Life Of Jesus - Alternative View

The Mystery Of Lead Books Describing The Life Of Jesus - Alternative View

In a cave in northern Jordan, ancient manuscripts were found carved into lead plates, which were held together by wire. A collection of 70 books was discovered between 2005 and 2007

The War Between Athens And Sparta - Alternative View

The War Between Athens And Sparta - Alternative View

Peloponnesian War - the largest war in ancient Greek history between the alliances of Greek city-states: the Delian, led by Athens and the Peloponnesian, led by Sparta in 431 - 404 BC eh

Desert Control In China And The USSR - Alternative View

Desert Control In China And The USSR - Alternative View

Chinese authorities plan to create a "green belt" within six years to stop the sprawling Tenger Desert

The Fabulous Pinocchio - Alternative View

The Fabulous Pinocchio - Alternative View

In 2001, a group of American archaeologists excavating in Florence, passing by the church cemetery, discovered the burial of a certain Lorenzini

In Which Countries, In The Twentieth Century, Was Forced Sterilization - Alternative View

In Which Countries, In The Twentieth Century, Was Forced Sterilization - Alternative View

One of the first actions of Hitler as the leader of Germany was the adoption in 1933 of the "Law on the prevention of the birth of offspring with hereditary diseases." Men and women who suffered from dementia, epilepsy, schizophrenia fell under it

Gold Rush - Alternative View

Gold Rush - Alternative View

This crime story happened in the Prussian town of Wittenberg: in the 70s of the 16th century, in the basement of the house of Professor Bach, the servant of the German alchemist Sebastian Siebenfreund found the remains of his master, who disappeared two years before

Where Did The Gold Of The Russian Empire Go? - Alternative View

Where Did The Gold Of The Russian Empire Go? - Alternative View

The cruiser Drake was recently discovered at the bottom of the Irish Sea. At one time, the ship was in the service of the British Navy and was one of the most powerful ships that took part in the First World War

Letter Versus Letter - Alternative View

Letter Versus Letter - Alternative View

In the 15th century, typography was invented, and the cost of storing information in "hard copies" in comparison with handwriting dropped by an order of magnitude. This has caused consequences comparable to those that have produced today computerization

Gold Rush Of The 21st Century - Alternative View

Gold Rush Of The 21st Century - Alternative View

In January 1848, carpenter John Marshall, who was building a sawmill on the American River in Northern California, discovered several pieces of yellow metal

Brooch Of King Croesus - Alternative View

Brooch Of King Croesus - Alternative View

In 1960, Turkish peasants cultivated land on the Ikiztepe hill near the town of Usak. Suddenly, the shovel of one of them hit something hard. It was a double-leaf marble door. The men tried to open it - didn't work out

Nibelungen - Alternative View

Nibelungen - Alternative View

The Nibelungs, in German-Scandinavian mythology and epic, are the owners of the gold treasure (treasures and magic ring of power) of the dwarf zwerg Andvari, who had previously stolen gold from the Rhine maidens.The original owners of the Andvari treasure are the sorcerer Hreidmar, the giants Fasolt and Fafnir, who turned into a dragon to guard the treasure

Australia Was Discovered By The Egyptians - Alternative View

Australia Was Discovered By The Egyptians - Alternative View

Until now, researchers argue who discovered Australia - Cook or William Eggs. But it is reliably known that the Egyptians once visited this continent long ago

The Egyptians Discovered America ?! - Alternative View

The Egyptians Discovered America ?! - Alternative View

The Greek philosopher Plato (429-347 BC), one of the greatest thinkers of the ancient world, in the dialogue "Timaeus", left a surprisingly detailed description of the ancient geography of the western hemisphere of the Earth

Who Really Discovered Australia? - Alternative View

Who Really Discovered Australia? - Alternative View

For some reason, most people believe in the myth that Australia was discovered at the end of the 18th century by James Cook, who was immediately eaten by many aborigines distressed by this fact. But that's not true at all

Mysterious Marya-Marevna - Alternative View

Mysterious Marya-Marevna - Alternative View

One of the female deities revered by the ancient Russians was the daughter of Svarog and Lada, Mara - goddess of death. She was also called Morana or Morena. As you know, the rites and rituals of the pagans are closely related to certain "critical" periods of the year

The Missing Gold Of "Tubantia" - Alternative View

The Missing Gold Of "Tubantia" - Alternative View

On the night of March 6-7, 1916, the two-pipe Dutch steamer Tubantia left Amsterdam and headed for Buenos Aires

Operation "Duck" - Elimination Of Trotsky - Alternative View

Operation "Duck" - Elimination Of Trotsky - Alternative View

Confrontation between Trotsky and Stalin Whoever said anything, the disagreements between Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin were not the result of personal relationships, but of different views on world politics. Although there were also personal motives for serious conflict

Liquidation Of Trotsky: The Main Secrets Of The Special Operation - Alternative View

Liquidation Of Trotsky: The Main Secrets Of The Special Operation - Alternative View

On August 21, 1940, Leon Trotsky, one of the leaders of the international communist movement and Stalin's personal enemy, was killed in Mexico

Father Of Nations: How Stalin Became The Sole Ruler Of The USSR - Alternative View

Father Of Nations: How Stalin Became The Sole Ruler Of The USSR - Alternative View

Stalin was one of many who claimed power after Lenin. How did it happen that a young revolutionary from the Georgian town of Gori eventually became what they began to call "the father of nations"? A number of factors led to this

Leon Trotsky. Secrets Of Financing The "Demon Of The Revolution" - Alternative View

Leon Trotsky. Secrets Of Financing The "Demon Of The Revolution" - Alternative View

A hundred years ago, people returned from political emigration to Russia, who after a while became the organizers of the October 1917 coup. Among them was Leon Trotsky, the real organizer and inspirer of the "Great October"

Trotsky And Frida Kahlo: What Really Tied Them Together? - Alternative View

Trotsky And Frida Kahlo: What Really Tied Them Together? - Alternative View

An accomplice in organizing the 1917 revolution, Soviet party and statesman Lev Trotsky was twice in a civil marriage, his second wife stayed with him until the end

Wood In The Russian Construction Tradition - Alternative View

Wood In The Russian Construction Tradition - Alternative View

Wood has been used as the main building material since ancient times. It was in wooden architecture that Russian architects developed that reasonable combination of beauty and utility, which then passed into structures of stone and brick

Archaeological Secrets Of Siberia - Alternative View

Archaeological Secrets Of Siberia - Alternative View

Tyumen archaeologist - about what the graves can tell about the Siberian counterparts of Stonehenge and the submission to the culture of the invaders

Interesting Facts About The Musketeers - Alternative View

Interesting Facts About The Musketeers - Alternative View

The word musketeer comes from the French mousquetaire. This was the name of soldiers armed with muskets in the 16th century, when in the European army of mercenaries, musketeers were the heart of the European infantry, as well as pike soldiers armed with pikes

Alisa Orlowski: What Did The "exemplary SS Employee" Do - Alternative View

Alisa Orlowski: What Did The "exemplary SS Employee" Do - Alternative View

Alisa Orlowski is less known than the Nazi death camp wardens Ilsa Koch or Irma Grese, but her name is also included in the list of the most inhuman criminals. She worked as a warden in several concentration camps