Secrets of history 2024, October

Mary Reed. Life Story - Alternative View

Mary Reed. Life Story - Alternative View

Mary Reed (c. 1685 - 04/27/1721) female pirate. The paradox is this: the only thing that we really know about Mary Reed is that in 1720 she, together with her friend Anne Bonnie, pirated in the Caribbean

The Life Story Of Henry Avery - Alternative View

The Life Story Of Henry Avery - Alternative View

Henry Every - famous English pirate nicknamed Lanky Ben, one of the first gentlemen of fortune in the so-called "golden age" of piracy

The Story Of The Most Successful Pirate Francis Drake - Alternative View

The Story Of The Most Successful Pirate Francis Drake - Alternative View

Sir Francis Drake (born 13 July 1540 - death 28 January 1596) - English navigator, pirate, vice admiral (1588). First Englishman to sail around the world (1577 - 1580)

The Life And Death Of Pirate Jack Rackham - Alternative View

The Life And Death Of Pirate Jack Rackham - Alternative View

Jack Rackham, aka - Calico Jack (born December 21, 1682 - November 17, 1720) - a famous pirate who became famous for several of his notable deeds

Interesting Facts About Pirates - Alternative View

Interesting Facts About Pirates - Alternative View

Pirates - sea and river robbers that have existed for as long as navigation has existed

The History Of Henry Morgan: From Pirate To Nobleman - Alternative View

The History Of Henry Morgan: From Pirate To Nobleman - Alternative View

Henry Morgan (born January 24, 1635 - death August 25, 1688) - one of the most famous English pirates from the island of Jamaica, who in 1668 - 1671. was the avowed king of the pirates of the Caribbean

How The Pirate City Sank - Alternative View

How The Pirate City Sank - Alternative View

The British did not want to lag behind their enterprising French colleagues, and international centers of piracy also began to emerge in the British colonies in America. One of them was the famous city of Port Royal in Jamaica

A Sensational Find Of Archaeologists In The Kharkiv Region - Alternative View

A Sensational Find Of Archaeologists In The Kharkiv Region - Alternative View

The bowels of the land of the Kharkov region of Ukraine are hidden by an underground city. Ancient catacombs, which are at least three hundred years old, are located directly under the modern houses. Kharkiv is built on centuries-old tunnels that haunt local residents

Robbers Of The Russian Seas - Alternative View

Robbers Of The Russian Seas - Alternative View

Pirates of the Russian seas made prosaic adjustments to the romanticized image of the book "gentlemen of fortune". Pirates terrified many powers, plundered coastal cities, staged cruel adventures

Executions And Torture Of Pirates Of The XVI - XVIII Century - Alternative View

Executions And Torture Of Pirates Of The XVI - XVIII Century - Alternative View

Everyone knows that pirates are unscrupulous criminals who hijack and plunder sea vessels

When The Phrase "Russians Don't Give Up!" - Alternative View

When The Phrase "Russians Don't Give Up!" - Alternative View

Many people know that the famous phrase "Russians don't give up!" shouted, blowing himself up with a grenade, the hero of the Great Patriotic War, the Adygeyan poet Khusein Andrukhaev

In The Marshal's Diaries, They Found The Reason For The Failure Of The USSR At The Beginning Of The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View

In The Marshal's Diaries, They Found The Reason For The Failure Of The USSR At The Beginning Of The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View

In the Central Archives of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, the diaries of Marshal of the Soviet Union Rodion Malinovsky were found, in which the commander called one of the main reasons for the defeats of the USSR at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the illiteracy of the top teams

The Plague Was Not The Cause Of The Plague In Medieval London - Alternative View

The Plague Was Not The Cause Of The Plague In Medieval London - Alternative View

Back in the 1990s, archaeologists discovered a mass grave in the London area that numbered thousands of skeletons from the Middle Ages

Duel With ' ' Black Death ' ' - Alternative View

Duel With ' ' Black Death ' ' - Alternative View

Almost twenty-five centuries have passed since then, but mankind, perhaps, has not experienced such a terrible time. Europe was then gripped by terrible natural disasters: violent earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, famine

"End Of The World". What It Was Like In The Sixth Century - Alternative View

"End Of The World". What It Was Like In The Sixth Century - Alternative View

Scientists have found in the Byzantine chronicles of 536-540 AD mentions of the sun being closed by a "black cloud". This "blackout", according to the chronicler Procopius of Caesarea and other chroniclers, lasted several months

Carving Of Seals - The Cultural Heritage Of China - Alternative View

Carving Of Seals - The Cultural Heritage Of China - Alternative View

Carving seals is one of the four unique arts that make up the cultural heritage of China, along with painting, calligraphy and poetry.Ancient seals are a living and incorruptible reflection of the development of Chinese writing. Since the earliest found seals from the Qin (221-207 BC) and Han (206 BC-220) dynasties were cut using the ancient wavy script Zhuang, the carvings of the seals are still sometimes called zhuanke, which literally means “wave carving”.- S

Plague Ships - Alternative View

Plague Ships - Alternative View

So, it's the 14th century. A bright time of endless wars, epidemics and religious fanaticism. The main engine of progress in those days was trade. As you know, the Great Silk Road ran through the eastern countries

From Enmity To The Union Of The USSR And Finland - Alternative View

From Enmity To The Union Of The USSR And Finland - Alternative View

Germany, the Soviet Union and Finland changed their roles more than once during the Second World War. At first, the USSR was an ally of Germany and an enemy of the Finnish state. Then Moscow and Berlin became enemies, and Finland became an ally of Germany

Belshazzar's Last Feast - Alternative View

Belshazzar's Last Feast - Alternative View

Ancient Babylon seemed to be a mighty and indestructible state, but its greatness also rolled under the clink of the glasses of Valtosar's Feast. What led the great state to collapse?

Chronicle Of The Death Of Hitler - Alternative View

Chronicle Of The Death Of Hitler - Alternative View

In April 1945, the Allied forces ended the defeat of Germany. The idea of Hitler's life collapsed - the idea of world domination of the Aryan nation

How Rich Was Stalin? - Alternative View

How Rich Was Stalin? - Alternative View

In 2015, the famous Time magazine published a list of the richest people of all times and peoples. Among them were Genghis Khan, Bill Gates, Rockefeller and many others. But the most surprising thing is that Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin was on the list

The Day Before His Faked Death, Hitler Fled To Spain. What Is The 20th Century Version Based On - Alternative View

The Day Before His Faked Death, Hitler Fled To Spain. What Is The 20th Century Version Based On - Alternative View

The U.S. government seriously considered the possibility that Adolf Hitler escaped from his Berlin bunker on April 30, 1945, according to declassified documents

The Codex Sinai: How Much Did Stalin Sell The First Copy Of The Bible - Alternative View

The Codex Sinai: How Much Did Stalin Sell The First Copy Of The Bible - Alternative View

Codex of Sinai - the oldest known manuscript of the Bible, dating back to the 4th century AD. Until 1933, the relic was kept in the Imperial Public Library

How Stalin "saved" The History Of Russia - Alternative View

How Stalin "saved" The History Of Russia - Alternative View

On November 9, 1941, in his famous speech, the head of the communist Soviet Union, Stalin invited the people of the country of Soviets to be inspired not only by the personality of Lenin, but also by the "courageous image of our great ancestors": Kutuzov, Suvorov, Donskoy, Nevs

Valery Korovin: Stalin - This Is The Best That We Had In The Twentieth Century - Alternative View

Valery Korovin: Stalin - This Is The Best That We Had In The Twentieth Century - Alternative View

State Duma deputies proposed returning the monument to Dzerzhinsky to Lubyanskaya Square, as well as erecting a monument to Stalin in Moscow. Rare for the current Duma, a sensible proposal

The Secret Of Repression - Alternative View

The Secret Of Repression - Alternative View

A new Soviet reality, civilization was created recently. She only had to materialize, become a full-fledged world. And for this it was necessary to actively fight with internal and external enemies

Stalin's Meeting With Hitler In Lvov In 1939: Myth Or Truth - Alternative View

Stalin's Meeting With Hitler In Lvov In 1939: Myth Or Truth - Alternative View

Officially, it is believed that the heads of the USSR and the Third Reich have never met in person, communicating exclusively through the mediation of the Foreign Ministers. However, in 1979, the United States declassified documents suggesting otherwise

Hitler: Life After Death? - Alternative View

Hitler: Life After Death? - Alternative View

Hitler did not commit suicide in 1945. Together with Eva Braun, he fled to Argentina, where he lived until 1964. This is the opinion of Abel Basti, author of the 400-page book Hitler in Argentina

How Stalin Helped Hitler To Come To Power - Alternative View

How Stalin Helped Hitler To Come To Power - Alternative View

This aid was unintentional and of a very different kind from that which the American monopolies gave Hitler. The policy of the Soviet state contained features that greatly facilitated the Nazis' propaganda and divided their opponents

Unknown Stalin Double. Stalin Was Replaced In 1947? - Alternative View

Unknown Stalin Double. Stalin Was Replaced In 1947? - Alternative View

On March 9, 1953, the funeral of Joseph Stalin took place on Red Square in Moscow - the creator of the USSR, whom the whole world knew and adored. In March 1953, the Soviet Union was shaken by the death of Joseph Stalin

Who Was The "main" Understudy Of Stalin - Alternative View

Who Was The "main" Understudy Of Stalin - Alternative View

They say that every ruler always selects doubles for himself who replace him in various situations. According to legend, Stalin had the most of them - different numbers are called, from 12 to 20. What is known about Stalin's doubles in reality?

Stalin - Przewalski's Son? - Alternative View

Stalin - Przewalski's Son? - Alternative View

The October Revolution of 1917 put an end to the tsarist dynasty. Supporters of the monarchist idea often reproach the Bolsheviks for breaking the historical continuity of autocracy

As The Steel Was Tempered? Dzhugashvili Was A Crime Boss Nicknamed Ryaboy - Alternative View

As The Steel Was Tempered? Dzhugashvili Was A Crime Boss Nicknamed Ryaboy - Alternative View

Joseph Stalin, having climbed a mountain named Kremlin, carefully retouched his past

Why Was Gusli Banned In Russia - Alternative View

Why Was Gusli Banned In Russia - Alternative View

Deputy Director for Science of the Vologda Regional Scientific and Methodological Center of Folk Art, Candidate of Historical Sciences, ethnographer. Member of the scientific and public movement "Northern Tradition". For more than 20 years he has been researching Hyperborea, collecting information bit by bit, restoring the appearance of an amazing country, no less legendary than the famous Atlantis and Shambhala

Stalin's Corsairs - Alternative View

Stalin's Corsairs - Alternative View

Spain's gold treasures have been regularly replenished with precious metal over the centuries. As a rule, gold went one way - to the treasury

Stalin's Trusted Executioners - Alternative View

Stalin's Trusted Executioners - Alternative View

This man was nicknamed "the demon of death", the most cruel killer, one of the main executioners in world history. Vasily Mikhailovich Blokhin deserved such unflattering titles - major general, officer of the Soviet state security agencies

Hitler And Stalin - Meeting With The Devil - Alternative View

Hitler And Stalin - Meeting With The Devil - Alternative View

Hitler, Stalin, or darkness devours the darkness Clothes of quasi-demonism Many of the modern researchers consider Adolf Hitler a demonic personality, but still great. Was it really so? And is it even possible to consider a medium as great

Are There Only Traitors? What Stalin Did Not Say - Alternative View

Are There Only Traitors? What Stalin Did Not Say - Alternative View

Seventy-seven years have passed since the day when the famous Order No. 270 was issued, forbidding the soldiers and commanders of the Red Army to surrender. Those were declared traitors

Why Did Stalin Actually Die - Alternative View

Why Did Stalin Actually Die - Alternative View

Historians have been arguing about the causes of Joseph Stalin's death for decades. Officially, the leader of a great country died of a cerebral hemorrhage at his dacha, on March 5, 1953. But 4 days before that, very strange events began in Stalin's inner circle