The Secret Of Repression - Alternative View

The Secret Of Repression - Alternative View
The Secret Of Repression - Alternative View

A new Soviet reality, civilization was created recently. She only had to materialize, become a full-fledged world. And for this it was necessary to actively fight with internal and external enemies. It was impossible to give the old reality - the feudal, capitalist world, based on social injustice, the parasitism of a few "chosen" over the masses, to return, to subjugate the new world, Soviet civilization. This meant an active struggle against internal and external enemies.

Obviously, this became one of the priority tasks of Joseph Stalin and his government. In addition, an external threat was associated with an internal threat. The masters of the West are the global mafia, after they failed to destroy the Russian civilization and the Russian people by the hands of the Februaryist revolutionaries (Westernizers) and internationalist revolutionaries, Trotskyists, they staked on fascism and Nazism - the “brown and black plague”. Fascists, Nazis and militarists were given the “green light” in Europe and the East. The young Soviet civilization was surrounded by enemies who clearly showed that they were planning the seizure of Russian territories: nationalist Finland, Pan Poland, Romania, Germany, militaristic Japan, etc. The masters of the West helped Hitler and the Nazis come to power, build the Third Reich, charged " an onslaught to the East "in the Far East, the Japanese Empire was actively preparing for a war with Russia-USSR. In the face of a ring of enemies, the Soviet Union was to become a single steel monolith, ready to rebuff the leading great powers of the West and East.

It was also obvious that not only the spiritual and moral mobilization of the population was needed, but the corresponding material support. It is impossible to give an appropriate rebuff to the enemy with bare hands; a defense potential that meets the challenges of the era is necessary. It is necessary to create a weapon of victory - modern tanks, airplanes, cannons, ships, which will allow the new Soviet world, the supercivilization of the future, which for centuries burst forth from the swamp and mud of the animal, predatory world, to repulse the predators and aliens of the West and East, who want to enslave, rob and destroy Russia. It was necessary to create a material support - a powerful industry, energy, the military-industrial complex, advanced industries - aircraft construction, mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, engine construction, tractor-tank construction, rocketry,to speak with the old world in the language it understands - the language of power. The industrial policy of the new Russian empire - the Soviet one - was dedicated to this overarching task. It was for her that science, and the education system, and the education system worked to a large extent. The second (or first) most important task of the education and upbringing system of the USSR was the creation of a new Soviet man - a creator, creator, worker, teacher and warrior. He was a man of the future society - a society of knowledge, creativity and service, living on the basis of ethics of conscience and social justice. The second (or first) most important task of the education and upbringing system of the USSR was the creation of a new Soviet man - a creator, creator, worker, teacher and warrior. He was a man of the future society - a society of knowledge, creativity and service, living on the basis of ethics of conscience and social justice. The second (or first) most important task of the education and upbringing system of the USSR was the creation of a new Soviet man - a creator, creator, worker, teacher and warrior. He was a man of the future society - a society of knowledge, creativity and service, living on the basis of ethics of conscience and social justice.

It was these tasks that determined almost all aspects of the life of the Soviet, Stalinist empire. The new Russian empire, which took in the past all the best that was there (Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, Alexander Suvorov, Fedor Ushakov, Mikhail Lomonosov, Alexander Pushkin, Mikhail Lermontov, etc.), and took big steps into the future.


Stalin understood everything perfectly. And he told people about it in simple words. So, everything is perfectly said in the material "On the tasks of business executives: Speech at the First All-Union Conference of Socialist Industry Workers on February 4, 1931". Stalin explained what Russia and the people need to prosper. First, “sufficient natural resources are required in the country: iron ore, coal, oil, bread, cotton. Do we have them? There is. There are more than any other country. Take the Urals, for example, which represents such a combination of wealth that cannot be found in any other country. " We in Russia have everything for confident development and consistent improvement in the life of the people. That is, “we are fully provided with natural resources. We have even more of them than we need."

Secondly, it requires "the presence of such a power that would have the desire and strength to move the use of these enormous natural resources for the benefit of the people." Then such a power - the Soviet, was at the head of the country. Therefore, the Soviet Union developed at an amazing pace, creating the civilization of the future, showing a positive example to all mankind. Now the opposite is true, the power is again in the hands of predatory capitalists, slave-owning oligarchs who participate in the creation of a “new world order” - a global “digital concentration camp”, a neo-slave-owning civilization with a division of people into “elite”, masters and slave-consumers, to which “the state is nothing shouldn't. " In the hands of 1% of the population of Russia and almost all the national wealth, they do not work for the people, but for the masters of the West and East, for the global mafia. Hence all the troubles of Russia and the people, like the current ones,and the future. And it will only get worse.

Thirdly, it is required that “the authorities enjoy the support of the millions of workers and peasants. Does our government enjoy such support? Yes, it does. You will not find any other government in the whole world that would enjoy the support of the workers and peasants as the Soviet government enjoys. " The current government has received the support of the people through deception and creation of confusion, illusions. But as internal problems grow and the external threat to Russia intensifies, the mirage of a prosperous and “rising from its knees” Russia collapses. More and more people see that the capitalist and liberal government in Russia is leading the country to a catastrophe, a new turmoil, while the pace of robbing people is rapidly gaining momentum. Society fell apart into a handful of gentlemen, the rich, a caste of "new nobles" who are allowed everything, and the poor, destitute masses of the people who have no future. Furthermore,for the raw materials, colonial economy of Russia (as well as Ukraine) - the bulk of the people is "superfluous".

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All this has already happened. Further, the Soviet leader Stalin reveals the essence of the Western, predatory capitalist system that was established in Russia in the 1990s. For the prosperity of the people, it is necessary “to have a system that would be free from the incurable diseases of capitalism and that would give serious advantages over capitalism. Crisis, unemployment, waste, poverty of the broad masses - these are the incurable diseases of capitalism. Our system does not suffer from these diseases, because power is in our hands, in the hands of the working class, because we are running a planned economy, systematically accumulating resources and correctly distributing them among the branches of the national economy. We are free from the incurable diseases of capitalism. This is our difference, this is our decisive advantage over capitalism. See how the capitalists want to get out of the economic crisis. They reduce the maximum wages of workers. They reduce the prices of raw materials as much as possible. But they do not want to seriously reduce the prices of industrial and foodstuffs for mass consumption. This means that they want to get out of the crisis at the expense of the main consumers of goods, at the expense of the workers, at the expense of the peasants, at the expense of the working people. The capitalists cut the branch on which they are sitting. And instead of getting out of the crisis, it gets worse, and new preconditions accumulate, leading to a new, even more severe crisis. "at the expense of the workers. The capitalists cut the branch on which they are sitting. And instead of getting out of the crisis, it gets worse, and new preconditions accumulate, leading to a new, even more severe crisis. "at the expense of the workers. The capitalists cut the branch on which they are sitting. And instead of getting out of the crisis, it gets worse, and new preconditions accumulate, leading to a new, even more severe crisis."

Doesn't it look like anything? Typical politics of capitalists, oligarchy and plutocracy. In the 1990s, Russia became a part of the Western world - as a cultural and economic periphery and a raw material appendage, a sales market, primarily for various garbage, like poisoned spoiled food. Hence all the current problems of Russia - the crisis, degradation and extinction of the population, the poverty of the broad masses, the overconsumption of the rich, etc. remnants of socialist achievements. That is, instead of overcoming the crisis, it turns out to be aggravated, the accumulation of new prerequisites, which already lead to the collapse of the system, social catastrophe, confusion and external invasion.

Stalin understood perfectly well that the West, the capitalist system, is a predator, murderer and ghoul. He spoke about this: “… they beat the retarded. But we don't want to be beaten. No, we don't want to! The history of old Russia consisted, among other things, in the fact that it was continuously beaten for backwardness … For military backwardness, for cultural backwardness, for state backwardness, for industrial backwardness, for agricultural backwardness. They beat me because it was profitable and came with impunity. Remember the words of the pre-revolutionary poet: "You are wretched, you are abundant, you are powerful, you are powerless, Mother Russia." These gentlemen learned these words of the old poet well. They beat and said: "you are abundant" - therefore, it is possible to profit at your expense. They beat and sentenced: "you are poor, powerless" - therefore, you can beat and rob you with impunity. This is already the law of the exploiters - to beat the backward and the weak. The wolf's law of capitalism. You are behind, you are weak - it means that you are wrong, therefore, you can be beaten and enslaved. You are powerful - then you are right, therefore, you must beware. That is why we cannot lag behind any longer … now that we have overthrown capitalism, and power is with us, with the people, we have a fatherland and we will defend its independence. Do you want our socialist fatherland to be beaten and to lose its independence? But if you do not want this, you must eliminate his backwardness in the shortest possible time and develop real Bolshevik rates in building his socialist economy. There are no other ways. That is why Lenin said on the eve of October: "Either death, or catch up and overtake the advanced capitalist countries."You are behind, you are weak - it means that you are wrong, therefore, you can be beaten and enslaved. You are powerful - then you are right, therefore, you must beware. That is why we cannot lag behind any longer … now that we have overthrown capitalism, and power is with us, with the people, we have a fatherland and we will defend its independence. Do you want our socialist fatherland to be beaten and to lose its independence? But if you do not want this, you must eliminate his backwardness in the shortest possible time and develop real Bolshevik rates in building his socialist economy. There are no other ways. That is why Lenin said on the eve of October: "Either death, or catch up and overtake the advanced capitalist countries."You are behind, you are weak - it means that you are wrong, therefore, you can be beaten and enslaved. You are powerful - then you are right, therefore, you must beware. That is why we cannot lag behind any longer … now that we have overthrown capitalism, and power is with us, with the people, we have a fatherland and we will defend its independence. Do you want our socialist fatherland to be beaten and to lose its independence? But if you do not want this, you must eliminate his backwardness in the shortest possible time and develop real Bolshevik rates in building his socialist economy. There are no other ways. That is why Lenin said on the eve of October: "Either death, or catch up and overtake the advanced capitalist countries."you must beware. That is why we cannot lag behind any longer … now that we have overthrown capitalism, and power is with us, with the people, we have a fatherland and we will defend its independence. Do you want our socialist fatherland to be beaten and to lose its independence? But if you do not want this, you must eliminate his backwardness in the shortest possible time and develop real Bolshevik rates in building his socialist economy. There are no other ways. That is why Lenin said on the eve of October: "Either death, or catch up and overtake the advanced capitalist countries."you must beware. That is why we cannot lag behind any longer … now that we have overthrown capitalism, and power is with us, with the people, we have a fatherland and we will defend its independence. Do you want our socialist fatherland to be beaten and to lose its independence? But if you do not want this, you must eliminate his backwardness in the shortest possible time and develop real Bolshevik rates in building his socialist economy. There are no other ways. That is why Lenin said on the eve of October: "Either death, or catch up and overtake the advanced capitalist countries."so that our socialist fatherland should be beaten and that it should lose its independence? But if you do not want this, you must eliminate his backwardness in the shortest possible time and develop real Bolshevik rates in building his socialist economy. There are no other ways. That is why Lenin said on the eve of October: "Either death, or catch up and overtake the advanced capitalist countries."so that our socialist fatherland should be beaten and that it should lose its independence? But if you do not want this, you must eliminate his backwardness in the shortest possible time and develop real Bolshevik rates in building his socialist economy. There are no other ways. That is why Lenin said on the eve of October: "Either death, or catch up and overtake the advanced capitalist countries."


Historical words! They are extremely relevant today, in the era of globalization and digitalization. A daunting task is to overcome the age-old backwardness in ten years in one jerk and repel an external threat. Then Stalinist, Soviet Russia solved this problem! How did she solve the problem of fighting the internal enemy?

Author: Samsonov Alexander