Hitler And Stalin - Meeting With The Devil - Alternative View

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Hitler And Stalin - Meeting With The Devil - Alternative View
Hitler And Stalin - Meeting With The Devil - Alternative View

Video: Hitler And Stalin - Meeting With The Devil - Alternative View

Video: Hitler And Stalin - Meeting With The Devil - Alternative View
Video: Meeting Hitler In Hell 2024, October

Hitler, Stalin or darkness devours darkness

Quasi-demonic robes

Many modern researchers consider Adolf Hitler a demonic person, but still great. Was it really so? And is it even possible to consider a medium as great? Hardly.

The essence of mediumship lies in the enslavement of human consciousness by the will of the degrading beings of the parallel world. It is not for nothing that all eyewitnesses to the Fuhrer's mediumistic trances emphasize that the forces that inspired Hitler's incredible energetic rises came from somewhere outside. Former press secretary of Hitler's Chancellery Rauschning was able not only to observe, but also to fairly correctly comment on this phenomenon: “Looking at Hitler, one has to remember about mediums. Most of the time they are ordinary, insignificant creatures. Suddenly, as from heaven, a force descends on them, a power that raises them above ordinary standards. This force is something external to their real personality. She is like a guest from other planets."

And then Rauschning makes an absolutely correct conclusion about the essence of Hitler and what happened to him: “The medium is possessed. Having exhausted this impulse, he again falls into insignificance. I am absolutely sure that something similar happened with Hitler. The character bearing this name was the temporary clothing of the quasi-demonic forces. This combination of banality and exclusivity - unbearable duality - was immediately felt upon contact with him."

So, a mediocre, vulgar little corporal, in search of an alliance with the "Great Unknowns" in order to conquer the world with their help, nevertheless found this alliance. It was thanks to such an alliance that he received some kind of incomprehensible to those around him, but felt by everyone, psychic powers, as well as phenomenal political power and impressive military successes.

"Temporary clothing of quasi-demonic forces …" It is difficult to find the most accurate definition of the essence of Hitler. The tragedy was that most people had no idea where exactly the force came from, which suddenly turns the Fuhrer, as it seemed to them, into an archangel. And the origin of such power was by no means Archangel, but precisely quasi-demonic.

According to Povel and Bergier, Albert von Gaushofer, the son of one of Hitler's main confidants Karl von Gaushofer, was executed along with other organizers of the conspiracy against Hitler and the failed assassination attempt on July 20, 1944. The manuscript of the poem was found in the pocket of the bloody clothes of the son of one of the main ideologists of the Third Reich. Albert von Gaushofer wrote:

Promotional video:

Destiny spoke to my father, Again and again depended on him -

Whether to lock the devil in his dungeon.

But my father opened the shutters.

He didn't smell hell

And he released the devil into the wild …

In fact, Karl von Gaushofer knew well what he was doing, "letting the devil out." But many politicians in Germany, on whose decisions it once depended whether National Socialism in Germany could come to power or not, in reality "did not smell the hell" that came from Hitler's supporters … "Quasi-demonic forces" could always skillfully hide their true origins, no matter what political clothes they dress up in.

The origin of the force that supported and led another "leader" - Stalin was similar. Many historians, studying the phenomenon of Stalinism, are surprised at the passivity of the old Leninist guard - professional revolutionaries who went through prisons and exile, ready for armed struggle and death for their ideals. Having seen the consistent collapse and trampling by Stalin of all the ideals of communism, they could not do anything about it to prevent a catastrophe. But when it comes to quasi-demonic forces, the passivity and confusion of ordinary people who are near the bearer of these forces becomes understandable.

Daniil Andreev wrote about the origin of the unusual influence that the “beloved leader” had on people: “It was the knowledge of what is happening outside of Enrof, the knowledge he acquired in the state of Hochha. In the 30s and 40s, he owned Hohha so much that he often managed to summon it at will. This usually happened towards the end of the night. The light in the room remained shaded, but not extinguished. And if someone invisible had penetrated there at that hour, he would have found Stalin not asleep, but sitting in a deep, calm armchair. A facial expression that no one had ever seen on him would have made a truly amazing impression. Colossally widening black eyes gazed into space with unblinking gaze. A strange matte blush appeared on the skin of her cheeks, which had completely lost their usual oiliness. The wrinkles seemed to be gonethe whole face is unrecognizable rejuvenated. The skin of the forehead was stretched so that the forehead seemed larger than usual. Breathing is rare and very deep. Hands rested on the armrests, fingers from time to time fingered weakly along their edges.

Hohha is, in fact, not a state, but a whole type of states, different from one another in terms of which layer and with which of the dark hierarchies the spirit seeker enters into communication.

But in all cases, physical objects of the environment vaguely appear for him through pictures of other layers. If by some miracle any of the people entered the room at this time, the visionary would have discerned him and, though not immediately, could switch to the usual plan."

The purpose of such a transphysical state, judging by the descriptions of D. Andreev, was not only a "cognitive journey" through the layers of another world. Communication with the demonic forces of the astral world gave Stalin tremendous energy and power over people: “Hohha poured tremendous energy into this creature, and in the morning, appearing among his entourage, he struck everyone with such an inhuman charge of strength that this alone would be enough to enslave them ".

The hypnosis of will, the extraordinary power of psychic energy inherent in Stalin and Hitler, was, without a doubt, the most important component of their political career. Hitler, like Stalin, had access to the perception of other planes of being. He did not hide from his entourage that he is often in a state of "mystical enlightenment" and has visions. Incidentally, it was because of these visions that German engineers were late with the creation of the FAU-2. General Dornberger writes in his memoirs that the tests at Peenemünde, where the remote-controlled shells were born, were suspended because Hitler, in a special trance state, dreamed that the FAU-2 would not work or that the Sky would take revenge … Maybe the maniac was stopped by the direct intervention of the Light Forces - invisible helpers and inspirers of all who fought against fascism?

Encounters with the devil

Hitler's visions extended to more metaphysical objects than the FAU-2. Like Stalin, the Fuhrer, probably, at times could, in his trance state, contemplate those demonic entities that were his "superhuman" leaders. Once, during another argument, he told Rauschning: “A new man lives among us! He's here! Is that enough for you? I'll tell you a secret. I saw this man. He is brave and cruel. I was scared in his presence."

The Fuehrer was actually scared during those special trances when he saw his "superman". Judging by Rauschning's descriptions, Hitler perceived such phenomena much less coolly and habitually than Stalin. Povel and Bergier emphasized that these episodes of the Fuhrer's biography caused a lot of bewilderment among the specialist in applied psychology, Dr. A. Delmas. Traditional psychology would hardly have been able to explain what went on in Hitler's mind during those trances.

“One person from his entourage told me that the Fuhrer woke up at night, uttering convulsive screams. He called for help, sitting on the edge of the bed, and seemed paralyzed. He was seized with panic and trembled so that the bed shook. He uttered ridiculous, incomprehensible screams. He was suffocating. " Hitler had several such seizures, and they could well be considered nightmares, if not for some special details of these terrible visions and the confession made by the Fuhrer himself that he saw a "new man", that is, a "superman" whose presence he was afraid.

Rauschning continues: "The same confidant told me about one of these seizures in detail, which I would refuse to believe if my source were not so reliable." “Hitler stood in his room, staggering and looking around with a lost look. "It's him! He came here! " the Fuhrer sobbed. His lips turned white. Sweat rolled in large drops. Suddenly, he began to utter numbers without any meaning, after scraps of phrases. It was a terrible sight. He shouted out some strange combinations of words, very strange. Then he fell silent again, but continued to move his lips soundlessly. They pounded him, made him drink. Then he suddenly roared: “There! There! In the corner! He is there!". He stamped his foot on the parquet floor and shouted. They reassured him, saying that nothing unusual was happening, and he gradually calmed down. Then he slept for a very long time and again became almost normal and tolerant."

Who appeared to Hitler at night? Aren't they the same "Great Unknowns" with whom he was so eager to connect?

In the old days, such things would no doubt qualify as a classic case of connection with the devil - and they would be absolutely right. In the end, it doesn't matter what terms are used to describe certain phenomena - whether the devil, an evil force, or a negative torsion field. The essence is important. And this essence consisted in one thing: in the susceptibility of the Fuhrer's psyche to the suggestion of negative essences of the parallel world, and then in the complete enslavement of his consciousness by these forces.

It is possible that the "magical trances" of both Hitler and Stalin gave these accomplices of dark forces not only the power to influence people, but also plans for new "heroic deeds", namely, new massacres, massacres, repressions …

In this regard, I would like to ask the following question. If Stalin and Hitler were both accomplices of dark forces on the earthly plane, for what reason did they not unite, thereby forming a world empire of evil? But according to esoteric teachings, the Cosmos has its own system of protection against such phenomena. The basis of this protection is expressed in the law according to which "darkness devours darkness." If the relationship between the representatives of the Forces of Light is based on love and disinterested help of the strong to the weak, then relations among accomplices of darkness are governed by the law of fierce competition, rivalry and enslavement of the weak by the strong. Hitler and Stalin were to clash as competitors for world domination. But Stalin, of course, did not win in this struggle. It was won by the forces of Light - heavenly and earthly, which in spite of everything found themselves an indestructible support in the heroism of the people, in the Unknown Soldier,laid down with his chest on enemy pillboxes every time a metaphysical evil was close to the implementation of their hellish plans. The self-sacrifice of the feat turned out to be stronger than the manic selfishness expressed in the thirst for world domination. And this is also one of the great Cosmic Laws.

N. Kovaleva
