Valery Korovin: Stalin - This Is The Best That We Had In The Twentieth Century - Alternative View

Valery Korovin: Stalin - This Is The Best That We Had In The Twentieth Century - Alternative View
Valery Korovin: Stalin - This Is The Best That We Had In The Twentieth Century - Alternative View

Video: Valery Korovin: Stalin - This Is The Best That We Had In The Twentieth Century - Alternative View

Video: Valery Korovin: Stalin - This Is The Best That We Had In The Twentieth Century - Alternative View
Video: ХБ 2 - Дракон 2024, July

State Duma deputies proposed returning the monument to Dzerzhinsky to Lubyanskaya Square, as well as erecting a monument to Stalin in Moscow. A sensible proposal that is rare for the current Duma. This should be done without any further ado: return the monument to Dzerzhinsky and erect a monument to Stalin. Such a step is an important element of joining our history into a single whole.

If we are talking about the continuity of our statehood, if we are talking about the thousand-year history of Russia - our state totals 1150 years - then there should not be any gaps, failures and white spots in it. For in this case, we will slide down to the assertion that our statehood is young, and is just over 20 years old, as one of the Russian politicians stated not so long ago.

The liberals erased the entire Soviet period from our history, creating a historical gap. The communists crossed out the entire tsarist period, believing, apparently, that after cave communism, Soviet power immediately came, and tsarism was obscurantism, an exploitative regime and a dark era that should be erased from memory. But all this, of course, is a completely ideological view. We must discard it and look at our history as a whole.

Our history is also Ruriks, this is the Romanov period, this is the Soviet period, this is even a liberal, Yeltsin, monstrous experiment, but still this is our history, we got some freedoms that we still use today, almost destroying, however, the state itself. And in order for our historical integrity to be observed, we need to treat with equal respect the figure of Nicholas II, and the figure of Lenin, and the figure of Stalin, and even the figures of the traitor Gorbachev and Judas Yeltsin - a drunkard and liquidator who almost buried us together with our 1000-year history. But still, even to him, we erect a monument, and he stands. It must, of course, be hammered into the ground, but let it stand for the time being, for the edification of posterity, so that they will remember and not repeat it.

Therefore, everything must be restored. Dzerzhinsky must stay where he is. It was he who created this very office, at the office of which there was a monument to Dzerzhinsky. She fought against sabotage and counter-revolution. And here it is worth recalling that when the ministers of the Provisional Government were arrested, the officials of the ministries staged sabotage and simply did not go to work, because of this, an administrative collapse occurred in the country, workers were not paid wages. Officials sabotaged the activities of the state, and Dzerzhinsky fought this sabotage by creating an Extraordinary Commission to Combat Counter-Revolution and Sabotage.

The Bolsheviks received a country already decomposed by the Provisional Government and the liberal coup of February 1917. After the so-called February Revolution, the country was disintegrated, disintegrated into fragments, lost control, and Dzerzhinsky was restoring the system of state power, the national economy, and therefore quite rightly received a monument to himself near the institution, which he himself created, and which is still functioning.

If we are talking about the continuity of our Russian special services, then this period cannot be deleted from our history. Otherwise, it turns out that our special services are starting from the Yeltsin FGC - the Federal Counterintelligence Service, headed by Sergei Stepashin. And then what? Then there is nothing to talk about at all, then this is not a special service, but a parody. So Dzerzhinsky should stand still, where he was originally placed.

A monument to Stalin should stand in the most honorable place. We still live in the Stalinist state, eat up its remnants, feed on its safety margin, do not completely destroy, do not grow this Stalinist state. Today's Russia, everything that is valuable in it - industry, infrastructure, agriculture, special services, the army, a model of a social state - all this was created by Stalin during almost 30 years of his rule. And now we are living this Stalinist state, trying to exploit it, squeezing out the latter.

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The oligarchs who received their assets and made a fortune on them did not create these assets themselves. Stalin created them. He created the entire foundation of the current industrial potential. Stalin took Russia with a plow, and left with space satellites and a manned flight into space, winning a war along the way, which no one could win, because all of Europe was against us. And after that, he restored the entire economy in five years, because he did not allow officials to steal, unlike our current rulers.

In 1945 we won, and in 1950 the country was completely rebuilt from ruins, destroyed by the bloodiest war in the history of mankind. And by 1954, a decree was being prepared on free electricity for all citizens of the Soviet Union. Because by this time it was considered by Soviet economists that everything paid off - the construction of hydroelectric power plants, networks, and if everything, including the subsoil, belongs to the people, then why should the people pay for electricity, which is the property of their own efforts. Free electricity should have been available in the country since 1954. He did not have time to do this.

So let the detractors of Stalin just look around, and if, of course, they are not in London and not in New York, but in Russia, then they will find the Stalinist state, the Stalinist economy, industry, social model and everything that we have … The oligarchs have not created anything of what they own. All this was built by Stalin, and they appropriated and exploited. Let them at least throw themselves off at the monument to Stalin for a start. If we talk about historical justice and the continuity of epochs, then the monument to Stalin is what one should start with. Stalin is the best thing that we had in the 20th century.