Secrets of history 2024, October

5 Most Important Geographical Discoveries In The History Of - Alternative View

5 Most Important Geographical Discoveries In The History Of - Alternative View

Humanity has gradually mastered the surface of the Earth. It cost him great sacrifices, but neither the harsh nature, nor the warlike tribes, nor the disease could already reverse this process. The Great Silk Road Before the 2nd century BC

Visitors To Travel Abroad, Savages And Hikers: How They Rested In The USSR - Alternative View

Visitors To Travel Abroad, Savages And Hikers: How They Rested In The USSR - Alternative View

More and more Russians prefer to relax at home in the summer: about a third of citizens did not leave the city where they live during their holidays. And if they leave, they book hotels and tickets on their own without the help of tour operators

A Strange Prince. The Polish Defector Declared Himself Heir To The Russian Throne - Alternative View

A Strange Prince. The Polish Defector Declared Himself Heir To The Russian Throne - Alternative View

In 1961, a high-ranking Polish intelligence officer Michal Golenevsky fled to the West with his mistress

How Pskov Survived The Invasion Of Crocodiles In The 16th Century - Alternative View

How Pskov Survived The Invasion Of Crocodiles In The 16th Century - Alternative View

Many Russian cities have an interesting history. Each has its own legends. But one of them stands out for its uniqueness. At the end of the 16th century, crocodiles appeared on the banks of the Velikaya River. Sounds unusual, right? It would seem where we are and where are the crocodiles …Data about this event can be found in all kinds of historical sources. T

Secrets Of Belovezhskaya Pushcha - Alternative View

Secrets Of Belovezhskaya Pushcha - Alternative View

Several dozen burial mounds dating back one and a half thousand years, the outlines of ancient fields and even one fortified settlement - all this is just a small part of the finds made in Belovezhskaya Pushcha

Cossacks Of The Emperor Of The Celestial Empire - Alternative View

Cossacks Of The Emperor Of The Celestial Empire - Alternative View

In Beijing, the Albazin Cossacks were called "locha" or "lacha", which literally meant "demon", "evil deity" and had a deep meaning - the Manchus did not understand how ordinary people could display so much courage and courage to resist the superior

Russian American General. The Amazing Fate Of The Don Cossack, Lincoln's Friend - Alternative View

Russian American General. The Amazing Fate Of The Don Cossack, Lincoln's Friend - Alternative View

USA - long-term strategic enemy of our country. It would seem that the United States and Russia have little in common. But in fact, even such a large-scale event in American history as the Civil War was not without the participation of the Russians

USA Is Its True Face. Part Two - Alternative View

USA Is Its True Face. Part Two - Alternative View

Attention, this article uses photographs that are not recommended for children, pregnant women and people with a weak nervous system. And the information itself may shock many.The first part is here.- Salik.bizJune 6, 1944. Allied forces of the USA, Great Britain and Canada have landed in Normandy

What Military Secrets Were Guarded By The NKVD Officers On The Green Island - Alternative View

What Military Secrets Were Guarded By The NKVD Officers On The Green Island - Alternative View

In June 1941, a very strange unusual event occurred near Rostov-on-Don in the USSR

Aztec Antiquities In The Center Of Mexico City - Alternative View

Aztec Antiquities In The Center Of Mexico City - Alternative View

Mexican archaeologists talked about the ruins of Aztec buildings, discovered during excavations in the very center of the capital. The temple of the god of the winds and a ball court were found behind the Mexico City Cathedral, north of the city's main square

The Lot Of An Aztec Woman - Alternative View

The Lot Of An Aztec Woman - Alternative View

The daughter of the ruler could not talk to men and look up. From an early age, the Aztec girl began to prepare for marriage. A five-year-old baby was introduced to the spindle. The seven-year-old was already a skilled spinner and house helper

Who Could Write The Voynich Manuscript - Alternative View

Who Could Write The Voynich Manuscript - Alternative View

Not so long ago, Russian mathematicians discerned in the mysterious Voynich manuscript the process of obtaining the opium poppy and even told in what languages it was written. True, they immediately made a reservation that despite all this, they could not decipher it in any way

Crystal Weapons From A Megalithic Tomb In Spain - Alternative View

Crystal Weapons From A Megalithic Tomb In Spain - Alternative View

In Spain, in the city of Valencia de la Concepcion, archaeologists have unearthed a megalithic tomb, age at least 3000 BC

The Reign Of King Philip II Of Spain - Alternative View

The Reign Of King Philip II Of Spain - Alternative View

Philip 2 (born May 21, 1527 - death September 13, 1598) - Spanish king from the Habsburg dynasty. Son of the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V

War Of The Spanish Succession. The History Of The War. Consequences - Alternative View

War Of The Spanish Succession. The History Of The War. Consequences - Alternative View

War of Spanish Succession (1701 - 1714) - the largest European conflict that began in 1701 after the death of the last king of Spain from the Habsburg dynasty, Charles II

The Voynich Manuscript. Origin Of - Alternative View

The Voynich Manuscript. Origin Of - Alternative View

Widely known among historians, cryptologists, botanists, and ordinary lovers of the so-called. The Voynich manuscript (hereinafter referred to as RV) has not yet revealed the secret of its origin [1], [2]

10 Dark Secrets Of Genghis Khan - Alternative View

10 Dark Secrets Of Genghis Khan - Alternative View

The great Genghis Khan was one of the most ferocious people who ever lived on the planet

How The Third Reich Wanted To Create A "sun Cannon" - Alternative View

How The Third Reich Wanted To Create A "sun Cannon" - Alternative View

According to the UN Charter, the use of outer space for military purposes is strictly prohibited. However, in the past, projects to create military space bases have appeared on both sides of the ocean more than once

Catherine II Brought The Country To The Handle - Alternative View

Catherine II Brought The Country To The Handle - Alternative View

Which of the kings caused the greatest damage to the economy. It is customary to praise Catherine II, despite the failed results of the government. We live in a world of myths. Including historical

10 Obscene Historical Facts That Textbooks Do Not Tell - - Alternative View

10 Obscene Historical Facts That Textbooks Do Not Tell - - Alternative View

Give the facts! In the history of human civilization there is a place not only for heroic deeds and great discoveries, but also for obscene facts, which teachers often try to keep silent about. But, as you know, you can't hide a sewing in a sack

What Hopes Were Pinned On The Hitler Youth In The Third Reich - Alternative View

What Hopes Were Pinned On The Hitler Youth In The Third Reich - Alternative View

Adolf Hitler was convinced that the existence of the "millennial Reich" can only be ensured through the appropriate education of the younger generation. To achieve the goal, the "Hitler Youth" was created

What Genetic Experiments Were Carried Out In The Third Reich - Alternative View

What Genetic Experiments Were Carried Out In The Third Reich - Alternative View

As you know, the theory of Nazism is based on the chosenness of the so-called Aryan race. To prove this "uniqueness" and inferiority of other peoples, Nazi scientists tried to conduct various experiments in genetics

Benito Mussolini: The Path Of The "leader" - Alternative View

Benito Mussolini: The Path Of The "leader" - Alternative View

Benito Mussolini - a person whose name is inseparably associated with the very concept of "fascism", which has significant differences from German National Socialism

Who Robbed Pharaoh? - Alternative View

Who Robbed Pharaoh? - Alternative View

More than half a century passed between the opening of the famous Tutankhamun's tomb in Egypt and the investigation of Thomas Hoving, the former director of the New York Metropolitan Museum. In human terms, a lifetime has flown

The Time Of The Greatness Of The Ottoman Empire - Alternative View

The Time Of The Greatness Of The Ottoman Empire - Alternative View

The capture of Constantinople was the first great victory of the New Arms, which, by the will of fate, ended up in the hands of the Ottomans

Achievements Of The Ottoman Empire - Alternative View

Achievements Of The Ottoman Empire - Alternative View

In the minds of most people, the Ottoman Empire was an unpleasant state with brutal power and archaic orders

Janissaries: Slaves Who Became Elite Warriors Of The Ottoman Empire - Alternative View

Janissaries: Slaves Who Became Elite Warriors Of The Ottoman Empire - Alternative View

The Janissaries were the elite warriors of the Ottoman Empire. They guarded the Sultan himself, the first to enter Constantinople. Janissaries were prepared for service from early childhood. Disciplined, fanatical and totally loyal to the sultan, they lived in war

The Most Cruel Gods Of Humanity - Alternative View

The Most Cruel Gods Of Humanity - Alternative View

In 2011, archaeologists discovered an unusual burial in northern Peru. The faces of the deceased were painted red, the chest was opened in a special way. The bodies were positioned with their heads towards the ocean. The study of the remains led to the conclusion that the dead were sacrificed

Comrade Stalin's Genetic Code! - Alternative View

Comrade Stalin's Genetic Code! - Alternative View

Village sorceresses and sorceresses are direct descendants of the oldest civilization in the Hittite world, American geneticists came to this conclusion. The Hittite Empire is possibly the first Indo-European civilization in history. It is believed that the Balkans were their ancestral home

Ivan The Terrible - Biography - Alternative View

Ivan The Terrible - Biography - Alternative View

Ivan IV the TerribleIvan the Terrible (1530 - 1584) - the first Russian tsar, who turned the state into an absolute monarchy, is known for brutal mass disgraces and executions. The idol of Peter 1, one of the favorite heroes of I

Belle Gunness. Monster In A Skirt - Alternative View

Belle Gunness. Monster In A Skirt - Alternative View

Belle Ganess is unofficially considered the first female serial killer in the United States. This monster in a skirt killed without mercy. She became the personification of female cruelty and madness

Secrets Of The Belovezhsky Conspiracy. Notes Of A Member Of The CPSU Central Committee (1990-1991) - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Belovezhsky Conspiracy. Notes Of A Member Of The CPSU Central Committee (1990-1991) - Alternative View

The Great Byron once remarked: "A thousand years is hardly enough to create a state, one hour is enough for it to crumble to dust." For the USSR, such an hour came on December 8, 1991

The Second Life Of Jeanne D &Rsquo; Ark - Alternative View

The Second Life Of Jeanne D &Rsquo; Ark - Alternative View

Jeanne d'Arc was executed on May 30, 1431

Amazing Africa: Five Important Recent Discoveries - Alternative View

Amazing Africa: Five Important Recent Discoveries - Alternative View

The Black Continent - the cradle of humanity and the land of great ancient civilizations. Africa is teeming with archaeological sites to better understand both the prehistoric past of mankind and the fate of ancient kingdoms

The Secret Of Nodular Writing - Alternative View

The Secret Of Nodular Writing - Alternative View

At the entrance to the Niedzica castle there is an inscription: "Caution: ghost!" But this warning not only does not scare away visitors, on the contrary, attracts them here from all over Europe

Why Did The Natives Eat Cook? - Alternative View

Why Did The Natives Eat Cook? - Alternative View

We learned about James Cook first of all from Vysotsky's song, in which there is a sacramental question: "Why did the aborigines eat Cook?" They didn't eat it, actually. What happened to him? Let's figure it out

Viking Giant Lost Ring In Essex - Alternative View

Viking Giant Lost Ring In Essex - Alternative View

The ring was found centuries later, and it is striking in its size. The ring, made of almost pure gold, weighs 32 grams, and its dimensions are larger than modern ones. It is slightly damaged, possibly by a blow from a plow or scraper

From Comb To Lens: What Came To Us From The Vikings - Alternative View

From Comb To Lens: What Came To Us From The Vikings - Alternative View

Some of their inventions have had a huge impact on our lives, and we sometimes do not even know about it. The image of a Viking is quite common in popular culture, but how exactly does it correspond to its prototype?

How Did Vikings Magic Turn Out To Be Physics - Alternative View

How Did Vikings Magic Turn Out To Be Physics - Alternative View

It was believed that the "sun stone" from the Scandinavian sagas - it's just a mythical item. But it does exist - and working. The Vikings saw the sun through the clouds using the sun stone described in the sagas

The Phenomenon Of The Vikings - Who Are They And Where Are They From? - Alternative View

The Phenomenon Of The Vikings - Who Are They And Where Are They From? - Alternative View

On one summer day in 789, an event took place on the coast of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Wessex, which was noticed exclusively by local chroniclers