Secrets of history 2024, October

How Chronology Was Derived In Ancient Egypt And Rome - Alternative View

How Chronology Was Derived In Ancient Egypt And Rome - Alternative View

The reckoning of time began with the emergence of writing. There was constant observation of natural phenomena, stars, in particular, the Moon and the Sun

What Was The Reason For The Start Of The Soviet-Finnish War In 1939 - Alternative View

What Was The Reason For The Start Of The Soviet-Finnish War In 1939 - Alternative View

The Finnish War lasted 105 days. During this time, over one hundred thousand Red Army soldiers were killed, about a quarter of a million - injured or dangerously frostbite. Historians are still arguing whether the USSR was the aggressor, and the losses - unjustified

Laws Of Hammurabi: Babylonian Justice - Alternative View

Laws Of Hammurabi: Babylonian Justice - Alternative View

King Hammurabi wrote down the first laws in history The sixth king of Babylonia, Hammurabi, ruled from 1793 to 1750 BC. This powerful sovereign managed to unite under his rule the lands from the Persian Gulf to Assyria

Emperor Paul The First - Alternative View

Emperor Paul The First - Alternative View

Pavel 1 Petrovich (born September 20 (October 1) 1754 - death March 12 (24), 1801) - Emperor and Autocrat of All Russia since 1796, son of Emperor Peter III and Catherine II

The Pope Is A Woman: The Greatest Mystery Of The Catholic Church - Alternative View

The Pope Is A Woman: The Greatest Mystery Of The Catholic Church - Alternative View

Studying the ancient chronicles, scientists are struggling with questions whether the events took place in reality or were simply fiction. One of the greatest legends of the Middle Ages, which has not yet been solved, is considered to be the management of the Catholic Church by a woman

12 Incredible Coincidences That Leave Many Questions To This World - Alternative View

12 Incredible Coincidences That Leave Many Questions To This World - Alternative View

Life sometimes presents such strange surprises that it seems impossible to explain by ordinary chance or the theory of probability. A case similar to the reincarnation of Enzo Ferrari, the founder of Ferrari, died in 1988

Corruption Under Late Stalinism - Alternative View

Corruption Under Late Stalinism - Alternative View

Among some Russians, there is still a legend about "order under Stalin"

Curious Details Of The Watergate Scandal - Alternative View

Curious Details Of The Watergate Scandal - Alternative View

Americans are told from childhood that they live in the freest and most democratic country in the world

Who Created The European Countries. Where Did The Names Of States Come From - Alternative View

Who Created The European Countries. Where Did The Names Of States Come From - Alternative View

The map of Europe is like a patchwork quilt. The territories of different countries located in the West of the European continent adjoin tightly to each other. They are very small, but they live in perfect harmony with each other. Who created these countries and when?

Hannibal: The Main Threat To Rome - Alternative View

Hannibal: The Main Threat To Rome - Alternative View

Even enemies admired Hannibal's talent for leadership. "The father of strategy", whom his contemporaries put on a par with Alexander the Great, all his life obeyed only one oath given in childhood

A Unique Walled-in Fresco Of Jesus Christ Has Been Discovered - Alternative View

A Unique Walled-in Fresco Of Jesus Christ Has Been Discovered - Alternative View

This huge 11-meter mural depicting the Savior of St. Mark's Church in the British city of Coventry has been hidden from view by a brick wall for more than fifty years. And just the other day, a unique wall painting was unfurled

Frescoes From The Catacombs Of Domitilla - Alternative View

Frescoes From The Catacombs Of Domitilla - Alternative View

Thanks to the efforts of the restorers, fragments of frescoes in the Roman catacombs of Domitilla (Catacombe di Domitilla), a unique monument of early Christian art, have become visible again, hidden for centuries

Secrets Of The Fresco Of Theophanes The Greek Painted In 1378 - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Fresco Of Theophanes The Greek Painted In 1378 - Alternative View

Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior on Ilyin Street - a temple in Veliky Novgorod, built in 1374 and famous for the fact that it alone contains frescoes by Theophanes the Greek. The painting was done in 1378

Archaeologists Have Found Out Who Built The Temples Of Andrei Bogolyubsky - Alternative View

Archaeologists Have Found Out Who Built The Temples Of Andrei Bogolyubsky - Alternative View

Scientists from the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences completed excavations on the territory of the temple complex in Bogolyubovo and found strong evidence in favor of the fact that the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin and many other churches of Vladimir Russia was built by masters from Northern Italy

Western Ancestral Home Of The Chinese - Alternative View

Western Ancestral Home Of The Chinese - Alternative View

Many Chinese legends say that the ancestors of the modern Chinese came "from somewhere in the West."

10 Forgotten Women Who Secretly Ruled The World - Alternative View

10 Forgotten Women Who Secretly Ruled The World - Alternative View

Throughout human history, there have been several remarkable women who have managed to rise high in a male-dominated society and take power into their own hands. Their names are well known: Hatshepsut, Cleopatra, Uu Zeshian

Why Were Prostitutes In Ancient Rome Obliged To Dye Their Hair Light Or Red? - Alternative View

Why Were Prostitutes In Ancient Rome Obliged To Dye Their Hair Light Or Red? - Alternative View

This is true: in ancient Rome, prostitutes were required to dye their hair light or red

Without Trial And Investigation: Shocking Facts About The History Of Lynching And Bloody Performances - Alternative View

Without Trial And Investigation: Shocking Facts About The History Of Lynching And Bloody Performances - Alternative View

September 22, 1780 in the United States was recorded the first case of lynching - mass execution of a criminal without trial and investigation

And Once Again About The Liberia Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

And Once Again About The Liberia Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

Mysterious Liberation, the book depository of the Moscow sovereigns, which went down in history as the library of Ivan the Terrible, has long haunted treasure hunters and lovers of secrets

Dyatlov's Group That Died In The Ural Pass Could Carry Out The Task Of The KGB - Alternative View

Dyatlov's Group That Died In The Ural Pass Could Carry Out The Task Of The KGB - Alternative View

The tourist group of Igor Dyatlov, who died under unexplained circumstances on the night of 1 to 2 February 1959 in the Northern Urals in the vicinity of Mount Otorten, could carry out the assignment of the USSR State Security Committee (KGB)

What Happened To The Kingdom Of Urartu? - Alternative View

What Happened To The Kingdom Of Urartu? - Alternative View

Urartu was one of the most powerful states of the Ancient World. In the VI century BC, it ceased to exist. However, some Armenians still consider themselves the descendants of the Urarts

What Did The Russians Know About Their History Before Peter I - Alternative View

What Did The Russians Know About Their History Before Peter I - Alternative View

It is believed that only during the reign of Peter I did Russia embark on the path of familiarizing with scientific knowledge, including history

The Mystery Of The 1100-year-old Mummy In The Adidas "sneakers" Has Been Revealed - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The 1100-year-old Mummy In The Adidas "sneakers" Has Been Revealed - Alternative View

Mongolian woman turned out to be a medieval designer ahead of her time. The famous three-stripes on Adidas sneakers are believed to have appeared after World War II

After The Exhumation Of The Body From The Dyatlov Pass, There Were More Mysteries - - Alternative View

After The Exhumation Of The Body From The Dyatlov Pass, There Were More Mysteries - - Alternative View

The tragedy that happened to a group of student tourists and their leader Igor Dyatlov in the mountains of the Northern Urals in 1959 still haunts many researchers. Many theories have been put forward, but none of them has been unequivocally accurate

A Treasure Of Ancient Coins Was Found In Greece - Alternative View

A Treasure Of Ancient Coins Was Found In Greece - Alternative View

More than one hundred coins of the IV-V centuries. AD were discovered by archaeologists at the site of an ancient collapsed building near the harbor of Corinth in Greece. In total, 119 coins were found, along with an iron lock, which may have closed the unpreserved box

10 Little-known Historical Facts That Are Not Covered In Textbooks - Alternative View

10 Little-known Historical Facts That Are Not Covered In Textbooks - Alternative View

For most people, history lessons at school were boring and tedious. Memorize names and dates, repeat it all and cram for hours

About The Mysterious Epidemic In Russia In 1092 - Alternative View

About The Mysterious Epidemic In Russia In 1092 - Alternative View

The events of 1092 so amazed the imagination of contemporaries and descendants that they were reflected in most of the annals. First, the epidemic began in Polotsk:Surprisingly faster Polotsk:- Salik.bizApparently, there was a fog in Polotsk at that time, which was accompanied by certain sound phenomena, similar to a howl, identified with a thirst for "blood" by demons; all this happened as if "in a dream":In addition, the Polotsk residents found hoof tracks on the roads, f

White Slaves In America: Why They Cost 10 Times Cheaper Than Black Ones - Alternative View

White Slaves In America: Why They Cost 10 Times Cheaper Than Black Ones - Alternative View

We all know perfectly well that today's black Americans are - descendants of slaves who were once brought from Africa. But not only African blacks became slaves. Whites could have become them. Moreover, they were valued much cheaper. Where did the white slaves come from?

The Black Myth Of The "mutually Beneficial" Sale Of Russian America - Alternative View

The Black Myth Of The "mutually Beneficial" Sale Of Russian America - Alternative View

The pro-Western black myth about the "profitability" of the sale of Russian lands in America is maintained at the highest level. The Foreign Ministry considers the deal to sell Russian America mutually beneficial

20 Curious And Little-known Historical Facts - Alternative View

20 Curious And Little-known Historical Facts - Alternative View

Did you know that the ancient Egyptians deliberately coated their servants with honey to distract the attention of the flies from the pharaoh? And that Alexander the Great invented espionage techniques that are still used today

Doomed Flight. How Negligence Became A Death Sentence For 520 People - Alternative View

Doomed Flight. How Negligence Became A Death Sentence For 520 People - Alternative View

On August 12, 1985, one of the largest plane crashes in the history of world aviation occurred in Japan, killing 520 people

What Kind Of Calendar Did The Russians Have Before Peter The First - Alternative View

What Kind Of Calendar Did The Russians Have Before Peter The First - Alternative View

Before the adoption by the Russian of the Grigopian calendar, invented by the Italian mathematician Lyigi, for the request of the Roman group of Grigopia XIII in the middle of the XVI century, the XIII century by the lingual calendar, the main

How Did The Americans Send Their Children By Mail - Alternative View

How Did The Americans Send Their Children By Mail - Alternative View

Did you know that at the beginning of the twentieth century in the USA it was possible to send children by mail, and this service cost less than one dollar, that is, 10 times cheaper than a train ticket

Women For Consolation: What The Japanese Don't Like To Remember - Alternative View

Women For Consolation: What The Japanese Don't Like To Remember - Alternative View

In brothels for Japanese soldiers during the war, there were, according to various estimates, from 200 to 400 thousand women from China, Korea and other countries. Many survivors chose not to remember what happened to them

We Are Going, Friends, To Distant Lands - Alternative View

We Are Going, Friends, To Distant Lands - Alternative View

345 years ago, on September 27, 1672, the English king Charles II granted the Royal African Company a monopoly on the trade in human goods

The Intrigues Of The Marquise De Montespan - Alternative View

The Intrigues Of The Marquise De Montespan - Alternative View

Françoise Athenais de Rochechouard de Mortemar (born October 5, 1641, died May 27, 1707), known in history as the Marquis de Montespan - official favorite of the French king Louis XIV

Tsarevich Dmitry - Cause Of Death - Alternative View

Tsarevich Dmitry - Cause Of Death - Alternative View

Disputes about the mysterious death of Tsarevich Dmitry do not subside to this day. According to the official version, the boy inadvertently stabbed himself in the neck with a knife. But, according to rumors, Tsarevich Dmitry was villainously stabbed by people sent by Boris Godunov

Chess Game In Petrograd - Alternative View

Chess Game In Petrograd - Alternative View

In those days, when St. Petersburg was still Petrograd, an amazing battle took place on one of the city's squares. It was a chess game between two famous grandmasters - Peter Romanovsky and Ilya Rabinovich. But the field in this game was a city square, and the chess pieces were real people

Biography Of Emperor Peter III Fedorovich - Alternative View

Biography Of Emperor Peter III Fedorovich - Alternative View

Peter III Fedorovich (nee Karl Peter Ulrich, born on February 10 (21), 1728 - death on July 6 (17), 1762) - Russian emperor in 1762. Grandson of Peter I - son of his daughter Anna