Secrets of history 2024, October

Interesting Facts From The Life Of Vlad Dracula - Alternative View

Interesting Facts From The Life Of Vlad Dracula - Alternative View

Vlad III Tepes (Dracula) - ruler of Wallachia (born about 1431 - death 1476) Vlad Dracula (Dracul) - real historical person of the 15th century

Death Triangle - Alternative View

Death Triangle - Alternative View

Almost 200 years ago, the daughter of the Russian Emperor Paul the First, Catherine, Queen of Württemberg, with the help of a simple needle, independently removed … a pimple

The Reasons For The Assassination Of Emperor Paul The First - Alternative View

The Reasons For The Assassination Of Emperor Paul The First - Alternative View

1801 - the assassination of the Russian emperor Paul 1 in Europe caused a real shock

Biography, Life Story Of Cardinal Richelieu (Armand Jean Du Plessis) - Alternative View

Biography, Life Story Of Cardinal Richelieu (Armand Jean Du Plessis) - Alternative View

Power over souls, church power can also be power and state - which was fully demonstrated by the famous Cardinal Richelieu. Everyone knows about him who at least once in his life opened the "Three Musketeers"

Is It Easy To Be A Pythia? - Alternative View

Is It Easy To Be A Pythia? - Alternative View

Pythia - in ancient Greece, a priestess - a soothsayer of the Delphic oracle in the Temple of Apollo in Delphi, located on the slope of Mount Parnassus. Younger than 50 years in Pythia did not take

Geomancy - Part Of The Ancient Knowledge Of Mankind - Alternative View

Geomancy - Part Of The Ancient Knowledge Of Mankind - Alternative View

The world and the person, their mutual influence, the place and importance of the surrounding world in the life of a person - a question that worried and worried the best minds of mankind from ancient times to the present day

The Aryans Undertook Two Campaigns To The East, To Dravidia - Alternative View

The Aryans Undertook Two Campaigns To The East, To Dravidia - Alternative View

The first trip took place from Belovodye. The campaign began in Leto 2817 from S.M.Z.Kh. or 2692 BC Returned to Summer 2893 from S.M.Z.Kh. or 2616 BCDravidia - this is how in the distant times Rasichi was called ancient India, after the name of the most numerous Dravidian people

Where Did The Myths About The "dirty Past" Come From? - Alternative View

Where Did The Myths About The "dirty Past" Come From? - Alternative View

In the 19th century, humanity made such a qualitative breakthrough in all areas that it began to experience an irresistible contempt for the inhabitants of past eras

Lola Montes: The First Feminist - Alternative View

Lola Montes: The First Feminist - Alternative View

In the last issue of the magazine, we talked a little about the famous courtesan of the 19th century, who was loved by kings, great writers and brilliant musicians She managed to do so much that she seems to have lived a long life. No, no

10 Extremely Vile Facts About Life In Ancient Rome - Alternative View

10 Extremely Vile Facts About Life In Ancient Rome - Alternative View

Usually, ordinary people associate Ancient Rome with famous myths and ancient architecture. Heroic men in golden armor and on chariots, charming ladies in tunics and Democratic emperors ate grapes in lounge chairs

What Are We Celebrating - Alternative View

What Are We Celebrating - Alternative View

Recently I came across a post that we lost touch with the roots and incorrectly celebrate the New Year

History Of The New Year In Russia - Alternative View

History Of The New Year In Russia - Alternative View

New Year's holiday, as we know it today, is not so old, although it took a long time. When did our ancestors start their year? Why are Christmas trees decorated for the New Year? Who is Karachun? The answers to these questions - in our material

Men's Shrovetide - Alternative View

Men's Shrovetide - Alternative View

The end of winter, a premonition of spring, an abundance of food, ruddy girls in headscarves - the pagan charm of Shrovetide has not lost at all over the years, but on the contrary, has added to the cultural value

Worship Of Pagan Gods - Alternative View

Worship Of Pagan Gods - Alternative View

We are already accustomed to the fact that our life is subject to a strict order. In the cycle of events, living day after day, we do not notice that life follows a certain algorithm, like a well-oiled mechanism

The Rarest Photographs Of "Titanic" Before And After The Tragedy - Alternative View

The Rarest Photographs Of "Titanic" Before And After The Tragedy - Alternative View

2012 marks the 100th anniversary of the largest shipwreck in history, killing more than 1,500 people. The famous "Titanic" was gigantic in size - 882 feet. At that time, it was the largest passenger ship in the world

The Last Pagans Of Europe - Alternative View

The Last Pagans Of Europe - Alternative View

Traditionally, the Mari lived between the Volga and Vetluga rivers. Today there are about half a million of them. Most of the Mari are concentrated in the Republic of Mari El, but some have settled in many areas of the Volga region and the Urals

John Landless. A King Without Kingdoms - Alternative View

John Landless. A King Without Kingdoms - Alternative View

The historical chronicle of "good old England" brought to us the story of King John of England, nicknamed Landless (1167 - 1216)

To The History Of The American Civil War - Alternative View

To The History Of The American Civil War - Alternative View

On April 12, 1861, South Carolina forces fired on federal forces, who refused to leave Fort Sumter without a fight. This episode is traditionally considered the beginning of the American Civil War. Four years later, without three days, on April 9, 1865, the command of the southern army signed an act of surrender

Ostrakons - Messages Of The Ancients - Alternative View

Ostrakons - Messages Of The Ancients - Alternative View

"Ostrakon" translated from Greek means "a shard of an earthen vessel" (less often it is a seashell, eggshell or a fragment of limestone)

The Story Of D &Rsquo; Artagnan: The Whole Truth About The Royal Musketeers - Alternative View

The Story Of D &Rsquo; Artagnan: The Whole Truth About The Royal Musketeers - Alternative View

Each of us from childhood is familiar with the adventures of d ’ Artagnan in a musketeer guise

Mystery Of The "Mountain Of Crosses" - Alternative View

Mystery Of The "Mountain Of Crosses" - Alternative View

The first thing that comes to mind for those who see this chaotic cluster of crosses is that there is a cemetery in front of them. But this is not the case. There are no burials on the Yurgaychu hill, or, as it is now called, the Hill of Crosses

The Food Shortage In The Late 80s Was Created Artificially - Alternative View

The Food Shortage In The Late 80s Was Created Artificially - Alternative View

0 years ago, from August 1, 1989, sugar in Moscow began to be issued with coupons. “The moonshiners bought everything,” the authorities briefly explained to the residents of the capital. But they just shrugged their shoulders indifferently. In

Pulkovo Meridian - Fateful Streak Of The Planet? - Alternative View

Pulkovo Meridian - Fateful Streak Of The Planet? - Alternative View

Recently, our editorial office received a letter from a reader from the village of Abrosimovo, Kostroma region, V.A. Tymoshenko. Vladimir Alexandrovich is interested in the history of the Egyptian pyramids, he read more than 25 books about them. He drew attention to an unusual phenomenon

Lost Without A Trace: 4 Eerie Stories Of Mass Disappearances - Alternative View

Lost Without A Trace: 4 Eerie Stories Of Mass Disappearances - Alternative View

Any crime leaves traces of - this truth often came to the aid of investigators and criminologists

Surrender. How Fascist Germany Surrendered - Alternative View

Surrender. How Fascist Germany Surrendered - Alternative View

The last act of the Great Patriotic War stretched out in time, from which there are some discrepancies in its interpretation. The vast majority of our fellow citizens know that on May 9 the country celebrates Victory Day

We Are All Liars - Alternative View

We Are All Liars - Alternative View

Thierry Meyssan speaks about the anniversary of the Allied landings in Normandy, the bloody events in Tiananmen Square and the election campaign for the European Parliament. He emphasizes that we deliberately keep quiet about problems and are happy about it

Why Did The Clergy Take Up Arms Against Soviet Power? - Alternative View

Why Did The Clergy Take Up Arms Against Soviet Power? - Alternative View

Because of what the clergy took up arms against Soviet power, the book by N. Rubakin "Russia in Figures" published in 1912 will help to understand.Before the Decree on the Separation of Church and State, adopted in 1918, all priests of the Orthodox Church were actually state employees in their status and received a salary (salary) from the state budget, that is, they sat on the necks of Russian workers

A Crime Against Descendants - Alternative View

A Crime Against Descendants - Alternative View

“It would be ingratitude not to name the forest among the educators and few patrons of our people

Who Wished Death To Pushkin, Except Dantes - Alternative View

Who Wished Death To Pushkin, Except Dantes - Alternative View

On February 10, 1837, at 2:45 pm, Alexander Pushkin's heart stopped beating. An investigation into the causes of the poet's death gave rise to a large number of assumptions, including about the possible perpetrators of the tragedy

The Austrian Battle Of Schnapps: How It Was - Alternative View

The Austrian Battle Of Schnapps: How It Was - Alternative View

History knows many wars and battles provoked by absurd events, and one of these will be discussed. In September 1788, a detachment of elite Austrian cavalry crossed the Timis River and stumbled upon a gypsy settlement

Stalin: An Attempt To Escape - Alternative View

Stalin: An Attempt To Escape - Alternative View

In 1953, a few months after the death of I.V. Stalin, his son tried to escape to China and was arrested. Official Soviet historiography tried to forget this incident. But thanks to Chinese historians, he still did not sink into oblivion

30 Rare Photographs Of Egypt That Are More Than 100 Years Old - Alternative View

30 Rare Photographs Of Egypt That Are More Than 100 Years Old - Alternative View

Egypt is the cradle of one of the most ancient civilizations in the world. A land fraught with secrets, legends and a completely unique culture

Archaeologists Of Mari El Discovered The Secrets Of The Krasnogorsk Burial Ground - Alternative View

Archaeologists Of Mari El Discovered The Secrets Of The Krasnogorsk Burial Ground - Alternative View

For many, the treasure - this is "gold, diamonds", but for the Mari archaeologists there is no greater treasure than evidence of the life of our distant ancestors. And recently they were received, and what are they

Myths About Sparta - Alternative View

Myths About Sparta - Alternative View

What do we know about Sparta?

Historical Facts About Which We Have Not Thought About - Alternative View

Historical Facts About Which We Have Not Thought About - Alternative View

The story is much more complicated than we think. Eras sometimes overlap, providing researchers with new topics to explore. Introducing 6 interesting historical facts that we hardly ever thought about

13 Amazing Historical Coincidences - Alternative View

13 Amazing Historical Coincidences - Alternative View

Sometimes you can draw such strange and unexpected historical parallels that simply defy logic. All that remains is to scratch the back of your head in puzzlement, reflecting on how inscrutable the ways of history are. 1. Abraham Lincoln and John F

Scientists Have Discovered A Secret Part In An Ancient Biblical Manuscript - Alternative View

Scientists Have Discovered A Secret Part In An Ancient Biblical Manuscript - Alternative View

A group of physicists from Tel Aviv University managed to find and decipher the hidden part of the manuscript from the time of the First Temple

On The Kerch Peninsula, Archaeologists Have Discovered The Burial Of An "alien" - Alternative View

On The Kerch Peninsula, Archaeologists Have Discovered The Burial Of An "alien" - Alternative View

Historians impressed by the found deformed skull 50 kilometers from Kerch, on the ancient necropolis of Kyz-Aul (Yakovenkovo village), volunteers of the Archeology Foundation discovered interesting finds

A Short List Of The Crimes Of The Religion Of Slaves - Alternative View

A Short List Of The Crimes Of The Religion Of Slaves - Alternative View

64 g. Christians set fire to Rome. Later, the Christians blamed the emperor Nero for this atrocity. 363 Maranga on the Tiber. In the battle of the Romans against the Persians, the Christian legionnaire despicably kills his emperor Julian (the Apostate). 370 Rome

Life And Death Of Josephine De Beauharnais - Alternative View

Life And Death Of Josephine De Beauharnais - Alternative View

Josephine de Beauharnais (born June 23, 1763, death - May 29, 1814) - Empress of France in 1804 - 1809, the first wife of Napoleon Bonaparte. Early years Her name was Marie-Joseph-Rose de Tachet de la Pagerie. She was born on June 23, 1763