Worship Of Pagan Gods - Alternative View

Worship Of Pagan Gods - Alternative View
Worship Of Pagan Gods - Alternative View

Video: Worship Of Pagan Gods - Alternative View

Video: Worship Of Pagan Gods - Alternative View
Video: Is Jesus Just a Copy of the Pagan Gods 2024, September

We are already accustomed to the fact that our life is subject to a strict order. In the cycle of events, living day after day, we do not notice that life follows a certain algorithm, like a well-oiled mechanism. Actions and events are possible with a certain departure to the side, but inevitably follow each other, as if built by an experienced hand. But sometimes such a moment appears in life, abruptly stopping the usual life run, forcing one to freeze and think about one's place in this endless and changing world.

And often the place where a person gets a chance to escape from the negativity of the metropolis, calmly think about himself, his fate and loved ones - this is a quiet wilderness. And it only seems that in the silence of the forest next to him at this moment there will be no one. It is there that he may encounter phenomena that cannot be logically explained. Meeting the unknown will allow him to look at life from a completely different perspective. Who can be mysterious to meet in the wilderness? Who is able to show the right path?

The ancient Slavs were always distinguished by their wisdom, patience and boundless faith in their gods. Maybe we forgot the ancient Slavic gods, defenders and helpers of our distant ancestors in vain. After all, they turned to them with their troubles and problems for real help.

In the folk epic, you can find answers to numerous questions that necessarily arise when you get to the territory controlled by the Slavic deity - Leshim. After all, not always legends and fairy tales tell about fictional events.

Slavic culture has ancient historical roots and is recognized as one of the most ancient mystical cultures in the world. She keeps many secrets and secrets in herself. The Slavs were considered a wise people who had reached a high level of development. The Slavic peoples had their own idea of the world order and worshiped the forces of nature in the person of the pagan gods. They strove to live in harmony with the surrounding nature and were aware of their purpose.

According to mythology, each pagan god was responsible for a specific natural element. Legends endowed any deity with their own character and habits. From childhood, every Slav knew how to turn to the gods and numerous spirits, and strove to live with them in peace and harmony.

However, the events that took place at the turn of the 10-11 centuries disrupted the usual way of life of people. We are talking about the time of the reign of Prince Vladimir in Russia, who decided to eradicate the pagan faith, replacing it with Orthodoxy. In his actions, he was guided exclusively by political and economic considerations, considering it necessary to introduce a civilized religion in the country. Despite the fact that since 988 Russia was considered a Christian state, people continued to pray to the pagan gods for several centuries. The authorities mercilessly destroyed the Slavic temples, destroyed idols, and the adherents of the pagan faith were forced to pray to the one God.

With great difficulty, the new religion took root in Russia. The Slavs made great efforts to preserve the true faith, to preserve knowledge for subsequent generations by all possible means: songs were formed, legends and fairy tales were composed, sculptures were created. Traces of paganism persisted, even in toys and ornaments of folk clothing.

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Centuries passed and the unique knowledge of the ancient Slavs simply disappeared, many images of pagan gods were preserved only in fairy tales. And now kids can hear about the great gods of the Slavs Veles, Lesh, Bannik, Brownie only from children's fairy tales.

And although people have lost faith in pagan gods, the deities themselves often remind of themselves, demonstrating their power and authority over people.

Very often information about mysterious incidents in the forest becomes known. For example, a person who is perfectly oriented among the forest spaces suddenly gets disoriented on the ground and for a long time cannot find a way out of the forest thicket. No matter how much the lost one walked along the path known to him, she brought him to the same place. Glamor can last for hours or days, but in any case, the way out is found only when the distraught, exhausted person already loses all hope.

Everyone knows that during a thunderstorm it is necessary to avoid being near large trees, but there are cases when a person hiding in the shadow of forest giants gets hit by a lightning of huge power and he remains unharmed!

In Siberia, the inhabitants of small villages tell stories that the little ones who went off to the forest on their own, lost their way, spent several days in the forest without food or water. It is dangerous even for an adult in the taiga: wild animals are not distinguished by their special love for humans. But the kids found their way and returned home safe and sound.

Those who have not forgotten about the Slavic deities know that everything inexplicable in the forest is the activity of Leshy. It is it that is responsible for order and harmony in the forest, protects all living things in the wilderness, including trees and earth. Goblin gets angry when people harm his property: they pick berries and mushrooms, more than they need; kindle fires; break trees … An enraged forest deity punishes the guilty with a long wandering through the forest thickets, hunger and fear of death. Despite this, among the people, Leshy is not considered an aggressive and evil pagan god. He helps people in trouble: protects against lightning strikes, saves from predators and does not allow them to die of thirst and hunger.

People who do not believe in the existence of pagan gods try to explain unusual phenomena and events from a logical point of view. They interpret a long wandering through the woods as a fit of disorientation, panic and a sense of fear, caused by thirst and claustrophobia. They explain the escape from a lightning bolt as a happy accident. And the miraculous preservation of babies, after a long wandering in the taiga, is explained as a result of the activation of the body's reserves, which occurs in case of stress.

Undoubtedly, a modern researcher possesses a powerful technical base and knowledge that far exceeds the capabilities of the ancient Slavs. But even they are unable to explain the mysterious events that regularly occur in the natural world. Perhaps you should trust the wisdom and experience of ancestors and look at these phenomena from their point of view. Such a flexible and wise approach will allow a person to live in complete harmony with the world around him.