We Are All Liars - Alternative View

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We Are All Liars - Alternative View
We Are All Liars - Alternative View

Video: We Are All Liars - Alternative View

Video: We Are All Liars - Alternative View
Video: CD PROJEKT are all Liars - (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO) 2024, September

Thierry Meyssan speaks about the anniversary of the Allied landings in Normandy, the bloody events in Tiananmen Square and the election campaign for the European Parliament. He emphasizes that we deliberately keep quiet about problems and are happy about it. However, only Truth makes us free.

Propaganda is a vehicle for spreading ideas, both true and false. And lying to yourself means not admitting your mistakes, trying to convince yourself that you are ideal and moving into the future.

The most striking example of this is Turkey. During only one generation from 1894 to 1923. she has tried several times to exterminate non-Muslim minorities, but stubbornly denies this. The Israelis are also not bastard. They claim that they created their state in order to make a decent life for the Jews who survived the Nazi concentration camps, while Woodrow Wilson promised to create such a state in 1917, and today in Israel more than 50,000 former concentration camp prisoners live below the poverty line. But the West supports this lie and propagates it as the truth.

Allied landings in Normandy

We are celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Allied landings in Normandy. According to the media, which are almost all unanimous in this opinion, the allies with this operation began the liberation of Europe from Nazism.

However, everyone knows that this is not the case.

- The landing of troops was not an allied operation. It was an exclusively British Empire operation with the participation of the American Expeditionary Force.

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- It did not provide for the "liberation of Europe." Its goal was to make a "march to Berlin" and snatch pieces from the Third Reich that could be captured by the rapidly advancing Red Army.

- And the French did not meet them with joy. Rather with horror. Robert Jospin (father of former Prime Minister Lionel Jospin) condemned in an editorial in his newspaper the transfer of Allied hostilities to French territory. The French buried 20,000 people who died as a result of the Anglo-Saxon bombing, carried out solely for the purpose of sabotage. In Lyon, together with the "head of state" ex-Marshal Philippe Pétain, a massive demonstration against Anglo-Saxon domination took place. And the head of free France, General Charles de Gaulle, refused to participate in any celebration of this ill-fated operation.

The story is more complex than cowboy movies. There are no good and bad in it, there are only those who try to save their loved ones in more or less human ways. It’s good that we didn’t endorse the stupidity of Tony Blair, who, during the 60th anniversary celebrations, raised the English press on its hind legs, claiming that the United Kingdom went to war to save Jews from the Shoah. Not gypsies from the same carnage. But the extermination of Jews began in Europe after the 1942 Wannsee Conference.

Tiananmen Square Massacre

We are celebrating the sad anniversary of the bloody events in Tiananmen Square. We are constantly being told that China's brutal imperial regime has massacred several thousand of its citizens peacefully gathered in Beijing's main square, simply because they demanded a little freedom.

However, we know that this is a lie.

- The rally in Tiananmen Square was not organized by ordinary citizens. It was a coup attempt by the supporters of Prime Minister Zhao Ziyang.

- “Peaceful demonstrators” lynched or burned several dozen soldiers on the spot. Hundreds of military vehicles were mutilated until Deng Xiaoping's men came out against the "peaceful demonstrators."

- The square was attended by US experts on color revolutions, including Jen Sharp. They led the people of Zhao Ziyang.

European Union

The elections of deputies to the European Parliament have just taken place. For several weeks we were fed with slogans assuring us that “Europe is peace and prosperity” and that the European Union is the culmination of the European dream.

However, we know that this is a lie.

- Europe, according to Charles De Gaulle, is a continent stretching from Brest to Vladivostok. And this is a culture of openness and cooperation. This is not the European Union, which is just an anti-Russian institution in the continuation of the "march to Berlin", which began with the landing in Normandy.

- The European Union is not the establishment of peace in Cyprus. This is a dastardly cover for the armed Turkish occupation of the island. This is not prosperity, but economic stagnation, when the rest of the world is moving forward at full steam.

- The European Union has nothing to do with the European dream of the period between the two wars. Our ancestors tried to establish political regimes serving a common interest - Republics, in the etymological sense of the word, according to European culture and regardless of whether they are on the same continent or on different ones. Aristide Briand advocated that Argentina (a country with a European culture in Latin America) should be part of Europe and not the United Kingdom (class society). Etc.

We went blind

We must distinguish between true and false. We can celebrate liberation from Hitlerism without convincing ourselves that the Anglo-Saxons saved us. We can condemn Deng Xiaoping's brutality without denying that in such a bloody way he saved the country from a return to colonialism. We can be happy that we have escaped the domination of the Soviet Union, but we can not be proud of the fact that we have become servants of the Anglo-Saxons.

If we do not stop lying to ourselves and hiding our vile and criminal deeds, then it should not be surprising that no human problems are being solved in our country.

Author: Thierry Meyssan. Translation: Eduard Feoktistov