Geomancy - Part Of The Ancient Knowledge Of Mankind - Alternative View

Geomancy - Part Of The Ancient Knowledge Of Mankind - Alternative View
Geomancy - Part Of The Ancient Knowledge Of Mankind - Alternative View

Video: Geomancy - Part Of The Ancient Knowledge Of Mankind - Alternative View

Video: Geomancy - Part Of The Ancient Knowledge Of Mankind - Alternative View
Video: HIDDEN MATHEMATICS - Randall Carlson - Ancient Knowledge of Space, Time & Cosmic Cycles 2024, July

The world and man, their mutual influence, the place and importance of the world around us in human life is a question that has worried and worried the best minds of mankind from ancient times to the present day.

In our time, when a person especially feels a lack of communication with nature, when we, city dwellers, have almost lost our relationship with mother nature, it is especially important to arrange housing in accordance with the laws of geomancy.

In the midst of the bustle of modern life, a person is looking for a small island of tranquility, where he could relax, rest, replenish his strength. This island is our home, our apartment. Proper housing arrangement gives a person mental and physical health, this has already been proven by science. And a healthy, cheerful person can achieve a lot in life.

World civilizations many thousands of years ago began to study the impact on the human body of the natural environment. One of the most ancient areas of knowledge was called "geomancy".

Ancient architects and builders were well aware of the existence of energy fields and terrestrial radiation that arise above underground anomalies. All this is confirmed by the preserved buildings of the past. For example, in the Himalayan monasteries, the monks' cells were oriented so that they were located inside the cells of global energy systems, that is, in those places where a neutral energy zone was observed, and therefore were not subject to the destructive effects of various natural disasters.

Huge structures - dolmens - are located in the center of the energy grid cell. But they act as emitters of positive energy.

It is known that the Romans, when constructing buildings, oriented them in accordance with the global energy network, precisely marking the lines of the network in the north-south and east-west directions. The famous roads of the ancient Romans were laid in strict accordance with the energy networks.

In ancient India, global energy grids were taken into account in order to correctly locate cities and temples under construction. Since ancient times, people have used the energy networks of the Earth in the construction of religious buildings and even entire cities.

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All processes in outer space occur under the influence of certain forces, energies. The universe, galaxy and planetary systems obey the same laws. When we build a house, we constrain space and create another small universe. The same cosmic energies operate in our home. This knowledge was known even in ancient times, and all ancient peoples knew and applied this knowledge in their lives.

The ancient Sakha also possessed esoteric knowledge in the field of geomancy. Our ancestors knew that the nature around us is a living organism. Symbolically he was represented in the form of various deities and spirits. Mountains, meadows, rivers are energetic and thus affect the environment. This applies to everything.

According to Sakha's worldview, everything material is spiritual, and everything spiritual is material. The world is beautiful and harmonious from the very beginning. The world is a combination of Heaven and Earth, masculine and feminine principles, life-giving and destructive energies …

All objects surrounding a person also have their own energy, positive or negative, affecting the mental and physical state of a person. This also applies to everything created by human hands, be it a house, a wardrobe, a painting, and more.

We enter the Sakha estate. The house is protected from the northern and western sides by a forest, the door of the yurt is to the east, and in front of the entrance to the estate, a little further away is a lake, pond or river. Here, the harmony of the energies of air, water, wood, earth and fire in the form of sunlight is traced in everything.

The yurt itself has the shape of a truncated pyramid, a unique form of dwelling that is not found among other peoples. And the pyramid, as you know, retains favorable energy. In the house itself, the location of places has its own laws, according to customs and traditions. The entrance is in the east. The East is a symbol of growth, prosperity, movement forward, the side where good light deities live. On the right side of the entrance there are bunks for guests and a coat rack. Here guests leave their belongings, bringing with them a favorable energy. There was a custom, when entering a house, a person should leave anger and bad thoughts outside the threshold and enter the house with a pure heart and an open soul. On the left side there are bunks for guests. At this place, the ancient Sakha listened to storytellers - olonkhosuts.

Slightly in the middle, to the south, there is a stove - a fire chamber. Kamelek is a symbol of family, luck, prosperity, something sacred for Sakha, the personification of procreation. The master's bunk bed is in the right extreme corner of the yurt, fenced off by a partition, further - the children's bunks. To the left, in the far corner, is the eating area. There is a round table symbolizing the sun and stools. Further - bunks for guests of honor.

While studying the Chinese teachings of feng shui, which became popular all over the world, I involuntarily compared the lo-shu square with the arrangement and distribution of places in a traditional Sakha yurt.

Let's make a comparison. According to ancient Chinese geomacy, the entrance to the house is in the north. This is the area for teachers and assistants. The extreme left corner from the entrance, according to feng shui, is a zone of wealth. In the yurt there is a dining corner and a shelf for dishes. And wooden vessels are symbols of abundance for Sakha. This coincides with the zone of wealth and prosperity in feng shui. The space opposite the entrance is the feng shui glory zone, and in the booth there are bunks for guests of honor. The extreme left corner is the marriage zone according to the geomacy of the Celestial Empire. In this zone, the bunks of the owners of the house are located in the Sakha dwelling.

Making comparisons, I came to the conclusion that Sakha geomacy and Feng Shui teachings have a lot in common. If we superimpose the lo-shu square on the plan of the Yakut yurt, then the main, important zones coincide. All this suggests that the basic laws of human development are the same. The wisdom of the ancestors, which has come down to us, says that we are all children of Nature and must live in harmony and harmony with it. This is an important element of the worldview of all ancient peoples.

Deep within us lies an endless source of intuitive knowledge of how to properly place objects in space.

Geomancy of ancient peoples and feng shui is the teaching to live in harmony with the Universe, to recreate the balance between heaven and earth, Yin and Yang, man and nature.

Remember: we ourselves create our world, our life and even our destiny. By birthright, every person is a beautiful, free and spiritual being.

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