Secrets of history 2024, October

10 Common And Completely Misconceptions About The Inquisition - Alternative View

10 Common And Completely Misconceptions About The Inquisition - Alternative View

This is one of the darkest periods in the history of Christianity. When people point out the dark sides of the Catholic Church, the Inquisition - this is the first thing that comes to mind

Punishing Hand. How Did The Maltese Inquisition Punish Apostate Christians - Alternative View

Punishing Hand. How Did The Maltese Inquisition Punish Apostate Christians - Alternative View

Until the 19th century, Europeans often fell into the hands of the Turks. Some were assimilated, others were sold in slave markets. And everyone was forced to convert to Islam

The Most Famous Witches Of The Middle Ages - Alternative View

The Most Famous Witches Of The Middle Ages - Alternative View

The Middle Ages were a very difficult time for women. Any passer-by could accuse the girl of witchcraft, and most often empty words reached the ears of those who thought they had the right to judge and execute

The Inquisition, Or How To Get A Confession From A Witch - Alternative View

The Inquisition, Or How To Get A Confession From A Witch - Alternative View

Witches have existed at all times, whether believed in them or not. There were periods when they were revered, but during the Middle Ages, a real hunt began on them

An Invitation To The Bonfire - Alternative View

An Invitation To The Bonfire - Alternative View

Witch - it is always someone else, but the belief in witchcraft - in ourselves. For many people, the Middle Ages are shrouded in a veil of romanticism

Urban Grandier And The Loudun Obsessed - Alternative View

Urban Grandier And The Loudun Obsessed - Alternative View

Europe XIV - XVII centuries has turned into one big fire. Thousands, and according to some reports, hundreds of thousands of people were indicted by a special church court for cases of heretics - the inquisition - in connection with the devil and after terrible torture burned alive

Inquisition Against Rats And Insects - Alternative View

Inquisition Against Rats And Insects - Alternative View

“I, Benedict of Monferrato, Bishop of Lausanne, having heard the complaint against the beetles, acknowledge and certify that the complaint is well founded and that these beetles are subject to a spell

Why Were Witches Burned? - Alternative View

Why Were Witches Burned? - Alternative View

One of the biggest mysteries in history remains the strange insanity that gripped Europe in the 15th-17th centuries, as a result of which thousands of women suspected of witchcraft went to the fires. What was it? Malicious intent or cunning calculation

Monstrous Methods Of Fighting Evil Matthew Hopkins - The Most Brutal Witch Hunter In England - Alternative View

Monstrous Methods Of Fighting Evil Matthew Hopkins - The Most Brutal Witch Hunter In England - Alternative View

In the 17th century, a serious war with evil broke out in England: the lawyer Matthew Hopkins announced that the witches had set a demon on him, who took the form of a bear. In this case, 29 people were arrested, 4 of whom were hanged

Scientists Have Found Out What Is Hidden Under The "castle Of Dracula" - Alternative View

Scientists Have Found Out What Is Hidden Under The "castle Of Dracula" - Alternative View

Archaeologists radar-illuminated the foundation of the famous Corvin castle in Transylvania, where Vlad the Impaler was imprisoned, and found traces of several rooms, the existence of which historians did not know before. This is reported by the online edition Live Science

Battalion Of Special Purpose "Bergmann" - Alternative View

Battalion Of Special Purpose "Bergmann" - Alternative View

Sonderverband Bergmann (German Sonderverband Bergmann - "special Highlander detachment") - special group "Bergmann" or Special Forces Battalion "Bergmann"

Safra Castle In Game Of Thrones - Alternative View

Safra Castle In Game Of Thrones - Alternative View

This amazing Spanish castle is so fantastic that it was used in the filming of the famous TV series "Game of Thrones". Built around the 12-13th centuries, Zafra Castle was passed down among the Spanish nobility for hundreds of years

The Sahara Meadows Have Turned Into A Desert Due To The Tilt Of The Earth's Axis - Alternative View

The Sahara Meadows Have Turned Into A Desert Due To The Tilt Of The Earth's Axis - Alternative View

The rains stopped coming, the temperature rose, and the great grasslands of North Africa turned to desert thousands of years ago. These changes may have helped develop the foundations of civilization in the Nile Valley

Gold For The Dictatorship Of The Proletariat - Alternative View

Gold For The Dictatorship Of The Proletariat - Alternative View

By the end of the 1920s. the economy of the USSR more or less recovered after the revolution and the Civil War, but still could not provide sufficient funds for the necessary exports and obtaining foreign currency. The country's gold and foreign exchange reserves did not exceed 200 million gold rubles (150 tons of gold)

Africa Has Unveiled The Living Millennia Of A Green Sahara - Alternative View

Africa Has Unveiled The Living Millennia Of A Green Sahara - Alternative View

She was in her early twenties. One child - five, and the other - eight. Maybe they were suddenly overtaken by a sandstorm or a mysterious disease. Or maybe they just couldn't live without each other

Who Are The Lithuanians - Alternative View

Who Are The Lithuanians - Alternative View

While the spelling and sounding of the words “Lithuanians” and “Litvinians” are similar, these two concepts mean different phenomena. Lithuanians call an ethnos that has formed over many centuries from two related-tribal groups

Pamiris: The Most Mysterious People Of The USSR - Alternative View

Pamiris: The Most Mysterious People Of The USSR - Alternative View

Their four-tiered vault of a traditional dwelling symbolizes the elements of nature: fire, earth, water and air. They delimit the male and female bedrooms, as well as the kitchen, living room and prayer area

What Peoples Inhabited Siberia BC? - Alternative View

What Peoples Inhabited Siberia BC? - Alternative View

The history of Siberia in the minds of the majority begins with the history of "Russian Siberia", that is, from the time of the campaigns of the Cossacks and Ermak, but people lived in Siberia before our era. Scientists even consider Siberia to be one of the main centers of anthropogenesis

Mysterious People - Boudins - Alternative View

Mysterious People - Boudins - Alternative View

The origin of the Boudin tribe is still veiled in secrecy. In the scientific world, they were ranked among the Scythians, Germans, Sarmatians and even Finno-Ugrians. And some researchers saw in them even Slavic "vodins", that is, "living by the water"

10 Mysterious Human Populations - Alternative View

10 Mysterious Human Populations - Alternative View

Mysterious human populations challenge our understanding of the world. Some of them remain shrouded in the shadow of time; others are enigmatic due to their isolation or unique origin stories

Dacians Are The Ancestors Of The Romanians - Alternative View

Dacians Are The Ancestors Of The Romanians - Alternative View

Dacians Homer's poems (8th century BC) mention the Thracians who lived on the territories of the Balkan Peninsula as well as on the territories of present-day Romania

Chandar Plate: The First Map Of Earth? - Alternative View

Chandar Plate: The First Map Of Earth? - Alternative View

The prevailing Darwinian theory of human origins in science presupposes some chronology. However, there are a number of artifacts that question its versatility

Archaeologists Have Received New Information About The Traditions Of Infanticide In Ancient Rome - Alternative View

Archaeologists Have Received New Information About The Traditions Of Infanticide In Ancient Rome - Alternative View

Rumors about the prevalence of this practice were likely exaggerated The large number of children's bones found during excavations of ancient Roman cities have long been considered evidence of incredibly cruel ancient traditions

5 Strangest Bans In Ancient Rome - Alternative View

5 Strangest Bans In Ancient Rome - Alternative View

When someone mentions Ancient Rome, crazy orgies or wonderful architecture almost always come to mind, depending on the preferences of the interlocutors

In Ancient Rome, Migrants Were Found - Alternative View

In Ancient Rome, Migrants Were Found - Alternative View

Archaeologists have uncovered the first concrete evidence that immigrants from other regions lived in Rome during the empire. The discovery was made based on the results of isotopic analysis of the teeth, according to the journal PLoS One

Life For The Sake Of Death - Alternative View

Life For The Sake Of Death - Alternative View

Not a single major holiday in ancient Rome was complete without bloodshed. This, of course, is not about mass riots, but about gladiatorial games that were regularly arranged for the entertainment of the citizens of the Eternal City

The Most Shocking Facts About Female Gladiators - Alternative View

The Most Shocking Facts About Female Gladiators - Alternative View

Along with men, women were allowed to perform in the blood-drenched arenas of Ancient Rome from a certain point. This significant event took place at the gladiatorial battles dedicated to the death of Julius Caesar's beloved daughter

Little-known Facts About Ancient Rome - Alternative View

Little-known Facts About Ancient Rome - Alternative View

For centuries, Ancient Rome ruled the world. The incredibly influential Roman Empire united the world - in a way that no other state has done before and after it

A Madman In Power - Alternative View

A Madman In Power - Alternative View

This antique hero and villain was born exactly two thousand years ago - on August 31, 12. According to some sources, this happened in Rome, according to others - in a military camp, and according to the searches of his contemporary historian Suetonius - in Antiya

Emperor Caligula - Alternative View

Emperor Caligula - Alternative View

Guy Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, nicknamed Caligula (August 31, 12 - January 24, 41 (28 years old)), was the great-nephew of the Roman emperor Tiberius

The First Woman Gladiator In History: 200 Victories And Death In Battle With Two Dwarfs - Alternative View

The First Woman Gladiator In History: 200 Victories And Death In Battle With Two Dwarfs - Alternative View

The gladiatorial battles in ancient Rome were terrifying and at the same time exciting action. Until now, with a shudder, we think about the warriors who entered the arena of the Colosseum, and fought, overcoming pain, to the delight of the crowd

The Ancient Phone Of The Chimu Empire - Alternative View

The Ancient Phone Of The Chimu Empire - Alternative View

The National Repository of American Indian Heritage in Maryland contains one of the most anomalous artifacts - a 1,400-year-old telephone. This amazing legacy of a disappeared civilization went down in history along with it

Valeria Messalina: The Woman Who Raped Ancient Rome - Alternative View

Valeria Messalina: The Woman Who Raped Ancient Rome - Alternative View

Today's heroine of our column cannot be called great in the traditional sense of the word, because she became famous for not the most worthy achievements

Myths About Gladiators - Alternative View

Myths About Gladiators - Alternative View

Most young people today will think of Russell Crowe as the disgraced military leader Maximus when they say "gladiator". Older people may also remember Kirk Douglas in the famous movie "Spartacus"

Ancient Rome Cuisine - Alternative View

Ancient Rome Cuisine - Alternative View

Like the Greeks, the Romans ate three times a day: early in the morning - first breakfast, around noon - the second, and in the late afternoon - lunch. The first breakfast consisted of bread, cheese, fruit, milk or wine

Ancient Rome In History - Alternative View

Ancient Rome In History - Alternative View

The history of Ancient Rome dates back to the founding of the city of Rome in 753 BC. e. before the fall of the Roman Empire created under him in 476 AD. e. 247 year - according to the new chronology, a grand celebration took place on the occasion of the millennium of Rome

Cicero Mark Tullius. Biography. Life Story - Alternative View

Cicero Mark Tullius. Biography. Life Story - Alternative View

Mark Tullius Cicero (born January 3, 106 BC - death December 7, 43 BC) - ancient Roman politician, orator, philosopher, consul. Childhood and adolescence Mark Tullius Cicero was born on January 3 in an estate near Arpin

Punic Wars Of Rome With Carthage - Alternative View

Punic Wars Of Rome With Carthage - Alternative View

Punic Wars - three wars between the Romans and the Carthaginians ("Punas", ie, the Phoenicians), which continued, intermittently, from 264 to 146 BC. eh

Emperor Of Rome Octavian Augustus - Alternative View

Emperor Of Rome Octavian Augustus - Alternative View

Octavian August - born September 23, 63 BC B.C., died 19 Aug 14 (age 76)

Facts From The History Of Ancient Rome That Will Make You Blush - Alternative View

Facts From The History Of Ancient Rome That Will Make You Blush - Alternative View

At school, they will never tell this, but that does not mean that it was not. It's just that things like this can hurt a child's psyche. And the psyche of adults too