Secrets of history 2024, October

South America Was Inhabited 14,000 Years Ago - Alternative View

South America Was Inhabited 14,000 Years Ago - Alternative View

The first people arrived at the South Cone - it is a part of South America, shaped like a cone - 14,000 years ago. This is evidenced by archaeological excavations and radiocarbon analysis of found human remains

Horrible Tales And Legends At The Heart Of Disney Cartoons - Alternative View

Horrible Tales And Legends At The Heart Of Disney Cartoons - Alternative View

Most of the Disney films and cartoons are based on old tales and legends. And what unites all the old tales and legends? Yes, the fact that they come across such plot twists, from which the hair on the head rises even in modern adults

Scientists Have Investigated The Power Of The Weapons Of The Ancient Chinese Terracotta Army - Alternative View

Scientists Have Investigated The Power Of The Weapons Of The Ancient Chinese Terracotta Army - Alternative View

The weapons of the ancient Chinese terracotta army were so powerful that they could easily penetrate the enemy's armor

How Lenin Was Robbed - Alternative View

How Lenin Was Robbed - Alternative View

We once considered with you an ambiguous and mysterious theory about the son of Lenin, and now let's get acquainted with some more little-known facts from the life of Vladimir Ilyich. These words: “I gave life to Lenin

Who Is The Biblical "Babylonian Harlot" - Alternative View

Who Is The Biblical "Babylonian Harlot" - Alternative View

There are certainly many mysterious and highly controversial characters in the Bible. But the image of the Babylonian harlot can deservedly be called one of the most mysterious and frighteningly depraved

Near Anapa, The Eleusinian Mysteries May Have Taken Place - Alternative View

Near Anapa, The Eleusinian Mysteries May Have Taken Place - Alternative View

The temple complex, dedicated to the goddess Demeter, found in 2011 in the Anapa region, has once again attracted the attention of specialists in archeology and history

The Tragedy In The Pamirs - Alternative View

The Tragedy In The Pamirs - Alternative View

Its details could remain secret, if not for the radio station, thanks to which what was happening became known literally by the minute. In the Soviet Union, gender equality was officially recognized even earlier than in many Western countries

The Bravest Peoples Of Russia - Alternative View

The Bravest Peoples Of Russia - Alternative View

The endless expanses of Russia have always been inhabited by many peoples. Militant and rebellious, it was hard for them to get along side by side. Conquering lands from each other, they honed their fighting qualities

Cargo Cult - Alternative View

Cargo Cult - Alternative View

World War II was gaining momentum. German troops were rushing to Moscow, and Japan had already captured most of northern and central China and invaded French Indochina.On the morning of December 7, 1941, an air armada (according to various sources, from 350 to 440 aircraft) took off from six Japanese aircraft carriers, which headed for the American military base Pearl Harbor, located on the Hawaiian island of Oahu

History Of The Trojan War - Alternative View

History Of The Trojan War - Alternative View

Who today does not know the famous legend of the Trojan War? This myth is difficult to believe, but the authenticity of the existence of Troy was confirmed during the excavations of the famous German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann (1822-1890)

What You Need To Know About The Trojan Horse - Alternative View

What You Need To Know About The Trojan Horse - Alternative View

The story of the Trojan Horse, with which thirty Odysseus fighters got inside Troy, speaks not only of the cunning of the attackers, but also of the naivety of the defenders. Meanwhile, historians argue to this day about whether there was a Horse

The Resurrection Of Troy - Alternative View

The Resurrection Of Troy - Alternative View

This legendary city has been haunted by ancient seekers for centuries. More than a hundred years ago, Heinrich Schliemann excavated here. And in 1988, archaeologists returned to mysterious Troy again

Troy: The Myth Of The Disappeared City - Alternative View

Troy: The Myth Of The Disappeared City - Alternative View

Troy is a legendary city famous for the ten-year Trojan War, inextricably linked with some of the most prominent characters in Greek mythology - from the goddesses Hera, Athena and Aphrodite (as well as the beautiful Helen) to the heroes Achilles, Paris and Odysseus

3 Strange Cases That Still Have No Explanation - Alternative View

3 Strange Cases That Still Have No Explanation - Alternative View

Some mysterious stories continue to thrill people's imaginations year after year, generation after generation … Who was JB Cooper? The most incredible theories and legends will surround the personality of the mysterious hijacker of the Cooper's DB for a long time

The Warriors Of The Terracotta Army Possessed Weapons Ahead Of Their Time - Alternative View

The Warriors Of The Terracotta Army Possessed Weapons Ahead Of Their Time - Alternative View

Despite the fact that the Terracotta Army stood on feet of clay, it was an amazing fighting force. Chinese warriors have been armed with new weapons capable of killing foes with a single arrow, reveals new TV documentary

The Mystery Of The Dyatlov Pass, The Long-awaited Ending Of The Investigation? - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Dyatlov Pass, The Long-awaited Ending Of The Investigation? - Alternative View

The story of the death of a group of tourists who died in 1959 at an altitude of 1079 has not left TV screens for a long time, various second-rate shows are raising their ratings on this story, writers and journalists of various publications feed on it

Construction Victim - Alternative View

Construction Victim - Alternative View

Totem trees in legends and rituals of European peoples1. "Construction sacrifice"- Salik.bizAmong Western European peoples, legends and sagas about people who were immured alive in the foundations or walls of various buildings, especially medieval castles and city fortresses, are very widespread

How Soviet Scientists Studied Lenin's Brain - Alternative View

How Soviet Scientists Studied Lenin's Brain - Alternative View

Lenin's fatal illness is still a mystery. In the absence of official information, still sealed with seven seals, all sorts of sensational rumors flourish

Artifacts That Have Led Archaeologists To A Dead End - Alternative View

Artifacts That Have Led Archaeologists To A Dead End - Alternative View

Russian archaeologists have made many amazing finds, which have become real treasures and historical sensations, since they helped to better understand and comprehend the history of the state, and of all mankind

Muscles For The Third Reich - Alternative View

Muscles For The Third Reich - Alternative View

Limited resourcesIn the book “The cost of destruction. The Creation and Fall of the Nazi Economy”Adam Tuz has collected and systematized unique material that makes us take a fresh look at the history of World War II. Hitler's project of colonization and violent modernization turned out to be utopian in many ways due to the banal reason for the lack of calories and muscle strength.- S

Templar Treasures - Alternative View

Templar Treasures - Alternative View

On the trail of the Templar treasures. Order of the Knights Templar According to legend, the Order of the Knights Templar appeared in Palestine after the First Crusade

The Mystery Of The Disappeared Templar Fleet, Which Could Reach America Before Columbus - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Disappeared Templar Fleet, Which Could Reach America Before Columbus - Alternative View

In 1307, a dozen ships of the Order of the Knights Templar left France to escape the persecution of King Philip IV. No one has ever seen them again, and their fate continues to raise many questions from historians to this day

Is The Secret Of The Death Of The Dyatlov Group Revealed? - Alternative View

Is The Secret Of The Death Of The Dyatlov Group Revealed? - Alternative View

What versions have not been born in more than half a century after the tragedy that happened to the Dyatlov group at the pass, better known before the February 1959 incident as the Mountain of the Dead

Seven Moscow "pyramids" Or The Occultism Of Stalin's Skyscrapers - Alternative View

Seven Moscow "pyramids" Or The Occultism Of Stalin's Skyscrapers - Alternative View

The esoteric and sacred map of the capital was formed not only in antiquity and the Middle Ages. This continued under Soviet rule. Stalin, as you know, was not a stranger to occult knowledge

Chekists Against The Templars. OGPU Defeated The Order Of The Moscow Templars? - Alternative View

Chekists Against The Templars. OGPU Defeated The Order Of The Moscow Templars? - Alternative View

On March 18, 1314, the trial of Jacques de Molay, Grand Master of the Knights Templar, and his comrades took place. This ended the history of one of the most powerful knightly societies in Europe

Trebizond Empire: The Last Stronghold Of Byzantine Orthodoxy - Alternative View

Trebizond Empire: The Last Stronghold Of Byzantine Orthodoxy - Alternative View

The Trebizond Empire arose as an independent state in 1204 simultaneously with the tragic event for the entire Byzantine world - the event - ndash; the capture of Constantinople by the crusaders

There Were No Witches In Russia, And 100,000 Women Were Burned In Europe - Alternative View

There Were No Witches In Russia, And 100,000 Women Were Burned In Europe - Alternative View

The medieval witch hunt cost the lives of 100,000 European women. At first they were persecuted by the church. Then the state got involved. And in the end it came to an uncontrolled "people's initiative". Celibacy is largely to blame - celibacy

Teleportation Of Gil Perez (from The Archives Of The Spanish Inquisition) - Alternative View

Teleportation Of Gil Perez (from The Archives Of The Spanish Inquisition) - Alternative View

The Internet is simply packed with stories of teleportation. Men and women on camera confidently know the world how they were instantly transported hundreds and thousands of kilometers

The Grand Inquisitor Of Spain - Alternative View

The Grand Inquisitor Of Spain - Alternative View

A special ecclesiastical court - the Inquisition, established by the Catholic Church during the Middle Ages, was especially active in Spain

The Wanderings Of The Gallant Sergeant Efremov - Alternative View

The Wanderings Of The Gallant Sergeant Efremov - Alternative View

In 1774, sergeant of the Nizhny Novgorod regiment, Philip Efremov, was sent to the distant outpost Donguz, which stood as an outpost on the border of the Russian Empire with the endless steppe

Grand Inquisitor Thomas Torquemada - Alternative View

Grand Inquisitor Thomas Torquemada - Alternative View

Thomas de Torquemada (born October 14, 1420 - death September 16, 1498) - Grand Inquisitor of Spain. He was able to reorganize and expand the activities of the Inquisition. Initiator of the expulsion of Jews and Moors from Spain

Biography Of Queen Isabella Of Castile - Alternative View

Biography Of Queen Isabella Of Castile - Alternative View

The origin of Isabella I of Castile (Isabella the Catholic) (born April 22, 1451 - death November 26, 1504) - Queen of Castile and Leona since 1474, from the Trastamara dynasty, daughter of King Juan II and his second wife

Curiosities Of History: Is It Possible To Execute An Entire Country - Alternative View

Curiosities Of History: Is It Possible To Execute An Entire Country - Alternative View

450 years ago, on February 16, 1568, the Spanish Inquisition sentenced an entire country to death - it was the Netherlands. A cruel but senseless decision was included in the list of historical curiosities: how did they imagine it ?

Witch Hunt In Europe And Russia - Alternative View

Witch Hunt In Europe And Russia - Alternative View

Who was most suspected of witchcraft, how witches got their power and why there was no hunt for them in Russia

What Mark Did The Spanish Inquisition Leave In The Genes - Alternative View

What Mark Did The Spanish Inquisition Leave In The Genes - Alternative View

1492 is the time when Columbus swam across the ocean in search of a new land. At this time, the Spanish authorities decide to expel all practicing Jews from their kingdom. Those who survived but chose not to leave their homes were forced to become Catholics

Enchanted Europe - Alternative View

Enchanted Europe - Alternative View

Burning bonfires all over Europe - here is one of the usual pictures that comes to mind when thinking about the Middle Ages. In addition to heretics, those who were accused of witchcraft and connections with the devil also burned on these bonfires

From Torquemada To The Present Day - Alternative View

From Torquemada To The Present Day - Alternative View

In the blessed Middle Ages, I would have been burned at the stake like a witch. At that time, they did not particularly stand on ceremony with women. And with people like me, even more so

Witch Hunt - Alternative View

Witch Hunt - Alternative View

Witchcraft, magic and Satanism prepared the basis for belief in witches and sorcerers. For 250 years from the middle of the XV century. about 200,000 people in Europe were executed for witchcraft. Some were burned alive, others were hanged, others were first strangled, and only then burned

17 Signs By Which In 1692 You Would Have Been Declared A Witch - Alternative View

17 Signs By Which In 1692 You Would Have Been Declared A Witch - Alternative View

In 1692, you could very well find yourself at the trial of the Salem witches - as an accused, of course. Anyone could be accused of witchcraft, more precisely, anyone, and it is quite legal, and for this: 1. You - womanYou - woman