Secrets of history 2024, October

The Glorious Death Of King Eric The Saint - Alternative View

The Glorious Death Of King Eric The Saint - Alternative View

There was such a Swedish king Eric IX the Saint, he ruled only for a short time - from 1156 to 1160, he did not really distinguish himself in anything, therefore, during his lifetime, he did not appear in any chronicles - neither in Swedish, let alone in foreign

Necklace Of Saint Januarius - Alternative View

Necklace Of Saint Januarius - Alternative View

Most people believe that the greatest wealth in the world is the treasures of the House of Romanovs or the British Crown

The Revelation Of John The Evangelist - Alternative View

The Revelation Of John The Evangelist - Alternative View

Today, probably, there is not a single person on Earth who would not have heard of the prophecies of the Mayan priests: the end of the world will come in 2012. By the way, many prophets and clairvoyants have spoken on this topic

Kingdom Of The Priest John - Alternative View

Kingdom Of The Priest John - Alternative View

In the Middle Ages, legends about a powerful Christian state in the East, full of all the blessings of peace and Christian harmony, gained great popularity, headed by no less legendary ruler - Tsar-priest Presbyter John (English

Krakow Martyr - Alternative View

Krakow Martyr - Alternative View

After the split of the Christian Church in 1054, Orthodoxy and Catholicism canonized the saints independently of each other. It is not surprising that the Orthodox Church does not have a single saint with the name Stanislav, but the Catholic - two at once

How Jesus Christ "became" A Woman With A Beard - Alternative View

How Jesus Christ "became" A Woman With A Beard - Alternative View

No, this is not at all an unfortunate depiction of Christ, but a highly revered Catholic saint, best known by the name of Vilgefortis with a beard that is very traditional for her iconography

The Archaeologist Dispelled The Myth Of The Early Death Of People In The Middle Ages - Alternative View

The Archaeologist Dispelled The Myth Of The Early Death Of People In The Middle Ages - Alternative View

Australian National University archaeologist Christine Cave has dispelled the myth that most people rarely lived to be 50 before the advent of modern medicine. Cave has developed a new method for determining the age of the deceased from skeletal remains

Soviet Biological Weapons: The Main Secrets - Alternative View

Soviet Biological Weapons: The Main Secrets - Alternative View

There is practically nothing to learn about the development of biological weapons in the USSR from official sources. Nevertheless, information about this exists. And looking through the closed archival materials of the Soviet years, you understand why it was hidden from the public

Non-belligerent Ally Of Hitler - Alternative View

Non-belligerent Ally Of Hitler - Alternative View

And the reality was completely different - during 1941-1944. Turkey actually sided with Hitler, although the Turkish soldiers did not fire a single shot in the direction of the Soviet soldiers

Poveglia Is An Island That Inspires Fear - Alternative View

Poveglia Is An Island That Inspires Fear - Alternative View

In the northern part of Italy, in the Venetian lagoon near the island of Lido, there is the abandoned Poveglia island. In the past, people lived there, but after a series of mysterious deaths and accidents, local residents began to massively move from it

Flying Train Of Pre-revolutionary Russia - Alternative View

Flying Train Of Pre-revolutionary Russia - Alternative View

I first read about this extraordinary project more than half a century ago in "Entertaining Physics" by Ya.I. Perelman. The drawing to the text depicted a huge pipe, inside of which a gabled trailer with a passenger lying inside was flying

Black Angel Of The Era Of Decadence - Alternative View

Black Angel Of The Era Of Decadence - Alternative View

The Italians nicknamed Maria Tarnowskaya Angelo pego ("Black Angel"), emphasizing the striking contrast between her black deeds and angelic appearance

How Did An Official Live In Pre-revolutionary Russia - Alternative View

How Did An Official Live In Pre-revolutionary Russia - Alternative View

Suppose that a family lives in Moscow, consisting of a husband, a wife and only two children (and two usually come after 3 years after marriage). Husband - an official or a clerk of a middle rank - receives 50 rubles a month

The Adventurous Story Of The Appearance Of Jeans - Alternative View

The Adventurous Story Of The Appearance Of Jeans - Alternative View

No other wardrobe item has such a compelling story. It's strange to imagine, but jeans that seem so modern to us appeared in the middle of the 19th century

Greek Fire - What Is It? - Alternative View

Greek Fire - What Is It? - Alternative View

Greek fire is a forgotten superweapon of antiquity, a nightmare of the enemies of Byzantium, humanity's warm-up before napalm and phosphorus bombs. Was it really as effective as the chroniclers write, or was it rather an instrument of deterrence and intimidation?

In Antarctica Discovered "parking" UFOs, Built By The Third Reich - Alternative View

In Antarctica Discovered "parking" UFOs, Built By The Third Reich - Alternative View

Historians around the world claim that German scientists during the war tried to create their own territory on the icy continent - "New Swabia", where they conducted secret tests of space objects

In Search Of A Panacea - Alternative View

In Search Of A Panacea - Alternative View

The dream of a long life without disease and suffering has excited the imagination of scientists at all times. Finding a panacea - medicines for any disease - devoted to hundreds of scientific treatises

As Early As 2700 Years Ago In The Kuban, Children Were Sacrificed To The "gods" - Alternative View

As Early As 2700 Years Ago In The Kuban, Children Were Sacrificed To The "gods" - Alternative View

The most precious things were brought to the altar … In Russia, the burial place of children brought as ritual sacrifices by representatives of an unknown people was found

How Was The Parade Of The Vanquished, And Why Were The Germans Taken In Moscow In 1944 - Alternative View

How Was The Parade Of The Vanquished, And Why Were The Germans Taken In Moscow In 1944 - Alternative View

Victory in the Great Patriotic War was forged not only at the front. Ideological operations played a huge role in the struggle against the enemy. One of these was the operation known as the "Big Waltz", organized by order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Joseph Stalin in July 1944

SECRET OPERATION The Third Peyx Was The Reason For The Roswellian Incident? - Alternative View

SECRET OPERATION The Third Peyx Was The Reason For The Roswellian Incident? - Alternative View

The "Nazi Kolokol" was presumably a technology created by the Third Reich to make possible flights to the Moon and other planets

How The Germans Were Tamed To Purity - Alternative View

How The Germans Were Tamed To Purity - Alternative View

Even "wild" people can be taught to clean up after themselves, if you approach the issue wisely! An interesting historical fact, a must-read for all officials involved in the improvement of cities

Intervention: How The "allies" Divided Russia - Alternative View

Intervention: How The "allies" Divided Russia - Alternative View

During the foreign intervention of 1918-1921, Russia was divided into zones of influence. If the plans of the interventionists were carried out, our country would simply not exist within its current borders

The Triumph And Tragedy Of The "black Baron" - Alternative View

The Triumph And Tragedy Of The "black Baron" - Alternative View

On August 27 (August 15), 1878, one hundred and forty years ago, Pyotr Nikolaevich Wrangel was born - baron, lieutenant general, hero of the Russo-Japanese and First World Wars, yet much better known to our fellow citizens from the events of the Civil War

Legendary Hannibal - Carthaginian Commander - Alternative View

Legendary Hannibal - Carthaginian Commander - Alternative View

Hannibal Barca - Born 247 BC e. Died 183 BC e. Clinking weapons, great victories, legendary war elephants Hannibal - commander and statesman of Carthage, a state in North Africa, the main rival of Ancient Rome

Tepes - Our! 10 Facts That Will Change Your Ideas About Dracula - Alternative View

Tepes - Our! 10 Facts That Will Change Your Ideas About Dracula - Alternative View

An amazing thing: we are ready to defend the sacred right of the Fatherland to be considered the homeland of elephants, but the faithful prince Dracula, who took prison torments for our holy Orthodoxy, is easily given up for the smell of any Balkan bastard?

Is The Story True? - Alternative View

Is The Story True? - Alternative View

History is very important - this statement is false. However, even from school, we are convinced that it is important to know your own history

Murder By The Rules - Alternative View

Murder By The Rules - Alternative View

The duel is associated with a heightened concept of self-esteem. But how many outstanding scientists, writers, and politicians died in these fights (although sometimes it is not a pity for the latter)

The Monster "brighter Than A Thousand Suns" And Mutants Of The XXI Century - Alternative View

The Monster "brighter Than A Thousand Suns" And Mutants Of The XXI Century - Alternative View

Destroyers of worlds At the beginning of the last century, people were not yet able to imagine that their century would release a monster that had been dormant in the depths of nothingness for many millennia. And the terrible times described in ancient chronicles will rise from the dust

What Debts Did The Soviet Sosa Have - Alternative View

What Debts Did The Soviet Sosa Have - Alternative View

The Soviet Union, despite its declared independence from the West, nevertheless used foreign loans. Western aid to some extent helped the USSR overcome the devastation, industrialize and accelerate the victory over fascism

A Feast On The Bones - Alternative View

A Feast On The Bones - Alternative View

Almost eight centuries ago, on May 31, 1223, a significant battle took place on the Kalka River, in which the Russian princes were defeated … The events preceding the battle took place a year earlier. It was in 1222

American Dollar: 16 Interesting Facts - Alternative View

American Dollar: 16 Interesting Facts - Alternative View

Do you think you know all about money? Then you should read these unusual facts that will shed light on many questions about money, in particular American dollars and cents. What are the features of the strongest currency in the world?

Ofeni: More Mysterious Than Masons, More Insidious Than Templars - Alternative View

Ofeni: More Mysterious Than Masons, More Insidious Than Templars - Alternative View

There has never been a more closed and more mysterious community in Russian history than ofeni. Much more is known even about the Masons, who in all ages have shrouded themselves in an aura of secrecy. Where did they come from

The Real Truth About Samurai - Alternative View

The Real Truth About Samurai - Alternative View

Since childhood, we associate samurai with the image of a courageous, stern warrior, who, moreover, is quite adept in philosophy and is ready to lay down a tank or two on occasion

"If You Hang Me, You Will All Drown!" - Alternative View

"If You Hang Me, You Will All Drown!" - Alternative View

How much terrible, destructive power does the curse of a dying person contain? Can the hatred caused by the awareness of the upcoming own execution, send a powerful energy charge against the executioners

What Is The "Paris Glitch" And How To Explain It? - Alternative View

What Is The "Paris Glitch" And How To Explain It? - Alternative View

Surprisingly, at all times, mystical events, although not often, also occur with precise mechanisms

"Don't Cry, Mademoiselle, Everything Will Be Fine!" - Alternative View

"Don't Cry, Mademoiselle, Everything Will Be Fine!" - Alternative View

Not all women from the family of Russian autocrats spent their time in idleness, fun and doing nothing. Such workaholics and women with a difficult fate include Princess Maria Romanova

Raymund Llull: The Only Holy Fool In The West - Alternative View

Raymund Llull: The Only Holy Fool In The West - Alternative View

Catalan Raimund Llull is a philosopher, poet and theologian. Founder of Western European Orientalism. Catholicism is not familiar with the phenomenon of foolishness, but Llull was almost the only foolish person in the West. He left a deep mark on philosophy, theology, logic, pedagogy and literature

The Wreck Of The Imperial Train - Alternative View

The Wreck Of The Imperial Train - Alternative View

In October 1888, Emperor Alexander III returned with his family from the Crimea to St. Petersburg. The train disaster occurred on October 17 near the Borki station, not far from Kharkov

Death Of Napoleon. Mystery Revealed - Alternative View

Death Of Napoleon. Mystery Revealed - Alternative View

1821, May - upon learning that Napoleon Bonaparte had died, many of the European monarchs breathed a sigh of relief. Even while on Saint Helena, he posed a real threat, because he still had strong authority