American Dollar: 16 Interesting Facts - Alternative View

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American Dollar: 16 Interesting Facts - Alternative View
American Dollar: 16 Interesting Facts - Alternative View

Video: American Dollar: 16 Interesting Facts - Alternative View

Video: American Dollar: 16 Interesting Facts - Alternative View
Video: Как устроена IT-столица мира / Russian Silicon Valley (English subs) 2024, September

Do you think you know all about money? Then you should read these unusual facts that will shed light on many questions about money, in particular American dollars and cents. What are the features of the strongest currency in the world? How can she surprise you?

The pennies were much more cocky

The first American penny was created by Benjamin Franklin in 1787. Instead of the Latin phrase E PLURIBUS UNUM, the motto "Mind your own business" was used.


The eagle was a star

The eagle on the money has a name. From 1830 to 1836, one eagle very often flew into the Mint building, so the staff gave it the name Peter the Mint Eagle. They took care of him, fed him, and also used him as a model.

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Pennies can lead to bankruptcy

Today it costs more than one cent to issue one penny. According to the Mint, it costs about 1.7 cents to produce a single coin.


Small thing makes airport management richer

Trifle quickly accumulates into large sums. In 2015, security personnel collected more than $ 765,000 in small change left by passengers at US airports.


Paper money is not made of paper

American money is not paper money at all; it is 75 percent cotton and 25 percent canvas. In the days of Benjamin Franklin, people "repaired" money with a thread and a needle.


Money: universal compost

And today spoiled money is thrown away. Every day, one American farm recycles more than four tons of worn-out dollars into compost.


The vending machine won't accept your bill? Preheat it in the microwave

A bill needs to be folded four thousand times (two thousand one way and two thousand the other) for it to wear out. However, much less wear and tear will cause the vending machine to refuse to accept your bill. But you can fix the situation by sending the bill for twenty seconds in the microwave.


Most of the money does not live up to "puberty"

The death of bills occurs much more often than you think. The shortest life expectancy for a 10 dollar bill is four and a half years. The bill with the longest life span of 15 years is $ 100.


The two dollar bill is not as unique as you might think

It is believed that the two dollar bill is a rarity. However, more than a billion such bills were printed in total. You can still ask for such a bill at most US banks.


New money uses 9 tons of ink daily

In the United States, 26 million banknotes are printed every day, which takes 9 tons of ink worth nearly a billion dollars.


There was once a 100 thousand dollar bill

The largest bill ever issued is the $ 100,000 certificate, which was printed from December 1934 to January 1935. This note was used only in transactions between the Federal Reserve Banks and the US Treasury.


The grooves on the coins have a purpose

The 25 cent coin has 119 grooves and the 10 cent coin has 118 grooves. The grooves were added to prevent people from erasing the carvings and selling coins as precious metals.


In order to fight counterfeiters, a secret service was created

After the Civil War, about half of the money in use was counterfeit. The United States Secret Service was created on July 5, 1865 to fight the counterfeiting epidemic.


North Carolina farmer's son has sponsored the country for 25 years

The first gold rush in the United States began in North Carolina in 1803, when 12-year-old Conrad Reed found eight kilograms of gold on his father's farm. This amount was enough to support the country's economy until 1829.


The tech boom is no match for the gold rush

San Francisco's tech boom has skyrocketed 21 percent over the nationwide average, but that's small compared to the gold rush. In the fifties of the nineteenth century, a dozen eggs would have cost you the equivalent of today's $ 90, a pickaxe $ 1,500, and a hotel room rent a month $ 200,000.


There are 293 ways to change one dollar

Do you need to keep someone busy for a long time? There are 293 ways to change one dollar. Invite this person to find them all.


Marina Ilyushenko