Secrets of history 2024, October

The Myth Of "peaceful" Finland. What Prompted The USSR To Start A War With Finland - Alternative View

The Myth Of "peaceful" Finland. What Prompted The USSR To Start A War With Finland - Alternative View

75 years ago, on November 30, 1939, the Winter War (Soviet-Finnish War) began. The winter war was almost unknown to the inhabitants of Russia for a long time

Charles Hatfield - The Man Who Made Rain With The Help Of A Mysterious Powder - Alternative View

Charles Hatfield - The Man Who Made Rain With The Help Of A Mysterious Powder - Alternative View

At the very beginning of the 20th century, a person drove around the United States who did not sell vacuum cleaners or some other useful things in everyday life, but real rain. This man's name was Charles Hatfield and he was not a crook

What Was The Antikythera Mechanism? - Alternative View

What Was The Antikythera Mechanism? - Alternative View

From childhood, we know about the sea voyages of the mythical heroes of Hellas - Odysseus, the Argonauts and many others. Historical science has long established the opinion that Greek seafarers perfectly mastered the waters of the Mediterranean and Black Seas

Sergei Bodrov Jr.: Did He Really Die? - Alternative View

Sergei Bodrov Jr.: Did He Really Die? - Alternative View

Everything that is reliably known about the death of actor Sergei Bodrov fits into a few words. He went missing in 2002 in the Karmadon Gorge in the Caucasus (North Ossetia). It happened approximately in the morning of September 20

9 Oldest Maps Of The World - Alternative View

9 Oldest Maps Of The World - Alternative View

Political cartography has become one of the tools of state propaganda, which has begun to perform a number of different tasks.Among them are distortion of reality, falsification, designation of territorial claims, stimulation of separatist sentiments and tendencies within a large entity, incitement of hatred and alienation between neighboring countries

Who Taught Humanity To Agriculture And Agriculture? - Alternative View

Who Taught Humanity To Agriculture And Agriculture? - Alternative View

Until very recently, we knew nothing about the roots of our own civilization. We had no idea who invented the wheel, agriculture, writing, cities and everything else

The History Of Cryptography - Alternative View

The History Of Cryptography - Alternative View

As you know, cryptology consists of cryptography and cryptanalysis. The subject of cryptography is the encryption of information in order to protect it from unauthorized access

Shocking Facts About The Life Of Russian Women In The Village Of The XIX Century - Alternative View

Shocking Facts About The Life Of Russian Women In The Village Of The XIX Century - Alternative View

In 1906, the book “The Life of“Ivan”by Olga Semyonova-Tyan-Shanskaya, the daughter of the famous traveler, was published, which contains interesting, sometimes shocking facts about the life and life of women in a Russian village at the end of the 19th century

The Main Sorcerer Of England - Alternative View

The Main Sorcerer Of England - Alternative View

Gerald Gardner - the man responsible for the revival of witchcraft in the modern West. His books for beginners neopagans - the real esoteric encyclopedia

Experts Again Argued About The Fate Of The Amber Room - Alternative View

Experts Again Argued About The Fate Of The Amber Room - Alternative View

Among the many suggestions about the location of the relic is a Polish village and a German town near Dusseldorf.On Tuesday, June 11, Polish radio RMF24 reported that after years of searching in the settlement of Mamerki (Poland), where the headquarters of the German Land Forces was located during the war years, museum staff discovered a tunnel that could lead to the legendary Amber Room

Babies In A Cage: How Englishwomen Of The Early 20th Century "aired" Their Babies - Alternative View

Babies In A Cage: How Englishwomen Of The Early 20th Century "aired" Their Babies - Alternative View

What would you think of a woman who locks a small child in a cage suspended from the wall of an apartment building? Crazy? An irresponsible mother? Need to revoke parental rights? But the Englishwomen of the XX century would strongly disagree with you

The Lost Science Of Turning People Into Stone - Alternative View

The Lost Science Of Turning People Into Stone - Alternative View

Professor Girolamo Segato of Florence, Italy, invented the process of mineralizing human remains, but paranoia and fear of persecution by ignorant contemporaries destroyed his research, leaving only a small number of dark relics in the

Holiday Spring And Labor Day On May 1: The History Of The Celebration - Alternative View

Holiday Spring And Labor Day On May 1: The History Of The Celebration - Alternative View

The holiday, which is celebrated in Russia, the USA, a number of countries in Europe, Africa, Latin America and Asia, is known under several names - International Workers' Day, Spring and Labor Day, Labor Day, Spring Day

The True Nicknames Of The Dogs-cosmonauts Belka And Strelka Have Been Revealed - Alternative View

The True Nicknames Of The Dogs-cosmonauts Belka And Strelka Have Been Revealed - Alternative View

Scientists who were preparing animals for space flight for the first time admitted what their pets were actually called The secret of the nicknames of the famous astronaut dogs Belka and Strelka was first discovered by scientists. In fact, Strelka was called Kaplya, and Belka Vilna

The Solution To The Mystery Of The Mysterious Dyatlov Pass - Alternative View

The Solution To The Mystery Of The Mysterious Dyatlov Pass - Alternative View

Video from user9345709345 taken in 2014. Let me remind you that in the video with an amateur experiment on the Dyatlov pass, I discovered an incredibly interesting phenomenon. I may have solved the mystery of this artifact

Secret Exploration Of The Pristine Imperial Tomb Of The Habsburgs - Alternative View

Secret Exploration Of The Pristine Imperial Tomb Of The Habsburgs - Alternative View

A very unusual message in the current stream of scientific news: there is not a word about everyone's favorite advanced research methods - not about DNA, not about isotopes, not even about X-ray fluorescence spectrometry with some simple radiocarbon analysis

What Do The Deaths Of Troy And The Christmas Tree Have In Common - Alternative View

What Do The Deaths Of Troy And The Christmas Tree Have In Common - Alternative View

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan does not recognize the Christian holiday of Christmas. A German school in Istanbul found out about it during the Christmas holidays in 2016

Tyranny Classics - Pisistratus - Alternative View

Tyranny Classics - Pisistratus - Alternative View

Pisistratus (Born about 602 BC - died 527 BC) Athenian tyrant (ruler) 560 - 527 BC e. (intermittently). Carried out reforms (distribution of land to the rural poor, minting of state coins, etc

Archaeologists Have Discovered 12 Ancient Egyptian Statues At The Site Of A Temple In Luxor - Alternative View

Archaeologists Have Discovered 12 Ancient Egyptian Statues At The Site Of A Temple In Luxor - Alternative View

The statues are similar to the 27 statues found a few days ago. On the site of the ruins of the burial temple of Pharaoh Amenhotep III in Kom el-Hitan in Luxor, 12 statues of the goddess of war Sekhmet were found

Scientists Have Proven The Extraterrestrial Origin Of Ancient Axes And Daggers - Alternative View

Scientists Have Proven The Extraterrestrial Origin Of Ancient Axes And Daggers - Alternative View

French scientist Albert Jambon of the National Center for Scientific Research has confirmed the hypothesis that a significant part of the iron products dating back to the Bronze Age are made of meteorite metal

Vasily The Third. Biography. Governing Body. Family - Alternative View

Vasily The Third. Biography. Governing Body. Family - Alternative View

Vasily III Ivanovich baptized Gabriel, monasticism Barlaam (born March 25, 1479 - death December 3, 1533) - - Grand Duke of Vladimir and Moscow (1505 - 1533), Sovereign of All Russia

What In Fact In Russia Was Considered Fornication - Alternative View

What In Fact In Russia Was Considered Fornication - Alternative View

Today, the word "fornication" is usually used only in a religious context. Most people consider it synonymous with the word "debauchery". But in fact, the concept of "fornication" is somewhat broader. And it appeared in Russian in very ancient times

What Was The Third Reich Looking For In The Soviet Arctic? - Alternative View

What Was The Third Reich Looking For In The Soviet Arctic? - Alternative View

The Nazis, unlike many military theorists, attached great strategic importance to the territories beyond the 60th parallel of northern latitude

Riddles Of Salamis - Alternative View

Riddles Of Salamis - Alternative View

September 28, 480 BC, that is, almost two and a half thousand years ago, in the Salamis Strait off the coast of Greece, the first major naval battle in history took place, which played an important role in the fate of the ancient world

The Voynich Manuscript Was Found Unfit For Decryption - Alternative View

The Voynich Manuscript Was Found Unfit For Decryption - Alternative View

For a century, many researchers have tried to decipher the ancient texts of the Voynich manuscript. The document is still considered the most mysterious medieval text in the world

Russian Mathematicians Have Found A Way To Decipher The Voynich Manuscript - Alternative View

Russian Mathematicians Have Found A Way To Decipher The Voynich Manuscript - Alternative View

Scientists at the Mstislav Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences came to the conclusion that the Voynich manuscript was written in two languages with the exception of vowels. Reported by RIA Novosti

The Voynich Manuscript Is Being Massively Replicated So That Scientists Can Decipher It - Alternative View

The Voynich Manuscript Is Being Massively Replicated So That Scientists Can Decipher It - Alternative View

Scientists all over the world will be able to take part in the deciphering of one of the most mysterious manuscripts - of the Voynich manuscript, a small Spanish publishing company will make 898 exact copies of the Voynich manuscript

Sandarmokh Tract: "Stalin's Victims" Were Red Army Soldiers Who Were Executed By Finnish Allies - Alternative View

Sandarmokh Tract: "Stalin's Victims" Were Red Army Soldiers Who Were Executed By Finnish Allies - Alternative View

The Russian Military Historical Society carried out excavations in the Sandarmokh tract. As a result of the excavations, the remains of the Red Army were discovered. And, apparently, the soldiers of the Red Army were shot by the Finns

Sniper Lunch - Alternative View

Sniper Lunch - Alternative View

Yes, Russian men are not simple, no matter how unprepossessing they may seem. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, a Siberian collective farmer of not quite draft age got to the front, about sixty years old

About Compensation For The "occupation" - Alternative View

About Compensation For The "occupation" - Alternative View

We must follow the example of our European and American partners. We scrupulously observe the contracts, we fulfill our obligations. They do what suits them. The United States wanted and took, and withdrew from the INF Treaty. Well, they thought it was beneficial for them

Forgotten Nightmare. The Most Terrible Terrorist Attack In The History Of The USSR - Alternative View

Forgotten Nightmare. The Most Terrible Terrorist Attack In The History Of The USSR - Alternative View

On May 18, 1973, one of the passengers of the Tu-104 airliner flying to Chita hijacked the plane and demanded a change in its route. Tengiz Rzayev threatened to blow up the plane if the pilots did not obey his demands

The Mystery Of The Attack On Pearl Harbor - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Attack On Pearl Harbor - Alternative View

The tragedy that occurred on December 7, 1941 at the Pearl Harbor military base, located in Hawaii, marked the entry of Japan into World War II

Key Facts About Pearl Harbor - Alternative View

Key Facts About Pearl Harbor - Alternative View

The name "Pearl Harbor" has become a household name for something sudden and overwhelming, this "day of shame" still keeps its secrets. Chasing two birds with one stone The question of when and against whom Japan would enter the war was of fundamental importance

Dictionary Of The Names Of The Chronicles Of Ancient Russia - Alternative View

Dictionary Of The Names Of The Chronicles Of Ancient Russia - Alternative View

Collected from the chronicles by Pavel Shasherin. Abaskun = a city on the shores of the Khazar Sea Avars-nomads - came from Asia to the northern Black Sea region with the Khagan Bayan, sending an embassy to Constantinople in 558 summer

The Heirs Of Prince Kiy - Alternative View

The Heirs Of Prince Kiy - Alternative View

According to the Veles book, Lebedyan reigned in Kiev for 20 years (460 - 480), but it is not said whether he directly inherited Kiyu or another prince. Lebedyan is also called Slave. According to A.A. Kuru Lebedyan - son of Kiy

History Of The Veles Book. Fake Or Shrine? - Alternative View

History Of The Veles Book. Fake Or Shrine? - Alternative View

Velesov book, it is also called "Isenbek's boards" and "Vlesov's book" - this is a book containing particles of the Ancient Slavic-Aryan Wisdom preserved by the Novgorod Magi of the 9th century, for the most part dedicated to the god of wealth and wisdom of ancient glories

The History Of The Russians According To The "Vlesova Book". Part 3 - Alternative View

The History Of The Russians According To The "Vlesova Book". Part 3 - Alternative View

Part 1 - Part 2 Although all this is presented incidentally and in insufficient detail, much allows us to make fairly well-grounded inferences, since we are dealing with original material and presented in various forms and versions, which makes it possible

The History Of The Russians According To The "Vlesova Book". Part 1 - Alternative View

The History Of The Russians According To The "Vlesova Book". Part 1 - Alternative View

Part 2 - Part 3 The universe is not only more unusual than we imagine, it is more unusual than we can imagine Before proceeding to the presentation of this question, it should be recalled that "Vlesova's book" is not a chronicle with a consistent arrangement of historical

Who Did Dmitry Donskoy Fight With In Reality - Alternative View

Who Did Dmitry Donskoy Fight With In Reality - Alternative View

From school we know that the great Moscow prince Dmitry Ivanovich (1359-1389) made an unsuccessful attempt to overthrow the Mongol-Tatar yoke. In 1380, he defeated the hordes of Khan Mamai on the Kulikovo field, for which he received the nickname Donskoy

The Strangest Book Ever - Alternative View

The Strangest Book Ever - Alternative View

In all ratings of book curiosities "The Serafini Code" (the first edition was published 30 years ago) Luigi Serafini certainly occupies the top line; that this edition has the semi-official status of "the strangest book in the world"