Secrets of history 2024, October

What Secrets Does Antarctica Keep? - Alternative View

What Secrets Does Antarctica Keep? - Alternative View

In Santiago, part of the documents from the collection of the famous philosopher, conspiracy theorist and occultist Miguel Serrano was stolen from the Chilean National Military Historical Archive, which contained materials about the allegedly built by Nazi Germany in

Far Eastern Border Of The Crimean War. Defense Of Petropavlovsk - Alternative View

Far Eastern Border Of The Crimean War. Defense Of Petropavlovsk - Alternative View

April 26, 1854 began for the British and French ships stationed in the port of Callao with an annoying surprise

The Secret Becomes Apparent. Was Stalin Killed? Was His Body Lying In The Mausoleum? - Alternative View

The Secret Becomes Apparent. Was Stalin Killed? Was His Body Lying In The Mausoleum? - Alternative View

The mystery of the death of the leader of the peoples Joseph Stalin has raised many questions at all times

"They Steal, Sir!" How They Fought With Bribes In The Past Centuries In Different Countries - Alternative View

"They Steal, Sir!" How They Fought With Bribes In The Past Centuries In Different Countries - Alternative View

When the historian Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin was asked what was happening in Russia during his trip to Europe, he answered in one word: "They are stealing!" Have any measures been taken to combat theft and bribes?

Fragments Of The Biblical Legend - Alternative View

Fragments Of The Biblical Legend - Alternative View

For five thousand years, the biblical story of Noah's ark has been stirring the minds of people. Indeed, in fact, from the date of the Great Flood - April 2, 2369 BC. - the rebirth of humanity began

The Date Of The Fall Of A Giant Asteroid On The Most Ancient Earth Has Been Named - Alternative View

The Date Of The Fall Of A Giant Asteroid On The Most Ancient Earth Has Been Named - Alternative View

Australian scientists have found traces of a giant asteroid that fell to Earth in the most ancient period of its history. In terms of destructiveness, his fall is one of the first places. The discovery is reported in the journal Precambrian Research

Legendary Slavic Leaders - Alternative View

Legendary Slavic Leaders - Alternative View

1. Prince Glorious. The legendary prince of the Ilmen Slovenes, who sat down near Lake Ilmen and created a settlement that soon became Novgorod.2. Prince Rus - an exclusively mythical prince and ancestor, the epic name of the people of Russia

Decoding The Voynich Manuscript - Alternative View

Decoding The Voynich Manuscript - Alternative View

For many years the best cryptologists in the world have been fighting over the secret of the "Voynich manuscript" - a mysterious medieval manuscript written in an unknown language and, perhaps, contains facts unknown to science

The Main Secrets Of The Voynich Manuscript - Alternative View

The Main Secrets Of The Voynich Manuscript - Alternative View

The Voynich Manuscript is the most mysterious book in history. It was created in the 15th century, but it is still unknown what is written and depicted in it. You can try to solve this riddle too

The Mystery Of The Lost Island Of Bermeya: A Cartographer's Mistake Or A US Covert Operation? - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Lost Island Of Bermeya: A Cartographer's Mistake Or A US Covert Operation? - Alternative View

The world around us is constantly changing. But we are perplexed by the idea that a geographic object that existed yesterday on the map may suddenly disappear. And yet this is not at all uncommon

Why Did Moses Lead The Jews Through The Desert For Forty Years, And How Is This Possible? - Alternative View

Why Did Moses Lead The Jews Through The Desert For Forty Years, And How Is This Possible? - Alternative View

Probably almost every person on our planet has heard the biblical legend about Moses and the Jews who wandered in the desert for four decades. But why did he do it, maybe he is not a very good guide?Moses is considered the liberator of the Jews from slavery, a kind of hero to whom God gave a blessing and showed miracles to Moses

Library Of Alexandria - Alternative View

Library Of Alexandria - Alternative View

Ancient Egypt keeps many secrets. One of them is the mystery of the disappeared Alexandria Library, where the works of many famous thinkers of antiquity were collected. More than half a million scrolls were kept in the library

The Most Important Archaeological Finds In The History Of Mankind - Alternative View

The Most Important Archaeological Finds In The History Of Mankind - Alternative View

Archaeological discoveries never cease to shock us. Sometimes the finds are so fantastic that they cause many years of controversy among scientists and acquire an ambiguous assessment. 1. Rosetta stone Rosetta stone - this is a stone slab

Where Are The Treasures Of The Robber Kudeyar? - Alternative View

Where Are The Treasures Of The Robber Kudeyar? - Alternative View

More than five hundred years on the banks of the Don and the Don tributary - the Voronezh rivers, compose legends and songs about the mysterious robber Kudeyar, about his countless treasures buried in numerous caves and underground caches

What Was The Battle Cry In Russia - Alternative View

What Was The Battle Cry In Russia - Alternative View

Russian battle cry "Hurray!" known all over the world. And what did they shout when going into battle in Russia in ancient times? Ancient and medieval periods In the annals there is no evidence of what the cry of the ancient Russian soldiers was

The Life And Death Of Marie Antoinette - Alternative View

The Life And Death Of Marie Antoinette - Alternative View

Marie Antoinette (born November 2, 1755 - death October 16, 1793) - queen of France. The wife of the French king Louis XVI since 1770. During the French Revolution she was executed by guillotine

Russia's Attempt To Colonize Africa - Alternative View

Russia's Attempt To Colonize Africa - Alternative View

Few people know that in the 18th century Russia's plans included the conquest of Africa. It is true not of the entire continent, but of one island that is part of it. The idea of colonizing the island was proposed to Peter I by Vice Admiral Wilster

Revenge On The Monks From The Employees Of The Kazan Cheka Killed By Them - Alternative View

Revenge On The Monks From The Employees Of The Kazan Cheka Killed By Them - Alternative View

Kazan researcher of anomalous phenomena K. Ishmuratov once unearthed a rather mysterious story associated with the famous Raifsky monastery in Kazan

Sultan Suleiman The Magnificent - Biography - Alternative View

Sultan Suleiman The Magnificent - Biography - Alternative View

The magnificent ruler of Turkey was called in Europe. His subjects called him Qanuni - Legislator. He was the 10th Turkish Sultan, who ruled from 1520 to 1566. During his reign, the Ottoman Empire reached its peak

The Radioactive Metal Indicates The "success" Of The Nazi Atomic Program - Alternative View

The Radioactive Metal Indicates The "success" Of The Nazi Atomic Program - Alternative View

Nazi secret uranium enrichment facility was located near Oranienburg

Skulls Causing Mystical Horror - Alternative View

Skulls Causing Mystical Horror - Alternative View

The Screaming Skull Mystic In a number of places in the UK there are skulls called screaming. At all attempts to remove from the house, they protest, making specific sounds

Magnificent Tyrant. Circumcision Pavilion And Zoo Of Sultan Suleiman - Alternative View

Magnificent Tyrant. Circumcision Pavilion And Zoo Of Sultan Suleiman - Alternative View

It will be about the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, Suleiman the Magnificent, who is known in Turkey as Suleiman Qanuni (Legislator). This ruler was an extremely controversial nature

"The Great Day", Continued: New Details About The Minoan Burials In The South Of Crete - Alternative View

"The Great Day", Continued: New Details About The Minoan Burials In The South Of Crete - Alternative View

This landmark discovery took an unlucky farmer, a broken watering pipe, and an attempt to park a heavy car in the shade of an olive tree

Ingermanlandia: A Country That Does Not Exist - Alternative View

Ingermanlandia: A Country That Does Not Exist - Alternative View

Have you ever heard of Ingermanland? No, this country is not fictional and fabulous at all, but quite real. Some 100 years ago, it was located on the banks of the Neva, on the territory of the present Leningrad region. True, Ingermanlandia was officially listed as an independent state for only 1

World War II Through The Eyes Of A US Veteran - Alternative View

World War II Through The Eyes Of A US Veteran - Alternative View

Check out an excerpt from an interview that an American soldier gave to an independent American publication back in 1998.I think those who believe that the Americans are the main winners in World War II should not be taken seriously at all

How The Athos Monks Blessed Hitler - Alternative View

How The Athos Monks Blessed Hitler - Alternative View

Sometimes you can find such an expression in stories about a little-known event of World War II. Without going into estimates, we will only offer for consideration the facts of the relationship between the monks of Mount Athos and the Nazi leadership

Why The Novgorodians Expelled Alexander Nevsky - Alternative View

Why The Novgorodians Expelled Alexander Nevsky - Alternative View

In 1240, a famous battle took place on the Neva River between Swedish opponents and the Russian army, led by Prince Alexander Yaroslavovich (Nevsky). It was the skillful command of the prince that brought victory to the Novgorodians

An Amazing Story About A Boy Loew - Alternative View

An Amazing Story About A Boy Loew - Alternative View

In one Moscow school, a boy stopped attending classes. She doesn't go for a week, two … Lyova didn't have a phone, and classmates, on the advice of the teacher, decided to go to his house. Lev's mother opened the door. Her face was very sad. T

The Mystery Of The Disappearance Of Two Geologists In The Taiga In 1960 - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Disappearance Of Two Geologists In The Taiga In 1960 - Alternative View

On August 10, 1960, two geologists disappeared in the North Baikal taiga. Until now, not the slightest trace of them has been found. There is not a single convincing reason for the disappearance of geologists. So far, all the versions put forward look implausible

Mysticism And The Cult Of The Bear - Alternative View

Mysticism And The Cult Of The Bear - Alternative View

Probably, not one animal has been composed as many fairy tales, songs, legends and stories as about a bear. The Russian people treat this animal with respect, calling it "forest warlord" and "master of the pine forest"

Strange Love Or Where Did The Centaurs Come From - Alternative View

Strange Love Or Where Did The Centaurs Come From - Alternative View

The attitude to sexual attraction to animals at different times was not the same. Over the centuries, it has changed significantly depending on religious views, customs and moral principles

Saint Brendan's Land: Myth Or Reality? - Alternative View

Saint Brendan's Land: Myth Or Reality? - Alternative View

The path of Saint Brendan is depicted in detail on the map … Geographical discoveries are known, which eventually become only a myth: they are not confirmed by modern science and living observations

In Egypt, They Found A Cemetery, Which Is 2300 Years Old - Alternative View

In Egypt, They Found A Cemetery, Which Is 2300 Years Old - Alternative View

The cemetery was discovered in the Egyptian city of Tuna el-Gebel, west of the Nile, LiveScience reported. It contains numerous burial mines, according to archaeologists, excavation will take about five years

How The Traitors Who Served The Fascists Were Found And Destroyed In The USSR - Alternative View

How The Traitors Who Served The Fascists Were Found And Destroyed In The USSR - Alternative View

One and a half thousand victims, more than 30 years on the run and no remorse - 40 years ago, on August 11, 1979, Antonina Makarova, the notorious executioner of the Lokotsky district, was shot by the verdict of a Soviet court. Tonka the machine-gunner is one of three women executed in the USSR in the post-Stalin era

Sophia Palaeologus: How A Catholic Woman From Byzantium Became A Great Russian Princess - Alternative View

Sophia Palaeologus: How A Catholic Woman From Byzantium Became A Great Russian Princess - Alternative View

Sophia Palaeologus was one of the most significant figures on the Russian throne both in her origin and in personal qualities, as well as due to the kind of people she attracted to serve the Moscow rulers

Relics Associated With Issus Christ - Alternative View

Relics Associated With Issus Christ - Alternative View

In the eyes of believers, the items described below are the highest values on Earth. Great cathedrals were built around these modest things, to see them, hundreds of thousands of people gather, because of them wars were fought, and feats of philanthropy were performed

Scientists Who Have Reached Lake Vostok Are Looking For Hitler's Archive - Alternative View

Scientists Who Have Reached Lake Vostok Are Looking For Hitler's Archive - Alternative View

Specialists who had reached the surface of the relict Lake Vostok the day before are looking for the Fuehrer's cache, created by the Nazis at the end of World War II

Find From Casteidollo - Alternative View

Find From Casteidollo - Alternative View

In the late sixties of the last century, a geological professor at the Italian Institute of Technology in Brescia, Giuseppe Ragazoni, carried out archaeological excavations in coral deposits near the village of Casteidollo and came across human remains

The Mystery Of Lake Titicaca - Alternative View

The Mystery Of Lake Titicaca - Alternative View

Lake Titicaca is located on the border of Peru and Bolivia. It is located in the highlands and is the most abundant alpine lake in the world. It is also one of the strangest lakes on the planet: Titicaca does not communicate with the ocean, but is filled with sea water

Spices And Spices - Alternative View

Spices And Spices - Alternative View

Huge conditions have been accumulated and wasted, rulers have been seduced, terrible diseases - healed, distant lands and peoples - studied because of the spices