The Mystery Of Lake Titicaca - Alternative View

The Mystery Of Lake Titicaca - Alternative View
The Mystery Of Lake Titicaca - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of Lake Titicaca - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of Lake Titicaca - Alternative View
Video: The Mysterious Monoliths of Tiwanaku | The American Stonehenge of Lake Titicaca | Parable 2024, September

Lake Titicaca is located on the border of Peru and Bolivia. It is located in the highlands and is the most abundant alpine lake in the world. And it is also one of the strangest lakes on the planet: Titicaca does not communicate with the ocean, but is filled with sea water! And this is at an altitude of 3812 meters above sea level!

It is also home to marine animals, ocean fish and crustaceans. The same as in the Pacific Ocean. It is also located in a hollow formed by the Andes ranges, which are 6,000 meters high. However, at a much higher altitude, almost 150 meters from the level of the lake itself, traces of the surf are visible on the mountain slopes. The shores are dotted with the skeletons of marine animals.

There are ancient ruins a few kilometers from the lake. This is the Inca city of Tiwanaku. Neither the aborigines nor the Europeans were able to answer the question of what some structures are intended for. And only after the discovery in the mountains of the traces of the surf, which coincided in height with the level of these structures, it turned out that these were port structures, and Tiwanaku only recently received sea ships!

These are the riddles that seem to have no answer yet. But this is at first glance. The Europeans heard from the aborigines a legend about how it happened that such a highly developed civilization suddenly perished: after all, Tiwanaku, undoubtedly, received ships from many countries and, quite possibly, from across the ocean, its sailors used high-quality geographical maps, the most accurate calendar. What happened? What catastrophe interrupted the life of this highly developed people and their city in all respects?

The gods were angry with the builders of the city: they sent plague, hunger and earthquake, and the main city disappeared into the waters of the lake! The legend is beautiful, but similar to the myth of the end of the world (or this civilization), which exist among most peoples.


In the ruins of Tiwanaku there is a structure resembling the Arc de Triomphe. This is the Gate of the Sun. They depict the symbolic signs of the exact lunar calendar. In addition, the images are very conditional, but it is impossible not to catch: on the same Gate, some animals are depicted that died out in America thousands of years ago! And the signs on the Gate suddenly break off. It was as if the carver or stonecutter had put off work until tomorrow, but never returned to it. Most likely because he died. Like the rest of the Tiwanaku residents.

And what kind of city was it that was swallowed up by the sea (or rather, lake) abyss? Beautiful fairy tale? Not. Scientists are inclined to believe that the ruins we know are just (so to speak) a city of temples. But the main city was right on the seashore. Or the bay. Here he is, according to legend, and sank. In the 1960s, Argentine scuba divers discovered the ruins of a dead city underwater at the bottom of Lake Titicaca.

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The city was, according to ancient concepts, huge: the ruins stretch for a kilometer and more! There was also an alley of stone slabs several hundred meters long, it stretched parallel to the coast. Later, the divers came across walls 1.5-2 meters high. They were located in thirty rows at a distance of 5 meters from one another. They all stood on a single foundation of huge hewn blocks. The latest Bolivian explorations at the bottom of Titicaca only added to the riddles: "We found temples and stone paths that lead to no one knows where, and stairs, the bases of which are hidden in the depths of the lake and braided by seaweed."

Paved pavement, remnants of geometrically correct walls. It is impossible to confuse it with natural formations on the sea (lake) bottom. There are also legends that are closer to our time. During the Conquest period, the Indians allegedly drowned all their gold in Lake Titicaca. And including a gold disc weighing several tons.

There can be only one explanation to the riddles of Tiwanaku and Lake Titicaca: it was probably so, as the legend says. The lake could "scoop up" sea water only when it was part of the sea. This means that Tiwanaku had a seaport. And then, when a catastrophic shift of the mountain platform occurred, and the lake in an instant ascended to a height of 4000 meters, the inhabitants died, and the port city (main) was at the bottom: the geological plates rose unevenly.


This could only have happened during the World Cataclysm caused, as it is believed, by the fall of the "second moon" or a very large meteorite into the Atlantic Ocean. By the way, the Maya have legends indicating that before the catastrophe, there were no mountains in America. The Cordillera were formed, if not in an instant, then in a short time, which cannot even be called a "geological second", because it happened really instantly.

I think that before the world catastrophe there were no rocky mountains on Earth at all. The cosmic body broke a single lithospheric shield, tectonic plates formed, they began to cause earthquakes with mutual friction, and when they collided with each other, they piled up. Mountains and depressions appeared on the earth's surface … The relief of the earth's surface changed dramatically. The rivers were looking for new channels, falling into waterfalls …

There is no people in the world that would not keep the memories of this event. Here is what one of the Mayan codes says about the catastrophe: “The sky approached the earth, and in one day everything was lost. Even the mountains disappeared under water …"

The sacred book of the Quiche Indians (Guatemala) describes the disaster as follows: “There was a great flood … People fled in despair and madness. In horror, they tried to climb the roofs of houses, which collapsed and threw them to the ground. They tried to climb trees, but the trees threw them down, people looked for salvation in caves and grottoes, and they buried people. The light dimmed, and it rained day and night. So the death of the race of people doomed to destruction was completed."


The Indians of Peru say that, according to their ancient legends, "there was such a strong flood that the sea overflowed its shores, the earth was flooded and all people died … The water rose above the highest mountains."

We can find similar information in the legends and preserved sacred books of all peoples of South, Central and North America. Alaska Indians recall that during the flood, the few surviving people escaped from the raging waves in a canoe. Wild animals, bears, wolves also tried to get into the boats crowded with people, and they had to be driven away with spears.

We also find reports of the catastrophe among the African peoples. Thus, flash floods along the shores of both oceans have been accompanied by very intense volcanic activity and mountain building. Mayan legends report that during the catastrophe, red-hot mountains rose up. Other myths, which also tell that the mountains in this area appeared during the catastrophe, are confirmed by some findings of scientists."

From the book by Alexander Bogdanov "Secrets of a Lost Civilization" (2010)