The Secret Becomes Apparent. Was Stalin Killed? Was His Body Lying In The Mausoleum? - Alternative View

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The Secret Becomes Apparent. Was Stalin Killed? Was His Body Lying In The Mausoleum? - Alternative View
The Secret Becomes Apparent. Was Stalin Killed? Was His Body Lying In The Mausoleum? - Alternative View

Video: The Secret Becomes Apparent. Was Stalin Killed? Was His Body Lying In The Mausoleum? - Alternative View

Video: The Secret Becomes Apparent. Was Stalin Killed? Was His Body Lying In The Mausoleum? - Alternative View
Video: Почему невозможно закрыть мавзолей? / Редакция 2024, July

The mystery of the death of the leader of the peoples Joseph Stalin has raised many questions at all times. Many authoritative publications, including the BBC, wrote about the fact that Stalin did not die a natural hands "," curly mustache "and" transparent nails "- elements that are not peculiar to the appearance of the ruler. So what is the secret of the death of a great and terrible leader? Let's try to figure it out.

Opinion from the outside

The essay by Marquez, in which he shared his impressions of the "meeting" with the leader, was published in Russia only during the thaw, which hints at the concern of the Soviet government over the considerations of the popular writer. In 1964, the leader of the Communist Party, Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, loudly declared: "You can't wash a black dog white." Khrushchev talked a lot about the tyranny and crimes of the Stalinist era. The cited quotations make us think that Stalin's ashes were received atypical for the usual burial procedure of Soviet and Russian rulers.


The official version of the medical report says that Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin died as a result of a cerebral hemorrhage. His body was found by the chief's internal security officer on the morning of March 5, 1953. A day later, the body of the leader was presented at the House of Unions to bid farewell to the people. The natural causes of the leader's death can be fully justified - a tough work schedule, lack of sleep, a high level of stress and anxiety against the background of confrontation both on the internal political stage and on the external stage could have caused the sudden death of Joseph Vissarionovich.

Murder version

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However, many researchers are convinced that Stalin's death was not of a natural nature. They suggest that timely medical assistance could have saved the leader's life. Among the reasons that could lead to the alleged assassination of Stalin, the researchers list:

- The powerful armed forces that defeated Nazi Germany threatened Western civilization with the formation of a communist regime.

- The massive elimination of illiteracy among the Soviet people, the introduction of public education, the active cultural development of the nation, the growth of human potential in the vastness of the Soviet Union - the formation of an educated nation was highly competitive for Western states. The social housing program, actively implemented by the Stalinist leadership, also significantly raised the standard of living of the Soviet people. Under Stalin, up to 80% of the post-war barracks and dilapidated shacks were liquidated, in which the heroes of the recently thundered war continued to live in terrible conditions.


- Crisis-free management of the national economy is one of the instruments of Stalin's policy. This management mechanism became the world's first example of an alternative economy for a large territorial entity. The restoration of a huge state - more than 2 thousand cities and 100 thousand settlements - gave many "points" to the communist regime, which was opposed by the capitalist countries.

- The "card economy", which England could not part with for a decade after the end of the war, was replaced by the Stalinist reform of money. The Stalinist experience could not frighten the opponents of communism; the leader's impressive successes could not go unnoticed by the Western leadership.

Internal party contradictions

However, Stalin had many enemies not only in the foreign policy arena. Stalin made high demands on the nomenklatura apparatus. In return for all sorts of benefits and party benefits - apartments, cars, vouchers, including foreign ones, dachas - Stalin demanded the impeccable execution of his orders. The leader had no favorites as such, and the party reform, which Stalin was supposedly preparing shortly before his death, was supposed to significantly worsen the position of party officials. This, according to experts, could serve as a motive for the removal of the leader of the Soviet Union.


Diplomatic steps

A decade later, in 1978, the Soviet side proposed to the government of Albania to restore friendly diplomatic relations, to which the leader of the Albanian Party of Labor refused until the truth of the last days of the life of the leader of the nation and the minutes of the 20th and 21st congresses of the communist parties of the Soviet Union.


Moscow, meanwhile, did not provide any response to the Albanian leader. The Tirana Museum of the leaders of the revolution, Lenin and Stalin, still keeps an archive of the most valuable documentation about the illness and death of Joseph Vissarionovich. This documentation has not been transferred to the Russian side to this day.

Fears of Stalin's son

The recordings of the telephone conversation between the son of the leader Vasily Stalin and his personal driver are no less surprising. Stalin's son describes an incident he saw at a farewell ceremony with his father in the House of Unions, when an elderly woman approached a group of high party nomenklatura - Molotov, Mikoyan, Malenkov and others - and burst out crying "Killed, bastards, rejoice!" Vasily Stalin will ask the interlocutor about what happened to her later, but will not receive an answer.

Poisoning version

A group of historians argue that the elimination of Stalin was the work of Western special agents. There is also information that an assassination attempt was planned at the leader's dacha residence. Stalin's son repeatedly said that his father had been “already killed” even before the official ceremony of parting with the body of the leader, said that in the mausoleum for farewell to the people, not his father was presented, but a skillfully made double. There is a version that after his death Stalin was cremated, since his face was unrecognizable - it's all about the effect of the alleged poisonous substance.

The son of Joseph Vissarionovich in March 1953 wrote to the Central Committee that his father was deliberately killed. The official funeral was not attended by the leaders of the communist countries - North Korea and China, Vietnam and Albania, presumably due to the possession of such information. Subsequently, Vasily Stalin applied for political asylum in the capital of China and Albania, but did not manage to move due to his poor health. On March 19, 1962, the leader's son died in the Republic of Tatarstan, the official version of his sudden death is cirrhosis of the liver.


Political asylum for Vasily Stalin

There is an opinion that Vasily Stalin managed to convey sketches of his memories of that time, including those containing information about requests to foreign embassies. Several years later, they were published in China, and signatures were added to them stating that the death of the leader's son was a result of a conspiracy. Stalin's son had no doubt that his father had died as a result of an internal party struggle.


Disputes about the fate of Stalin

For many years, the controversy about the fate of Stalin's ashes was waged between the leaders of the Soviet Union and China, but all attacks from the outside were ignored by the Soviet leadership. Stalin's death led to the severance of dilomatic relations with a number of now friendly communist states. Foreign politicians accused Khrushchev and his inner circle of displaying hatred of the leader, envy of his successes and huge lies in the name of concealing the fate of the leader.


According to some reports, Albania and China several times asked the Soviet leadership for Stalin's coffin, according to politicians, this could lead to the restoration of previous relations. Nikita Khrushchev responded sharply negatively to these inquiries: "Do you really need this dead nag?" However, the transfer of the coffin to the foreign mausoleum never took place.

What do you think, is there some truth in such assumptions?

Author: Palpinka