Biometrics - Only The First Stage. Usurers Will Burst Into The Life Of Every Russian - Alternative View

Biometrics - Only The First Stage. Usurers Will Burst Into The Life Of Every Russian - Alternative View
Biometrics - Only The First Stage. Usurers Will Burst Into The Life Of Every Russian - Alternative View

Video: Biometrics - Only The First Stage. Usurers Will Burst Into The Life Of Every Russian - Alternative View

Video: Biometrics - Only The First Stage. Usurers Will Burst Into The Life Of Every Russian - Alternative View
Video: The WORST NEIGHBOURHOOD in Russia (feat. Yeah Russia) 2024, October

Welcome to Huxley's Brave World: The Banksters Abolish the State.

On February 19, a press conference of the main developers, beneficiaries and lobbyists of the unified biometric system (UBS) was held at the press center of the Rossiya Segodnya MIA, into which all Russians will begin to be drawn in some four months. Recall that the branch of the US Federal Reserve System under the name "Bank of Russia", private usurers and servants of globalists from the Government of the Russian Federation at the end of December slyly managed to smuggle through the Duma Federal Law No. 482 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation." Katyusha, with the participation of lawyers of the Public Commissioner for Family Protection in St. Petersburg, has already presented detailed legal analysis of this anti-constitutional document. Despite the protests of the conservative Orthodox Russian majority, the supreme power is bringing the electronic concentration camp closer and closer, and the legislators are perfectly assisting it,without asking unnecessary questions. Apparently, that is why the Ludearders who showed the pilot version of the EBS to the journalists were in a great mood.

The main argument in favor of the urgent delivery of biometrics, Deputy Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications Alexei Kozyrev, expectedly called a higher level of security of citizens' transactions in the event of remote receipt of government and banking services. At the same time, I did not forget to hint at the true goal of the "owners of money": for a virtual digital economy that produces only air (intermediary services) and is, in fact, just an algorithm for remote interaction of different members of society, "human capital" is vital. For the further prosperity of the world financial "elite" it is necessary to establish a tough dictatorship and drive as many people as possible into it. Naturally, at the first stage, a picture of "inevitable technological progress", all kinds of amenities and a technotronic paradise is drawn.

Let's finish the thought of the official: and whoever refuses to enter the system on completely legal constitutional grounds for personal reasons will automatically receive a “master lock” that will close all social and financial opportunities for a citizen, make him an outcast in his native country. The Central Bank, which is not subordinate to the Russian authorities, entered into the system of global finance as the six of the FRS, the IMF and the World Bank, has lobbied for the right for any private credit institution to open access to the portal of state services to citizens. That is, the usurers have completely lost their banks and no longer want to be content with the lucrative role of laying for settlements between individuals and legal entities, a citizen and the state. Now they are intercepting (or rather, the liberals from the Government themselves happily hand over to them) state obligations,are becoming much steeper multifunctional centers (MFC). It was not for nothing that in September last year, the vice-president of Sberbank, Andrey Sharov, on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum, told the media that soon his credit institution would issue passports, driver's licenses, registration of real estate and land and other documents …

Promotional video:

So what then do you order to call the system you are building? If it contains not only identification, then it is no longer the ESIA, and not the EBS. If, before making a payment or receiving a public service, the RIGHT (or, as the deputy minister said, the authority) of a person to perform this action will be automatically checked, and for some reason such a right may be denied; if, when paying for a child, the parent now needs to confirm his relationship … The honest name for this is the system of total control over the population, which the state implements at the expense of taxpayers, that is, objects of control.

And if someone has a simple push-button mobile without Internet access, and someone generally uses a landline phone in principle - such that it is no longer destiny to become “full-fledged” digital citizens? The question hangs in the air.

The next speaker, Vice President for Business Development of PJSC Rostelecom, Alexander Aivazov, said that his corporation had been working for half a year “in close contact with colleagues from the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, the Central Bank and other partner banks: Sberbank, Tinkoff Bank, Post Bank”, VTB (total - 12 credit institutions). Supposedly, time dictates convenient products to us, and a unified biometric system has become such a project, in which hundreds of millions of rubles have already been invested. It is clear that usurers will not work for free in some project if they do not see a big deal in the future. They can really hit a huge jackpot in the form of expanding the client base, saving on salaries for employees and full-time paperwork (up to 30% of the costs, as announced at a press conference), imposing their services on everyone who came to the department to register with the Unified identification and authentication system and, sure,selling to any commercial office the personal data of millions of its customers. No wonder the possibility of using them (including biometrics) by all kinds of JSCs and LLCs was spelled out in the adopted law.

Further, the cyber lobbyists launched a demo video designed to schematically show how banks and the state will identify all citizens who want to do business with them. Actually, there is nothing new in the services offered, all of them are already available now (with the exception of remote opening of accounts and the issuance of loans by serious banks), but now the use of a login and password, as well as a confirmation code on the phone, is allegedly not enough.

Biometric identification is introduced in the interests of banks and large businesses
Biometric identification is introduced in the interests of banks and large businesses

Biometric identification is introduced in the interests of banks and large businesses.

As the authors of the presentation said, in the near future, biometrics will become mandatory for access to services that require identity confirmation: banking services, distance education, retail, telemedicine, receiving state and municipal services, and much more. For all this, it will be necessary to visit the bank once in person, register on the ESIA portal and submit biometric data (voice and photo). Another confirmation: the way to public services and social guarantees for every citizen will lie through the delivery of biometrics to bankers - without this first step, it will not be possible to realize the rights guaranteed by the Constitution.

Biometrics for all occasions and the departure of the state from the social "market"
Biometrics for all occasions and the departure of the state from the social "market"

Biometrics for all occasions and the departure of the state from the social "market".

And another interesting move: you hand over biometrics in one bank, and then you can get remote services in any other. That is, it is obvious that all personal data of the population (including biometric) within the framework of a huge unified database (cloud storage) will fly freely from one bankster to another, as well as across all government departments and corporations - no one is about to restrict access to a press conference did not hint.

“All transmission channels are encrypted, the biometric data storage is protected in all industry parameters,” Aivazov reassured the press. Presumably, the protection will be no worse than in India, where recently a simple journalist-philologist in 10 minutes and 8 dollars gained access to the state data system UIDAI, which stores the personal data of 1.2 billion citizens. And after paying about $ 5 more, she received from an insider software that allows her to make a biometric ID-card for Aadhaar for any user. The human factor cannot be ruled out - at least not yet.

It is fundamentally important that the critical mass of digital slaves, at the first stage, is planned by ludearders in the banking sector, because without the delivery of biometrics, usurers will simply refuse to serve people. They are given such power by the Federal Law No. 470, adopted in December 2017, according to which the bank can at any time refuse to conclude a bank account (deposit) agreement or terminate the current agreement if it suspects a citizen of terrorism or money laundering (see Federal Law No. 115, p. 7, p. 5.2) - and for this the usurers will get nothing. In turn, the procedure for biometric identification was just introduced under the pretext of fighting terrorism. Not the stupidest lawyers work for digital specialists, if they were able to put such a "fork" for all opponents of data delivery. I would very much like to see at least one fresh normative act as an alternative and a guarantee for the observance of all constitutional rights for biometric "refuseniks", but alas … Yesterday's press conference participants also kept silent about the issue of voluntariness.

Ivan Berov, a young director for digital identity at Rostelecom, showed the press step-by-step the process of biometric registration on a computer and mobile phone. From his presentation it follows that, starting from July 1, 2018, each client who comes to the bank will be persistently offered to hand over personal biometric data to a single database by registering (or adding new information) on the public services portal. The general director of one of the contractors of JSC RT "Labs" Mikhail Bondarenko looked far ahead: “We are confident that the developed biometric system will become the basis of the biometrics infrastructure and will be used, in principle, everywhere (!). All of us very soon will live in a different reality, which comes along with biometrics."

Biometric identification is a global project
Biometric identification is a global project

Biometric identification is a global project.

Deputy Minister of Communications Kozyrev developed his idea: “We will consider the use of ESIA not only for public services and individual industries, but we will also make a universal standard for the use of biometric identification everywhere. We are also working on the use of an electronic signature without a carrier (!), Or we want to find a new convenient carrier for it (instead of a flash drive)”. That is, we are subtly hinted that the person himself will be the bearer of the electronic signature … This is a reference to the imminent chipping of the population, or how else would you order an official to be understood? By the way, the Central Bank received a license for medical activity back in 2014. This is nothing but attention to believers! - as predicted in the Apocalypse "the name of the beast" on the forehead and right hand, without which nothing can be bought or sold.

An interesting speech was made by a member of the board of VTB PJSC, Vladimir Verkhoshinsky, who admitted that for months his credit institution had been using clients as guinea pigs, voluntarily persuading them to submit biometrics in order to test the project “in the field”. He also noted that "there are practically no full-scale analogues of our system in large countries."

Maybe you still need to say "B" and explain why the so-called. developed countries one after another abandoned this idea back in the early 2010s? The current British Prime Minister Theresa May said that the order to create a unified system for the identification of the British will be the first normative act that she will repeal - and she kept her word. In her opinion, such "innovations" are unsafe, lead to restriction of people's freedoms and excessive state control over respectable citizens, not to mention the unlimited power of private traders and usurers. This project was not implemented in France and Germany, but in America the congressman, who proposed introducing biometrics for migrants, prescribed in the law that “it has nothing to do with the creation of ID-cards and personal identifiers”. We, on the contrary,Elvira Nabiullina, head of the Central Bank, who pushed biometrics along with Gref, is now advocating the introduction of a "pass-through identifier" - a posthumous personal number (the same ID-passport) for every Russian, which will be the key for all information about a person (including biometric data).

Towards the end, Kozyrev was asked whether law enforcement agencies would have permanent access to the ESIA and EBS and what persecutions await potential criminals and suspects within these systems. The answer was not very encouraging, but he spoke perfectly about the further anti-constitutional actions of the cypher lobbyists:

Such a bleak prospect looms. In case of any suspicion or, God forbid, the theft of an "electronic identity" (go and figure out who exactly stole it - maybe the base holders themselves on a command from above), a person literally will not be able to conduct his own business, buy items first necessary, to perform any legally significant actions. This electroad or digital fascism (call it what you want) will begin very soon. RIA "Katyusha" will definitely tell you about the protest actions that are being prepared by the patriotic community, and calls on all citizens who are not indifferent to their future and national sovereignty of Russia to take part in them.