Secrets of history 2024, October

In The Shantar Islands, A Strange Ornament Was Found On A Rock - Alternative View

In The Shantar Islands, A Strange Ornament Was Found On A Rock - Alternative View

On one of the rocks of the Feklistov Island, going into the Shantar archipelago, tourists noticed an unusual ornament. The geologist who was part of the group believes that the unusual writing is not of natural origin

In Greece, They Dug Up An Ancient Cemetery With People Buried Alive - Alternative View

In Greece, They Dug Up An Ancient Cemetery With People Buried Alive - Alternative View

The unique discovery of an ancient Mycenaean cemetery in the Greek Peloponnese was made quite by accident. The landslide that happened after heavy showers served this. Mysterious ancient burial was discovered by local residents

Hitler Wanted To Win The War With The Help Of Aliens - Alternative View

Hitler Wanted To Win The War With The Help Of Aliens - Alternative View

UFO researchers from the American Society for the Study of Extraterrestrial Life reported that Adolf Hitler supported the idea of researching aliens during World War II and wanted to establish contact with them

How Homosexuals Were Punished And Treated Before - Alternative View

How Homosexuals Were Punished And Treated Before - Alternative View

At all times, in all countries, the attitude towards homosexuals was different. Somewhere they were forbidden, punished and even killed, but somewhere, on the contrary, they were encouraged

A Strange Ancient Burial Place Was Discovered In England - Alternative View

A Strange Ancient Burial Place Was Discovered In England - Alternative View

In England, scientists during excavations discovered a rather strange and ancient burial. Archaeologists are interested in the remains of men with amputated legs and pierced skulls found next to weapons

13 Facts You Didn't Know About Halloween - Alternative View

13 Facts You Didn't Know About Halloween - Alternative View

Halloween - one of the most curious holidays. This small celebration of immigrant background is a popular holiday in the United States today, but where did it come from? Find out now! 1

The Misfortunes That Followed The Ships With The Name "Moscow" - Alternative View

The Misfortunes That Followed The Ships With The Name "Moscow" - Alternative View

Names assigned to ships are occasionally fatal to them

Why Is The "Russian Experiment With Sleep" Still Terrifying - Alternative View

Why Is The "Russian Experiment With Sleep" Still Terrifying - Alternative View

You've probably seen references to the "Russian sleep experiment" on Facebook or YouTube But the question still remains open: is it true or fiction

Soviet Farmers - Guides To The "forbidden Paradise" - Alternative View

Soviet Farmers - Guides To The "forbidden Paradise" - Alternative View

Soviet farmers - the phenomenon is unique in its own way. For ordinary citizens, they were a kind of guides to the "forbidden capitalist paradise"

The Ugra River And The End Of The Mongol-Tatar Yoke - Alternative View

The Ugra River And The End Of The Mongol-Tatar Yoke - Alternative View

On November 11, but only five hundred and thirty-eight years ago, an event took place that is believed to have ended an entire era called the "Mongol-Tatar yoke"

The Vatican Library And Its True History - Alternative View

The Vatican Library And Its True History - Alternative View

It was only in 1475 that Pope Sixtus the fourth issued a decree that the Vatican Library was founded. It is known that it was based on the collection of Pope Nicholas the fifth, which consisted of 834 Latin codes

Why In Russia They Thought That Peter I Was Replaced By Another Person - Alternative View

Why In Russia They Thought That Peter I Was Replaced By Another Person - Alternative View

In Moscow they gossiped: "The sovereign is not a Russian breed, and not the son of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich." The unequivocal proof was that the tsar favored the Germans - hence he himself is one of them. They argued only about when and who replaced the monarch

The Gospel Of Judas Is Not A Fake - Alternative View

The Gospel Of Judas Is Not A Fake - Alternative View

Not so long ago, a lot of noise was made by the message that the "Gospel of Judas", considered to be long lost, from which only isolated fragments have survived, describes Judas not as a traitor, but as a beloved disciple of Christ

Judas Iscariot. Why Did Judas Betray Christ? - Alternative View

Judas Iscariot. Why Did Judas Betray Christ? - Alternative View

Jesus was betrayed to enemies by Judas - one of the Twelve: “And Judas, who betrayed Him, also knew this place, because Jesus often gathered there with His disciples” (John 18: 2). Why did Judas Iscariot betray Christ?

Kiss Of Judas: Betrayal Or - Alternative View

Kiss Of Judas: Betrayal Or - Alternative View

Preface An ancient scroll found near the city of Minya (Egypt) in the early 70s of the 20th century (other sources give a different date - the beginning of the 50s) and called the "Gospel of Judas", stirred up the world biblical studies and became one of

Hannibal Barca. Great Commander - Alternative View

Hannibal Barca. Great Commander - Alternative View

Hannibal Barka (Hannibal bin Hamilcar Barka) - the legendary military leader in history, the Carthaginian general during the Second Punic War, the greatest military leader, the sworn enemy of Rome and "the last stronghold of Carthage." Born 247 BC eh

Who Are Clickers? - Alternative View

Who Are Clickers? - Alternative View

The fact that a person can be possessed by a demon is a rather ancient belief. Seizures can occur with such a person - then he convulses, screams in an unnatural voice, swears, blasphemes, makes animal sounds, speaks from himself, then the devil speaks through him

Lend-Lease On The Contrary Or How The West Helped Hitler - Alternative View

Lend-Lease On The Contrary Or How The West Helped Hitler - Alternative View

When we worked on a series of articles about Lend-Lease, periodically there were facts that you simply refuse to believe. A country that is one of the victors of fascism, a country that supplied weapons and equipment to the allies (and good equipment

What Was Called Debauchery In Russia? - Alternative View

What Was Called Debauchery In Russia? - Alternative View

The concept of "debauchery" or, to be more precise, "fornication" in Russia began to be met with the strengthening of the positions of the Orthodox Church (after the 10th century). A significant contribution to the corruption was made by "civilized" foreigners visiting our country

Who Exactly Were Called “aunts” In Russia? - Alternative View

Who Exactly Were Called “aunts” In Russia? - Alternative View

"Aunt" is one of the most common words in the vocabulary of a modern Russian person. I wonder where did it come from? How was the word "aunt" born?

Operation Uranus. Why Did The Soviet Media Hide The Fact Of Paulus's Encirclement? - Alternative View

Operation Uranus. Why Did The Soviet Media Hide The Fact Of Paulus's Encirclement? - Alternative View

Opening any history textbook, you will find out that Paulus's 6th army was surrounded on November 23, 1942. However, the Soviet media hid this fact almost until January 1943! And yes, you got it right - this is a sensation.What kind of media - you ask?

&Ldquo; Gods &Rdquo; Always Take Part In Human Battles? - Alternative View

&Ldquo; Gods &Rdquo; Always Take Part In Human Battles? - Alternative View

During a discussion on one of the recent materials on the site The Big The One, our BaaL reader mentioned an episode from one of the wars in Chechnya, during which soldiers encountered an unidentified group of soldiers dressed in strange, as it were, refractive camouflage

Alcheo Dossena - Genius Of Counterfeits - Alternative View

Alcheo Dossena - Genius Of Counterfeits - Alternative View

The story of this amazing man, who created ingenious forgeries for the love of art, began in 1876 in the Italian city of Cremona. It's funny, but in the same place were born when - the outstanding violin makers Amati and Stradivari

30 Pieces Of Silver - Alternative View

30 Pieces Of Silver - Alternative View

One of the most important aspects of biblical archeology is numismatics, which perfectly illustrates evangelical events

7 Prohibitions Of Paul I - Alternative View

7 Prohibitions Of Paul I - Alternative View

The reign of "Russian Hamlet" was short, but rich in reforms, including very specific

William Hope And His Photographs Of Ghosts - Alternative View

William Hope And His Photographs Of Ghosts - Alternative View

These photographs of "ghosts" were found by the curator of the National Media Museum in one of Lancashire's antique shops. All these photographs were taken by the famous spiritualist William Hope (William Hope, 1863-1933)

The Killers Of The Builders Of Stonehenge Have Been Identified - Alternative View

The Killers Of The Builders Of Stonehenge Have Been Identified - Alternative View

An international team of scientists has identified the possible killers of the builders of Stonehenge. According to the authors, they could have been people who inhabited the territory of the modern Netherlands in ancient times

Who Tried To Poison Churchill? - Alternative View

Who Tried To Poison Churchill? - Alternative View

It is hard to imagine the famous British politician Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill without his famous cigar

In Norway, Axes Were Found Which Are 3000 Years Old - Alternative View

In Norway, Axes Were Found Which Are 3000 Years Old - Alternative View

Norwegian archaeologists have discovered axes and fragments of weapons, which are about 3,000 years old, in the commune of Skjordal, 44 km east of Trondheim

Winston Churchill Is The Same Mass Murderer As Hitler - Alternative View

Winston Churchill Is The Same Mass Murderer As Hitler - Alternative View

Prominent Indian analyst Moen Gurushwami recalls: “Winston Churchill was as much a mass murderer as Adolf Hitler. Hitler killed 6 million Jews in concentration camps, Churchill killed 4 million Indians, depriving them of food. Nevertheless, many people and organizations in India still seem to revere this man …-

Famous Aviator Amelia Earhart Died On Nikumaroro? - Alternative View

Famous Aviator Amelia Earhart Died On Nikumaroro? - Alternative View

In 1937, the Coast Guard lost contact with the plane of Amelia Earhart, the first woman to cross the Atlantic by plane. Since then, the controversy about her death has not subsided

The Book Of Books Describes Real Events! - Alternative View

The Book Of Books Describes Real Events! - Alternative View

The Bible, as we know, gives scientists a huge number of riddles. Many of the events described in it are similar to myths, but upon closer examination, these myths suddenly turn into reality

Color Photographs Of Russia 100 Years Ago - Alternative View

Color Photographs Of Russia 100 Years Ago - Alternative View

Gorgeous, juicy and absolutely technically modern looking photographs of pre-revolutionary Russia from the Library of the American Congress. This is a fresh and goosebumps real look at Russia at the beginning of the century. How it all really looked

Mysterious Stories Of Karlštejn Castle (Czech Republic) - Alternative View

Mysterious Stories Of Karlštejn Castle (Czech Republic) - Alternative View

Karlštejn became the first architectural structure bearing the name of the emperor, and was originally planned as a place for the ruler to rest from the worries of state and everyday life. Later, the castle becomes a "box" for keeping the coronation imperial regalia and the most valuable relics of the Christian world

Idol Of The Communist Pharaoh. Part 3 - Alternative View

Idol Of The Communist Pharaoh. Part 3 - Alternative View

Part 1 and 2 - Part III Epigraph: “I will ascend to heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit on a mountain in the host of the gods, at the edge of the north; I will ascend to the cloudy heights, I will be like the Most High "Isaiah (ch. 14 v. 13, 14)

Idol Of The Communist Pharaoh. Part 4 - Alternative View

Idol Of The Communist Pharaoh. Part 4 - Alternative View

Part 1 and 2 - Part 3 - Epigraph: "The shackles of exhausted humanity are made of stationery" Franz Kafka

Idol Of The Communist Pharaoh. Part 5 - Alternative View

Idol Of The Communist Pharaoh. Part 5 - Alternative View

Part 1 and 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Epigraph: what is the highest satanic principle laid in the basis of the "holy scripture" of Marxism-Leninism, what is the ancient esoteric meaning of the pentagram and hexagram, what are the 4 stages of political and legal de

Idol Of The Communist Pharaoh. Part 9 - Alternative View

Idol Of The Communist Pharaoh. Part 9 - Alternative View

Part 1 and 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Epigraph: after the 13th Congress of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in November 2008, "loyal Leninists" - Zyuganov-Buratinovites - the final

Idol Of The Communist Pharaoh. Part 7 - Alternative View

Idol Of The Communist Pharaoh. Part 7 - Alternative View

Part 1 and 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Epigraph: what are the two historical layers underlying communist neo-paganism, what is, according to Lenin, the meaning of Judeo-Christian corpses, who is legitimized by

Idol Of The Communist Pharaoh. Part 8 - Alternative View

Idol Of The Communist Pharaoh. Part 8 - Alternative View

Part 1 and 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Epigraph: a brilliant idea-metaphor about the "red Pinocchio-2" - Buratino-Lenin of the Soviet writer A.N