&Ldquo; Gods &Rdquo; Always Take Part In Human Battles? - Alternative View

&Ldquo; Gods &Rdquo; Always Take Part In Human Battles? - Alternative View
&Ldquo; Gods &Rdquo; Always Take Part In Human Battles? - Alternative View

During a discussion on one of the recent materials on the site The Big The One, our BaaL reader mentioned an episode from one of the wars in Chechnya, during which soldiers encountered an unidentified group of soldiers dressed in strange, as it were, refractive camouflage. Moreover, under the camouflage they had good armor, from which the bullets bounced like from a tank turret.

A full reference to this combat episode was not given, which, probably, Mr. BaaL will correct in the near future, but the topic raised itself served as an incentive for the creation of this material, which has long been asking for. In his task, we set the collection of such facts in order to try to clarify the situation with the collective mind, because the situation, as it will be clear later, is developing very strange.

Many of our readers most likely saw the film by Karen Shakhnazarov "White Tiger", based on the wonderful mystical story "Tankman" by Ilya Boyashov. And although the script turned out to be even deeper than the original, and the actor chosen for the main role plays excellently, for 2012 the film turned out, to put it mildly, not a fountain and it was funny to watch the IS-3 covered with plywood


It seems that the budget of the film was not enough to drive a normal tank out of the museum, nevertheless the theme of “White Tiger” was raised very interesting. Visited cinemas and buyers of DVD-disks, as they should, most likely decided that “White Tiger” is such a fiction of Ilya Boyashov. However, in reality everything is much more serious and even frightening there. We read the memoirs of the captain of the 18th army Vasily Antsiferov:

“Several German tanks escaped to us from the Kiev direction - all of them were Tigers, as I understood they wanted to make a breakthrough towards Radomyshl in order to clear the way for the main forces and bypass our positions from the north. There were only three tanks, they moved across the field, as it were, in a checkerboard pattern, opposite them was Vanya Veselkov's anti-tank gun. The very first shot the nearest "Tiger" was hit in the track section. They were aiming there, otherwise the field weapon could not be stopped in any other way, and no one expected a tank strike from there. The rest of the "Tigers" stopped, but did not fire, as if they were waiting for something.

And then our tank destroyers realized who the Germans were waiting for. It was a real nightmare: because of the forest turn, a white-and-white Tiger tank got out to the field and drove it to our gun at a crazy speed. The gunners scattered as the shells ricocheted off the monster's armor and even off the tracks, without causing the slightest harm. The tank rolled with its entire mass on the abandoned gun, crushed it into the ground, and then suddenly for no apparent reason rushed into the forest.

Later I heard from the infantrymen, who also saw a white tank, that this car behaved more than strange - it rolled back and forth, abruptly changed the direction of movement, as if the crew had gone over schnapps. And then it fell into a swamp and was dragged to the bottom by an inexorable bog. There was talk that there was no crew in this tank, that it was driven by some kind of clever mechanical machine and was made by order of Hitler himself - supposedly these tanks were supposed to enter the cities captured by the Germans by analogy with white horses. I never heard about this tank again …”.

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There are also references to something like that, which can be called the "White Tiger", in the memoirs of the tank general Katukov and in the memoirs of the partisan general Sidor Kovpak.

In addition, in the memoirs of the soldiers of the Second World War, soldiers of the enemy also appear, from whom "bullets bounced". The Germans saw this as a secret development of the NKVD, and the Russian sniper believed that it was the Germans who began to dress their most valuable soldiers in body armor. It is possible that everything was the same with body armor, but we read the following trench legend, which was born during the war in Chechnya:

During the first assault on Grozny, when our guys-tankers were driven into the narrow streets and burned hard (why - there's a special conversation about this), many cars were lost. Some were completely burnt out, some were captured by the "Czechs", some disappeared along with the crews.

Soon, rumors began to circulate among various divisions that some special secret tank unit began to participate in the battles, in service with only one serviceable vehicle, the T-80, with a white stripe on the turret and without a tactical number. This tank appeared in different places - in the mountains, on passes, in "greenery", on the outskirts of villages, but never in the settlements themselves, even completely destroyed. How he got there, from where, in what way, by whose order - no one knew. But as soon as a unit of our guys, especially conscripts, got into trouble - in an ambush, under flanking fire, etc., suddenly a T-80 tank appeared from somewhere, with a white smoky stripe on the tower, burnt paint and knocked down blocks of active armor …

The tankers never got in touch, they did not open the hatches. At the most critical moment of the battle, this tank appeared out of nowhere, opened surprisingly accurate and effective fire, and either attacked or covered, allowing its own to withdraw and take out the wounded. Moreover, many saw how the cumulative grenade launchers, shells, and ATGMs fell into the tank, without causing any visible harm. Then the tank disappeared in the same incomprehensible way, as if it were dissolving into the air. The fact that there were "eighties" in Chechnya is widely known. But what is less known is that soon after the start of the campaign they were taken out of there, since the gas turbine engine in these parts is exactly the same engine that corresponded to the theater of operations and the conditions of hostilities.

Personally, I was told about their meeting with the "Eternal Tank" by two people whom I unconditionally trust, and if they tell something and vouch for their story, it means that they themselves consider it the TRUTH. This is Stepan Igorevich Beletsky, the story about "The Eternal" from which we squeezed out almost by force (the man is a realist to the bone and to tell what he himself could not find a rationalistic explanation for - for him it is almost a feat) and one of in the past, officers of the Novocherkassk SOBR, a direct witness to the battle of the "Eternal Tank" with the Czechs.

Already at the very end of the First Campaign, their group ensured the withdrawal of the medical personnel of the District Hospital of the North Caucasus Military District who remained with the "heavy" ones. They waited an extra day for the promised air cover - the weather allowed - the "turntables" never came. Either they felt sorry for the fuel, or forgotten - in the end they decided to go out on their own. They went out in the Urals with the 300s and medics and two armored vehicles. We moved beyond zero, after midnight, after dark, and slipped through like cleanly, but a little less than two dozen miles before the "demarcation" line ran into an ambush - Czechs with a rifleman with the support of T-72. They turned into a fan and began to cover the departure of the Urals. But what is a beter versus a tank? Immediately burned one, the second died - stalled.

This is what I have written down from the words of my friend - this is almost a literal record.

“From the T-72 they hit us with high-explosives. It is stony there, at the break, the wave and fragments go low, stone chips again. The spirit is literate, it doesn't come close, you can't get it out of the border. At this moment, the "Eternal" appears from the dust at the site of the next gap, right in the middle of the road, as if it had been there all the time - it was just not there, just now the Urals passed! And he stands like an invisible person; no one except us seems to see him. And he stands, all burned, ugly, the antennas are knocked down, he is all pummeled, he only drives a little with a tower and shakes his trunk like an elephant with a trunk in a zoo.

Here - bam! - gives a shot. The "Czech" has a tower to the side and to the side. Bam! - gives the second. Spirit into the fire! And the "Eternal" barrel blew, it stands in a white cloud, spinning on the tracks and only a machine-gun crackle. After the cannon, it sounds like seed husks. The spirits lay in the brilliant green, we went to the beter. They opened the mechanic, dragged the dead man away, let's start it up. The turret jammed, but nothing, we, who survived, jumped inside - and in a turn. And "Eternal" suddenly from its cannon, as from a machine gun, quickly, quickly like this: Bam! -Bam! -Bam!

We are on gases. Here Seryoga Dmitriev shouts - "Eternal" is gone! " I myself did not see it, it became bad for me, I began to vomit with a nervous breakdown on myself and around. Well, as they galloped to their own - so we got used to the smoke, you understand. Then they started a quarrel with local cops in a rage and on a booze, they almost shot the assholes.

And no one was told about the "Eternal" then - who would believe …"

As far as all of the above is true, we did not check and did not interview witnesses, but if this is just a soldier's bike, then it is very strange that the same bike was during the Second World War. And there were more interesting things during the Second World War.

In particular, historians dealing with the topic of creating nuclear weapons have a very well-documented version that assumes the use of an atomic bomb by the Germans at the Kursk Bulge. As evidence, scanty archival photos and much more widely presented descriptions of eyewitnesses of the use of some inaccessible to their understanding of the weapon, which turned concrete fortifications into rubble, and tanks into ingots of molten metal, are cited. Then it was all attributed to "Stuks" and flamethrowers, but everyone understands perfectly well that no bomb will turn a bunker into rubble and no fire will melt a tank. Unless the bomb will be atomic.

It is hard to believe in the existence of an atomic bomb in the Third Reich in 1943, because if Germany had nuclear weapons, the war would have ended a little differently. However, the destruction at the Kursk Bulge must be explained somehow. How?

The history of the Second World War is full of UFO sightings - there were probably more of them than the announcements on Levitan's radio. Specifically, according to an official report made by the British Department of Defense following a mission to Turin in December 1942, the entire crew of the Lancaster bomber witnessed a huge airship ranging from 60 to 90 meters long. Four pairs of red lights were visible on the underside of the ship, and later an estimate of it speed was 800 km per hour. The object remained in the crew's field of view for about five minutes before the lights went out and it appeared to disappear.

Such facts prompted British Prime Minister Winston Churchill to create a special unit, code-named D155, designed to collect and analyze information about UFOs.

In the USSR, there was no such unit, but there is still something in the archives. For example, there is evidence that in 1940, when a new tank was tested in Kharkov, an egg-shaped object hovered over the landfill. This object shone brightly and rotated around its axis. It was decided to stop testing, but suddenly the object soared into the sky and disappeared.

There is a number of documentary evidence that just before the start of the war on the border with Poland, border guards observed massive flights of unknown objects along the border - as they have repeatedly reported.

In the Far East in 1944, the captain of a patrol ship I. Zorin, wrote in a report that he watched the flight of a very unusual aircraft. This apparatus was oval in shape and sharply changed its flight trajectory, after which it steeply entered the water. However, there were no sound effects. Moreover, the water at the entry point of the object glowed for a long time.

The most interesting case can be considered the case that took place in the Sea of Japan. In the spring of 1945, sailors witnessed strange cylindrical objects falling into the sea.

The phenomenon lasted for several minutes. The command made a decision on a massive bombing of this area. But the most surprising thing was that most of the bombs did not explode.

Based on the above, it can be assumed that UFOs somehow observed the course of World War II and even intervened from time to time. This opinion is shared by almost all modern conspiracy theorists, and, some even believe that the UFO war was initiated in order to collect more “harvest of victims”.

The last statement is controversial, but the fact of UFO interference in the course of the war is definitely there. But, in that case, why should the aliens (or “admins of the Matrix”, if we assume that we live in a simulation) had to shackle themselves with disc-shaped, cylindrical and other forms? What prevented them from creating a tank and participating in the war on the side of the people?

Greek mythology is full of such descriptions: "gods" descended to Olympus and stood in the ranks of the hoplites, dressing in the same armor. But only the arrows bounced off them and no one could do them any harm. The same is in the mythology of other European ethnic groups: One stood on a par with some Vikings and began to smash the skulls of enemies with impunity. Indian mythology again says the same thing.

If all these are not myths and the “gods” really come down from time to time to have fun with the battles of the Papuans, then why did they suddenly change their principles during the century of “technical progress”? What prevents them from piling the "White Tiger" or the unkillable T-34? Or T-80? Or an F-35 doing 100 Machs from a standstill?

Judging by the fact that some kind of "ghost tank" appeared either in Radomyshl during the battles near Kiev, then in Chechnya during the storming of Grozny - this is exactly the case, and if the Third World War starts, this should be expected. Moreover, the most interesting thing is that these “Martians”, having copied the military equipment of one side or another, this Third World War, can even initiate - if they are there, on Olympus, suddenly tired of being bored.
