Babylon. Part 2 - Alternative View

Babylon. Part 2 - Alternative View
Babylon. Part 2 - Alternative View

Read part one here.

Speaking about the Kurgan, one cannot ignore the data that Rybakov B. Ya. provided Russian archeology with. Of course, I hardly perceive his interpretations in the direction of "Slavic polytheism", but information about all kinds of "temples" and "sanctuaries" is very useful. For example:

And more specifically about Babylon:

I am generally silent about child sacrifices. Given the general generic orientation of the so-called "paganism", one can forget about all these "savage" absurdities. The monks beguiled (maybe on purpose) the initiation of babies and youths with sacrifices. But we are interested in the toponyms themselves: Dedov's spire, Babina's mountain.

Grandfather is, roughly speaking, "Dead", that is, a departed ancestor. Moreover, as was shown by the example of the epic about Danil Ignatievich, not necessarily physically dead, but sometimes socially. And we will return to this later.

But Babin's mountains can be found in many Slavic countries. For example, the village of Babina in Slovakia, Babina Greda in Bosnia and Herzegovina Babina Greda in Croatia, there is also Velika Babina Gora, Mala Babina Gora and just Babina Gora. There is also Babina Gora in Montenegro. These are all the lands of the early settlement of the Slavs, according to the DNA genealogy (and what, was it in vain that Yugoslavia was bombed at one time?). There is the village of Babina Gora in the Perm Territory and an unknown number in all Eastern European lands.

And, as you can see, these "women" are mainly associated with the mountains and hills. You don't even have to go far to see where these connections lead us.

From Dahl's dictionary: "A barrow woman, a stone blockhead from a barrow … Baba is a rough stone idol on ancient barrows, in the southern and eastern lips. I found tetanus: it stands like a stone woman" …

And I'm sorry for the abundance of Wikipedia, but it's faster:

Vasmer adds to the etymology: "babai -" grandfather, old man ", dial., Borrowed from Tur., Chagat. Babà" father, grandfather "… Baba, kamennaya baba is the name of stone idols in the south of Russia. According to Frederick, borrowed from. Türkic babà “statue”, which goes back to baba “father.” The stress of the Russian word speaks, rather, in favor of its origin from baba “woman, grandmother”.

That is, from these considerations it turns out that "woman" from "grandfather" is not much different in meaning. Both classify us as “ancestors”. Moreover, the "woman", in contrast to the "girl", is a full-fledged mistress in the house.

"Grandma" was the name given to the midwife who took delivery. And the European "baby, bambino" - baby, infant - is also well known to everyone. If we are talking about babies and childbirth, then it is appropriate to recall the "butterflies", because they emerge from the cocoon. And then, perhaps, the topic will be the European “bubble, bąbel”, that is, “bubble”, Lithuanian bum̃bulas “lump, knot”, bumbulỹs “kidney”, Bulgarian babna “swell”, bbnets “tumor”, since “baby is baby "does not yet refer to a person, to a living, explicit soul, but is on the verge of navu, as if in a" cocoon "(compare with the words" bob "and" tambourine "), and appears from the" bubble "- the mother's belly.

In this case, it is understandable why the stone idols were called "women" - it is like "containers, forms" (bubbles) or simply "boobies".

Meanwhile, five facts must be remembered:

1 - in Greek mythology, Gaia's husband Uranus shoved his newborn children back into the bosom of Gaia-Earth. Thus, Gaia, who was the first to emerge from “Chaos” (more precisely, according to Theogony, Chaos was born first, and then Gaia) is a big womb, a keeper of children.

2 - About the most famous "Baba" - Golden - which was considered an image of the "great goddess of the Earth" it is said as (from Wikipedia):

3 - according to the old Celtic myths, the ancient inhabitants of Ireland went to live in the "hills", according to Siberian legends, the "white-eyed chud" went underground. In Greek mythology, the young gods drove the titans "underground" (to Tartarus). Well, and from historical parallels, the Maya Indians, having built pyramid-mounds, disappeared without a trace … In Bylin, about how the heroes died on the Russian land, the heroes flee to the mountains and turn to stone there (we will talk about this in the next part). That is, there is one and the same thought: those who have outlived theirs, being replaced by the younger generation, go to the hills, mountains, land (Gaia).

4 - it is known that among many tribes on the territory of Eurasia, the souls of unborn children lived in the same place as the deceased ancestors. In Christianity, this place is called "Abraham's bosom" (only there are the souls of children who died before baptism), for the rest it is just a Navi (more often the underworld) world, without any differentiation.

4 - horses were buried together with their owners in barrows so that they could deliver the soul of the deceased to “that” world, passing through the hellish lands to paradise, where children meet them.

Total: as you can see, children and old people are all gathered in one place - Kurgan, which is not only a burial place, but the womb in general … especially in its "inflated" form:


Such is the "woman" "bubble" with "baby" inside.

Therefore, it can be assumed that not only the stone idol at the top of the mound, but the entire mound as a whole, could be called “babami”, since it combines both “ancestors (babai)”, and “babies (baby)”, and “bubble (bubble)”, And“bud (b'bna)”(just about giving birth to a green leaf - a symbol of life).

Accordingly, the “keeper” of this mound was called Baba Yaga in Russia. That is why she begins her conversation with the lively phrase “Fu-fu-fu, it smells of the Russian spirit”, because we remember what the word “Rus” means … And Baba Yaga also loves children very much (the tale “Geese-Swans”) …

And then the name "Babylon" or in Greek "Babylon" (in English Babel) is nothing more than a reference to "Baba" - that is, the Kurgan, which interpreters and writers of the Old Testament (in fact, collectors of old legends in one plot) was mistaken for a "tower", giving rise to the myth of the Babylonian pandemonium.

It is to Baba that young heroes in fairy tales come to show them the WAY. And it is this Baba who gives the hero a HORSE (do you still remember that we started this investigation with horses?)!

Well, wasn’t the same thing said in Sivka-Burka? When the dead father gives the horse to Ivan at the grave (babay). And the horse is just as unbridled.

And isn't that what was said in the epic about Danil Ignatich? When he invites his son to go “to the helom,” that is, to the hill, and there to call a horse and dig out the harness:

And again "dig" or "cellar", and again on a hill, grave, barrow, and again "grandfather" or "baba", and again INDICATION OF THE ROAD ROAD (as in the Babylonian legend, the tower was built before dispersed throughout earth).

How does this relate to the womb? The answer is in the next part !!

Author: peremyshlin