Idol Of The Communist Pharaoh. Part 7 - Alternative View

Idol Of The Communist Pharaoh. Part 7 - Alternative View
Idol Of The Communist Pharaoh. Part 7 - Alternative View

Video: Idol Of The Communist Pharaoh. Part 7 - Alternative View

Video: Idol Of The Communist Pharaoh. Part 7 - Alternative View
Video: Salim Mansur — The Qur'an Problem and Islamism 2024, October

- Part 1 and 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 -

Epigraph: what are the two historical strata underlying communist neo-paganism, what is the meaning of Judeo-Christian corpses according to Lenin, who is legitimized in the elections by necrophilic communists and what historic and epoch-making decision should be made regarding Lenin's mummy in the Mausoleum.

"Every god is a corpse …" V. I. Lenin.

With the beginning of Gorbachev's catastrophe, the communists at the supreme power of the USSR betrayed the state ideology of communism and everything that could be betrayed and sold, and after the collapse of the USSR, their successors, the Communists from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, allegedly remained loyal to Marxism-Leninism, already gradually and only stretching the time to-betray and sold the remnants of what the Soviet communists did not have time to. But of all the betrayals committed by the Zyuganovites (see Anti-Zyuging, link-1) after the collapse of the USSR, the main one was the betrayal of the fundamental basis of all the foundations of Leninism-Bolshevism - the struggle of the Leninist guard against the opium of Judeo-Christianity until its complete destruction and uprooting from the consciousness of the people.

The Jewish Bolsheviks from the Leninist Guard knew perfectly well the whole essence of the false religion of Judeo-Christianity, which was constructed by their fellow Talmudists, because Moses Mordechai Levi (Karl Marx) himself wrote in his famous analysis of the Book of Revelation from John (link - 2, p. 61): "Naturally, Christianity acts only as a sect of Judaism." Therefore, in the 20th century, the Bolsheviks destroyed this "sect of Judaism" as an outdated religious myth and as a used historical stage to rise to a higher level of materialism under the banner of a modern-secular version of Talmudism - Marxism. And the rage and hatred in the struggle against Christianity to the Jews-Bolsheviks was given by the fact that the Russian hierarchs nationalized this cosmopolitan false religion in the same way as Stalin later nationalized cosmopolitan Marxism. After all, the Judeo-Christianity artificially imposed from above had grown so deeply and ingrained in Russian culture for many centuries that Lenin put Black Hundred clericalism and Great Russian nationalism on a par, therefore the fierce struggle and destruction of Christianity was for the Jewish commissars in leather jackets tantamount to the destruction of Russian nationalism.

Here, as a Russian nationalist-statesman, I would like to express my personal attitude towards Lenin: for me, Lenin will forever remain only the appointed leader of the Sionomason kagal, who arrived by steamer from America, who seized power in the Russian Empire and destroyed millions of Slavs with the Red Terror and in the civil war … And if Stalin had not taken power from this Sionomason kagal in time, then there would have been neither the Russian nation, nor Russia (Hitler would have dismembered it), and even more so that Soviet socialism, which Stalin remade in favor of the people and completely distorted the original plans Zionists to implement in Russia a pilot project of slaveholding monocapitalism as a single corporation-state, which is ruled by a caste of priests of "God's chosen" Jews, ie. Stalin did not allow the creation of the Jewish Mitsraim from Russia. But against the background of all the bloody deeds and follies of the revolution, against the background of that mendacious international Darwinian policy of Lenin, for which the Russian people are paying the price to this day, there was only one factor that turned out to be a blessing for the Russian people - Lenin destroyed the opium of Judeo-Christianity and liberated consciousness Russians from the Talmudic poison and obscurantism of this necrophilic false religion (hence the creative surge and energetic enthusiasm of the Russian people during the first five-year plans), which enslaved the Russians into its spiritual captivity and turned them into serfs and lackeys at the genetic level.which turned out to be a blessing for the Russian people - Lenin destroyed the opium of Judeo-Christianity and freed the consciousness of Russians from the Talmudic poison and obscurantism of this necrophilous false religion (hence the creative surge and energetic enthusiasm of the Russian people during the first five-year plans), which enslaved the Russians into its spiritual captivity and turned them into serf slaves and lackeys at the genetic level.which turned out to be a blessing for the Russian people - Lenin destroyed the opium of Judeo-Christianity and freed the consciousness of Russians from the Talmudic poison and obscurantism of this necrophilous false religion (hence the creative surge and energetic enthusiasm of the Russian people during the first five-year plans), which enslaved the Russians into its spiritual captivity and turned them into serf slaves and lackeys at the genetic level.


The fact that Lenin did this for the sake of another pseudo-ideology of Marxism, created by the Zionists to seize power over the world, firstly, does not cancel the falsity of Judeo-Christianity itself, and secondly does not cancel the historical result itself and the accomplished fact of the destruction of Judeo-Christianity in the 20th century, in which one of the main merit belongs to the great Antichrist Lenin. N. Berdyaev wrote that revolutionaries, pursuing their subjective goals and designs, become blind instruments of the World Spirit and carry out its unknown business. Thus, at first, the ancient Zionists and their Jewish henchmen princes with blood planted in Russia foreign and foreign Judeo-Christianity (like the current Jewish “princes” in the Kremlin, who also planted Western Judeo-liberalism from above, killing a million Russians a year),and over the centuries, the Bolshevik Zionists with meat and blood "tore" this Jewish-Byzantine false religion from the Russian people for the sake of their Talmudic goals, but only thanks to this fait accompli the Russian people in the 20th century returned to their true spiritual roots and to their original pagan culture.

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It is amazing, but the fact is that the communist comrades betrayed everything for which and against what their leader fought, but the coffin with the leader's mummy is being guarded as a gold and foreign exchange depository! The question arises, if Lenin's Cause and Struggle have long been betrayed and sold by Soviet and post-Soviet communists, then why keep the dead body of the leader? Moreover, most likely, the greatest falsification in history has already been carried out with this dead body of the leader (see link about this - 3). It turns out for the Zyuganovites the highest value of communism is the embalmed corpse of the leader, and the fact that the Zyuganovites betrayed Lenin's struggle against Judeo-Christianity and practically admitted the “mistake” of the fathers of communism, accepting back the “unjustly trampled” god Jesus Christ, submitted to the dictatorship of capital and its mechanism - the parliamentary institute,having betrayed the very basis of communism - the monarchy of the CPSU (b) and the dictatorship of the proletariat, they recognized private property and secretly sold themselves to the Kremlin - all this for the Zyuganov comrades, apparently, is not at all connected with the principles and values of communism. Although it would be more correct to say that Lenin's mummy for the comrades from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is the only UNES-valuable treasure, tk. it is the last thing left of all the betrayed and sold values of communism, which for 15 years have been quite a valuable treasure, since with behind-the-scenes cooperation with the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, they have their own specific price in US currency. Apparently not for nothing in Freemasonry, the 2nd degree of initiation is called an apprentice and the concept of "comrade", which the Jewish Bolsheviks made the official term-address in the country of the victorious Sionomason communism.

Why did the concept of "COMMODITY" have such a respectful status in Freemasonry and was equated with an apprentice? Because from ancient times the Jews were money-lenders and merchants, in whose hands most of all the COMMODITY-money relations of any European state were located, and since Masonic lodges and secret orders were financed by world Judaism and acted as its secret mechanisms in the revolutionary struggle for power over the world, then the Jewish traders were indeed comrades and trade companions. That is why Jewish traders of various goods called their Masonic apprentices (read their "sixes", deceived by the ideas of "holiness" and "service" to high ideals) by the honorary name of the "merchant brotherhood" - COMMODITIES. Remarkablythat the history of the Old Russian word comrade goes back centuries (according to the "Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language" M. Vasmer, M., 1987 - the origin of the word comrade is usually explained from the Turkic tavar - cattle, property) and can explain the circumstances and conditions of life in which this word arose. For example, in Novgorod and Pskov of the 11th century, there were temples built by trading communities, in which meetings of members of trade associations took place, why not a gathering of the "merchant brotherhood" of companion COMMODITIES? Thus, in the natural result, the root of the old Russian word TOVARishch inevitably came in time to its true mercantile meaning, and the former communist comrades, after the collapse of the USSR, instantly turned into market traders of various goods, the main among which were Motherland,mother nature (resources) and public property.

In general, the materialist COMMODITIES deliberately and cynically betrayed all the ideals, principles and values of communism and with long-awaited joy exchanged them for real COMMODITY-money relations, and the main and secret COMMODITIES for the Zyuganovites were their class enemies - capitalist oligarchs sponsoring the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the name of legitimization of the oligarchic regime in Russia. After all, what is the most important function of the CPRF throughout the years after the collapse of the USSR? By its participation in political struggle and in all types of elections (parliamentary, presidential), the Communist Party of the Russian Federation performs the function of LEGITIMATION of the Yeltsin-Putin liberal-oligarchic regime, being the successor of the historical authority of the CPSU power and all the epoch-making achievements of communism. Indeed, without the fight against the communists and without the confrontation with the era of communism, the liberals who came to power would not mean anything at all and would not represent anyone, except for the six western financial elites and behind-the-scenes clubs, raw material pimps and cheap demagogues parasitizing on the achievements of the Soviet era.

Here the dialectic is simple: the CPSU, cut off from mono-power, is a cut-off of the Communist Party in the State Duma, and the resistance of the post-Soviet communists turns into the life force of liberals, for any schoolchild knows that energy is generated by the tension of opposites. Another metaphor can be cited: all 15 years after the shooting of the Supreme Soviet by tanks, the Yeltsin-Putin liberals only used the oppositional resistance of the communists as a sailing ship uses the headwind to sail in the direction it needs, i.e. the headwind, with proper sail control, only gives the ship strength and movement. As a result, the more the communists portrayed the struggle against the Yeltsin shobla of the liberals in the 90s, the more effectively they implemented the policy of Western neo-liberalism and implemented the dictatorship of capital.

But such a SAILING BOY with a Liberal shobla at the helm is afraid of only two factors: calm and storm. The communists could ensure calm either by completely ending their resistance by leaving the stage of big politics - to give way to new forces and remove the target of communism without which the liberals are insignificant, or by not participating in any elections of power - which the oligarchs of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation will never allow. But the storm, by definition, is beyond the power of the Communist Party, because the storm will come from the ocean during the global crisis and other forces and non-parliamentary methods of struggle for power will save the Russian sailing ship. After all, the collapsed and decaying materialist communism will only have enough strength to, according to the rules of capitalist parliamentarism, feed the notorious stability of the oligarchic regime with its fading energy of “resistance”,which is similar to a chronic and sluggish disease - and there is no severe exacerbation yet and there is no health, but the disease slowly progresses and leads the body to death. And here is the result of the 15-year "oppositional struggle" of the Communist Party: under the cover and rhetoric about the former values of communism, the Zyuganovites diligently legitimized practically two terms of the liberal-duralom Yeltsin, two terms of the protege of the Yeltsin family - the liberal Putin, and for the fifth time they legitimized the capitalist parliament and the fifth the presidential term of the next liberal Medvedev, appointed by the godfathers of the oligarchic regime in the Kremlin. Under cover and rhetoric about the former values of communism, the Zyuganovites diligently legitimized practically two terms of the liberal-duralom Yeltsin, two terms of the protege of the Yeltsin family - the liberal Putin, and for the fifth time they legitimized the capitalist parliament and the fifth presidential term of another liberal Medvedev, appointed by the pagan creams of the oligarchic regime …Under cover and rhetoric about the former values of communism, the Zyuganovites diligently legitimized practically two terms of the liberal-duralom Yeltsin, two terms of the protege of the Yeltsin family - the liberal Putin, and for the fifth time they legitimized the capitalist parliament and the fifth presidential term of another liberal Medvedev, appointed by the pagan creams of the oligarchic regime …

Thus, from the moment the Zyuganovites took back the "unjustly trampled" god Jesus Christ and became accomplices of the capitalist restoration of Judeo-Christianity, they essentially ceased to be communists, and turned only into merchants and salesmen (already with discounts, because the first jackpot was taken Gorbachev) brand of communism, its main principles, values and baggage of historical achievements. Apparently Lenin did not write for the Zyuganovites, who so zealously guard the author's mummy in the Mausoleum: “Religion is opium for the people. Religion is a kind of spiritual fuzz, in which the slaves of capital drown their human image, their demands for a decent human life … Those who work and need all their life, religion teaches humility and patience in earthly life, consoling them with hope for a heavenly reward”(link - 2, page 12). And apparently thosewho, after the collapse of the USSR, arrogated to themselves the right to be called communists and successors of the Lenin Cause, cynically "forgot" what Lenin wrote in "The Collapse of the Second International": "All and all oppressive classes need two social functions to protect their rule: functions of the executioner and in the function of the priest. The executioner must suppress the protest and indignation of the oppressed. The priest should console the oppressed, draw them perspectives of mitigating calamities and sacrifices … Whoever consoles a slave, instead of raising him to revolt against slavery, helps the slave owners”(ibid., P. 13). The executioner must suppress the protest and indignation of the oppressed. The priest should console the oppressed, draw them perspectives of mitigating calamities and sacrifices … Whoever consoles a slave, instead of raising him to revolt against slavery, helps the slave owners”(ibid., P. 13). The executioner must suppress the protest and indignation of the oppressed. The priest should console the oppressed, draw them perspectives of mitigating calamities and sacrifices … Whoever consoles a slave, instead of raising him to revolt against slavery, helps the slave owners”(ibid., P. 13).

But the most correct concept that the post-Soviet communists turned into after they believed in Jesus Christ and began to attend church are “corpses”, that is, engaged in ideological corpses with a Christian god according to the definition of their own leader, whom they defend in the Mausoleum as the most expensive "shrine" of communism. Lenin wrote in his famous letter to Gorky in 1913: “Talking about God-seeking is not in order to speak out against all devils and gods, against all ideological corpses (every god is a corpse - be it the cleanest, ideal, not sought after, but built god, all the same), - and for the preference of the blue line over the yellow, it is a hundred times worse than not speaking at all "(ref. 2, p. 242).

Back in the 19th century, Nietzsche was absolutely right that “God is dead”, because after bourgeois revolutions and secularization, the capitalists turned Jesus Christ into a comforter for their disadvantaged slaves, that is, put the institution of the church at their service and adapted Judeo-Christianity to justify the monstrous injustice, suffering and calamity in the earthly "kingdom of the beast" of capitalism. And if faith in the false religion of Judeo-Christianity does not change the political and economic rules of society's existence, does not create a divine and just world order in earthly life, then its mythical false god, created by the Talmudists to build the paradise life of "God's chosen" masters precisely here, on earth and in the material world on this side is equivalent to a dead god promising the salvation of the slave souls of capitalism after their death. And what is the name of faith and worship of a dead god,which promises "happiness" to disadvantaged slaves only after death, i.e. after they become corpses themselves? That's right, ideological corporeality. That is why in Lenin's words “every god is corpses” there is not only the deepest meaning, but also a literal definition of that necrophilic false religion in which believers worship and kiss the coffins with the corpses (relics) of saints.


If the corpse of a saint becomes a fetish for Christian corpse worshipers, how can this meaning be expressed even more aptly and more succinctly, if not by the concept of "corpseation"? Yes, with this concept, Lenin not only repeated and developed Nietzsche's idea of a dead god, but in one two-syllable Russian word (corpse and FALSE) expressed the whole essence and the whole meaning of Judeo-Christianity, and thus even more aptly than Nietzsche defined the idea of worship to the dead god and the relics of the saints. Moreover, this concept has a direct analogy with the concept of "sodomy", which is widespread among Christian monks (false religion and gives rise to various perversions) and especially among Catholic sanctimonious pedophiles (scandals about them periodically shake all the world media outlets), who are first engaged in churches ideological corporeality - i.e. love their dead god (God is love!), and then love living boys, apparentlyto compensate for the expectation of the future "heavenly pleasure" in the other world - in this, this worldly and living world …

But let us return to our Zyuganovites-corpses - as defined by Lenin himself. What are the main arguments of the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in defense of the "holy relics" of the leader of the revolution in the Mausoleum? There are three main arguments: Lenin was buried in a Christian manner like Orthodox monks just below ground level, Lenin's body was preserved by the will of the people and Lenin's mummy is "sacred dust" for the communists.

1) When the leader of the post-Soviet communists G. A. Zyuganov for many years with the most intelligent and serious look from the TV screen declares that Lenin was buried according to Christian tradition, like Orthodox monks in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, then during all these years I want to ask the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation only one question: was there Lenin an Orthodox monk or a deeply religious Christian, to be buried like an Orthodox monk in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra ?! Truly eternal is the wisdom that the most ridiculous or stupid things are always said with the cleverest and most serious air! The most uncompromising anti-Christian (read: Antichrist) and the leader of the Zionist Bolsheviks who seized power in the Christian empire and destroyed its Christian religion at the root, the Bolsheviks buried like a Christian monk in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra !!!Just think about the nonsense that the communists carry to protect the "holy relics" of their leader in the Mausoleum from reburial!

2) The abstract will of the people, which the communists talk about, is a primitive lie, for it must be repeated once again that Lenin was the leader of the Bolshevik Zionists who seized power in Russia, and the leader of the Russian people until 1923 (more than a year before his death, Lenin was already incapacitated and actually removed from power) he could not be by definition, because For several years there was a civil war, the Russian people were split, and all the Bolshevik commissars, Red Army men and proletarians taken together, who considered Lenin their leader, constituted in 1924 only a small part of the entire Russian people. And the majority of the Russian peasantry and ordinary people just had a rejection of the Soviet power after the failed policy of war communism and the rollback to the NEP, and as Vadim Kozhinov writes: Lenin himself admitted the failure of his entire policy in the fall of 1923.

The Zyuganovites cite historical facts about thousands of letters, telegrams, collective appeals and about the decision of the 2nd Congress of Soviets of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies of the USSR to save Lenin's body, but even if we take 15 million people - communists and all supporters of preserving Lenin's body, then after civil war, they made up only a tenth of its population in the USSR, what kind of popular will can we talk about? Compare this 10% of "people's will" with the example of the true indicator of popular will of 76% following the results of the 1991 referendum on the preservation of the USSR. Therefore, Stalin was the true and only Leader of the majority of the Soviet people, and the cult of Lenin was artificially created by the Bolsheviks themselves and Stalin himself, who was forced to do this so that the Soviet people would never learn the whole behind-the-scenes truth of the October Revolution. After all, if Stalin had revealed the whole truth about Lenin, sent to Russia by the British special services and the German General Staff in a sealed carriage, had revealed the whole truth about the Zionist sponsor bankers and the plans of the "Leninist guard", he would have destroyed the legitimacy of Soviet power with his own hands, which means he would have shaken and his own power as a successor and member of the "Leninist guard". Therefore, keeping power in his hands for Stalin meant strengthening his foundation, which was the cult of the Personality of Lenin and his "holy relics" in the Mausoleum. Therefore, keeping power in his hands for Stalin meant strengthening his foundation, which was the cult of the Personality of Lenin and his "holy relics" in the Mausoleum. Therefore, keeping power in his hands for Stalin meant strengthening his foundation, which was the cult of the Personality of Lenin and his "holy relics" in the Mausoleum.

3) Now let's move on to the concept of "mummy" and to the goal pursued by the Bolshevik elite to make it. It is well known that Lenin's corpse was embalmed in accordance with the ancient Egyptian pagan tradition, and then buried by the Bolsheviks in the Mausoleum, both contrary to the tradition of the Egyptians and contrary to the tradition of Christians, because the mummies of the Egyptian pharaohs were immured in tombs, did not have visual access to the mummy and were not an object for corpse worship, and the relics of Orthodox monks were not specially embalmed, since supposedly they were preserved with the help of the "holy spirit" and only then became an object for corpse worship. Thus, Lenin's mummy as a "bat" violates and does not fit into either the ancient Egyptian or Christian traditions, because it was deliberately made by the Bolsheviks for other, occult-satanic purposes,known only to a narrow circle of insiders from the Bolshevik elite.

The most superficial version of these goals is that the body of the deceased first "pharaoh" of the communist kingdom, the Bolsheviks decided here, on the material earth, to replace the long-dead "Nietzsche" and finally destroyed by the Bolsheviks Christian god, and also to replace it with the body of the power of Orthodox saints and make from the mummy of Lenin, a kind of CULT OF UNITRUPY (the same form of monotheism) instead of the multi-corpse of various relics of saints for Christian corpse worshipers, who in post-revolutionary Russia constituted the majority of the people and could not change their centuries-old consciousness in several years. However, after the collapse of the USSR, the Communists from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation insistently call "what lies in the Mausoleum" anything, but not the true semantic definition of "MUMIYA". In his speeches, in all the newspapers,in all interviews and on television, the communists diligently call the mummy a "shrine", "dust" or "remains" and thereby not only replace the true meaning and meaning of the mummy, but also carefully adjust it to the Federal Law "On Burial and Funeral Business", in where the deceased is defined only by three concepts: "body", "remains" and "dust", and the concept of "dust" in Article 4 is clearly defined as "ashes after the burning of the body (remains)", and the concept of "mummy" in this law is not at all exist.and the concept of "mummy" does not exist in this law at all.and the concept of "mummy" does not exist in this law at all.

After all, what is a mummy? Any dictionary of the Russian language defines a mummy as a human corpse that was either deliberately protected from rotting and decomposition using the embalming procedure, or which itself was preserved with the help of any specific soil conditions, temperature, cool room, etc. In other words, the concept of "mummy" is logically opposite to the concept of "dust" and "remains", since initially contains the meaning and purpose of opposition and obstacles to the corpse turning into this very rotten dust and decaying remains. And since the meaning and purpose of preserving the "primordial" corpse after a person's death is important only in the system of religious traditions or ancient occult rituals, then in a secular, secular or atheistic society, the purpose and meaning of making a mummy is simply absurd.ancient religious obscurantism and an outlaw concept. That is why the post-Soviet communists-materialists diligently replace the word mummy with whatever words they like, just not to pronounce this religious-occult concept of "mummy".

But no matter how the communists call "what lies in the Mausoleum" - it will always have only two true semantic definitions: either the "mummy" of a person, like a deliberately embalmed corpse with the aim of preventing it from turning into dust and decaying remains, or natural " stuffed animal "of a person, created for the ritual of corpse worship and other religious and occult purposes. And here the question arises: would G. A. Zyuganov, so that after his death an embalmed effigy would be made of his body and placed next to the mummy of Lenin as the last leader of the communists of post-Soviet Russia next to the first leader? After all, the beginning and the end are philosophically one, therefore the first and last communists are a single whole in the history of the communist party. I would like G. A. Zyuganov,that his body after death was used as an object for corpses or for other satanic-occult purposes?


Let's call in our own words what the communists did with the body of the leader of the October Revolution in 1924. They made a pagan (ancient Egyptian) mummy and buried it according to Christian custom in the Mausoleum for the "secular" corpse worship of atheist materialists! But Lenin was a fierce opponent of the necrophilous obscurantism of Judeo-Christianity, and even more so an opponent of the worship of the relics of saints, but if Lenin could have known during his lifetime what an evil and vile joke his comrades-in-arms would play with him - for 84 years (author's note - this the article was written back in 2008) will turn his body into an object of this very "corpseation" instead of a Christian god and will bury it in a Christian way like Orthodox monks! Vile and cynical using the body of the deceased leader of the revolution for their secret, satanic-occult purposes, the Bolsheviks have put him in a historical trap. The great Antichrist Lenin, embalmed in the Egyptian way, buried in a Christian way, turned into an object of "secular corpseation" and over time betrayed from all sides by the communists themselves, but not buried for 84 years - this is not just a trap of history, this is some kind of then the black humor of the story and its tragicomic underside.

Moreover, the way out of this trap in the form of a burial in the ground at the Volkovo cemetery in St. Petersburg near his mother, as the Kremlin lackeys or liberal patriots are trying to achieve, is just as stupid and absurd as G. A. Zyuganov that Lenin was buried like an Orthodox monk. Because a situation in which a person who died in 1924 is buried only in 2008, or rather, a historical relic-mummy, which served for 84 years as a pagan idol in the communist Ziggurat-Mausoleum, is buried in the ground, after all, to bury the idol in the ground looks stupid. a mummy with the aim of eliminating it in its meaning is not much different from dropping it into the Moscow River as in its time the idol of Perun into the Dnieper. And the circumstance will look ridiculous when the tomb,intended for the burial of the leader of the world proletariat and under the protection of UNESCO, will be located on Red Square, and the mummy itself will be buried in another place in the cemetery.

And here a logical question arises: what then should be the way out for the pagan mummy of the Antichrist and the first pharaoh of the communist kingdom from this “Christian burial” and the 84-year historical trap that his fellow Bolsheviks prepared for him? How to find an elegant and worthy solution for all antagonistic parties to this historically stalemate situation? After all, the way out of it should be not just the same ritual and deeply symbolic, this way out should show the fate of all communism and the fate of the world's first experience of socialist construction, because Lenin's mummy in the present is nothing more than a PILLAR (B. A. Rybakov writes, that the Slavs just called the pillars of the "hut of death" - grave dominoes, see link - 4) and the ARK of the idea of materialist communism. In order to answer this historical question,First, it is necessary in a holistic form and to the end to understand what the architectonics of the idea of communism was, for the sake of which the pillar of the Mausoleum was built and an ark-sarcophagus was created inside for its first pharaoh-incarnator. In the previous parts of the article it was concluded that communism is a secular version of Christianity, now it is necessary to deepen and expand this conclusion. In its holistic form, communism is the secular and highest form of two layers of history and a symbiosis of two variants of pagan religions: ancient Egyptian paganism and modern Judeo-Christian monopaganism.that communism is a secular version of Christianity, it is now necessary to deepen and broaden this conclusion. In its integral form, communism is the secular and highest form of two layers of history and a symbiosis of two variants of pagan religions: ancient Egyptian paganism and modern Judeo-Christian monopaganism.that communism is a secular version of Christianity, it is now necessary to deepen and broaden this conclusion. In its integral form, communism is the secular and highest form of two layers of history and a symbiosis of two variants of pagan religions: ancient Egyptian paganism and modern Judeo-Christian monopaganism.

The first layer of "communist neo-paganism" includes the foundations of the theocratic structure of Ancient Egypt - the Asian mode of production, a closed, caste-priestly way of power and the entire organization of the state apparatus-clergy (the nomenclature of the CPSU). And also in a secular form it includes all the foundations of paganism - the cult of gold, idolatry to statues of gods (leaders), deification during life and mummification after the death of the pharaoh (general secretary), grandiose religious construction - Stalin's high-rise pyramids in Moscow and shock construction projects of the century, etc..d. In this context and through the prism of ancient paganism, it is necessary to consider some of the usual phenomena of Soviet society. What is a Soviet monument? It is a stone pagan idol designed for the "secular" idolatry of materialistic atheists. The ka of the ancient Egyptian pharaoh (the sound “ka” in Sanskrit means “spirit”), which was discussed in the first part of the article, was expressed by twin statues in his tomb or in memorial temples, for example, look on the Internet for twin statues of Ka Tutankhamun or the 20-meter statue of Ka Ramses II of the 19th dynasty. On the model of the ancient Egyptian statues of the pharaohs, idols and statues of the ancient Greek and Roman gods arose.

Illustration: an unrealized architectural project of the Palace of the Soviets in the form of a stepped pyramid-pedestal for the statue of the First Pharaoh of the Communist Kingdom
Illustration: an unrealized architectural project of the Palace of the Soviets in the form of a stepped pyramid-pedestal for the statue of the First Pharaoh of the Communist Kingdom

Illustration: an unrealized architectural project of the Palace of the Soviets in the form of a stepped pyramid-pedestal for the statue of the First Pharaoh of the Communist Kingdom.

In Soviet times, squares and streets of all Soviet cities and towns were strewn with stone idols of the first communist pharaoh (the ancient Russian words “stone” and “temple” came from the concept of “Ka” of the pharaoh and his stone structures), not to mention Ka Lenin in the form of his twin statues on the territory of almost all factories and state-owned enterprises. Moreover, the "communist neo-paganism" adopted from pagan Egypt or Rome not only the idolatry of stone statues, the mummification of the pharaohs or the construction of Stalin's high-rise pyramids, the communists even made their banner crimson on the model of the banner of the pagan Romans. Of all the Roman banners that have come down to our time, the only copy of the scarlet banner is the vexillum of the III century, kept in the State Hermitage. AD from Egypt (Kolobov A. V., 2001, p. 43).

The second layer of “communist neo-paganism” includes “modern” Judeo-Christian monopagism in the way of struggle for power - militant Marxism was practically similar to the militant sects of early Christian rebels, and all other aspects of the convergence of communism and Christianity were considered by me in the 6th part of the article. To those considered aspects of convergence, it must be added here that in the 20th century, along with the return of communism to the ancient Egyptian origins, the modern Judeo-Christian monopaganism also returned to the same pagan origins: in 1931 in Rio de Janeiro, the largest in the world there is a 30-meter statue-twin "Ka" of Jesus Christ, and note that Jesus was not made on the cross, but as an antique statue-idol. However, for the Judeo-Christian mono-pagans, one large stone idol of the Leader of world Christianity in Brazil was not enough, and at the beginning of the 21st century, Judeo-Christian monopagans decided to strew the whole of Europe with stone idols of their idol from Judea - apparently they decided to adopt the experience of the USSR, which in the 20th century th century was all strewn with pagan idols of the leader of the world proletariat, Lenin. And now, at the same time, and in a race with each other, Europeans are erecting in Slovakia, Poland and Germany the largest stone statues of Jesus Christ, and all the Christians from Germany decided to "surpass" everyone (apparently to spit to the depths of the centuries and reach the very Ancient Egypt), which erect a pagan statue of Jesus Christ 55 meters high!and at the beginning of the 21st century, Judeo-Christian monolinguals decided to strew the whole of Europe with stone idols of their idol from Judea - apparently they decided to adopt the experience of the USSR, which in the 20th century was all strewn with pagan idols of the leader of the world proletariat, Lenin. And now, at the same time, and in a race with each other, Europeans are erecting in Slovakia, Poland and Germany the largest stone statues of Jesus Christ, and all the Christians from Germany decided to "surpass" everyone (apparently to spit to the depths of the centuries and reach the very Ancient Egypt), which erect a pagan statue of Jesus Christ 55 meters high!and at the beginning of the 21st century, Judeo-Christian monolinguals decided to strew the whole of Europe with stone idols of their idol from Judea - apparently they decided to adopt the experience of the USSR, which in the 20th century was all strewn with pagan idols of the leader of the world proletariat, Lenin. And now, at the same time, and in a race with each other, Europeans are erecting the largest stone statues of Jesus Christ in Slovakia, Poland and Germany, and Christians from Germany decided to "surpass" everyone (apparently in order to spit to the depths of the centuries and reach the very Ancient Egypt), which erect a pagan statue of Jesus Christ 55 meters high!in Poland and Germany, the largest stone statues of Jesus Christ, and all the Christians from Germany decided to "surpass" all (apparently in order to spit to the depths of the centuries and reach the very ancient Egypt), who erect a pagan statue of Jesus Christ 55 meters high!in Poland and Germany, the largest stone statues of Jesus Christ, and all the Christians from Germany decided to "surpass" all (apparently in order to spit to the depths of the centuries and reach the very ancient Egypt), who erect a pagan statue of Jesus Christ 55 meters high!

Well, the fact that all other stone statues in the former USSR, for example, the 85-meter statue of the Motherland on the Mamayev Kurgan, or the even earlier 46-meter (without a base and pedestal) Statue of Liberty in America represent a worldwide trend of revival in secular form ancient paganism - does not even need comments. But I still want to express my personal opinion about the Motherland-Mother in Volgograd, which showed one of the hypostases of the revived pagan goddess of the ancient Slavs - the cult of Mother-Cheese-Earth (mother-nature and fertility). This Great Mother-Motherland of the ancient Slavs rebelled with a sword in hand from her past and calls on her Sons to rise up to fight against the expected scum that has seized power in the Slavic lands. Indeed, in the middle of the last century, the Slavs defeated the military Nazism of the German invaders,but at the end of the 20th century they were again attacked by Nazism, but in its religious-ideological and financial-economic form, i.e. the war moved to the level of Spiritual Warfare with the Zionist-Fascist religion of Judaism and its secular-secular version of monetary liberalism …

Thus, communism is a secular symbiosis of ancient Egyptian paganism and "modern" Judeo-Christian monopaganism, but this symbiosis only revived the fundamental principles of that pagan false religion and pseudo-theocracy, which was created by priests-satanists in slave-owning Ancient Egypt, in order to enthrall all the peoples of the Earth ". Consequently, the Bolshevik Zionists, on the basis of communist neo-paganism, built a secular, materialistic pseudo-theocracy, and a lie, as you know, does not undergo the test of truth and time, for any matter is doomed to its death or natural destruction, and only Spirit can be immortal. And if communism was the highest, secular form of ancient Egyptian paganism and Eastern pseudo-theocracy,then, in relation to the first pharaoh of the communist kingdom, the LOGIC of the ancient Egyptian pagan tradition should be applied and completed: what did the pharaoh do after his death in Ancient Egypt? That's right, he was resurrected and ascended to heaven (see the 1st part of the article)!

This means that the pagan mummy of the Antichrist Pharaoh from the first communist kingdom, intended for secular corpses and buried according to Christian custom in the Mausoleum, should not be buried in the ground according to the Christian rite of inhumation, but … sent to heaven according to the primordial Slavic and pagan custom by cremation! Let the logic of the ancient Egyptian tradition, which underlies communist neo-paganism, finally come to an end!

At the same time, the urn with the ashes of the leader of the world proletariat should be forever walled up in the Mausoleum itself and no speculations about the demolition of the Mausoleum, which is under the protection of UNESCO - it must be emphasized that only the Mausoleum itself is protected, but not Lenin's mummy - or speculations about the reburial of Lenin in any cemetery cannot be. The burning of a corpse not only among the ancient Slavs meant the ascension of a person to heaven to the heavenly rulers, and among the ancient Greeks the dead bodies of their relatives were burned according to religious custom. Those who want to watch on the TV screen colorfully and spectacularly how in the era of great ancient culture the Greeks lifted their great heroes and kings to heaven should watch the film of the brilliant director Wolfgang Petersen "Troy". In the same way, in the pagan Roman Empire, the burning of the body of a deceased pagan emperor was regarded as his ascension to heaven. And since the Bolshevik communists in the 20th century applied the pagan ritual of mummification to Lenin's corpse, then why can't another pagan ritual be applied to the mummy of the first neo-pagan ruler of the Third Rome (Russian Empire) - the burning of the body for its ascension to heaven, in order to logically complete this 84-year history?

But this pagan ritual of the ascension of the sarcophagus to heaven with Lenin should not be performed by the Kremlin lackeys-liberals, who for a decade and a half did not understand that “the one who interferes with the progress of Russia is the only one who will help him,” but on condition awareness of the true, epochal meaning and the highest spiritual goal of this progress. In other words, only those who are the fiercest opponents of the reburial of "holy relics" in the Mausoleum - the communists themselves - can and should carry out the reburial of Lenin. I think no one will dispute the obvious truth that the leader of the world proletariat can and should be cremated and reburied in the Mausoleum only by the communists themselves, who have not only a moral or legal right to do this, but are also obliged to do this as direct successors of those who created the era communism. Who interferes most of all with Lenin's reburial in post-Soviet Russia? That's right, the leader of the Communist Party G. A. Zyuganov, it means that it is he with his own hands who must reburial the urn with the cremated ashes of Lenin in the Mausoleum itself and in the near future become the honorary Last Communist in Russia. The hand of the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, which will send the sarcophagus with Lenin's mummy to the oven of the crematorium, will literally touch Eternity, and his name will forever remain in the history of the Russian state. Well, Gennady Andreevich's speech dedicated to such an event has a chance in its importance to be on a par with the speeches of the great politicians of the past, in any case, this speech will be studied by students of all future generations in history lessons for centuries and millennia. And that's only afterhow the Zyuganovites cremate and reburial Lenin's mummy in the Mausoleum - only then will the communists, with a clear conscience, use the true concept of "dust" in relation to the burnt remains of their leader, and therefore look honestly and openly into the eyes of their people.

In the photo: the communists call this natural human effigy in the sarcophagus “ ashes ” his Leader Lenin
In the photo: the communists call this natural human effigy in the sarcophagus “ ashes ” his Leader Lenin

In the photo: the communists call this natural human effigy in the sarcophagus “ ashes ” his Leader Lenin.

Moreover, Lenin's relative herself, O. D. Ulyanova should be interested exclusively in the cremation of Lenin's mummy according to the primordial Slavic custom and for this purpose give her legal consent to this, since the inhumation of Lenin's mummy into the ground, according to Christian custom, would be a cynical act of betrayal of the memory of Lenin, who fought against Judeo-Christianity. Therefore, in order for the Kremlin liberals not to bury Lenin's mummy in the ground for the second time according to Christian tradition, a relative of Lenin should literally save his mummy from such a fate and give legal consent to cremation as soon as possible in order to send it to heaven - away from a sinful land where Lenin's body will NEVER be given rest and where such passions rage around his mummy. After all, no one will put personal security at the grave of Lenin in the cemetery ( - 5) and no one will guarantee that some fanatics in the future will not carry out a secret exhumation and that the hunt for the skull and bones of Lenin by members of some sect of Satanists will not begin, like the hunt for the skull of the head of the Knights Templar Jacques de Molay.

"SAVE IN HEAVEN" (equivalent to saving in Eternity) by cremation is the key formula-motive for Lenin's relative and the most worthy, I would say in Pharaoh's way, a majestic way out of the historical trap that the Bolsheviks set for the body of their leader, and from that defensive position that O. D. Ulyanova took over with the Zyuganovites. And finally, Olga Dmitrievna must understand that she herself does not have much time left on this Earth, and even if with her remaining years of life she "pushes back" by several years what the liberals want to do - to bury Lenin's mummy in the cemetery, then after her death they will all will carry out their plans equally. So the logic of O. D. Ulyanova should be turned 180 degrees as soon as possible: not liberals in the Kremlin are surreptitiously waiting for the death of Lenin's relative in order toin order to give a damn about her will about the safety of Lenin's mummy in the Mausoleum, but on the contrary, WHILE Lenin's relative is still alive, she must have time with her legal will to make a worthy reburial of Lenin's cremated ashes in the Mausoleum itself and save his mummy from being buried in the ground "according to Christian tradition" and further unknown fate of his bones and skull in the cemetery.

As for those communists-corpses, for whom the cremated and immured inside of the Mausoleum the ashes of Lenin are unacceptable, and only the corpse of the leader is an irreplaceable and sacred cult for worship - for such communists-corpses, after the cremation of Lenin's mummy, the Zyuganovites should make the WALL OF Wailing, which is more logical make everything out of the back wall of the Mausoleum (from the side of the Kremlin wall) and at which they will console their grief, mourning the untimely loss of their cult object for corpse worship. Such communists who cannot imagine their life without Lenin's corpse should be given the opportunity to come to the back wall of the Mausoleum, where they will be hidden from the eyes of tourists and the masses of people on Red Square, and mourn their unbearable suffering from parting with the corpse-fetish of their leader. Well,and those necrophilic people - both citizens of Russia and guests from abroad, who still want to witness Lenin's "primordial" corpse, after his cremation will have to be content with only a usual visit to the grave-Mausoleum, in which an urn with ashes will be immured Lenin. Just as hundreds of people still visit the grave of Marx in London and pay their debt to the memory of the "sacred writer" of communism, but for 125 years they have been doing just fine without the ritual of contemplating the corpse of Marx itself. In general, people will come to the Lenin Mausoleum in the same way as they come to the grave of Marx in London or to urns with ashes in the Kremlin wall, and will pay him a debt of memory and veneration without seeing Lenin's corpse itself.after his cremation, one will have to be content with only a usual visit to the grave-Mausoleum, in which the urn with Lenin's ashes will be walled up. Just as hundreds of people still visit the grave of Marx in London and pay their debt to the memory of the "sacred writer" of communism, but for 125 years they have been doing just fine without the ritual of contemplating the corpse of Marx itself. In general, people will come to the Lenin Mausoleum in the same way as they come to the grave of Marx in London or to urns with ashes in the Kremlin wall, and will pay him a debt of memory and veneration without seeing Lenin's corpse itself.after his cremation, one will have to be content with only a usual visit to the grave-Mausoleum, in which the urn with Lenin's ashes will be walled up. Just as hundreds of people still visit the grave of Marx in London and pay their debt to the memory of the "sacred writer" of communism, but for 125 years they have been doing just fine without the ritual of contemplating the corpse of Marx itself. In general, people will come to the Lenin Mausoleum in the same way as they come to the grave of Marx in London or to urns with ashes in the Kremlin wall, and will pay him a debt of memory and veneration without seeing Lenin's corpse itself.but at the same time for 125 years they have been doing well without the ritual of contemplating the corpse of Marx itself. In general, people will come to the Lenin Mausoleum in the same way as they come to the grave of Marx in London or to urns with ashes in the Kremlin wall, and will pay him a debt of memory and veneration without seeing Lenin's corpse itself.but at the same time for 125 years they have been doing well without the ritual of contemplating the corpse of Marx itself. In general, people will come to the Lenin Mausoleum in the same way as they come to the grave of Marx in London or to urns with ashes in the Kremlin wall, and will pay him a debt of memory and veneration without seeing Lenin's corpse itself.

And in conclusion, summarizing all of the above, it is necessary to say the following. In the 20th century, Lenin and his guards destroyed material temples in Russia and thousands of servants of the Judeo-Christian false religion - just as Christian priests and their henchmen destroyed pagan temples for two centuries of dual faith, killed the Magi and all other clergymen in Russia. In fact, Lenin and the Bolsheviks became historical retaliation and, according to the laws of karmic retribution, returned to Christianity the same vandalism that Christian vandals committed against churches and monuments of art of pagan Russia, not to mention the barbaric Judeo-Christianity that destroyed the great ancient culture of Greece and Rome, and later only parasitized not her achievements. Moreover, the "fathers" of this Byzantine pseudo-religion initially and at the root destroyed any glimpses of the Creator's truth and cosmological knowledge, for example, they destroyed the writings of the early Christian teacher of Alexandria, Origen, written by him in 225, and Origen himself was anathematized and banned all of his teachings on the Fifth Ecumenical Cathedral in Constantinople in 553. Origen's teachings "On the Beginnings" revealed the ancient knowledge about the pre-existence (about reincarnation) and immortality of the soul and about rewarding according to merit (about karma), and no matter how Christianity forbade the light of true knowledge, the priests in the 20th century on their own they were convinced of the truths of Origen's teachings and the inevitability of the Law of retribution for the past, monstrous crimes of Judeo-Christianity …they destroyed the writings of the early Christian teacher of Alexandria, Origen, written by him in 225, and Origen himself was anathematized and banned from all his teachings at the Fifth Ecumenical Council in Constantinople in 553. Origen's teachings "On the Beginnings" revealed the ancient knowledge about the pre-existence (about reincarnation) and immortality of the soul and about rewarding according to merit (about karma), and no matter how Christianity forbade the light of true knowledge, the priests in the 20th century on their own they were convinced of the truths of Origen's teachings and the inevitability of the Law of retribution for the past, monstrous crimes of Judeo-Christianity …they destroyed the writings of the early Christian teacher of Alexandria, Origen, written by him in 225, and Origen himself was anathematized and banned from all his teachings at the Fifth Ecumenical Council in Constantinople in 553. In Origen's teaching "On the Beginnings", the ancient knowledge about the pre-existence (about reincarnation) and immortality of the soul and about reward according to merit (about karma) was revealed, and no matter how Christianity forbade the light of true knowledge, the priests in the 20th century on their own they were convinced of the truths of Origen's teachings and the inevitability of the Law of retribution for the past, monstrous crimes of Judeo-Christianity …In Origen's teaching "On the Beginnings", the ancient knowledge about the pre-existence (about reincarnation) and immortality of the soul and about reward according to merit (about karma) was revealed, and no matter how Christianity forbade the light of true knowledge, the priests in the 20th century on their own they were convinced of the truths of Origen's teachings and the inevitability of the Law of retribution for the past, monstrous crimes of Judeo-Christianity …In Origen's teaching "On the Beginnings", the ancient knowledge about the pre-existence (about reincarnation) and immortality of the soul and about reward according to merit (about karma) was revealed, and no matter how Christianity forbade the light of true knowledge, the priests in the 20th century on their own they were convinced of the truths of Origen's teachings and the inevitability of the Law of retribution for the past, monstrous crimes of Judeo-Christianity …


It remains only to answer the main question: why did the capitalist counter-reformation triumph and the large-scale restoration of Judeo-Christianity was carried out with the beginning of the Gorbachev catastrophe? Yes, because the Jewish Bolsheviks, fighting for the establishment in Russia of the caste power of world Zion, replaced the Judeo-Christian religion with an absurd surrogate - the materialistic pseudo-ideology of Marxism, and since any ideology is always only a derivative, secular version of religion, then religion or any false religion by definition is a more powerful psychic and mental construct of the Spirit or false spirit. False religion always has deeper roots in comparison with secular pseudo-ideology, because raises a lie to the level of transcendental being and metaphysical-mythological consciousness, which means that it will always win any secular ideology,all the more young in time and not having deep historical roots in the minds of the people. The spiritual "Sky" will always remain inaccessible to the ideology of materialism, for in all religions of the world the concept of "heaven" is a metaphor for psychic reality and the mental field integrated with the collective unconscious of the people. And materialism will never be able to reach these deep metaphysical foundations of Spirit, for any matter will always remain only a crystallized iceberg and a sliver in the middle of the vast ocean of Spirit and Cosmos: the atom of any substance is 98% made of emptiness, which is not matter, but exists as a spiritual substance wave nature, from which our visible 2% world of matter is generated. Thus,destroying material temples and all the attributes of the physical existence of Judeo-Christianity ON EARTH, the Leninist Guard, by definition, could not destroy this false religion IN HEAVEN, especially since Judeo-Christianity remained outside the USSR in the spiritual sky of the West.

Continued: Part 8.

Mikhail Sytnik