Secrets of history 2024, October

Amelia Earhart's Skull Found On The Uninhabited Island Of Nikumaroro? - Alternative View

Amelia Earhart's Skull Found On The Uninhabited Island Of Nikumaroro? - Alternative View

Fragments of a skull found in a museum in Kiribati may lead to the mystery of Amelia Earhart's fate. Pieces of bones were found during the National Geographic Expedition last summer to the uninhabited island of Nikumaroro.While much of the press surrounding the project centered around the involvement of oceanographer Robert Ballard, who had previously found the wreckage of the Titanic, it turned out that a visit to the Kiribati National Museum provided the most promising clue

The Most Powerful Families In History - Alternative View

The Most Powerful Families In History - Alternative View

Sometimes, looking at the mountain of bills at the end of the month, you regret it. But here are a few historical families whose members never had to count pennies and read Platsjournalen (publication with job advertisements, - approx. Per.)

How Did Matthias Rust Manage To Overcome The Soviet Air Defense - Alternative View

How Did Matthias Rust Manage To Overcome The Soviet Air Defense - Alternative View

On May 28, 1987, the plane of 18-year-old German boy Matthias Rust landed on Red Square. We recall the seven main facts of the "action" of the German hipster, which surprised the whole world

Secret Chancellery: How The Inquisition Worked "in Russian" - Alternative View

Secret Chancellery: How The Inquisition Worked "in Russian" - Alternative View

The secret office became the first secret service in Russian history. It was called the "Russian Inquisition", and even those who refused to drink to the health of the monarch fell under its jurisdiction

Night Of The Long Knives. How Everything Was - Alternative View

Night Of The Long Knives. How Everything Was - Alternative View

The bloody massacre of political opponents (1934) "Night of the Long Knives" - Hitler's massacre of SA attack aircraft on June 30, 1934. Operation, codenamed "Hummingbird"

Ancient Authors About Druids - Alternative View

Ancient Authors About Druids - Alternative View

The driving force that drove the Celts - this amazing people to fulfill their lofty mission, was a powerful corporation of druids, the presence of which represented the most striking aspect of the culture created by the Celts

Magi In Ancient Russia - Are They The Heirs Of The Druids? - Alternative View

Magi In Ancient Russia - Are They The Heirs Of The Druids? - Alternative View

Many of us are familiar with the saying "magicians who bring gifts." In the Gospel, the term "sorcerer" is used to refer to the three sorcerers who brought incense, myrrh and other gifts to the infant Christ. Such sorcerers once lived among the Slavs

Michelangelo's Secret Secrets Under The Medici Chapel - Alternative View

Michelangelo's Secret Secrets Under The Medici Chapel - Alternative View

The European Renaissance period covered the period from the 14th to the 17th century. It was a fascinating moment in the history of the European continent. Western civilization was transformed and great artists were born, but there were also frequent struggles between the Catholic Church, artists, scientists, kings, queens and those with power and money

Sacral Center Of The Druid World - Alternative View

Sacral Center Of The Druid World - Alternative View

Previous Part: The Druid and the King Françoise Leroux explores the ritual and magical techniques of the Druids in Chapter III, using material from the Irish sagas as a source

A New Version Of The Death Of The "Titanic": The Iceberg Was Hidden By The Sea Illusion - Alternative View

A New Version Of The Death Of The "Titanic": The Iceberg Was Hidden By The Sea Illusion - Alternative View

100 years after the legendary naval disaster, researchers have found another possible cause of the sinking of the Titanic. British historian Tim Maltin believes the cruise ship fell victim to an optical illusion

5 Most Incredible Versions Of The Titanic Crash - Alternative View

5 Most Incredible Versions Of The Titanic Crash - Alternative View

There are several dozen versions of the disaster. We have selected the most shocking ones. The Titanic and the Fed There were 57 millionaires aboard the ship

The Sinking Of The Titanic. Rock Or Conspiracy - Alternative View

The Sinking Of The Titanic. Rock Or Conspiracy - Alternative View

Mountains of books and articles have been written about the catastrophe that happened to the famous ocean liner "Titanic". But still there are many mysteries in this story, including mystical ones. Many researchers believe the tragedy was not accidental

What Awaited Female Servicemen In Penal Battalions At The Great Patriotic War - - Alternative View

What Awaited Female Servicemen In Penal Battalions At The Great Patriotic War - - Alternative View

During the Great Patriotic War, not only men, but also women military personnel fell into penal battalions and companies of the Red Army. Why were the fair sex punished by sending them to certain death, and what were the conditions of their service?

To Touch The Past: An Unusual Story Of Familiar Things - Alternative View

To Touch The Past: An Unusual Story Of Familiar Things - Alternative View

How did modern culture develop? Where are its origins? If we look closely, we can learn about our past thanks to the most ordinary things at first glance

Wild Division And Other Famous Special Forces Units In Russian History - Alternative View

Wild Division And Other Famous Special Forces Units In Russian History - Alternative View

Special purpose units have always been part of the Russian army. They performed tasks of particular difficulty, and the mere mention of them terrified the enemy. They had a special status, but they began to be called special forces only in the twentieth century

Satanists Of The Era Of Stagnation - Alternative View

Satanists Of The Era Of Stagnation - Alternative View

Every Soviet citizen knew that "there is no God, and religion is opium for the people." Knew, but did not believe it, for belief in the supernatural was strong. Therefore, along with adherents of Christianity and Islam, there were sectarians and devil worshipers in the USSR

Was Poland An Innocent Victim Of World War II? - Alternative View

Was Poland An Innocent Victim Of World War II? - Alternative View

The winners write history. Rather, they once wrote. Now these words (belonging, by the way, to the founder of the German Workers' Party, Anton Drexler, which will later be headed by Hitler) have lost their meaning.A new history is written by the losers, who trample the winners into the fetid slurry of their own helplessness with complaints and mean slander

Deadliest US Soldier: 2,746 Iraqis Killed By Him - Alternative View

Deadliest US Soldier: 2,746 Iraqis Killed By Him - Alternative View

Special Forces soldier Dillard Johnson has become the most productive soldier in the American army since Vietnam - since 2003 in Iraq, he has killed 2,746 local soldiers and militants. As a sniper, he killed 121 Iraqis, and in this indicator he is inferior to the leader - the American Chris Kyle, who shot 160 Iraqis

5 Myths About Jesus Christ - Alternative View

5 Myths About Jesus Christ - Alternative View

Hardly any other person in history is covered with so many myths as the legendary founder of Christianity. With the aim of proving the supernatural character of Jesus, the authors of the gospels did not restrain their imaginations, while drawing inspiration from the existing mythology

The Hidden Years Of Jesus Christ - Alternative View

The Hidden Years Of Jesus Christ - Alternative View

Where was Jesus from 12 to 30 years old? The Gospel is silent about this, and many are trying to fill the gap - in particular, the so-called "Tibetan Gospel". But what actually happened?We can feel the correctness of our faith, but we cannot always explain it or prove it to an unbeliever, especially to someone who, for some reason, irritates our worldview

Anglo-American Owners Of Money As Organizers Of World War II - Alternative View

Anglo-American Owners Of Money As Organizers Of World War II - Alternative View

The initiative to unleash the Second World War did not belong to the "possessed Fuhrer", who supposedly by chance found himself at the helm of power in Germany. The Second World War is a project of the world financial oligarchy, the Anglo-American masters of money

Is Jesus Christ A Historical Person? - Alternative View

Is Jesus Christ A Historical Person? - Alternative View

Denying the historicity of Jesus Christ, adherents of the mythological school point to the absence of mention of him in non-Christian sources of the 1st century, parallels with more ancient myths about dying and resurrecting deities, signs of literary fiction, borrowings and biographical contradictions in the Gospels, lack of information about the life of Jesus in Paul's Epistles, earlier Gospels, etc

Do Psychotronic Weapons Still Exist? - Alternative View

Do Psychotronic Weapons Still Exist? - Alternative View

The strange phrase "psychotronic weapon" appeared in the media 20 years ago. But then, as a rule, retired military personnel or scientists unrecognized by the Academy of Sciences spoke about him

Black Paratrooper - Alternative View

Black Paratrooper - Alternative View

The Moscow metro station "Ploschad Revolyutsii" is a kind of hymn to the Soviet people. There are 76 bronze sculptures on the pedestals in the corners of the pylons. Each sculpture has its own story. And some have real prototypes

What Facts Are Distorted In James Cameron's Titanic? - Alternative View

What Facts Are Distorted In James Cameron's Titanic? - Alternative View

The famous Hollywood movie "Titanic" was seen by many, but most concentrated solely on the romantic story of Jack and Rose. Not everyone thought about what the real historical facts are

Why Weren't The Actors Buried In The Cemetery Before - Alternative View

Why Weren't The Actors Buried In The Cemetery Before - Alternative View

More recently, the acting profession was considered, to put it mildly, not at all prestigious. So much so that the artists were buried outside the cemetery after death. Why? According to one version, this is due to the prohibition of the church to portray the lives of other people

You Are Heavy, Monomakh's Hat - Alternative View

You Are Heavy, Monomakh's Hat - Alternative View

This catchphrase can serve as an epigraph to the fate of Vladimir Monomakh, the Grand Duke of Kiev, "the winner of the Polovtsian steppe." Shield for the Russian land Monomakh was the name of Vladimir's grandfather, the Byzantine emperor Constantine Monomakh

Gadgets In Silent Movies - Alternative View

Gadgets In Silent Movies - Alternative View

The magic of Georges Méliès In those years, filmmakers were in a state of fierce competition with each other. This forced them to improve their products all the time, to make them more attractive to the viewer

The Theory Of The Ice World In The Third Reich - Alternative View

The Theory Of The Ice World In The Third Reich - Alternative View

One fine summer morning in 1925, almost every scientist in Germany and Austria received a letter written in an extremely ultimatum form: “The time has come to choose whether you are with us or against us. Hitler will clear politics, Hans Gerbiger will sweep out false sciences

The Beginning Of The Reconstruction Of The World. Money And Power As The Basis Of Domination - Alternative View

The Beginning Of The Reconstruction Of The World. Money And Power As The Basis Of Domination - Alternative View

Due to the limited format, I will allow myself to state the problem only in a thesis. If desired, anyone interested can easily find confirmation of the following

Why Was It Important To Get The Guest Drunk In Russia To Drink? - Alternative View

Why Was It Important To Get The Guest Drunk In Russia To Drink? - Alternative View

Guest - he is a stranger, a stranger, he is a messenger of God or God himself, who took on a human form. You will never guess what a guest came with, who he will turn out to be: a good friend who will bring the owners happiness, luck, share, or a sworn enemy

Canned Food From The 1960s Was Found On A Ship That Sank In The 15th Century - Alternative View

Canned Food From The 1960s Was Found On A Ship That Sank In The 15th Century - Alternative View

In Estonia, workers during road construction work stumbled upon a wooden ship buried underground, on board of which they unexpectedly found objects of the 20th century.According to ERR News, the wooden ship was found near Tallinn harbor, which is located on the Baltic Sea coast

Were Juices Of High Quality In The USSR? - Alternative View

Were Juices Of High Quality In The USSR? - Alternative View

Personally, I remember very well Soviet juices, both in glass (with a salt shaker and a tomato spoon) and in cans. We bought and drank with pleasure. Now they write how high quality and natural the production of juices was. Here's a little history

Zombies For Stalin - Alternative View

Zombies For Stalin - Alternative View

Imagine a community of law-abiding citizens, loyal to the authorities and thinking only "right". Perhaps this is possible. After all, if you believe various independent sources, experiments on mass brainwashing of people in the world have been going on for a long time, and certain successes have been achieved in this area …-

The Most Mysterious Stories About Missing People - Alternative View

The Most Mysterious Stories About Missing People - Alternative View

According to statistics, several million people disappear without a trace in the world every year. Among them are children who ran away from home, husbands and wives, hiding from their other half in search of new love, victims of crime and domestic violence

Abandoned Factories Of The Urals. Monument To Demidov Cast Iron - Alternative View

Abandoned Factories Of The Urals. Monument To Demidov Cast Iron - Alternative View

One glance at the imposing metal structures in the center of Nizhny Tagil is enough to understand - they've been here for a long time. Buildings towering over the roadway are clearly not examples of modern industry

The Riddle Of The British Crossword Puzzle With Data From A Secret Military Operation - Alternative View

The Riddle Of The British Crossword Puzzle With Data From A Secret Military Operation - Alternative View

In 1944, during the Second World War, a mass landing of British and US troops began on the coast of France (D-Day), occupied by the Nazis. This operation was prepared in the strictest secrecy and was codenamed "Overlord"

11 Mysterious Coincidences That Any Logic Breaks - Alternative View

11 Mysterious Coincidences That Any Logic Breaks - Alternative View

Human history has many strange events that do not fit with others or seem ahead of their time. Are these coincidences random or not - first of all, they attract attention with their uniqueness. 1

Feast And Russian World - Alternative View

Feast And Russian World - Alternative View

Feasts in Russia were different - honest, in honor of someone, worldly, if the whole community, which was called "the world", walked, tables were laid for the whole world

Russian Pension: From Peter To Stalin - Alternative View

Russian Pension: From Peter To Stalin - Alternative View

Those who grew up during the Soviet era were taught: pension - this is exclusively the merit of socialism, since tsarism-capitalism, by definition, cannot take care of a person. But is it?