Zombies For Stalin - Alternative View

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Zombies For Stalin - Alternative View
Zombies For Stalin - Alternative View

Video: Zombies For Stalin - Alternative View

Video: Zombies For Stalin - Alternative View
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Imagine a community of law-abiding citizens, loyal to the authorities and thinking only "right". Perhaps this is possible. After all, if you believe various independent sources, experiments on mass brainwashing of people in the world have been going on for a long time, and certain successes have been achieved in this area …

"Brain Radio" and Durov's dogs

At the very beginning of the last century, physicist and electrical engineer Bernard Kazhinsky put forward a hypothesis that the human brain emits radio waves that can be captured by another living creature. The scientist took on the development of a "brain radio" capable of converting brain impulses into sound signals that can be transmitted over long distances.

Kazhinsky has successfully lectured on his discovery at the best European and American universities, and also conducted a number of demonstration experiments in Canada.

Of course, all this took place under the strict control of the Soviet special services. In the end, the scientist was ordered to return to his homeland and continue his research.

On March 17, 1924, in Moscow, in the presence of a specially created commission, an experiment was carried out, during which, using a low-frequency emitter, the operator inspired one of Vladimir Durov's circus dogs to go into the next room, select a certain book from a pile and take it to the owner. To the amazement of those present, the experiment was a success. Experiments with other circus dogs were also successful.

However, all this had an unexpected effect: when the experiment was over, the animals stopped obeying the verbal commands of the trainers. Apparently, something “jumped” in their brain. In the end, experiments on dogs had to be stopped.

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Zombie soldiers

In the 1930s, Kazhinsky's students tried to "refine" the apparatus he created in order to subject the Red Army soldiers to zombies. Stalin dreamed of "the unity of the masses" and an increase in the working capacity of Soviet people, so that they selflessly worked for the good of their homeland. He hoped an improved brain radio would help achieve this goal.

But it turned out that "zombie" technologies are too expensive and cannot be applied to a whole people. However, the country received free labor for work where no one would have gone to work voluntarily in a different way.

According to the sources, the details of the experiment on the soldiers were classified, although the results of the experiments were recognized as quite successful.

Side effects

There is evidence that the zombie issue was very seriously dealt with in Nazi Germany. According to unofficial data, in 1934, a secret laboratory appeared near Berlin, headed by intelligence officer Walter Nicolai. About one and a half thousand physicists, physicians and psychologists worked in it. Together they worked on the creation of a device capable of manipulating consciousness, for example, making a person follow other people's orders.

The experiments were carried out on prisoners of concentration camps. Some results were achieved, but the consequences of the impact on the consciousness of the test subjects were unpredictable: in most cases the person showed signs of insanity or soon died … It is believed that almost all documents relating to these experiments were destroyed at the end of World War II: the Nazis did not want so that their developments fall into the hands of the enemy.

The experiments of the CIA, which tried to use the experience of Nazi scientists, for example, on captured Korean soldiers, ended with about the same failure. Attempts to brainwash the Koreans by making them loyal to the American authorities have had too many side effects.

"Sleepless" gas

In the late 1940s, Soviet chemists developed a special gas, thanks to which people under its influence could go without sleep for 15 days.

The tests were carried out in a pressure chamber, fully equipped for a comfortable life. It contained furniture, books and other things, food and water were regularly served. And also that "sleepless" gas. In the walls were made "windows" through which the experimenters could observe the subjects.

Volunteers from among the prisoners "enemies of the people" were used as test subjects. They were promised that if they agreed to participate in the experiments, they would be released. During the experiment, the participants were allowed to communicate freely with each other.

On the sixth day, the inhabitants of the cell stopped talking to each other, but they periodically approached the microphones installed for communication with the experimenters and “knocked” on their cellmates: who said something bad about Comrade Stalin and the Soviet regime …

On the tenth day, several volunteers began running around the pressure chamber with loud shouts. And two of them suddenly began to tear up books and smear their pages with their own excrement. With soiled pages they tried to seal up the windows. Since the windows were now sealed, the experimenters could not see what was happening inside and entered the chamber.

All the participants lay quietly in their places, not reacting in any way to those who entered.

We don't want to be free anymore

After checking the equipment and cleaning the premises, the staff announced that they would be released tomorrow. And then the prisoners, as if on command, turned their heads in their direction and said: "We no longer want to be free."

The doctors, accompanied by the guards, entered the pressure chamber, began to examine the test subjects. It turned out that one of them was dead, and someone dismembered his body and some of the fragments ended up in the sewer. It is unclear what could have become the murder weapon, since there were no metal objects in the cell.

When the soldiers tried to get the subjects out of the cell, they pounced on them. With their bare hands, they managed to kill five people. All the inhabitants of the cell were completely deranged.

It was necessary to urgently ventilate the room and administer horse doses of morphine to the former experimental subjects. Tied with belts, they were taken to a room, where they continued to inject drugs, and also tried to take a brain encephalogram. To the surprise of the researchers, it turned out to be quite common in everyone in the waking state, but when the prisoners fell into a narcotic sleep, they had a complete lack of brain activity, as if these people were dead.

The results of the experiment were so amazing that it was decided to eliminate all former test subjects. After the execution, their corpses were burned, since it is not known what effect the gas could have on the tissues.

Only many years later, one of the NKVD officers who took part in this operation allegedly told foreign journalists about these events …

Disastrous "Radioson"

A number of other sources say that in 1954, a special purpose psychological research laboratory (PION) was created under the USSR Ministry of Health. It developed methods of influencing the human brain using special devices and psychotropic substances. Scientists and their customers were interested not only in the modification of human behavior, but also in the "suggestion" of various pathologies to the body. This could be useful for neutralizing various "enemy elements".

Under the leadership of Professor Boris Polotsky, who had previously worked with Kazhinsky, the Radioson installation was built. The first tests took place at the proving ground near Novosibirsk. The subjects were 145 conscripts. They were merely immersed in deep sleep by means of installation. When the soldiers woke up, they were immediately monitored for possible side effects.

After a year, everything was in order, and the researchers began to rub their hands happily. But then all the former test subjects suddenly began to die one by one. This fact even led to the resignation of the then head of the GRU, General Ivan Serov, who oversaw the experiment.

Are similar experiments being carried out now? There is no official information about this, and there is more than enough unofficial information.

For example, some individuals claim that until recently, unauthorized rallies were dispersed using psychotronic generators. Or that cell towers have a parallel function of influencing the brain for a variety of purposes. Therefore, everyone who uses a mobile phone is a potential zombie …