What Secrets Does Antarctica Keep? - Alternative View

What Secrets Does Antarctica Keep? - Alternative View
What Secrets Does Antarctica Keep? - Alternative View

Video: What Secrets Does Antarctica Keep? - Alternative View

Video: What Secrets Does Antarctica Keep? - Alternative View
Video: The Hidden World Beneath the Antarctic Ice Sheet | John Priscu | TEDxBozeman 2024, October

In Santiago, part of the documents from the collection of the famous philosopher, conspiracy theorist and occultist Miguel Serrano was stolen from the Chilean National Military Historical Archives, which contained materials about the underground cities allegedly built by Nazi Germany at the end of the war in Antarctica, where on April 28, 1945, on an aircraft, created by scientists "Ahnenerbe", the spouses Adolf and Eva Hitler flew away from Berlin. The Chilean press claims that the circle of ex-dictator Augusto Pinochet, a great friend of the famous occultist, may be involved in the loss of the archive.

Before becoming a scientist, Serrano was Chile's ambassador to Austria and India. In the 30s-50s of the last century, he became close friends with the largest European mystic scholars Hermann Hesse and Carl Jung. And in India, Serrano talked with Indira Gandhi and Nicholas Roerich, who enlightened the Chilean ambassador about the mysterious Shambhala as a world center of esoteric knowledge.

In the 50s-60s, Miguel Serrano, in a number of books, put forward the thesis that Hitler did not die, but organized carefully prepared "Twilight of the Gods" in the spirit of his beloved epic about the Nibelungs and Wagner's tetralogy. After arranging a mystical wedding with Eva Braun in Berlin engulfed in flames and preparing a performance with "suicide", in which a double took part, even the structure of the teeth of which completely repeated their own, Hitler and his wife left the capital of the Third Reich. They flew to Antarctica and took refuge in a huge underground city somewhere in the New Swabia region - part of the land of Queen Maud.

In putting forward his hypothesis, Serrano relied in part on well-known facts. In 1938-40, Nazi Germany sent two expeditions to Antarctica, which with pennants with a swastika staked out a large territory of the sixth continent. After that, on behalf of Admiral Doenitz, submariners' expeditions discovered a strange system of tunnels in the area of New Swabia, in which there was warm air.

The famous American historian John Stevens claims that by the fall of 1943, a powerful Nazi underground base had been created in Antarctica, referred to in documents as "Base 211".

… American and British intelligence failed to find out what the Germans were doing in Antarctica, since Chile and Argentina then sympathized with the European fascists and interfered with the allies. It is no accident that it was there, as well as in Paraguay, that many Nazi criminals felt so comfortable after the war.

Both Serrano and Stevens argued that in 1942-44 in secret laboratories in Germany, including with the participation of Ahnenerbe specialists, a new generation of aircraft was created, only some of which were the famous FAU-2, which terrified London, managed to be brought to industrial production. The creation of single special apparatuses for the Nazi leadership seems highly probable.

In his last letters to Pinochet Serrano reported that in his archives there is evidence that the secret base of Nazi Germany not only survived after the war, but also grew significantly. During the evacuation, which began in September 1944, “truly Nordic families” selected according to the methods of the Third Reich were brought there, and by the 1960s, an underground city with a population of two million existed in the depths of New Swabia. Now, it seems that this evidence has disappeared without a trace.

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John Stephens in his books shared Serrano's views, referring to the report on the US Navy expedition to the shores of New Swabia in 1946-48, which became available to him. According to the report, American ships came under fire several times by an unknown enemy, and many sailors saw bizarre flying objects suddenly appearing from under the water and strange atmospheric phenomena that caused them depression.

Interestingly, official and traditional historiography is in no hurry to declare Miguel Serrano's books exclusively a figment of fantasy. Moreover, the expeditions of the USA and the USSR in the 1960s-1980s also recorded rather strange and depressing atmospheric phenomena, including visual ones, which was explained by the poor knowledge of the nature of Antarctica. But so far, Serrano's works are usually viewed not so much as historical research, but as a bold and convincing attempt to show the uniqueness of Antarctica as a mystical phenomenon.

It is believed that Antarctica was discovered in January 1820 by a Russian expedition led by admirals Bellingshausen and Lazarev. But in the middle of the twentieth century, a map dated 1513 was discovered in the Istanbul archives, on which a mysterious continent was depicted, whose outlines exactly repeated the outlines of Antarctica.

The inaccessibility and mystery of Antarctica immediately attracted the attention of the great minds of the mystical bias to it. The first to write about the sixth continent was the founder of the "literature of metaphysical horror" Edgar Poe. But the most amazing masterpiece was created in 1931 by the absolute genius of literature Howard Lovecraft, who, according to some researchers of his work, wrote in a state of transpersonal trance, that is, he actually described his travels to parallel worlds.

In the story "Ridges of Madness" Lovecraft portrayed Antarctica as a place where prehuman races lived and live, which in ancient times were the real masters of the Earth. It was in the depths of the sixth continent that, according to Lovecraft's ideas, the essence of Evil as the true master of our planet lurked, which at any moment can regain its supreme power and destroy the human race.

Intriguingly, Ridges of Madness was published in a meager print run and was not known in Europe or America until the Lovecraft boom of the 1950s. But it was in the 30s that the Ahnenerbe specialists began to show interest in Antarctica, believing that there are remains of ancient civilizations under kilometer-long ice sheets. And the mysterious underground corridors with warm air that they discovered a little later were very similar to what they saw in a trance and described by Lovecraft.

In the last decade, Antarctica, for some unknown reason, almost dropped out of the information field. For some reason, even scientific expeditions are not of interest to the media. Only writers and directors are attracted by the inexplicable mysticism of the sixth continent. Thus, at the last Moscow Film Festival, the South Korean extreme film Antarctic Diary, continuing the tradition of Lafkraft, had a great success.

And the famous Catalan writer Albert Pignol, whose novel In Intoxicating Silence, which has become a world intellectual bestseller, was recently published in Russia, refused to answer the question of Pravda. Ru why the nightmare he described takes place on one of the Antarctic islands. “No, no, it was chosen by chance,” he replied with a quiet but tense goal, looking at the journalists with eyes full of transcendent horror and longing.