About Compensation For The "occupation" - Alternative View

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About Compensation For The "occupation" - Alternative View
About Compensation For The "occupation" - Alternative View

Video: About Compensation For The "occupation" - Alternative View

Video: About Compensation For The
Video: Five Data Points To Help You Better Tell Your Community's Story 2024, September

We must follow the example of our European and American partners. We scrupulously observe the contracts, we fulfill our obligations. They do what suits them. The United States wanted and took, and withdrew from the INF Treaty. Well, they thought it was beneficial for them. What prevents us from doing this? For example, Poland demands money for the "occupation" and categorically wants to break with its past in the form of the socialist NDP. So let's agree. Just to begin with, we are collecting compensation from them for 90 thousand people who died of our prisoners (the Soviet-Polish war), for using the illegally rejected Western Ukraine and Western Belarus for 19 years, and in general for unleashing a war. Why else? For 600,212 people who died during the liberation of Poland, for the Home Army they shot in the back of our soldiers. Also let them pay for whatthat half of the restored Warsaw would be made up of Soviet cement and brick. For all the help that the Soviet Union tore off from its economy and invested in Poland. For energy resources at low prices. And as they pay off, we agree with them that the Soviet period was a period of occupation and all Soviet-Polish treaties are not legitimate. And then we are already deciding whom to appoint as governor in the Warsaw General Government. Not well, but what? Let's go back to the relations of the times of the Russian Empire, everything is fair. By the way, Zhirinovsky would have done well there as a governor. Yes, you can still remember how they burned Moscow under the banners of Napoleon. They remember it, they even have words in the hymn -And as they pay off, we agree with them that the Soviet period was a period of occupation and all Soviet-Polish treaties are not legitimate. And then we are already deciding whom to appoint as governor in the Warsaw General Government. Not well, but what? Let's go back to the relations of the times of the Russian Empire, everything is fair. By the way, Zhirinovsky would have done well there as a governor. Yes, you can still remember how they burned Moscow under the banners of Napoleon. They remember it, they even have words in the hymn -And as they pay off, we agree with them that the Soviet period was a period of occupation and all Soviet-Polish treaties are not legitimate. And then we are already deciding whom to appoint as governor in the Warsaw General Government. Not well, but what? Let's go back to the relations of the times of the Russian Empire, everything is fair. By the way, Zhirinovsky would have done well there as a governor. Yes, you can still remember how they burned Moscow under the banners of Napoleon. They remember it, they even have words in the hymn -By the way, Zhirinovsky would have done well there as a governor. Yes, you can still remember how they burned Moscow under the banners of Napoleon. They remember it, they even have words in the hymn -By the way, Zhirinovsky would have done well there as a governor. Yes, you can still remember how they burned Moscow under the banners of Napoleon. They remember it, they even have words in the hymn -

“Let's cross the Vistula, we'll cross the Wart, Let's be Poles.

Bonaparte gave us an example

How should we win"

Here we are, let's not forget.

Who is there next to the "occupation" wants money? Baltics? We agree the same and remember that Peter 1 bought it for 2 million efimkas (silver coins) - this is almost 56 tons of silver. According to the Nishtadt truce in 1721. Don't want to go back? No problem, we count the accrued interest over these years, add to the amount, and also count how much the USSR has invested in them. And let them pay. Only no installments.

Ukraine? Well, here, too, they will not pay off forever. And for the territory, and for investments. And separately at the highest rate for their Bandera and SS division "Galitchina". And let them return the territories that Lenin slaughtered them. And to issue the same invoice for using them.

Promotional video:

Georgia? Likewise. We count how much the Russian Empire and the USSR invested in this territory. Plus for saving from the Turks and from the Persians, and for the subsequent protection.

“And God's grace came down

To Georgia! She bloomed

Since then, in the shade of their gardens, Without fear of enemies

Beyond friendly bayonets."

Here's to count and let them pay. They are independent and proud, so no problem. Pay proud Georgians.

And indeed, since Europe is screaming about compensation. I have one list, maybe it's worth monetizing it? Let us demand compensation from them.

Have you heard about the SS troops? I think yes. The total number of foreign volunteers was 57% (!) Of the Waffen-SS. Let's list them. If this tires you, then just estimate the number of lines and the geography. All of Europe is represented.

Albania: 21st SS Mountain Division "Skanderbeg" (1st Albanian);

Belgium: 27th SS Volunteer Grenadier Division "Langemark" (1st Flemish), 28th SS Volunteer Panzer-Grenadier Division "Wallonia" (1st Walloon), Flemish SS Legion;

Bulgaria: Bulgarian SS anti-tank brigade (1st Bulgarian);

Great Britain: Arab Legion "Free Arabia", British Volunteer Corps, Indian SS Volunteer Legion "Free India";

Hungary: 17th SS Corps, 25th SS Grenadier Division Hunyadi (1st Hungarian), 26th SS Grenadier Division (2nd Hungarian), 33rd SS Cavalry Division (3rd Hungarian);

Denmark: 11th Volunteer SS Panzer Grenadier Division Nordland, 34th Volunteer Grenadier Division Landstorm Nederland (2nd Dutch), Free SS Danmark (1st Danish), SS Volunteer Corps Schalburg ;

Italy: 29th SS Grenadier Division "Italy" (1st Italian);

Netherlands: 11th SS Volunteer Panzer-Grenadier Division "Nordland", 23rd SS Volunteer Motorized Division "Nederland" (1st Dutch), 34th Volunteer Grenadier Division "Landstorm Nederland" (2nd Dutch), Flemish Legion of the SS;

Norway: Norwegian SS Legion, Norwegian SS Ski Jaegers Battalion, Norwegian SS Legion, 11th SS Volunteer Tank-Grenadier Division "Nordland";

Poland: Guralian SS Volunteer Legion;

Romania: 103rd SS Tank Fighter Regiment (1st Romanian), SS Grenadier Regiment (2nd Romanian);

Serbia: Serbian SS Volunteer Corps;

Latvia: Latvian Legionnaires, Latvian SS Volunteer Legion, 6th SS Corps, 15th SS Grenadier Division (1st Latvian), 19th SS Grenadier Division (2nd Latvian);

Estonia: 20th SS Grenadier Division (1st Estonian)

Finland: Finnish SS Volunteers, Finnish SS Volunteer Battalion, 11th SS Volunteer Tank-Grenadier Division "Nordland";

France: French SS legionaries, 28th SS Volunteer Panzer-Grenadier Division "Wallonia" (1st Walloon), 33rd SS Grenadier Division "Charlemagne" (1st French), Legion "Bezen Perrot" (recruited from Breton nationalists);

Croatia: 9th SS Mountain Corps, 13th SS Mountain Division "Khanjar" (1st Croatian). 23rd SS Mountain Division "Kama" (2nd Croatian);

Czechoslovakia: Gural SS Volunteer Legion


Scandinavian 5th SS Panzer Division "Viking" - Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Norway;

Balkan 7th SS Volunteer Mountain Division "Prince Eugen" - Hungary, Romania, Serbia.

24th SS Mountain Rifle (Cave) Division "Karstjeger" - Czechoslovakia, Serbia, Galicia, Italy;

The 36th SS Grenadier Division "Dirlewanger" was recruited from criminals from various European countries.

We are talking about European volunteers, not about conscription, not about prisoners, not about deserters, forced to exchange service with the Germans for their own lives by the will of fate. About volunteers who deliberately enlisted in the SS to fight the Russians. Czechs and Slovaks can be reminded that every third German tank that took part in Operation Barbarossa was produced by Skoda. And to the French the fact that they, in turn, provided the Germans with their ship repair facilities. German submarines, the thunderstorm of the Allied Atlantic convoys, the so-called Doenitz Wolf Packs, were based and undergoing repairs on the southern coast of France and in the Mediterranean near Marseille. Moreover, the ship repair crews organized competitions to see who would repair the boat faster. Doesn't sound like a forced job, does it?

You can remember another list:

1941, at the borders of the USSR, they were concentrated and, together with Germany, were preparing to enter the war:

Finland - 17.5 divisions with a total strength of 340 thousand 600 people, 2047 guns, 86 tanks and 307 aircraft;

Slovakia - 2.5 divisions with a total strength of 42,500 men, 246 guns, 35 tanks and 51 aircraft;

Hungary - 2.5 divisions with a total strength of 44,500 men, 200 guns, 160 tanks and 100 aircraft;

Romania - 17.5 divisions with a total strength of 358,100 men, 3255 guns, 60 tanks and 423 aircraft;

Italy - 3 divisions with a total strength of 61,900 people, 925 guns, 61 tanks and 83 aircraft.

And if our neighbors like to count everything, so maybe it's time for us to issue an invoice?
