Artifacts That Have Led Archaeologists To A Dead End - Alternative View

Artifacts That Have Led Archaeologists To A Dead End - Alternative View
Artifacts That Have Led Archaeologists To A Dead End - Alternative View

Video: Artifacts That Have Led Archaeologists To A Dead End - Alternative View

Video: Artifacts That Have Led Archaeologists To A Dead End - Alternative View
Video: Baffling Ancient Artefacts Found In Coal...Incredible, They Are Far Older Than We Thought 2024, October

Russian archaeologists have made many amazing finds, which have become real treasures and historical sensations, since they helped to better understand and comprehend the history of the state, and of all mankind. We will talk about the most amazing and mysterious finds.

In the 90s of the last century, on the Ukok plateau, located in Gorny Altai, Novosibirsk archaeologists found a stunning burial of a young woman. Experts have dated it 5-3 centuries BC! The amazing preservation of this burial was due to the fact that it was located at a depth where there was a constant low temperature. The specialists had to melt the ice for a long time and carefully to extract the find.

The contents of the burial chamber shocked the scientists: in addition to the mummy of a young girl, there were the remains of six horses with expensive harness. The girl's outfit was also unusual: a silk shirt, a warm wool skirt, a fur coat and felt socks. According to archaeologists, the girl came from a noble family. Indigenous Altaians named her Princess Ukok. After the princess was taken away from Ukok, all climatic cataclysms in this area are associated with the absence of the princess on the plateau. Local residents demand to return the girl's mummy to the underground crypt in Ukok. But the contents of the burial chamber are in the Gorno-Altai Museum. Museum workers have created good storage conditions for the finds and maintain the required temperature and humidity.

It is known that the ancient "Rusichi" wrote on birch bark. The tools used to write birch bark letters still cause controversy. There is a hypothesis that nails and even hairpins were used for writing. Archaeologists are very enthusiastic about the search for birch bark letters, which are the most valuable source of historical information. The very first birch bark letter on the territory of Russia was found in the 51st year of the last century. Today their number has exceeded one thousand. In Novgorod, these valuable ancient relics were found when laying engineering communications, one letter was found in a pot when they decided to transplant a flower. Today the list of places where birch bark letters were found is quite large: Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. The meaning of the messages on these letters is quite diverse: from business notes to personal letters.

Numerous burial mounds created by the Scythians are located in the vast expanses stretching from the Don to the Danube. Ancient burials were a gold mine for treasure seekers. The Scythians carried and hid huge amounts of gold in the burial mounds. This was due to the fact that the Scythians considered gold a pass to eternal life after death. They began to plunder the mounds back in medieval times, but until now seekers gather "rich harvest" in the mounds. A large number of gold items from Scythian burial mounds are in museums around the world.

Another amazing archaeological find. In Altai there is a place of interest for archaeologists - Denisovaya Cave. The remains of an ancient man were found there. According to DNA research, the age of the find is about 40 thousand years. The remains were named “Denisov's man”. The genome of this ancient man is different from the genome of the modern inhabitant of the earth. And this means that the find is the remains of a man from an extinct civilization! Scientists have suggested that about 700 thousand years ago, there was an evolutionary division of man. Later, people like the found "Denisovan man" either mixed with Homo sapiens or died out. Today, the cave where the ancient man was found is open to the public.

It is known that there are many underground labyrinths on our planet and each of them keeps its own secret. Researchers have about 40 labyrinths near the White Sea, most of which are located on the Solovetsky Islands. The peculiarity of the northern labyrinths is that they are made of small stones, with intricate passages leading inward along an oval path. Until now, the secret of the purpose of these mysterious labyrinths remains.

Archaeologists believe that these labyrinths are directly related to the funeral rites of ancient people. This version is associated with finds under the labyrinths: numerous burnt human bones and stone products of unknown purpose were found. Ancient people considered it necessary to help the deceased so that his soul does not return to the world of the living, and for this it must be confused. To achieve this goal, labyrinths were built in which the soul wandered and returned to the kingdom of the dead. Unfortunately, the real purpose of the labyrinths has not yet been solved, since a more thorough study of these objects can lead to their destruction.

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Today there are many known cases of findings of mammoth remains. But in 2013, everyone was shocked by the rarest of them. In the ice of Lyakhovsky Island, a mammoth carcass was found, with almost completely preserved soft tissues. But the most amazing thing is that mammoth blood has been preserved. If scientists manage to find a living cell in the blood, then we can witness the cloning of the legendary animal.

The Issyk-Kul Lake area has always attracted archaeologists. It was here that mysterious petroglyphs (images carved on stone), sites of primitive people, medieval settlements, unique burial grounds, treasures were found … But when they began to explore the underwater spaces, the results amazed everyone. Traces of five ancient cities were found at the bottom. Their age is three thousand years. It is possible that these cities stood on one of the busy roads of the Great Silk Road. Scientists have suggested that these cities were the hubs of trade in the ancient world. It is not excluded that the relics of the holy Apostle Matthew were located in one of these cities.

Today, many artifacts have been found that baffle scientists. This means that the current level of knowledge and technology are not yet able to fully unravel all the secrets left by our distant ancestors.