Valeria Messalina: The Woman Who Raped Ancient Rome - Alternative View

Valeria Messalina: The Woman Who Raped Ancient Rome - Alternative View
Valeria Messalina: The Woman Who Raped Ancient Rome - Alternative View

Video: Valeria Messalina: The Woman Who Raped Ancient Rome - Alternative View

Video: Valeria Messalina: The Woman Who Raped Ancient Rome - Alternative View
Video: TOP 20 Fascinating Facts About History’s Deadliest Relatives. 2024, September

Today's heroine of our column cannot be called great in the traditional sense of the word, because she became famous for not the most worthy achievements. As an ancient Roman empress, this woman did absolutely nothing useful as a politician, but … she genuinely cared about satisfying the physical needs of her subjects. And she actively participated in solving this problem. Personally. We invite you to familiarize yourself with a rather boring biography of the greatest nymphomaniac in world history. Meet Valeria Messalina.

She came from the nobility, was connected by blood with the imperial family. It is worth noting that by modern standards, the morals in Ancient Rome were quite free, but the adventures of Messalina amazed even her contemporaries.

Valeria began to live an adult life at the age of 13. And just a year later, by order of the emperor Caligula, she was completely married to Claudius, Caligula's uncle. It is noteworthy that the age difference between the newlyweds was 36 years. Do you think it's okay? In our time, a man of 50 is considered still in his prime, and Claudius was already an old man - for life expectancy at that time was much less. In general, the intimacy of Claudius was no longer particularly interested. But for the sake of procreation, he was ready to devote a little time to this occupation. Valeria gave birth to her elderly husband of two children, he was very happy and happy, and was no longer interested in the affairs of the girl.

Young Messalina, in turn, was not too interested in state affairs. Having received unlimited power, and with it permissiveness, she decided to devote herself to satisfying her nymphomaniac needs. How many men passed through her bed is not known for certain. But it is known that soon the court boys and men of Valeria got bored. The Empress wanted a thrill.

In search of testosterone carriers that can drown out lust, Valeria went to the streets of the city. Having disguised herself so as not to betray herself as a person of noble blood, she thus got to a brothel and came up with a great idea … The quality of potential partners is questionable here, but the quantity of our heroine was clearly a priority, so it is difficult to find a more suitable option. Valeria, not without pleasure, shared the bed with commoners. Moreover, she allowed her partners to do whatever their heart desires: any perversion, rudeness, use of physical force. In general, it made it possible to treat myself as the cheapest … girl of easy virtue.

According to legend, once Valeria arranged a competition with a local priestess of love: who will serve the most clients. The competition began in the evening. In the morning, the professional crawled home exhausted with the result of 25 satisfied men, but Messalina, as if nothing had happened, continued her joys and stopped only when the number of her partners reached 50. Fifty lovers in one night. This is what kind of endurance you need to have!

Messalina really suffered from a sexual disorder, her need for intimacy never subsided, the number of partners was determined exclusively by the physical capabilities of the body. The Empress spent nights on the "working bed", even took a fee, and the same as ordinary moths.

It was no accident that ancient authors made the name of Messalina almost a household name, associated with nymphomania and depravity. According to Dion Cassius, Valeria's licentiousness and willfulness reached the point that she forced other ladies from her environment to cheat on their husbands right in front of the latter. Women who agreed to such adventures were then lavishly rewarded. Husbands who refused to provide their wives to participate in orgies made their worst enemy in the person of Messalina, and she did not calm down until she punished them.

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Valeria was having fun as best she could, but the life of the august persons cannot hide from the curious eyes of her subjects for a long time. She was closely watched by a former slave, and as a result, practically the main person of the Roman government by the name of Narcissus. He immediately became imbued with disgust and dislike for a lustful person, set up surveillance for Valeria, hoping to scout out incriminating information about the empress.

I didn't have to try hard for this. Valeria limited herself to one-time pleasures until she met Guy Celia. This man (being, by the way, not a commoner, but a representative of the power elite) was the object of the Empress's very DEEP feelings and passions. In general, Valeria fell head over heels in love with him.

Messalina practically settled in Celia's house. Together they appeared in public, the empress even ordered to transport some of the furniture from the palace to the house of Guy, so that the celebrations organized there were even more magnificent. However, Silius was not too happy about the "happiness" that had fallen on him in the person of the tame empress-nymphomaniac. But what could he do? To go against the head of the country means to doom yourself to certain death. It was well known to everyone that Valeria either gets what she wants, or no one gets the object of her desire.

And yet the luxury with which the empress surrounded her lover could not but tame his temper, so he quickly got used to his new status. And later the man came up with an ingenious plan: to overthrow Claudius, and then marry Messalina and become emperor himself. Silia even managed to convince Valeria to participate in this adventure. As a result, she divorced Claudius, without even informing him about it, and then, in front of the whole of Rome, arranged a wedding with her lover.

It's funny, but Claudius did not even know about all the tricks of his wife, including the fact that she had divorced him. The emperor was so carried away by the affairs of the state that he did not notice the obvious things happening in his family. So whether Messalina can be blamed for leaving such a husband is a very controversial issue. The previously hidden Narcissus opened Claudius's eyes to all this orgy: he told the emperor in detail the whole truth about his ex-wife, her lover Celia, and also that the couple was preparing a coup d'etat.

The emperor was not famous for his determination, so further Narcissus also acted for him. Fifteen prominent persons who had been in Valeria's bed (including her new husband) were put to death. The unfaithful empress managed to escape, but not for long. Realizing the hopelessness of her situation, the woman even thought to commit suicide, but did not dare. She hoped to beg forgiveness from the gentle Claudius. Narcissus heard about such intentions of our heroine, so in order to avoid excesses, he ordered the soldiers to find her and kill her. The military tribune pierced Valeria with his sword. She was not yet 30 years old.

The news of the death of his ex-wife found Claudius at the festive table. Being in euphoria from eaten and drunk, he ignored it, showing no emotion. He did not even notice the joy of his entourage, nor the grief of his children, who were near him and were amazed by this news. Moreover, after a while, as if nothing had happened, he asked why the Empress had not joined their feast. The Senate decided to blot out the name of Messalina from all public and private acts and places, which helped Claudius finally forget his young wife.

This is how the life of the reigning prostitute, accustomed not to deny herself anything, ended in a very unsightly and inglorious way. We do not want to read morality to you, but nevertheless, we note that the lack of measure (in whatever it may be) does not lead to good.