USA Is Its True Face. Part Two - Alternative View

USA Is Its True Face. Part Two - Alternative View
USA Is Its True Face. Part Two - Alternative View

Video: USA Is Its True Face. Part Two - Alternative View

Video: USA Is Its True Face. Part Two - Alternative View

Attention, this article uses photographs that are not recommended for children, pregnant women and people with a weak nervous system. And the information itself may shock many.

The first part is here.

June 6, 1944. Allied forces of the USA, Great Britain and Canada have landed in Normandy. The Second Front was opened. In fact, the Second Front was opened not to help the Soviet army, but rather to prevent the USSR from liberating all of Europe. As always, the US intervened only when the result was guaranteed.

In France, Americans behaved as in a conquered country, robberies, rapes were the norm. Then a saying appeared among the French:

Professor Mary Roberts, in What the Soldiers Did, writes:

Civilized and noble liberators. True?

American soldiers in France
American soldiers in France

American soldiers in France.

On January 29, 1945, the invasion of West Germany began.

On February 13, 1945, the Anglo-American Air Force commits a crime. 2,400 tons of explosives and 1,500 tons of incendiary ammunition were dropped on the city of Dresden, which was overrun with refugees. The bombing killed about 35 thousand civilians (no one took into account the dead refugees, because there are simply no exact figures). As a result of the bombing, Dresden was turned into ruins. There was no sense in the bombing. Dresden did not have any significant number of troops; it was not a fortification that stood in the way of the advancing allies. Some historians argue that the bombing of Dresden pursued the sole purpose of preventing Soviet troops from taking over the city, including its industrial facilities, intact.



During February, the Allies captured virtually all of Germany west of the Rhine. At the end of March, the 6th, 12th and 21st Allied Army Groups crossed the Rhine. 15th American Army captured the Palatinate. On April 4, the 9th American Army crossed the Weser River, four days later it crossed the Leine River, and three days later reached the Elbe south of Magdeburg. On April 25, the 1st American Army met with Soviet troops on the Elbe River.

German professor Miriam Gebhardt writes in his book When the Soldiers Came:

These are the civilized nations.

American soldiers in Germany
American soldiers in Germany

American soldiers in Germany.

And how many SSEs took refuge in the United States? Werner von Braun alone is worth something, by the way, a member of the NSDAP since 1937 and an SS Sturmbannfuehrer.

On August 6 and 9, 1945, the United States commits a heinous crime. Atomic bombs are dropped. 6th to Hiroshima, and 8th to Nagasaki. The total number of deaths ranged from 90 to 166 thousand people in Hiroshima and from 60 to 80 thousand people in Nagasaki. And again the PEACEFUL POPULATION was destroyed. The main purpose of the bombing is to hint to the Soviet Union about the power of the United States.



The act of surrender, which formally ended the Second World War, was signed on September 2, 1945.

June 25, 1950 war begins between the DPRK and the Republic of Korea. The US intervenes on the side of South Korea. Here the valiant US Army is also different … … … Here is one of the episodes:

In July 1950, American soldiers were ordered to block the movement of Koreans - never mind - by holding back the refugee streams fleeing the advancing North Korean forces. On July 26, a column of refugees approached a group of American soldiers holding a position at a railway bridge near the village of Nogun-Ri. The soldiers followed the order exactly: when the refugees, mostly women and children, tried to break through the chain, they were fired upon. According to eyewitnesses, more than 300 refugees died in the meat grinder.

On February 12, 1955, the United States sent military advisers to South Vietnam for the first time to support a pro-Western government, and in December 1960, the first regular army was deployed to the country. In 1964, the number of US troops rose to 21,000.

Here is also an episode of the Yankees' exploits:

In Michael Bilgon and Kevin Sim's book Four Hours in Songmi, Fred Widmer recalls:








A platoon known as the Tiger Squad swept through the center of Vietnam, torturing and killing from May to November 1967. The platoon marched through more than 40 villages, including, among other things, attacking 10 old peasants in the Song Ve Valley on July 28, 1967, and grenades detonating women and children in three underground shelters near Chu Lai in August 1967. The prisoners were tortured and executed - their ears and scalps were preserved as souvenirs. One of the "Tiger Squad" cut off the baby's head to remove the necklace from his neck, and the teeth were knocked out of the dead for the sake of gold crowns. Former platoon leader Sergeant William Doyle recalls:

Former platoon orderly Larry Cottingham recalled: "It was when everyone wore a necklace of severed ears."

Harold Fischer recalled:

April 17, 1961 attempted invasion of Cuba. Landing at Cochinos Bay.

April 28, 1965 Occupation of the Dominican Republic.

1968 Cambodia and Laos are bombed.

Spring 1970 Invasion of Cambodia.

On April 24, 1980, the United States conducted a hostage rescue operation in Iran. The operation ended in complete failure.

On August 19, 1981, American aircraft shot down two Libyan aircraft over the Gulf of Sidra.

On October 25-27, 1983, the US invaded Grenada to overthrow the pro-Soviet government.



On March 24, 1984, a military clash between the Libyan and American navies took place in the Gulf of Sidra.

On the night of April 14-15, 1986, the United States launched an airstrike on Libyan territory.

On January 4, 1989, US Navy fighters shot down two Libyan MiG-23 aircraft, killing both pilots.

On December 20, 1989, a large US military force, about 26 thousand soldiers, invaded Panama. The operation represented the overthrow of the government and the establishment of a pro-American regime.

1990-1991 Gulf War.

1992-1995 Somalia.

On February 28, 1994, American fighters entered the battle with the Serbian Air Force and shot down, according to various sources, 4-5 Serbian light fighters J-21 "Yastreb".

On September 19, 1994, an American amphibious assault force invaded Haiti to change state power.

In August 1995, US aircraft as part of NATO launched massive strikes on Serbian positions. The strikes continued until September 14. Depleted uranium bombs were used.

In 1996, in northern Iraq, the United States launched a series of missile and bomb strikes against Iraqi positions.

On August 20, 1998, the US Air Force launched a series of airstrikes on suspected terrorist positions in Sudan and Afghanistan.

In December 1998, the United States and Britain launched a major air offensive against Iraq.

On March 24, 1999, NATO forces launched Operation Allied Force, the goal of which was to force Yugoslavia into final disintegration. Cluster and radioactive munitions were actively used. According to reports, at least 249 soldiers and 1,700 civilians were killed.





From 2001 to the present day, Operation Enduring Freedom was carried out. It was carried out, and in some places it is being carried out in the following places:

Afghanistan, Philippines, Horn of Africa, Western Sahara, Pankisi Gorge.

On March 20, 2003, the invasion of Iraq began. (Fun fact: Washington attacked Iraq without a formal declaration of war.) They also distinguished themselves there. Numerous murders of civilians, torture in Abu Ghraib prison, looting of museums.



Abu Ghraib
Abu Ghraib

Abu Ghraib.

Abu Ghraib
Abu Ghraib

Abu Ghraib.



In 2004, the United States hosted a number of events in Djibouti, Kenya, Ethiopia, Yemen, and Eritrea.

On March 19, 2011, the United States intervened in the civil war in Libya on the side of the rebels against the regime of Muammar Gaddafi. The operation ended on October 31 with the overthrow of the government and the assassination of Gaddafi.

Gaddafi's last minutes
Gaddafi's last minutes

Gaddafi's last minutes.

In 2014, the US Air Force launched airstrikes against the positions of the Al-Qaeda, Al-Nusra Front and Khorasan terrorist organizations located in Syria. During it, numerous cases of American airstrikes on Syrian government troops and civilians were recorded.

How do you like the list? Impressive?

Now that it is a stronghold of democracy and multiculturalism. Do you still believe in it?

On May 1, 1886, US workers made demands for an 8-hour workday. Strikes, combined with rallies and demonstrations, took place in many US cities. The court sentenced 5 workers' leaders to death.

1892 Idaho. The army disperses the striking miners of the silver mines.

1894 Chicago. The troops disperse the striking railway workers, 34 people were killed.

On April 14, 1914, Colorado coal workers decided to demand permission from the authorities to form their own union. First, they were kicked out of their homes, which belonged to the factory, and they were forced to set up a tent city. The plant management ordered everyone to be shot and their tents burned. 20 people died.

In July 1917, due to discrimination, a riot breaks out in Houston, the third battalion of the 24th US Infantry Division, consisting of black soldiers. 19 rioters were hanged, 63 were sentenced to life imprisonment.

1920 - 1921 - West Virginia. The troops suppress the actions of the miners.

March 7, 1932 - the shooting of the hunger march in Detroit. During the Great Depression, starving laid-off workers at the Ford plant took to the streets of Detroit with economic demands. Henry Ford's police and mercenaries opened fire on the workers, as a result of which 4 people were killed and more than 60 injured.

The shooting of the hungry march
The shooting of the hungry march

The shooting of the hungry march.

1932 - "March of the veterans to Washington." Then the soldiers returning from the First World War went to Washington to demand monetary compensation, which the government did not want to pay. For some reason, President Hoover considered the demonstrators to be communists and ordered General Douglas MacArthur to disperse them. And he did it with tanks. 1,600 people were killed - mostly children and women - members of veteran families. Those who survived were taken by trucks to the Florida Everglades. According to the official version, 240 veterans left there were killed by the hurricane that came from the south. If you believe the veterans' testimonies themselves, the Florida swamps became a collective grave - under Major Patton's reasoning about "betrayal", the soldiers first shot the families of the traitors, and then themselves.

March of veterans
March of veterans

March of veterans.

In 1962, the United States was rocked by riots over the attempts of a black citizen, James Meredith, to enroll at the University of Misissippi as a student. (that is, we already have Gagarin flew into space, and they were still arguing - black people or not?)

May 4, 1970 - Shooting at the University of Kent. In Kent, Ohio (USA), during anti-war demonstrations against the Vietnam War, students at the University of Kent took to action against the invasion of Cambodia by American and South Vietnamese troops that had begun a few days earlier. A unit of the State National Guard arrived at the university to disperse the demonstrators, then, for some unknown reason, fire was opened on the crowd, resulting in 4 deaths and 9 injuries.

University of Kent
University of Kent

University of Kent.


April-May 1992 Events in Los Angeles. During the riots, 53 people died, about 1.1 thousand houses were burned. (racially motivated riots).

Los Angeles
Los Angeles

Los Angeles.

2003 - Arrests of participants in protests against the war in Iraq are held in the United States. In San Francisco, police arrested 123 of the most active protesters.

September 17, 2011 - mid-2012 - Occupy Wall Street crackdown.

Take over Wall Street
Take over Wall Street

Take over Wall Street.

August 9-25 and November 24 - December 2, 2014 - Riot suppression in Ferguson. (Racially motivated).



May 25 - 3, 2015 - Riot suppression in Baltimore. (racially motivated)

September 21-22, 2016 - Riot suppression in the city of Charlotte. (racially motivated)

January 20, 2017 - dispersal of opponents of President Donald Trump during his inauguration.

April 9, 2017 - dispersal of rallies and arrests of citizens protesting against a US missile attack on Syria.

So if our supporters of Navalny would have arranged something similar to the Moscow events in the United States, they would have been rolled into the asphalt in a moment, in the best democratic traditions.

How does it say? - "A color revolution is impossible in the USA, because there is no US embassy there."

Here is such a short portrait of the most "exceptional" country in the world. Draw your own conclusions.