Secrets of history 2024, October

Nightmare Of The Wehrmacht: TOP-5 Russian Women Who "mowed Down" The Germans In Stacks - Alternative View

Nightmare Of The Wehrmacht: TOP-5 Russian Women Who "mowed Down" The Germans In Stacks - Alternative View

The Great Patriotic War changed many destinies. People from young to old fought against the German-fascist invaders. Both women and men worked at the front and in the rear for the cause of the homeland, sometimes shouldering the burdens and hardships on their fragile shoulders

Mystery Of The Castle Of Montsegur - Alternative View

Mystery Of The Castle Of Montsegur - Alternative View

"The cursed place on the holy mountain", - this is what folk legends say about the pentagonal castle of Montsegur

Nazis Explain Why They Became Nazis - Alternative View

Nazis Explain Why They Became Nazis - Alternative View

American sociologist and writer Theodore Abel organized a fake competition in 1934 to trick hundreds of people into describing why they loved the Nazi Party so much

Why Did Hitler Kill Jews - Alternative View

Why Did Hitler Kill Jews - Alternative View

Adolf Hitler - talented painter. His wonderful paintings attracted a lot of attention, people of different social strata admired them. But, as we all know, the artistic career has not developed very well

7 Most Famous Nazis Who Fled To South America - Alternative View

7 Most Famous Nazis Who Fled To South America - Alternative View

After the Allied forces defeated Nazi Germany and hostilities in Europe ended in 1945, it became difficult and dangerous for the Nazis to be in Europe

In China, They Found A Mysterious Cave With Ancient Drawings - Alternative View

In China, They Found A Mysterious Cave With Ancient Drawings - Alternative View

An expedition of Chinese archaeologists, sent to produce new excavations of the sites of ancient people, did not find anything. For her, it was done by a local resident who found a mysterious cave with rock paintings

The Secret Of The Castle Gizor - Alternative View

The Secret Of The Castle Gizor - Alternative View

Castle Gizor - one of the most powerful, beautiful and mysterious buildings of medieval Europe. It stands on the outskirts of the city of the same name in Normandy (63 km from Paris) and in the Middle Ages was the center of the Vexin region

Why Were Huge Geoglyphs Created All Over The World In Ancient Times? - Alternative View

Why Were Huge Geoglyphs Created All Over The World In Ancient Times? - Alternative View

On different continents, scientists find giant ancient images of animals, people, and geometric shapes. For what purpose were they created? There are many answers to this question, sometimes the most fantastic

Secrets Of The Kulikov Field (Questions That Have Not Been Answered For 632 Years) - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Kulikov Field (Questions That Have Not Been Answered For 632 Years) - Alternative View

Surely to most readers, the title of this article may seem paradoxical. What mysteries can there be in the Battle of Kulikovo?

Battle On The Kulikovo Field - Alternative View

Battle On The Kulikovo Field - Alternative View

About the Battle of Kulikovo The Battle of Kulikovo (the Don or Mamaevo battle) - the decisive battle between the united Russian army under the command of the Moscow Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy and the army of the beklyarbek of the Golden Horde Mamai

Battle Of Molodi - Second Kulikovo Field - Alternative View

Battle Of Molodi - Second Kulikovo Field - Alternative View

On July 26, 1572, the Battle of Molodeisk began, in which Russian troops inflicted a crushing defeat on the six times superior forces of the Crimean Khanate

Battle Of Kulikovo Of The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View

Battle Of Kulikovo Of The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View

The climax of the Battle of the Kursk Bulge is the Battle of Prokhorovka. Then, on July 12, 1943, on a narrow section of the front (8 km wide), several hundred German and Soviet tanks met head-on

Chemists Have Solved The Mystery Of Poisoned Water In The Legendary Pompeii - Alternative View

Chemists Have Solved The Mystery Of Poisoned Water In The Legendary Pompeii - Alternative View

The inhabitants of the legendary Pompeii and Herculaneum could have been killed not only by the eruption of Vesuvius, but also by the huge amount of toxic compounds of antimony in their tap water, chemists say in an article published in the journal Toxicology Letters

For 70 Years This Truth About Stalin Remained Secret - Alternative View

For 70 Years This Truth About Stalin Remained Secret - Alternative View

At that time, the valiant soldiers of the Red Army still had fifty kilometers to go to Berlin. But Comrade Stalin did not wait for the actual end of the war, and moreover, he was ready to unleash a new - against the whole world

The Greatest Courtesans - Alternative View

The Greatest Courtesans - Alternative View

Hetera, geisha, cain and, finally, courtesan - this was the name of the ladies who made seduction of men a kind of art. And real art is not cheap

The Japanese Statue Contains 180 Ancient Artifacts - Alternative View

The Japanese Statue Contains 180 Ancient Artifacts - Alternative View

Greetings to all, today I will tell you about a unique incident that recently happened in Japan. In the Japanese temple of Hokkeji, a statue of the god Bodhisattva was kept for a long time, hiding a great secret

Ancient Babylon Used Geometry In Astronomy - Alternative View

Ancient Babylon Used Geometry In Astronomy - Alternative View

Matthew Ossendriyver from the Humboldt University of Berlin came to the conclusion that the inhabitants of Babylon 1.8 thousand years earlier than the Europeans learned to determine the position of Jupiter in the sky

What Happened To The Police After The War - Alternative View

What Happened To The Police After The War - Alternative View

During the Great Patriotic War, in the occupied territories of the Soviet Union and the countries of Eastern Europe, the Nazis and their henchmen from among local traitors committed many war crimes against civilians and prisoners of war

Great Poisoners - Alternative View

Great Poisoners - Alternative View

As long as human society exists, so many of its individual representatives are looking for the most effective ways to send neighbors to their forefathers. Poisons play an important role here. It is not known who first thought of treating an opponent with poisonous mushrooms

The Most Honest Traffic Cop In The USSR. How Did The Fate Of The Legendary Inspector Pavel Grechikhin Develop - Alternative View

The Most Honest Traffic Cop In The USSR. How Did The Fate Of The Legendary Inspector Pavel Grechikhin Develop - Alternative View

In 2004, a monument to the traffic police officer Grechikhin was erected in Belgorod. In his hometown, he worked at the post for more than 35 years, protecting the peace of the citizens and keeping the roads in order. Already more than 20 years ago Pavel Kirillovich passed away, but the inhabitants of his hometown remember "the most honest traffic cop" and, passing by the monument, slow down as a tribute

Katyn Tragedy. How Everything Was - Alternative View

Katyn Tragedy. How Everything Was - Alternative View

Katyn execution - mass execution of Poles (mostly captured Polish officers) on the territory of the Soviet Union during the Second World War (1940

The First Brothel - Alternative View

The First Brothel - Alternative View

Prostitution is known to be the oldest profession. It has long existed in Russia. But this despicable craft flourished in magnificent color in the times of Peter the Great

Great Day: In The South Of Crete Found Untouched Minoan Burial Sites - Alternative View

Great Day: In The South Of Crete Found Untouched Minoan Burial Sites - Alternative View

"This is a great day for Ierapetra." The words of the vice-mayor of a town that few people have heard of outside Crete seem to be a kind of provincial bragging, an attempt to impress the local press

The Great Significance Of The Battle Of Plataea. Greek Triumph - Alternative View

The Great Significance Of The Battle Of Plataea. Greek Triumph - Alternative View

Battle of Plataei - one of the largest land battles of the Greco-Persian wars, which took place, according to one of the versions - August 30, according to another - September 9, 479 BC eh

In Greece, They Found A Stunning Artifact Which Is 3500 Years Old - - Alternative View

In Greece, They Found A Stunning Artifact Which Is 3500 Years Old - - Alternative View

Two years ago, archaeologists from the University of Cincinnati discovered in the south-west of Greece the burial of a warrior who died 3.5 thousand years ago. The tomb was called the tomb of the "warrior Griffin"

Biography Of Themistocles. The Creator Of The Regular Fleet In Greece - Alternative View

Biography Of Themistocles. The Creator Of The Regular Fleet In Greece - Alternative View

Themistocles (born about 524 BC - death 459 BC) - Athenian politician and strategist, one of the "founding fathers" of Athenian democracy, commander of the period of the Greco-Persian wars (500 - 449 BC). With 493 - 492 years

The Phoenicians Sacrificed Their Own Children To Moloch - Alternative View

The Phoenicians Sacrificed Their Own Children To Moloch - Alternative View

It confirms the statement of Greek and Roman historians who insisted that the Phoenicians killed their children and buried them along with sacrificial animals in special cemeteries to thank for the mercy of their gods

Stroganovs: From Merchants To Aristocrats - Alternative View

Stroganovs: From Merchants To Aristocrats - Alternative View

In the Russian elite, the Stroganovs kept themselves apart. They had merchant roots, but due to the antiquity of the family and the degree of influence on state affairs, they could give odds to many aristocrats. Tatars or Novgorodians?

10 Amazing Facts About Magic And Superstition In Ancient Greece - Alternative View

10 Amazing Facts About Magic And Superstition In Ancient Greece - Alternative View

Even today, in the age of computers and gadgets, people cannot do without horoscopes, amulets, fortune tellers and are afraid of a black cat. What can we say about the ancients! Even rational Greeks were superstitious

Ohi Day - Alternative View

Ohi Day - Alternative View

The public holiday Η mu; έ ρ alpha; is celebrated annually on October 28 in Greece and Cyprus. τ ο υ Ό χ ι (Ohi Day) - Day "No!" The celebration of this day was officially established exactly 75 years ago, in 1942

Avvakum Petrovich - Biography Of The Protopope - Alternative View

Avvakum Petrovich - Biography Of The Protopope - Alternative View

Avvakum Petrov or Avvakum Petrovich (born November 25 (December 5) 1620, - death April 14 (24), 1682) - prominent Russian church and public figure of the 17th century, priest, archpriest

The Navigator Christopher Columbus Was A Slav By Origin - Alternative View

The Navigator Christopher Columbus Was A Slav By Origin - Alternative View

The navigator and discoverer Christopher Columbus had Slavic roots. This is the conclusion reached by the historian and professor at the American Duke University Manuel Rosa, reports on Wednesday, December 1, The Daily Mail

"The Russian Land Will Rise Like It Has Never Risen Before" - Alternative View

"The Russian Land Will Rise Like It Has Never Risen Before" - Alternative View

Bogdan Khmelnitsky decided to speak out "for the trampling of the Russian faith and for the desecration of the Russian people"! He asked the brothers for help, and they answered: "Let us stand with you: the Russian land will rise like it has never risen before."

Was The Vatican Trying To Hide Secret Knowledge About Other Worlds? Why Giordano Bruno Was Burned - Alternative View

Was The Vatican Trying To Hide Secret Knowledge About Other Worlds? Why Giordano Bruno Was Burned - Alternative View

Scientists recently found an unpublished paper by Winston Churchill. In it, he talks about exoplanets and the high probability of the appearance of living beings in other star systems

The Ancient Island Of Ruyan - Alternative View

The Ancient Island Of Ruyan - Alternative View

In the Far North, according to Russian folklore tradition, there is a wonderful island surrounded by the waters of the Sea-Ocean, and the World Mountain rises above it. Buyan Island is often identified with this fabulous place

The Views Of The Ancient Slavs About Space - Alternative View

The Views Of The Ancient Slavs About Space - Alternative View

Space always attracted the ancient Slavs with its mighty beauty

Our Ancestors Buried Children With Amulets - Alternative View

Our Ancestors Buried Children With Amulets - Alternative View

There is information about an archaeological find made five years ago on the territory of Khakassia. This is the burial of a one-year-old child. Researchers were surprised by the many artifacts found in the burial

Sexual Relations Among The Ancient Slavs - Alternative View

Sexual Relations Among The Ancient Slavs - Alternative View

Studying the life of our distant ancestors, it should be noted that sex plays an important role in it. And even then to say, if 100 thousand years ago, men and women avoided sexual contact, then we would not exist

The Mystery Of The Appearance Of The Slavs - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Appearance Of The Slavs - Alternative View

For a long period of time, the history of the Slavs as an ethnos was one of the youngest stories in the history of mankind. At least, a similar statement could often be heard from Russian and Western historians

Forgotten History Of The Slavs - Alternative View

Forgotten History Of The Slavs - Alternative View

About 12 thousand years ago, as a result of a natural disaster, the spiritual capital of the empire Atlantis beyond Gibraltar was destroyed, and the island went under water. The empire lands were located on both sides of the warm Gulf Stream from South America to Chukotka