Secrets of history 2024, October

Someone Else's Soul Potemkin: Was The Favorite Of Catherine II A Great Conqueror Or An Ignorant Biting Nails? - Alternative View

Someone Else's Soul Potemkin: Was The Favorite Of Catherine II A Great Conqueror Or An Ignorant Biting Nails? - Alternative View

220 years ago, on October 16, 1791, in the Romanian steppe, 40 versts from the city of Iasi, a carriage stopped near the village of Pyrlitsy. From there, carefully … He looked around and said with satisfaction: “That's all. Nowhere to go, I'm dying

The Scariest Book In Great Britain - Alternative View

The Scariest Book In Great Britain - Alternative View

What is the most valuable UK book in every respect? And which book has the scariest title? When was it published and what is it dedicated to?

Yaroslavl Kremlin True History - Alternative View

Yaroslavl Kremlin True History - Alternative View

Few people know that the city of Veliky Novgorod, mentioned in historical documents, has nothing to do with modern Novgorod: the chronicles speak of another ancient Russian city - Yaroslavl

5 Centuries Of Vampirism: How The Real Dracula Became A Literary Ghoul - Alternative View

5 Centuries Of Vampirism: How The Real Dracula Became A Literary Ghoul - Alternative View

It has been 120 years since Bram Stoker's famous novel "Dracula" was published, and the image of the famous vampire began its march across the Earth

Orphanages: Why Were Orphans Sealed At The Beginning Of The 20th Century - Alternative View

Orphanages: Why Were Orphans Sealed At The Beginning Of The 20th Century - Alternative View

Orphanages are an initiative that emerged in Russia during the reign of Catherine the Great. Such houses were built in Moscow and St. Petersburg and were intended for orphans, foundlings and other "dysfunctional" babies

The Golden Secret Of The Argonauts. In Ancient Times, Threads Were Spun Six Times Thinner Than Today - Alternative View

The Golden Secret Of The Argonauts. In Ancient Times, Threads Were Spun Six Times Thinner Than Today - Alternative View

Colchis - this is today's Georgia. In those days, as scientists believe, the inhabitants of the Caucasus had a rather interesting way to mine gold in the rivers

Ptolemy Cup - Alternative View

Ptolemy Cup - Alternative View

King of Egypt Ptolemy II Philadelphus was the son of one of the companions of Alexander the Great - Ptolemy I Soter, under whom the famous Museion and the Library appeared in Alexandria, where about half a million books were kept

Gini The Wild - Alternative View

Gini The Wild - Alternative View

Our entire life from the very beginning is conditioned by two factors - natural and social environment

10 Amazing And Mysterious Stories Related To The Ocean - Alternative View

10 Amazing And Mysterious Stories Related To The Ocean - Alternative View

Approximately 71% of the earth's surface is occupied by the world's oceans, and so far we have explored only a small part of it - on the strength of five percent. In the depths of the ocean lies a lot of interesting and unexplored, and exploring all this is a matter of the future

The Book Of Unlived Lives - Alternative View

The Book Of Unlived Lives - Alternative View

The Sumerians, Scandinavian Druids, Indian mediums and Mayan priests knew about it. All peoples of the world have a legend about her. - Salik.bizThrone room of the futureIn the 1990s, the Evdokia Marchenko school operated in Yekaterinburg, which at that time was engaged in the study of the biofield, human aura, its energy channels and unusual possibilities, and offered healing practices

Demonic Tome - Alternative View

Demonic Tome - Alternative View

This "black book" did not just talk about magical rituals and practices, but itself possessed extraordinary and destructive power …The people dubbed it “the Bible of the devil”. At least, under this name it is known in Russia. As the legends say, the history of the manuscript dates back to the time of Byzantium, and it contained information received from the Roman and Egyptian sorcerers-Satanists.- Sal

A Rare Book By Abbot Trithemius In Vyatka - Alternative View

A Rare Book By Abbot Trithemius In Vyatka - Alternative View

The funds of the Cabinet of Western European Books keep amazing historical monuments. Among them is the book "Steganography, that is, the True art of discovering with the help of secret writing the motives of one's soul to distant people" by Abbot Trithemius

The Russian Bible On Which The French Kings Swore Ascending The Throne - Alternative View

The Russian Bible On Which The French Kings Swore Ascending The Throne - Alternative View

Earlier I wrote an article The Book of 1601 confirming the falsification of history.The article received a lot of both good reviews and negative accusations of the author's incompetence. I am writing another article confirming the greatness of our ancestors and hushed up by modern historians

When History Lacks History - Alternative View

When History Lacks History - Alternative View

According to the fourth century Christian writer Jerome, Annals and History, the two major works written by Tacitus consisted of a total of thirty books. About half of this historical dilogy has come down to us

1700-year-old Skeletons Discovered In Peru - Alternative View

1700-year-old Skeletons Discovered In Peru - Alternative View

Archaeologists have found 1,700-year-old skeletons in Peru that were missing some bones, as they were used to create jewelry. Found 32 skeletons in Peru, belonging to the Moche and Lambayeque cultures, were missing parts of the lower limbs

In The South Of Egypt, Archaeologists Have Found A Sarcophagus With A Mummy - Alternative View

In The South Of Egypt, Archaeologists Have Found A Sarcophagus With A Mummy - Alternative View

An archaeological expedition, working under the auspices of the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities in the Aswan province in the south of the country, discovered a hitherto unknown ancient burial site dating back to the last centuries of the dynastic period in Egyptian history

During Excavations Near Rostov, A Children's Necropolis And A Sarmatian Witch Were Found - Alternative View

During Excavations Near Rostov, A Children's Necropolis And A Sarmatian Witch Were Found - Alternative View

Archaeologists working on a mound in the Rostov region have made a number of unique finds. The burial mound contains sacrifices and burial sites for a number of archaeological cultures

The Biblical Story Of The Parted Red Sea May Be Real - Alternative View

The Biblical Story Of The Parted Red Sea May Be Real - Alternative View

The biblical story of how the waters of the Red Sea miraculously parted for Moses and the Israelites who fled from the pharaoh could have actually happened, scientists suggest based on a new computer model

10 Biblical Miracles And Their Alternative Explanations - Alternative View

10 Biblical Miracles And Their Alternative Explanations - Alternative View

Bible - one of the most popular and most read books in the world. At the same time, modern research by geologists, archaeologists and historians often allows for a different look at ancient religious texts

Forbidden Books Of The World - Alternative View

Forbidden Books Of The World - Alternative View

"Discovering ancient mysterious knowledge - the weak in spirit will be trampled, and the strong will rise incredibly"

"Titanic" Was Doomed To Perish - Alternative View

"Titanic" Was Doomed To Perish - Alternative View

The beginning of the XX century. Fierce rivalry between the shipping companies of Scandinavia, Germany, France, Britain and the USA. Each of them tried to increase the volume of passenger traffic between Europe and North America

The Famous Treasures Of The Wild Field - Alternative View

The Famous Treasures Of The Wild Field - Alternative View

History has not brought to us reliable information about the time of the appearance of professional treasure hunters in Russia. We only know that already in the 15th century there were people specializing in the search for ancient "baggage" and "treasures"

The Silent Sphinx Of France - Alternative View

The Silent Sphinx Of France - Alternative View

Philip IV did not get his nickname Handsome for nothing. Correct facial features, large fixed eyes, wavy dark hair. He looked like a magnificent sculpture, motionless and bewitchingly inaccessible in its majestic detachment

Board Of Nicholas The First. Biography, Interesting Facts - Alternative View

Board Of Nicholas The First. Biography, Interesting Facts - Alternative View

Emperor Nicholas I Nicholas I Pavlovich - Born: June 25 (July 6) 1796. Died: February 18 (March 2) 1855 (age 58)

Armand Inessa Fedorovna. Biography. Interesting Facts - Alternative View

Armand Inessa Fedorovna. Biography. Interesting Facts - Alternative View

Inessa Fedorovna Armand (nee Steffen) (born April 26 (May 8) 1874 - death September 24, 1920) - adventurer and activist of the Russian revolutionary movement. AND

Semyon Mikhailovich Budyonny. Biography And Interesting Facts - Alternative View

Semyon Mikhailovich Budyonny. Biography And Interesting Facts - Alternative View

Semyon Mikhailovich Budyonny (born April 13 (25), 1883 - death October 26, 1973) - military leader, participant in the Civil War, commander of the First Cavalry Army, Marshal of the Soviet Union, three times Hero of the Soviet Union, Full St George Knight

Are The Etruscans Russians? - Alternative View

Are The Etruscans Russians? - Alternative View

"Mysterious". Any text about the Etruscans begins with this word. Whether a gray-haired scientist or a journalist with a mustache talks about a disappeared people, he inevitably uses this "definition"

Tanha Dyaralax - Alternative View

Tanha Dyaralax - Alternative View

For our ancestors, who spent almost a year, with the exception of only three summer months, in their dark booth, the firebox was not only a source of heat and a stove for cooking, but also the focus of all the most interesting that happened in the Jurassic

What Kind Of People Are They - Cumans? - Alternative View

What Kind Of People Are They - Cumans? - Alternative View

The Polovtsi remained in the history of Russia the worst enemies of Vladimir Monomakh and cruel mercenaries during the internecine wars. Tribes who worshiped the sky terrorized the Old Russian state for almost two centuries

The Philadelphia Experiment And Superweapons - Alternative View

The Philadelphia Experiment And Superweapons - Alternative View

There is a legend that as if shortly before leaving for another world with the words: “Well, now I’ll find out how it all works”, - the great physicist Albert Einstein managed to combine all known physical fields in one formula

Beauty And The Beast - Alternative View

Beauty And The Beast - Alternative View

She wrote her main book when she was 19. And, along with the novels of Walter Scott, entered the golden fund of English literature

The Six Most Famous Curses In History - Alternative View

The Six Most Famous Curses In History - Alternative View

A modern person is somehow ashamed to be superstitious and believe in the curse of otherworldly forces, isn't it

Shoe A Flea: 16th Century Boxwood Figurines Baffle Art Historians Around The World - Alternative View

Shoe A Flea: 16th Century Boxwood Figurines Baffle Art Historians Around The World - Alternative View

They are so tiny that they had to use a microscope and X-ray to study them. Save It is known that there are only 135 miniature carvings made of boxwood, which have puzzled art critics around the world

The Storming Of The Reichstag: How It Was - Alternative View

The Storming Of The Reichstag: How It Was - Alternative View

Everyone has heard about the capture of the Reichstag by Soviet soldiers. But what do we really know about him? We will tell you about who was sent against the Red Army, how they were looking for the Reichstag and how many banners there were

How They Guarded The Russian Emperors - Alternative View

How They Guarded The Russian Emperors - Alternative View

The current presidents and monarchs have long become hostages of the strict regulations of the special services: they are forced to take almost every step under the watchful eye of security

"Fire Arc" Of Victory - Alternative View

"Fire Arc" Of Victory - Alternative View

August 23 is a landmark event in Russian history and a turning point in World War II. It is on August 23 that the Day of Military Glory of Russia is celebrated, the day when Soviet troops defeated the Wehrmacht forces at the Kursk Bulge. We are used to celebrating May 9, but sometimes we forget about other significant events of our people that influenced our peaceful life

The Splendor And Decay Of The Library Of Alexandria - Alternative View

The Splendor And Decay Of The Library Of Alexandria - Alternative View

Even before the era of Alexander, the Greeks appeared in most of the Persian possessions as merchants, artists, officials and hired soldiers

The Rulers Of Russia: Igor And Olga - Alternative View

The Rulers Of Russia: Igor And Olga - Alternative View

Becoming the ruler of Russia, Igor decisively changed his political line. Investigating his agreement with Byzantium in 944, the historian and archaeologist D.L. Talis summed up the results: “In it (the agreement. - V.K

Tower - London. Interesting History Facts - Alternative View

Tower - London. Interesting History Facts - Alternative View

In a festive edition, which was dedicated to the 900th anniversary of the founding of the Tower, the Duke of Edinburgh wrote that during its history the Tower of London (from the English

Maria Tudor - Bloody - Alternative View

Maria Tudor - Bloody - Alternative View

Bloody MaryMaria Tudor - Queen of England since 1553. This is the boundary between the Middle Ages and the early modern times in British history