Secrets of history 2024, October

Familiar Unfamiliar Pushkin - Alternative View

Familiar Unfamiliar Pushkin - Alternative View

It would seem, what new can be said about Pushkin? A huge number of books have been written about him. However, it is in such cases that the saying becomes relevant: “New - this is a well forgotten old thing. " I want to write about Pushkin

What Would Have Happened If The Russians Had Not Sold Alaska - Alternative View

What Would Have Happened If The Russians Had Not Sold Alaska - Alternative View

On March 30, 1867, an agreement was signed in Washington on the sale by Russia of the Alaska Peninsula to the United States of America for a symbolic amount of $ 7.2 million. Time has shown that this was largely a wrong decision

Why Does Russia Forgive Other Countries The Debts Of The USSR - Alternative View

Why Does Russia Forgive Other Countries The Debts Of The USSR - Alternative View

Its essence is that the allegedly “bad Putin” signs documents on forgiving the debts of the former USSR to various countries, as a result of which Russia loses money. Allegedly, if we had not forgiven these debts, but received the money owed to us, then a bunch of hospitals, schools, and other social facilities could be built on them. In

Where Did The Keepers Of The Eileen-Mor Lighthouse Disappear - Alternative View

Where Did The Keepers Of The Eileen-Mor Lighthouse Disappear - Alternative View

To the north of Scotland lies the Flannan archipelago, which consists of seven islands. One of them, Eileen-Mor, became famous for the mysterious simultaneous disappearance of all three lighthouse keepers

It Was Released Only Twice The History Of The Andreevsky Flag - Alternative View

It Was Released Only Twice The History Of The Andreevsky Flag - Alternative View

Andrew's flag - historical symbol of the Russian navy. As you know, it is a white panel with the St.Andrew's Cross - two diagonal blue stripes forming an oblique cross

Found The Oldest Marine Astrolabe - Alternative View

Found The Oldest Marine Astrolabe - Alternative View

The device, used by sailors in the early years of the 16th century, was discovered when studying the remains of a Portuguese ship that was part of the second Indian expedition of Vasco da Gama and sank in the Arabian Sea during a storm on April 30, 1503

Kuryanin Solved The Mystery Of The Dyatlov Pass - Alternative View

Kuryanin Solved The Mystery Of The Dyatlov Pass - Alternative View

Why he took up this topic, the author of seven books, a member of the Writers' Union of Russia, the chairman of the historical and genealogical society, Evgeny Karpuk, does not fully realize himself

A Shocking Find On Wrangel Island - Alternative View

A Shocking Find On Wrangel Island - Alternative View

In 1993, on the Russian island of Wrangel, located between the Chukchi and East Siberian seas in the Arctic Ocean basin, a sensational find was discovered - - well-preserved mammoth bones in permafrost

The Mystery Of George Washington Is Revealed - Alternative View

The Mystery Of George Washington Is Revealed - Alternative View

During the study, scientists managed to find out about the secret of George Washington, which was so carefully hidden from society. Experts said that George Washington had a wooden jaw. He was very worried about this

Four Terrifying Finds Of Archaeologists - Alternative View

Four Terrifying Finds Of Archaeologists - Alternative View

Bone constructor and three more finds proving that archeology - really creepy science

Did Snow White Really Die At The Hands Of Her Stepmother: Who Was The Prototype Of The Fairytale Heroine - Alternative View

Did Snow White Really Die At The Hands Of Her Stepmother: Who Was The Prototype Of The Fairytale Heroine - Alternative View

Surely everyone knows the story of Snow White from the stories of the Brothers Grimm or the Walt Disney cartoon. The evil stepmother envied the beauty of the young stepdaughter and poisoned her with a poisonous apple

What Secrets Does The Werewolf Hide? - Alternative View

What Secrets Does The Werewolf Hide? - Alternative View

Vinnitsa was occupied by Nazi troops on July 19, 1941

Advanced Technologies Of The Ancient World - Alternative View

Advanced Technologies Of The Ancient World - Alternative View

Hellenistic, and, subsequently, ancient Roman culture, had a huge impact on our world. We can say that our civilization originates precisely in the heyday of Ancient Greece

How Did The Tradition Of Celebrating A Birthday Come About ?! - Alternative View

How Did The Tradition Of Celebrating A Birthday Come About ?! - Alternative View

It is simply impossible to name the exact date of the emergence of such a wonderful tradition as the celebration of a birthday. This can be explained very simply: you need to know the exact date

Incredible Incidents Or Bizarre Games Of Fate - Alternative View

Incredible Incidents Or Bizarre Games Of Fate - Alternative View

Incredible irony of Fate Whatever the surprises of His Majesty Chance, it seems to be inexhaustible for invention, never ceasing to amaze a person's imagination with unimaginable coincidences

15 Crazy Medical Procedures And Drugs Of The Past. Better To Shoot Yourself Right Away - Alternative View

15 Crazy Medical Procedures And Drugs Of The Past. Better To Shoot Yourself Right Away - Alternative View

Crocodile droppings It was believed to be an effective contraceptive. We do not know where and how it should have been applied: either rubbed in or poke in. What do you think

The Last Feat Of Suvorov - Alternative View

The Last Feat Of Suvorov - Alternative View

The Italian campaign, which made Suvorov an all-world celebrity, was not his last feat. He was destined to accomplish another great deed, which immortalized his name among heroes of all times and all peoples

The History Of The Battleship "Azov" - Alternative View

The History Of The Battleship "Azov" - Alternative View

History of the creation of the battleship "Azov" The 74-gun sailing battleship "Azov" was laid down in October 1825 at the Solombalskaya shipyard in Arkhangelsk. Its creator was the famous Russian shipbuilder A.M

Biography Of Lorenzo The Magnificent - Alternative View

Biography Of Lorenzo The Magnificent - Alternative View

Lorenzo Medici (The Magnificent) - (born January 1, 1449 - death April 8, 1492) - ruler of Florence, statesman, banker, writer, poet. Origin

Two Medieval Buildings Were Found Under The "Fat Margarita" Tower - Alternative View

Two Medieval Buildings Were Found Under The "Fat Margarita" Tower - Alternative View

During construction work at the Estonian Maritime Museum, a wall and a canal were discovered in the courtyard of the Fat Margarita tower, in the center of the future exhibition hall. These findings add to the understanding of Tallinn's medieval fortifications

What Hidden Knowledge Was Ibn Batutta Looking For - Alternative View

What Hidden Knowledge Was Ibn Batutta Looking For - Alternative View

Leafing through the yellowed pages of historical chronicles, we sometimes discover long-forgotten names for ourselves. XII century. Morocco. The distant western outskirts of the then world, torn apart by wars, unrest and religious contradictions

The Tragedy At The Dyatlov Pass: New Versions - Alternative View

The Tragedy At The Dyatlov Pass: New Versions - Alternative View

The tragic events at the Dyatlov Pass in 1959, which led to the death of a group of nine tourists, remain one of the most mysterious incidents in Russian history

Ghost Islands - Alternative View

Ghost Islands - Alternative View

Anyone who has ever had navigational charts in their hands, most likely, met near some of the islands marked on them PD (position uncertain) or ED (existence doubtful)

Artifact From Podkamennaya Tunguska - Alternative View

Artifact From Podkamennaya Tunguska - Alternative View

A man named Igor Podukhevich has an unusual artifact. He is the owner of a miniature glass made of an impossible alloy of chemical elements, which is not used in modern industry and science, and even more so in everyday life.- Salik.bizThis wine glass was given to Igor by his great-uncle Igor Kabanov, who in the 60s

Hitler's Argentine Trail: Historian Found New Confirmations - Alternative View

Hitler's Argentine Trail: Historian Found New Confirmations - Alternative View

The first documents indirectly supporting the theory that Hitler secretly fled to Argentina were published back in May 2013

10 Amazing Secrets Found Under The Floor - Alternative View

10 Amazing Secrets Found Under The Floor - Alternative View

Many people dream of finding treasures and long-lost relics that will reveal the secrets of the past. They are ready to do a lot for the sake of these treasures - travel to the most distant countries and buy sophisticated search equipment

In New Zealand, Many Bones Of Adults And Children Were Found On The Beach - Alternative View

In New Zealand, Many Bones Of Adults And Children Were Found On The Beach - Alternative View

A large landslide that happened on January 8 or 9 on the beach of the New Zealand island of North showed the world ominous finds - a lot of human bone remains

Interesting Facts You Did Not Know About Nazi Germany - Alternative View

Interesting Facts You Did Not Know About Nazi Germany - Alternative View

The coming of Adolf Hitler to power in 1933 changed the fate of not only the German people, but the whole world. Under the rule of the Fuhrer's special worldview, Nazi Germany became a country of strange experiments and preconceived beliefs

Misconceptions In History - From The Jurassic Period To The Present Day - Alternative View

Misconceptions In History - From The Jurassic Period To The Present Day - Alternative View

If you travel back in time, you can face a completely different world, completely different from our ideas Thanks to countless books, films and the average crappy TV shows, we have a fairly stable image of the ancient world in our heads

Spooky Stories Of The Wild West - Alternative View

Spooky Stories Of The Wild West - Alternative View

Usually, when they talk about the Wild West, pictures with severe cowboys, riotous girls from saloons and, of course, Indians float before our eyes. But in reality, life there was completely different

Found Evidence Of The Existence Of The Tower Of Babel - Alternative View

Found Evidence Of The Existence Of The Tower Of Babel - Alternative View

In the photo: The relief drawing has been badly damaged over time, but the tower can still be seen In the UK, a team of scientists said that they managed to find evidence of the existence of the biblical Tower of Babel - a piece of stone with carvings and a tablet

Nefertiti - Alternative View

Nefertiti - Alternative View

Until now, through all the centuries, a legend has passed about the most beautiful and happiest Egyptian queen, beloved and only wife of Pharaoh Akhenaten. But the excavations of the 20th century led to the fact that the legends around the name of Nefertiti and her royal spouses grew

Montauk Project. Phoenix-2 - Alternative View

Montauk Project. Phoenix-2 - Alternative View

Project Phoenix By the time the Congress of the project Phoenix was already closed, the group in Brookhaven already had Reich technology and low-visibility technology with which it was possible to influence human consciousness

The Origin Of Human Races - Alternative View

The Origin Of Human Races - Alternative View

The problem of the origin of human races is perhaps more complex and confusing than the problem of the origin of man. And there is no solution to this problem at the moment

The Mystery Of The Sumerian Civilization - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Sumerian Civilization - Alternative View

PHOTO: An ancient Sumerian bas-relief depicting people with wings next to ordinary people, long before the biblical angels

The Scientist Claims That The Apostle Paul Became Blind Due To The Fall Of A Meteorite - Alternative View

The Scientist Claims That The Apostle Paul Became Blind Due To The Fall Of A Meteorite - Alternative View

A meteorite similar to the one that swept over Chelyabinsk could change the history of Christianity. Believers know the story of the Apostle Paul, who persecuted Christians, but received his sight thanks to God

Deadly Duel - Alternative View

Deadly Duel - Alternative View

Today historians recognize the role of personality as one of the main factors determining the course of events. But at the same time, following tradition, they speak only of rulers and commanders

What Is Hidden In The Yonastal Valley? - Alternative View

What Is Hidden In The Yonastal Valley? - Alternative View

The Jonasthal Valley, located in Thuringia, has always been considered one of the most mystical places in Germany. In the Middle Ages, she gave refuge to magicians who were persecuted by church

The FBI Is Looking For The Owners Of Artifacts That Have Been Collected By A Nuclear Physicist All His Life - Alternative View

The FBI Is Looking For The Owners Of Artifacts That Have Been Collected By A Nuclear Physicist All His Life - Alternative View

FBI agents, along with archaeological scientists and representatives of Indian tribes, have been trying for five years to return to their rightful owners the artifacts that former nuclear physicist Don Miller kept on his farm