The Origin Of Human Races - Alternative View

The Origin Of Human Races - Alternative View
The Origin Of Human Races - Alternative View

Video: The Origin Of Human Races - Alternative View

Video: The Origin Of Human Races - Alternative View
Video: 'Humans Are Not Equal': The Dishonest History of Race 2024, July

The problem of the origin of human races is perhaps more complex and confusing than the problem of the origin of man. And there is no solution to this problem at the moment. There are just numerous hypotheses, most of which do not stand up to criticism, even by enthusiasts.

One of the versions says that the human races were formed as a result of mixing the indigenous population of the Earth with different types of aliens from Space. This process began in the Paleogene period. In Slavic, Indian, Irish and other legends and myths, you can find references to the fact that almost all the ancient inhabitants of the planet, both humans and aliens, were werewolves who could take on various images and often had sex and marry each other friend. Thus, we can conclude that the mixing of peoples, different in appearance, began about 25 million years ago, when the space landing of the Danavas and Daityas (gods and demons known from Indian mythology) landed on Earth, and possibly even earlier - with the moment the Indian demigods Gandharvas appeared (about 66 million years ago), that is,long before the appearance of man on Earth.

Taking into account the large growth of aliens and the sheer size of the earthlings, the first interracial marriages led to the emergence of races that differed from modern humans in a stronger physique and taller stature. These were the races of giants and giants, references to which can be found in the mythologies of many peoples. These were races of heroes who fought with the indigenous population of the Earth and ruthlessly destroyed it.

Science cannot yet answer the question of why mixed marriages gave rise to descendants who had a human appearance. It is possible that both sides of such marriages recognized that the human form is the most perfect and in fact is the "crown of creation."

Whatever it was, but until the moment when the first people appeared on the planet, races of giants already existed here, who lived separately and differed in certain characteristics. This probably played a role in the formation of human races, because people could meet giants, different in appearance, on their way, and marry them. On the basis of these marriages, tribes and entire states later arose, in which racial characteristics were fixed over time. In addition, gradually people became less and less in height: either due to the action of the gravity of the planet, or because human genes turned out to be stronger in comparison with the genes of their ancestors.

According to one of the French scientists - philologist D. Sora, after the planet's gravity increased, the era of giants ended. The giants became too heavy and could not move on the surface of the Earth. To survive in the new conditions, the giants decided not to marry representatives of their race, but to leave their women at the disposal of people.

But everything could have happened in a completely different way. It could be that both the aliens and the indigenous population of the Earth, due to the conditions prevailing on the planet for procreation, could simply clone themselves. Thus, light-skinned people could appear, whose possible ancestors could be the Gandharvas and Adityas. In the same way, dark-skinned people could have appeared, whose ancestors could have been Kalakei, a type of Danav.

Another hypothesis that the races of giants gradually diminished due to the changed conditions on the planet looks no less probable. At the same time, their life expectancy has also decreased significantly. But this hypothesis contradicts reality, because it is well known that in the II millennium BC. in Ireland there was a tribe of elves who somehow managed to preserve not only the purity of the species, but all their abilities and life expectancy.

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It should be noted that today there is practically not a single purebred representative of any of the ancient groups of intelligent inhabitants of our planet that lived earlier. Over the millions of years of the Earth's existence, they have repeatedly mixed, as a result of which the blood of many intelligent beings flows in modern man. Various rudiments and atavisms that periodically appear in people can serve as a kind of confirmation of this. However, in modern races and subraces, traits of one or more ancient groups dominate.

The Caucasoid race, according to scientists, originated from alien aliens - Gandharvas, Siddhas, Adityas, Danavas, that is, beings with fair skin. The existence of its many subraces is probably determined by the type of aliens, as well as the birth of mestizos - children from marriages between the indigenous population of the Earth and aliens and various groups of aliens.

The Negroid race is likely descended from the Danav Kalakei, alien aliens with dark skin. In this case, it is logical to assume that intelligent creatures with dark skin, about which almost nothing is known, belonged to this group, or the indigenous inhabitants of the Earth, who were called "black-headed" in the legends of the Aztecs and Sumerians, contributed to the origin of the Negroid race.

It is much more difficult to determine where the origin of the Mongoloid race and many transitional races began. And all because in ancient legends there is practically no data about their typical representatives. In addition to the light-skinned Gandharvas, Siddhas, Adityas and dark-skinned Kalakeis, all the ancient inhabitants of our planet (both aliens and people) belonged to the group of amphibian people, snake people, many-headed and many-armed creatures, monkey people, giants and dwarfs, various chimeras and mutants with hooves and horns. All these creatures were werewolves, that is, they could take human form and enter into marriages, including with aliens. Therefore, it is likely that it was these extraordinary creatures that laid the foundation for the Mongoloid race and transitional races.

Intimate relationships and marriages of intelligent beings, which took place in ancient times, led to the emergence of an incredibly variegated population of the ancient Earth, which consisted of many peoples, differing in racial characteristics. Eventually, modern types of people appeared who belonged to the existing races and subraces. Despite the fact that the process of the formation of races lasted quite a long time, modern people have retained many features characteristic of ancient earthlings. In particular, such signs are the absence or presence of hair on the skin, color of the skin and eyes, figure, height, shape of the legs and arms, physiology and size of the genitals.

Perhaps, in the issue of the origin of races and types of people, scientists behave extremely cautiously, because with any approach to solving these issues, there will always be a part of people who will feel “forgotten and disadvantaged”. In addition, any theory of the origin of races can be clothed in racist garb.

In addition, modern science knows practically nothing about the distant ancestors of man, with the exception, perhaps, of a monkey. It is for this reason that any attempts to find a connection between modern types of people, subraces and races with certain groups of creatures that lived on Earth in ancient times can be extremely negatively perceived by academic scientists. In addition, in ancient legends and mythology, descriptions of the ancient inhabitants of our planet are so vague, and the abilities attributed to them (reincarnation into fire-breathing dragons and beautiful girls and boys) are so fantastic that it is not always correct and correct to compare them with modern races.

And yet, despite this, there are science enthusiasts who, year after year, collect, bit by bit, materials on various types of ancient inhabitants of the Earth, taken from the tales and legends of many peoples, and conduct long-term observations of modern people. It is they who express new assumptions and put forward more and more new hypotheses of the appearance of human races.