Montauk Project. Phoenix-2 - Alternative View

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Montauk Project. Phoenix-2 - Alternative View
Montauk Project. Phoenix-2 - Alternative View

Video: Montauk Project. Phoenix-2 - Alternative View

Video: Montauk Project. Phoenix-2 - Alternative View
Video: What is MONTAUK PROJECT? What does MONTAUK PROJECT mean? MONTAUK PROJECT meaning & explanation 2024, September

Phoenix Project

By the time the Phoenix project was closed by Congress, the group in Brookhaven already had Reich technology and low-visibility technology with which it was possible to influence human consciousness. This group of scientists turned to the Ministry of War with a message about the new fantastic technology they had developed. They talked about a device that makes the enemy surrender without a fight. It is clear that the military is interested in this issue. The War Department expressed its readiness for cooperation and funding, which, however, could not be carried out directly due to the ban of the Congress. The funds were funded through the Brookhaven National Laboratory. The research team received from the military an abandoned air base and an outdated but very powerful radar device called the Wise Radar. This system included sources of necessary frequencies and modulators, which made it possible to create a semblance of a giant radiosonde. The "wise radar" at Montauk was used as part of an air defense system in the 50s and 60s. However, by 1970 it was decommissioned due to the advent of satellites and ultra-long-range radars. The fact that obsolete equipment, after decommissioning, was suddenly switched on for another ten years, indirectly confirms the reality of the project in question. This project received the official name - "Phoenix-2", but the researchers who worked on it called it the Montauk project. The Montauk project has incorporated the results of previous research, which began with the Philadelphia experiment. For the implementation of a project that Congress refused,undertook an independent group of scientists who were out of state control. Thus, the events got out of the control of the official authorities and continued to develop despite their ban.

The Montauk base was reopened, and in 1971, the radar 0773 at Montauk Air Force Base was fully restored. Staff were recruited, equipment repaired, and in late 1971 the Montauk project began. The staff included military and government officials, as well as employees sent by some corporations. Military technicians were sent to the base to ensure that the Wise Radar was operational in the previous years of its operation. Interestingly, the Air Force sent them to Montauk, although the base was officially listed as being dismantled and inoperative. In the person of these military specialists, the group of researchers of the Phoenix-2 project acquired a real treasure, since they knew how to change the frequency and duration of the radar pulses. This made it possible, by changing the duration and frequency of the impulses,to choose the necessary parameters to influence the thoughts of a person - exactly what was needed.

Wise radar

Research began with the study of specific parameters of radiation per person. Inside the building, in a shielded room, a special chair was installed in which the subject person (Duncan Cameron) was located. By opening and closing the door, the microwave energy emitted from the transmitter was measured. Energy was measured in gigawatts. Pulses of different durations, different repetition rates and wave radiation were tested. It turned out that some radiation makes a person sleep, cry, laugh, worry … Those at the base immediately changed their mood when the "Wise Radar" began to work. However, the researchers did not stop there. They set the task of changing and controlling brain oscillations …

The installation created for the Montauk project made it possible to receive the radio frequency range of 425-450 megahertz, which opened a window into the human mind. The group's next step was to find out what was inside the mind. The objects were exposed to an electromagnetic field strong enough to influence brain vibrations, but not damaging health. Since Duncan was exposed to long-term radiation, he suffered serious brain and tissue damage. Only in 1972-1973 it was found out that this technology is associated with non-heating radiation. A theory has been proposed that suggests changing the way radar is irradiated. The antenna was rotated 180 degrees, directing heating beams into the sky, and non-heating radiation at people. This method no longer harmed people, and its effectiveness on the psyche was even higher. At this stage of the project, the emphasis shifted to the problem of the subtle study of man. The task was to precisely influence the thoughts and mood of a person. Various military units were invited to the territory of the base, where a good rest was organized for them: an excellent gym, shady alleys and places for rest; excellent food. Unbeknownst to the soldiers, they were used for mood control experiments. In addition, experiments were conducted on residents of Long Island, New Jersey, and residents of New York and Connecticut living on the upper floors. In this case, the range of the radiation was checked. Based on the selection of various parameters of the pulses, a large database was accumulated, on the basis of which reasonable conclusions were made about the results of exposure to radiation. The task was to precisely influence the thoughts and mood of a person. Various military units were invited to the territory of the base, where a good rest was organized for them: an excellent gym, shady alleys and places for rest; excellent food. Unbeknownst to the soldiers, they were used for mood control experiments. In addition, experiments were conducted on residents of Long Island, New Jersey, and residents of New York and Connecticut living on the upper floors. In this case, the range of the radiation was checked. Based on the selection of various pulse parameters, a large database was accumulated, on the basis of which reasonable conclusions were made about the results of radiation exposure. The task was to precisely influence the thoughts and mood of a person. Various military units were invited to the territory of the base, where a good rest was organized for them: an excellent gym, shady alleys and places for rest; excellent food. Unbeknownst to the soldiers, they were used for mood control experiments. In addition, experiments were conducted on residents of Long Island, New Jersey, and residents of New York and Connecticut living on the upper floors. In this case, the range of the radiation was checked. Based on the selection of various pulse parameters, a large database was accumulated, on the basis of which reasonable conclusions were made about the results of radiation exposure.where a good rest was organized for them: an excellent gym, shady alleys and places for rest; excellent food. Unbeknownst to the soldiers, they were used for mood control experiments. In addition, experiments were conducted on residents of Long Island, New Jersey, and residents of New York and Connecticut living on the upper floors. In this case, the range of the radiation was checked. Based on the selection of various parameters of the pulses, a large database was accumulated, on the basis of which reasonable conclusions were made about the results of exposure to radiation.where a good rest was organized for him: an excellent gym, shady alleys and places for rest; excellent food. Unbeknownst to the soldiers, they were used for mood control experiments. In addition, experiments were conducted on residents of Long Island, New Jersey, and residents of New York and Connecticut living on the upper floors. In this case, the range of the radiation was checked. Based on the selection of various pulse parameters, a large database was accumulated, on the basis of which reasonable conclusions were made about the results of radiation exposure. New Jersey and upper-floor residents of New York and Connecticut. In this case, the range of the radiation was checked. Based on the selection of various parameters of the pulses, a large database was accumulated, on the basis of which reasonable conclusions were made about the results of exposure to radiation. New Jersey and the residents of New York and Connecticut on the upper floors. In this case, the range of the radiation was checked. Based on the selection of various parameters of the pulses, a large database was accumulated, on the basis of which reasonable conclusions were made about the results of exposure to radiation.

It is necessary to highlight one more part of the experiment, which studied the effect on a person of hopping frequencies. The essence of the experiments was that in the process of operation, the transmitter abruptly changed from one frequency to another (for which five fixed values were selected). This method proved to be the key to time warping. At the same time, rapid jump-like changes in frequency had a more active effect on the human psyche. The database was filled with information about the rate of transition from one frequency to another and about the various sets of pulses that modulated these frequencies. As a result, after a long series of experiments, scientists developed a control unit with which it was possible to set a frequency switching program with certain modulation parameters and signal time characteristics. By setting the appropriate program to the transmitter and transmitting this signal through the antenna, the person's thoughts were given the required direction. This stage required about four years of research. The transmitter was now programmable, which made it possible to create a range of programs that alter people's mood. In the course of work on the Montauk project, it was possible to find the range of transmitter parameters at which the electrical circuits were disconnected. Subsequently, a program was developed that completely disconnected all electrical circuits. So, several years of research have led to the creation of a device capable of influencing human emotions. The next step involved the suggestion of specific thoughts …The transmitter was now programmable, which made it possible to create a range of programs that alter people's mood. In the course of work on the Montauk project, it was possible to find the range of transmitter parameters at which the electrical circuits were disconnected. Subsequently, a program was developed that completely disconnected all electrical circuits. So, several years of research have led to the creation of a device capable of influencing human emotions. The next step involved the suggestion of specific thoughts …The transmitter was now programmable, which made it possible to create a range of programs that alter people's mood. In the course of work on the Montauk project, it was possible to find the range of transmitter parameters at which the electrical circuits were disconnected. Subsequently, a program was developed that completely disconnected all electrical circuits. So, several years of research led to the creation of a device capable of influencing human emotions. The next step involved the suggestion of specific thoughts …Several years of research have led to the creation of a device capable of influencing human emotions. The next step involved the suggestion of specific thoughts …Several years of research have led to the creation of a device capable of influencing human emotions. The next step involved the suggestion of specific thoughts …

Promotional video:

alternative reality

In the 50s of the XX century, the ITT corporation began to develop technology that allows you to image a person's thoughts. By that time, there was already significant data on the deciphering of brain signals, and this made it possible to create an apparatus that captures human electromagnetic radiation and converts it into an accessible form for perception. This apparatus included a chair for the subject, around which the sensor coils were located. The system consisted of three receivers with six channels and a Sgau-1 computer, which displayed a human-conceived image on the screen. It remains a mystery how this technology was developed and developed. In this regard, there is even an "alien" version, suggesting that the study was helped by a certain civilization from the Sirius star system (?). From this moment, the stage of the Montauk project begins,intertwined with esotericism, which, of course, was very dangerous. After all, when the question comes about extraterrestrial forces (in this case - “the civilization of the Sirius system”), a person finds himself face to face with the world invisible to him, the creatures of which far surpass man in knowledge. Thus, a person, trusting invisible entities (and they really are constantly in the inaccessible zone), completely falls into their power. Nikola Tesla also testified that many of the discoveries he made in the field of electricity were suggested to him from another world. Many of his developments still defy analysis and explanation. Extraterrestrial civilizations, undoubtedly, can exist, but much closer to us are the essences of the parallel world - the world of ethereal spirits, the dark part of which seeks to destroy humanity,and capable of impersonating anyone for this. That is why experiments related to esotericism are extremely dangerous in their consequences.


However, the experiment continued. Three groups of coils were placed around the chair so that each of them created a perpendicular component of the electromagnetic field, inside which the person was. The coil leads were connected to three receivers, the detectors of which were precisely tuned to a given frequency. A digital converter digitized the signal and transmitted it to the Cray-1, which processed the incoming information. After a gigantic painstaking work on debugging equipment and analyzing experimental data, the computer displayed a person's mental dialogue in the form of text. It should be noted that according to the testimony of a specialist in the field of biomedical chips Cola Sanderson, at least one sensor on the human body is needed to read a person's thoughts. That is why in 2002 a microchip implanted under the skin was developed. The situation with the display of a mental image was even more complicated. However, this problem was also solved: the improvement of technology made it possible to realize a three-dimensional image of the image on the screen or to print it on a printer.

The group at Montauk was very enthusiastic about the message of the mind-reading device and immediately incorporated it into the general system. In theory, the plan was to move the person in the chair to an alternate reality with the team in the Philadelphia experiment and keep it in sync with the alternate reality, thereby keeping people sane. A chair called the Montauk chair was created specifically for the experiment. It was equipped with coils made by ITT. The Cray-1 computer, which was used to decipher the thoughts of the person sitting in the chair, was connected to the IBM-360 computer, which controls Montauk's transmitter. During this time, Al Bilek, one of the authors of the book The Philadelphia Experiment and Other UFO Secrets, played an important role. He participated in the development of the project "Rainbow",and he was attracted to the Montauk Project, hoping to get from him a metaphysical explanation of what happens to people when they are exposed to an electromagnetic field. Bilek was a skilled engineer, and possessed considerable knowledge of the esoteric field.

Montauk Chair

In order to make the system work more efficiently, the "Montauk Chair" with related equipment was transported to Southampton, after which the scientists began to set up. A specially trained person (psychics were involved for this work), being in the “Montauk chair”, concentrated his thoughts in a certain direction (creating a specific image or thought in his mind). Cray-1 decoded these images, after which the data was transmitted over the radio to Montauk. The IBM-360 performed the translation of this data into commands for the transmitter, and the transmitter, in turn, emits signals through the antenna that cause thoughts and images formed by the psychic in the brains of people (to which the impact is directed). In fact, a translator and amplifier of thoughts and images was created. Later it took a yearso that the sent signal (mental image of the psychic) is not distorted all the way from the chair to the transmitter antenna. In these experiments, the main role as a psychic was assigned to Duncan, but besides him, two more psychics were involved in the research. Ultimately, the Montauk station began to operate with high fidelity transmission of emitted thought.


In 1975, in the process of further work, problems appeared related to the interruption of the transmitted signal, as a result of which the “Montauk Chair” was installed in Montauk and refurbished. The ambitious goal of the researchers was now to influence the space-time continuum. Therefore, special coils were installed on the "Chair", developed at the time by N. Tesla and known as "Delta T" ("Delta Time" - time change). In addition, Helmholtz coils were also used in the receiving devices of the Montauk chair. Inside the Tesla coils, they placed both the chair and the receivers themselves. Thus, the energy fields were protected. It was the protection of the energy field around the destroyer "Eldridge" that the "electromagnetic bubble" could not provide during the Philadelphia experiment, which led to a disaster for the crew. The Montauk Chair was installed in a “dead” zone between the transmitting antenna located above the transmitter building and the magnetic antenna located in the basement of the same building. All equipment that needed to be protected from the effects of radiation was placed in a nearby building. The problems identified in the Philadelphia experiment were eliminated. Thus, by the beginning of 1976, the work was completed. However, the result of the newly created installation, as in the distant 1943, went far beyond the expected …Thus, by the beginning of 1976, the work was completed. However, the result of the newly created installation, as in the distant 1943, went far beyond the expected …Thus, by the beginning of 1976, the work was completed. However, the result of the newly created installation, as in the distant 1943, went far beyond the expected …