Secrets of history 2024, October

Scientists Have Read Hidden Writings On Ancient Mummies - Alternative View

Scientists Have Read Hidden Writings On Ancient Mummies - Alternative View

British researchers have developed a scanning technique that allows you to read records made on scraps of papyrus that were used in the burial of mummies

Secrets Of The Queen Of Sheba - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Queen Of Sheba - Alternative View

Hundreds of legends of the peoples of Africa, Asia and Europe tell about the mysterious queen of the country of Saven. Some paint her as a beautiful, intelligent and rich woman, others depict her as a demoness of the Black African desert

Anthropologists From The USA Have Revealed The Secrets Of The Marriage Life Of The Egyptians - Alternative View

Anthropologists From The USA Have Revealed The Secrets Of The Marriage Life Of The Egyptians - Alternative View

A study by American anthropologists, published in the American Anthropologist, sheds light on some interesting features of the life of the ancient Nubians and settlers from Egypt, who, living in Ancient Sudan, often entered into marriage

East And West. The Drift Of Civilizations. Part One - Alternative View

East And West. The Drift Of Civilizations. Part One - Alternative View

Part two - Part three - European old-timers in the IV-II millennia BC

Fighting Cholera Epidemics In The Navy At The Beginning Of The Nineteenth Century - Alternative View

Fighting Cholera Epidemics In The Navy At The Beginning Of The Nineteenth Century - Alternative View

The army, and especially the navy, is characterized by the concentration of the population in small areas, which has always been fraught with the development of epidemic diseases

Simon Bolivar - "The Most Cowardly, The Meanest, The Most Pitiful Villain" - Alternative View

Simon Bolivar - "The Most Cowardly, The Meanest, The Most Pitiful Villain" - Alternative View

Simon Bolivar is the most famous and famous of the leaders of the war of independence of the Spanish colonies in America. His army freed Venezuela, Colombia Audiencia Quito (present-day Ecuador), Peru and Upper Peru, named after him Bolivia, from Spanish rule

10 New Secrets Of The World That Have Not Been Solved - Alternative View

10 New Secrets Of The World That Have Not Been Solved - Alternative View

1. Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Boeing 777-200ER disappeared without a trace during a flight from Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) to Beijing (PRC) on March 8, 2014

Biography, Facts From The Life Of Charlemagne - Alternative View

Biography, Facts From The Life Of Charlemagne - Alternative View

Emperor Charles went down in history with the nickname the Great. This could not have been an accident. Never in history has this or that nickname been given to someone who was not worthy of it. The first emperor in Western Europe since ancient Rome

Guy Fawkes Scam - Alternative View

Guy Fawkes Scam - Alternative View

Guy Fawkes Night is celebrated every year from November 4th to 5th in Britain and some other English-speaking countries. At the same time, fireworks are launched and an effigy of this legendary conspirator is burned

Knight Of Easter Island - Alternative View

Knight Of Easter Island - Alternative View

The new mystery of the island surpasses any of its secrets and can only find an explanation in a number of the most amazing phenomena, which are still silent. In the late eighties, the incredible happened

The Bolsheviks And The Brest Peace - Alternative View

The Bolsheviks And The Brest Peace - Alternative View

There are many myths around the Brest Peace. Some historians blame the Bolsheviks for "depriving Russia of a well-deserved victory." By concluding the Brest Peace Treaty, Russia lost its territory and paid indemnity. But a country whose army has lost its combat capability is forced to conclude peace

Ugly Dad - Alternative View

Ugly Dad - Alternative View

Haitian villain Francois Duvalier originally frightened his people: "I will enchant you!" His promises were believed because the methods of persuasion were simple and straightforward

It May Be Necessary To Rewrite History Books: The World's Oldest Weapon Was Found In America - Alternative View

It May Be Necessary To Rewrite History Books: The World's Oldest Weapon Was Found In America - Alternative View

The recently discovered arrowhead that the ancients used to hunt mammoths and mastodons about 15,000 years ago casts doubt on the history of the migration of early humans in America and our knowledge of their technology

Biography Of Skopin-Shuisky - Alternative View

Biography Of Skopin-Shuisky - Alternative View

Mikhail Vasilievich Skopin-Shuisky (born on November 8 (18), 1586 - death on April 23 (May 3) 1610

The Secret Of The Red Fog Over Lake Baikal - Alternative View

The Secret Of The Red Fog Over Lake Baikal - Alternative View

Information about this strange phenomenon, observed on a quiet May evening in 1964 over Baikal, was reliably stored for many years in the secret archives of the Soviet special services

Who Got Rich In World War II - Alternative View

Who Got Rich In World War II - Alternative View

As a result of the Second World War, many states, including the victorious countries, suffered serious losses

Was It Possible To Save Pushkin - Alternative View

Was It Possible To Save Pushkin - Alternative View

The heart of the great Russian poet stopped beating on January 29 (February 10), 1837. Everyone knows today that Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin died as a result of being wounded in a duel. But was it possible to save him? What happened to Pushkin?

Secret "Laboratory 13" In Kaliningrad, Which Was Hidden By The Nazis, Where Could It Be? - Alternative View

Secret "Laboratory 13" In Kaliningrad, Which Was Hidden By The Nazis, Where Could It Be? - Alternative View

The Nazis were very fond of everything related to the occult sciences, esotericism and ancient artifacts. This love (most likely) came to them from Adolf Hitler, who spent a lot of money and effort in search of various artifacts.Some of them he found and among them was the legendary Spear of Destiny, which was pierced by Jesus

Eerie Mysteries That Science Cannot Explain - Alternative View

Eerie Mysteries That Science Cannot Explain - Alternative View

Do you consider yourself a materialist? Are you sure that everything that happens in the world can be explained using a scientific approach? I wonder how you explain these riddles, over which scientists have been struggling for years?

Principality Of Tmutarakan And Feodoro - Alternative View

Principality Of Tmutarakan And Feodoro - Alternative View

In the middle of the 10th century, the Khazars in the Crimea were replaced by the Pechenegs who came from the east. The Pechenegs were the eastern nomadic tribes of Kengeres, who created the Kangyui or Kang state to the south of the Ural mountains between the Balkhash and the Aral Sea

How The Son Of Sofia Paleologus Became Tsar Vasily III - Alternative View

How The Son Of Sofia Paleologus Became Tsar Vasily III - Alternative View

Although his son, Ivan the Terrible, is remembered more often, it was Vasily III who largely determined both the vectors of state policy and the psychology of the Russian government, ready to do anything to preserve itself

Biography Of Kutuzov - Alternative View

Biography Of Kutuzov - Alternative View

His Serene Highness Prince Mikhail Illarionovich Golenishchev-Kutuzov-Smolensky - (born 5 (16) September 1747 (or 1745) - death 16 (28) April 1813) - Field Marshal (August 31, 1812

Mysteries Of History. Syndica - Alternative View

Mysteries Of History. Syndica - Alternative View

“When you sail the Bosporus, there will be Sindi, above them - Meots, Scythians ", - so wrote the ancient Greek historian Gellanik of Mitylensky, who lived in the 5th century. BC, in the essay "On the Nations"

130 Years Ago, Miners From Moberly Found The City Of Giants - Alternative View

130 Years Ago, Miners From Moberly Found The City Of Giants - Alternative View

130 years ago, miners in Moberley, Missouri, while mining a coal mine, stumbled upon a "wonderful city" buried about 360 feet underground. The news of this event was full of newspapers in 1885

How Eunuchs Were Persecuted In The USSR - Alternative View

How Eunuchs Were Persecuted In The USSR - Alternative View

In the Soviet Union, sects were a rare phenomenon and were under the strictest ban. They were fought with, planting leaders and recruiting active supporters

A New Weapon That Changed The Fate Of The USSR And The Whole World - Alternative View

A New Weapon That Changed The Fate Of The USSR And The Whole World - Alternative View

In the summer of 1949, the first successful test of a nuclear charge took place in the Soviet Union. At that time, the United States had already used the new weapon twice already

The Mill Of Myths: The "shadow" Of The Great Cardinal - Alternative View

The Mill Of Myths: The "shadow" Of The Great Cardinal - Alternative View

Alexandre Dumas gave Cardinal Mazarin the epithet "Richelieu's shadow". This is a partly true observed property, but equally a common cliche used in relation to this French statesman of Italian origin of the Baroque era

The Scariest Museums In The World - Alternative View

The Scariest Museums In The World - Alternative View

Spending time in the museum usually does not bring any negative emotions for us, but in rare cases it happens and vice versa

In Gelendzhik, They Searched For The Remains Of Noah's Ark And Found An Unusual Object - Alternative View

In Gelendzhik, They Searched For The Remains Of Noah's Ark And Found An Unusual Object - Alternative View

At the end of September, members of the Cosmopoisk research association conducted an expedition to the Gelendzhik region. The main task of the expedition is - survey of coastal waters and the search for the surviving remains of a ship that could be Noah's ark

Selknam: The Disappeared People Of Tierra Del Fuego In Rare Photographs - Alternative View

Selknam: The Disappeared People Of Tierra Del Fuego In Rare Photographs - Alternative View

Selknam - Indian people who led a nomadic lifestyle and inhabited the territory of Tierra del Fuego for 7000 years. The main occupations for these people were hunting, gathering and fishing

The Extraordinary Adventures Of Agents On Jupiter: Why The CIA Needed The Psychic Ingo Swann - Alternative View

The Extraordinary Adventures Of Agents On Jupiter: Why The CIA Needed The Psychic Ingo Swann - Alternative View

RT continues to study the CIA archives, which number 13 million pages of declassified documents. In addition to the records of UFO sightings in the archives of the US Central Intelligence Agency, documents of the "Stargate" project were discovered

What Diseases In Russia Were Considered The Most Shameful? - Alternative View

What Diseases In Russia Were Considered The Most Shameful? - Alternative View

Among the ancient Slavs, a number of diseases belonged to the category of shameful

The Fall Of An Asteroid To Earth 13 Thousand Years Ago Is Confirmed - Alternative View

The Fall Of An Asteroid To Earth 13 Thousand Years Ago Is Confirmed - Alternative View

13 thousand years ago, the Earth experienced a period of rapid warming. The glaciers receded, the climate became milder, which facilitated the migration of people to new territories. And then literally overnight it all changed

Birch Bark Letters - The Language Of The Ancient Slavs - Alternative View

Birch Bark Letters - The Language Of The Ancient Slavs - Alternative View

If a modern man suddenly found himself on the streets of ancient Novgorod, he would not be able to understand the language of Novgorodians

Enchanted Battleship - Alternative View

Enchanted Battleship - Alternative View

The Finnish naval forces in the first half of the last century were armed with the battleship "Väinämöinen", with a displacement of almost four thousand tons and a length of more than one hundred meters - the largest warship in the country

Franz Yakovlevich Lefort - Alternative View

Franz Yakovlevich Lefort - Alternative View

Franz Yakovlevich Lefort (French Fran ç ois Le Fort, German Franz Jakob Lefort, December 23, 1655 [January 2, 1656], Geneva - March 2 [12], 1699, Moscow) - Russian statesman and military leader, Admiral General, associate of Peter I

Henry Kissinger's Awful Career: 10 Most Disgusting Quotes - Alternative View

Henry Kissinger's Awful Career: 10 Most Disgusting Quotes - Alternative View

The quote from Henry Kissinger published by Wikileaks - “We do illegal things right away, unconstitutional things take a little more time” - most likely brought a smile from his countless fans in the elite media, government agencies, corporations and high society. Oh

What Did The US Give The USSR For Abandoning Its Intentions To Fly To The Moon - Alternative View

What Did The US Give The USSR For Abandoning Its Intentions To Fly To The Moon - Alternative View

The fact that the USSR had its own program of manned space flights to the Moon, Soviet citizens, with the exception of a very narrow group of initiates, first learned only during the "perestroika"

Archaeologists Have Come Close To Solving The Mystery Of The Oldest Battlefield In Europe - Alternative View

Archaeologists Have Come Close To Solving The Mystery Of The Oldest Battlefield In Europe - Alternative View

On the oldest battlefield in Europe, archaeologists have unearthed new clues about who took part in the battle, which took place 3,250 years ago. Two huge armies met at the river crossing