Secrets of history 2024, October

An Ancient Temple Of The Templars Was Found Underground - Alternative View

An Ancient Temple Of The Templars Was Found Underground - Alternative View

Nothing, at first glance, unremarkable rabbit holes in one of the fields of the English city of Shropshire turned out to be the entrance to the secret underground temple of the Order of the Poor Knights of Christ

Paris - Templar Capital - Alternative View

Paris - Templar Capital - Alternative View

In 1119 in Jerusalem, the crusaders (mainly of French origin) created the knightly order of the Templars (Templars). At all European courts, members of the order occupied the most honorable positions

Truth And Myths About The Knights Templar - Alternative View

Truth And Myths About The Knights Templar - Alternative View

A powerful order of knights-templars, warrior-monks who participated in the crusades, arose in 1118 in Jerusalem, ostensibly to protect Christian pilgrims who wished to visit the Holy Land

The Knights Templar And Its Secrets - Alternative View

The Knights Templar And Its Secrets - Alternative View

The Order of the Knights Templar is long gone, but its secrets have not yet been solved. There may be a select few today who have access to the true history of the Order, but they also continue to keep the secrets of the Templars. What secrets do the Knights Templar keep?

New Year In The Slavic Tradition - Alternative View

New Year In The Slavic Tradition - Alternative View

How did our ancestors Slavs celebrate the New Year (in a new way - new year)? 313 times in Russia celebrated the arrival of the New Year on the night of December 31 to January 1, according to the official history

Disco On Red Square - Alternative View

Disco On Red Square - Alternative View

For the overwhelming majority of the inhabitants of the Soviet Union, all Western pop music was classified as "I don't know, I haven't heard." The visit to Moscow of the German group Boney M changed everything

Who Brought To Life The Curse Of The Templars - Alternative View

Who Brought To Life The Curse Of The Templars - Alternative View

In relation to the Templars, the King of France Philip IV the Handsome of the Capetian dynasty did not just an injustice. It was a betrayal

Bomb Berlin: Mission Doable! - Alternative View

Bomb Berlin: Mission Doable! - Alternative View

At the end of the current detail, the Ministry of Defense declassified a unique document - Stalin's written order to bomb Berlin in early August 1941. It would seem that the task is impossible

The Riddle Of The Language Of "angels": The Oldest Language In The World Or A Medieval Forgery? - Alternative View

The Riddle Of The Language Of "angels": The Oldest Language In The World Or A Medieval Forgery? - Alternative View

Nowadays, few people know about this, but at the end of the 16th century, the Enochian language, or the language of angels, as it was also called, was popular. It was circulated by two occultists, John Dee and Edward Kelly. They claimed that this language was transmitted to them by the angels themselves and it is the oldest on the planet

Ten Strange Deaths Of The Early Middle Ages - Alternative View

Ten Strange Deaths Of The Early Middle Ages - Alternative View

Although in the Middle Ages everyone only did that they died a strange and untimely death (in a softened form for our mores, this can be observed in the “ Game of Thrones ”), the scientific resource Medievalists compiled its top 10 1

Prodigal Europe - Alternative View

Prodigal Europe - Alternative View

The Middle Ages are surrounded by many legends, most of them rather dark. Most of them were invented in the 18th-19th centuries, when proponents of progress associated everything bad with the past

Cunning In Power - Alternative View

Cunning In Power - Alternative View

Who is actually secretly changing the world and subtly influencing the management of history? Behind each of the influential men, there was always a woman who surpassed them in cunning, wisdom and cruelty

Battle Of The Bucket: The Most Pointless Massacre Of The Middle Ages - Alternative View

Battle Of The Bucket: The Most Pointless Massacre Of The Middle Ages - Alternative View

From the 21st century, the centuries-old war between Guelphs and Ghibellines in Italy looks no more reasonable than the enmity between blunt-pointed and pointed-pointed ones in Gulliver's Travels. The degree of absurdity is well shown by the bloody and fruitless battle of Zappolino

Secret Intelligence Agencies Of The Middle Ages - Alternative View

Secret Intelligence Agencies Of The Middle Ages - Alternative View

The history of secret special services begins long before our era. Greek city-states formed special units of warriors to infiltrate potential enemies

The Left Hand Of Darkness - Alternative View

The Left Hand Of Darkness - Alternative View

If you happen to visit an ancient fortress or castle abroad or in our country, please note that the gate is there - not a simple opening in the wall. They are located at an angle, and in order to enter them, you have to walk with your right shoulder against the wall

14 Strange Beliefs Of Medieval People - Alternative View

14 Strange Beliefs Of Medieval People - Alternative View

Some statements were found in the Bright Side that might seem like something no one would ever believe. And this is really difficult to do. But, as it turned out, these "facts" were perceived as truth in the Middle Ages

10 Popular Misconceptions About The Middle Ages - Alternative View

10 Popular Misconceptions About The Middle Ages - Alternative View

Many of you have an overly idealized view of medieval society. I'll tell you honestly, your idea of that time is far from reality, like the North Pole is from the South. Open your eyes? And what am I asking I'll tell you how it was. 1

Myths About The Middle Ages - Alternative View

Myths About The Middle Ages - Alternative View

In the Middle Ages, 9 out of 10 people died before reaching 40 years.Of course, we do not have accurate data on the average life expectancy in the distant past, but historians say that in the Middle Ages it was about 35 years

The Shogun's Ringing Coin. The Currency Of Medieval Japan Was Backed By Rice! - Alternative View

The Shogun's Ringing Coin. The Currency Of Medieval Japan Was Backed By Rice! - Alternative View

This unusual-shaped gold coin formed the basis of the Japanese monetary system for the long 265 years of the Tokugawa Shogunate. At the beginning of the 17th century, the talented military leader and skilled politician Tokugawa Ieyasu founded a new dynasty of shoguns in Japan

How To Have Fun In The Middle Ages - Alternative View

How To Have Fun In The Middle Ages - Alternative View

To gaze at outlandish animals, fight with sausages, drink from a wine fountain, attack a knight with a rake, play Saint Cosma, visit a “glorious house”, gossip at the fountain and other ways to have fun available to residents of cities in the Middle

The Middle Ages: Myths And Reality - Alternative View

The Middle Ages: Myths And Reality - Alternative View

Modern ordinary people are used to thinking that the Middle Ages was one of the most dense and ignorant periods in history. Most of these beliefs are based on fantasy books or popular films

Turkish Torture - Alternative View

Turkish Torture - Alternative View

In the biography of Vlad Tepes, there is an interesting fact: he began to use torture by colossing only after being held hostage by the Turks (although he could not have known about it before, since he took an active part in the war with this people)

15 Monarch Children Who Changed The Course Of History - Alternative View

15 Monarch Children Who Changed The Course Of History - Alternative View

Every child has dreamed of being a king or queen at least once. Who will give up unlimited power? In real life, becoming a monarch is not easy

How It Was: The Secrets That Hide Medieval Castles - Alternative View

How It Was: The Secrets That Hide Medieval Castles - Alternative View

Medieval castles weren't really just big fortresses with massive stone walls

9 Most Creepy Tortures Of The Ancient World - Alternative View

9 Most Creepy Tortures Of The Ancient World - Alternative View

From "Heretic's Fork" to being eaten alive by insects, these horrific old methods of torture prove that humans have always been cruel

Parishioners Instead Of Police - Alternative View

Parishioners Instead Of Police - Alternative View

During the Middle Ages, French priests not only did not have the right to cohabit with women, but even let them on the threshold of their home

Medieval Stinkers: How People Lived Without Bathing - Alternative View

Medieval Stinkers: How People Lived Without Bathing - Alternative View

It is known that in the Middle Ages people did not pay due attention to their hygiene. For all their luxurious outfits, the rich managed to smell so bad that they themselves fainted! In ancient Greece and ancient Rome, personal care was a must

How In The Middle Ages They Were Treated For A Love Fever - Alternative View

How In The Middle Ages They Were Treated For A Love Fever - Alternative View

In the Middle Ages, the expression "love fever" did not mean a figure of speech, but a very real disease, for the treatment of which there were medical methods. Love can really hurt

Etiquette Of The Past: How They Behaved At The Table In The Middle Ages - Alternative View

Etiquette Of The Past: How They Behaved At The Table In The Middle Ages - Alternative View

Compliance with the rules of conduct at the table has always been considered a sign of good form. Some of today's norms of etiquette have their roots in the ancient Middle Ages. How did people behave at the table several centuries ago - further in the review

Garbage Pits Told What They Ate In The Middle Ages - Alternative View

Garbage Pits Told What They Ate In The Middle Ages - Alternative View

Let's taste what God sent … Well, that poop came in handy! Inquisitive scientists have found out what foods the inhabitants of Belgium ate in the XII - XVII centuries, having studied pollen from fossilized feces from cesspools, as well as medieval latrines and garbage latrines

Why Was Living In The Dark Ages Not So Bad - Alternative View

Why Was Living In The Dark Ages Not So Bad - Alternative View

Contrary to popular belief, life in the Dark Ages was not as bad as it seems at first glance. In fact, the early Middle Ages were labeled "Dark Ages" thanks to an Italian theologian

Gloomy Works That Formed The Basis Of Some Good Fairy Tales - Alternative View

Gloomy Works That Formed The Basis Of Some Good Fairy Tales - Alternative View

Fairy tales of the past were sometimes so terrible, full of all sorts of disgusting bloody details - it is difficult to imagine who could fall asleep after reading such a night. Today, many of them have already been rewritten and refined

Medieval Mystic Giambattista Della Porta - Alternative View

Medieval Mystic Giambattista Della Porta - Alternative View

In the 16th century, Naples was known to many Europeans primarily as a city where the great specialist in occult philosophy, astrologer, alchemist, mathematician, optician, meteorologist, in a word, a man who knows everything in the world, Giambattista della Porta lives

27 Of The Worst Tortures In Human History! - Alternative View

27 Of The Worst Tortures In Human History! - Alternative View

People are beasts Torture - it is “the deliberate infliction of torture, both physical and psychological, in order to obtain information or punishment.” Torture began around 530 BC. eh

10 Most Brutal Tortures In History - Alternative View

10 Most Brutal Tortures In History - Alternative View

The Middle Ages bears little resemblance to the romances of chivalry that many of us read. Beautiful ladies, tournaments and noble warriors came complete with the Spanish Inquisition, whose executioners could make a person scream for a whole week

How They Deprived Their Virginity In Different Countries Of The World - Alternative View

How They Deprived Their Virginity In Different Countries Of The World - Alternative View

Defloration of girls in ancient times was often a ritual procedure performed by women

What Mysterious Epidemic Scared Henry VIII So Much? - Alternative View

What Mysterious Epidemic Scared Henry VIII So Much? - Alternative View

Many people know that Henry VIII was married six times and that it was he who initiated the Reformation in England. Nevertheless, these are not all interesting facts associated with this monarch

The 1,500-year-old Bible States That Jesus Was Not Crucified - Alternative View

The 1,500-year-old Bible States That Jesus Was Not Crucified - Alternative View

A Bible written over 1500 years ago was discovered in Turkey. The book causes concern in the Vatican, because it contains the Gospel of Barnabas, who was one of Christ's disciples and traveled with the Apostle Paul

Why Did Muscovite Rus Survive And Won? - Alternative View

Why Did Muscovite Rus Survive And Won? - Alternative View

`` Until the half of the 14th century, the mass of the Russian population, knocked down by the enemies in the interfluve of the Oka and the Upper Volga, timidly huddled here, among the forest and swamps, along strips of comfortable land. The Tatars and Lithuania blocked the exit from this triangle to the west, south and southeast