Forbidden Books Of The World - Alternative View

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Forbidden Books Of The World - Alternative View
Forbidden Books Of The World - Alternative View

Video: Forbidden Books Of The World - Alternative View

Video: Forbidden Books Of The World - Alternative View
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"Discovering the ancient mysterious knowledge - the weak in spirit will be trampled, and the strong will rise incredibly"

From the author: “The ambiguity of the ancient and not only texts, the constant mystification and falsity of pseudoscientific data, leads to a lot of confusion. Therefore, only generally recognized mystical works are given here, although it is a stretch to call them such."

Jacques Bergier (1912-1978), wrote the book "Cursed Books", where he considers one interesting question "Who and why systematically, from time to time, destroys ancient manuscripts and secret knowledge?" And he himself answers his own question on the pages of the book that only the powerful of this world can afford to track the paths of ancient knowledge and, when trying to make it public, destroy it. Why? What does secret knowledge hide from people? Global grace or chaos and destruction to the whole world?

Until our time, many books have passed through the centuries. Not all of them are recognized as really existing, but nevertheless, their mysticism and well-known do not allow them to remain silent.

Book of Thoth

The Book of Thoth is the oldest of the cursed books. In 3000 BC. e. the Egyptians already had writing and had books that were written on papyrus. The word “Bible” meaning “book” goes back to the name of the port of Byblos in Lebanon, from which the papyrus scrolls were mainly exported. In Egyptian literature of the middle of the third millennium BC. e. we already find scientific and medical treatises, religious writings, textbooks and even science fiction works.


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According to all existing evidence, the "Book of Thoth" was already in the hands of the priests at the stage of the inception of the Egyptian civilization. For comparison, according to the existing versions of the official science of Egyptian civilization, at least 6000 years (according to some versions 10000, or even 20,000 years). According to ancient Egyptian legends, - Thoth is a man with the head of an ibis, it was he who invented writing and was the chronicler of all the gods. The book was written on 78 gold plates. According to some versions, it is believed that its authors were the Atlanteans, and the Egyptians began to develop rapidly, having received the ancient knowledge of the Atlanteans. This book was copied into papyri, but the book was mercilessly destroyed during the reign of the pharaohs, the gold plates were lost.


The first hint of this book we find in the Thuris papyrus, deciphered and published in Paris in 1868. This papyrus describes a conspiracy against the pharaoh, the purpose of which was to destroy with the help of magic the "Book of Thoth" the pharaoh and his chief advisers, by means of depicting them with wax figures (Sounds like Voodoo magic, doesn't it?). The conspirators were brutally dealt with. Forty officers and six noble ladies were sentenced to death and executed. Others committed suicide. The damned Book of Thoth was burned for the first time. Much later, the destruction of this book, as a source of heresy, was taken up by the Holy Inquisition.


But all the same, as if by magic, the surviving copies were found. Remember the film "The Name of the Rose", where in the monastery library there was a secret room with many forbidden manuscripts, it is a proven fact that the monks themselves, greedy for knowledge, copied and kept forbidden manuscripts and manuscripts. Another version is that the Book of Thoth has come down to this day in the form of Tarot cards.


Although this is a controversial version, it also has a right to exist. The book itself described the ways to get unlimited power over various worlds. She also gave power over the earth, ocean and heavenly bodies. With its help, it was possible to discover secret ways of communication, raise the dead and influence other people at a distance.


Also one of the secret sciences described in the book was the technique of mastering the natural, but unknown to us functions of our own body. This science was called "psychological optics". It allowed us to transform from subhuman, which we all are, into true people. In special mirrors, which were called "the mirror of truth", only that which was bad in the face of the person looking in them was reflected. The same person who became “true” no longer saw anything in this mirror, because he had purified himself from all that was bad in himself. From one of the first copies created, a few scattered pages remain.


Secrets of the Worm

The author of the book "Secrets of the Worm" according to various scant information that has come down to our days is considered the Roman Tertius Sibellius, who was born about 280 AD. In his youth, he had an irresistible craving for all sorts of artifacts and scrolls, papyri of religious and philosophical content. Buying or taking them by force, he was a military man, collected a large collection and possessed a large number of ancient manuscripts. From the secret documents written by order of Julian the Apostate and which have survived to this day in the form of small fragments, we learn the name of the person, according to some testimonies of the "demon", Ethiopian warlock Talim, and the date of writing of "Secrets of the Worm" is given - 331 AD. Thus, four centuries before the Necronomicon, a work appeared in Latin, in which the names of the Elders were mentioned.


The book spread very quickly among lovers of black magic and was banned by the Christian emperors. Under Theodosius II the Great, almost all of its copies were destroyed. But in the hands of the adherents of the Black art, who found shelter among the barbarians on the far borders of the Empire, the "Secrets" survived. Largely due to the persecution that the Dark Wisdom was subjected to, she marched ahead of the Good News, and being expelled from civilized countries, many barbarian peoples recognized and accepted her before baptism and Christianity. She quickly took root in the soil of paganism and missionaries traveling through Gaul and Britain were very surprised when they came across active satanic sects among people who first recognized Christ the Savior as a false demon messiah, and not the savior of the world.


One of these sects, having achieved immeasurable power, survived not only the Middle Ages, but also the English bourgeois revolution, being completely isolated from the outside world. In 1680, Abbot Bartholomew came to the estate of Count Kevin Merchant to fulfill the secret commission of Pope Innocent XI - to conduct a thorough investigation of the "godly and socially dangerous activities of the count." The powerful superhuman intellect of Morchent easily exposes the abbot's intentions, but the count does not make the slightest attempt to conceal his belonging to the worst kind of sorcerers - "spellcasters", but willingly shares with the abbot his monstrous and godless knowledge.


Soon, Abbot Bartholomew "forgets" to investigate "godly activities", and takes pleasure in taking part in eerie occult experiments, and later joins the ancient and sinister cult of "Alyak the Dimensionless", "Formless Chaos" and "Transcendent Madness". This is the history of the ancient scriptures called "Secrets of the Worm" in Latin - "De Vermis Mysteriis" (it is believed that the name in Latin this work was given by Lovecraft, about him later). Since the middle of the last century, Secrets of the Worm has often appeared on the shelves of bookstores, although no one can vouch for their authenticity.


The book was originally called Al Azif. There are only 2 versions of its origin, or it is a fictional book by the famous writer Lovecraft, who created his own personal genre of the work "Lovecraft Horrors", so his books were original, or the story of its origin is true, but Lovecraft, realizing the danger of this book, denied its existence. This book (fictional or not) began to acquire legends and fables during the author's lifetime (despite the scarcity of his books during his lifetime).


The rumor about the Necronomicon's connection with Aleister Crowley turned out to be false, but the most popular. Wilson's Necronomicon was carelessly invented, "religious" errors in it can be seen with ease, and information about them can be found online if desired. Simon's Necronomicon made a lot more noise. It is built on Sumerian mythology mixed with Cthulhu myths. After several years have passed since its release, the author himself admitted to his fiction. But until now it is considered "the most reliable and closest to the original", but nobody has seen the original! Although if you look, then the differences with Lovecraft's can be found. And since then, these forgeries have become as if stamped, and the Necronomicon has become the most fashionable fake book.


Today, the Necronomicon has starred in HellRaisers and The Simpsons. Little-known edition "Necronomicon Giger" (1977), a collection of paintings written by the Swiss artist Hans Giger (after the release of his book, was invited to detail the development of the prototype of the monsters for the acclaimed film "Alien"). Despite the modern forgeries of the Necronomicon, attention should be paid to their original source. These are Howard Phillips Lovecraft, August Derleth, Robert Howard, Clark Ashton Smith and Robert Bloch. Interestingly, if this book actually existed, it disappears forever after the 1930s, while Lovecraft claimed to have read it in 1928. Currently, many people believe in the Necronomicon and do not want to destroy the image of this powerful and great book in their minds.


Most of the research ends on the conclusions about the inventiveness of the Necronomicon, but again we will cite a few facts - Whipple Van Buren Phillips was Lovecraft's maternal grandfather. And it was from him that Lovecraft learned about the terrible Al Azif. Knowledge that can bring the ancient terrible gods into this world. Perhaps then Lovecraft did not believe it, but in the child's psyche this image remained in the form of the most terrible book, which holds the keys to the power of dark forces. The history of this book was composed by Lovecraft, but he transferred its meaning in the stories completely: “The Arabs in Yemen claim that it can be gotten and that it is … People sometimes do not quite understand what they are looking for … And what they mean by the book is not quite right, what it is. This was told to me by a man who was there looking for him."

Do you recognize the 'symbols of power'?
Do you recognize the 'symbols of power'?

Do you recognize the 'symbols of power'?

Almost all copies of the Necronomicon (possibly for advertising purposes) claim that a weak person who knows the secrets of the dark forces, but does not have enough fortitude to keep them, inevitably becomes their slave.

The book itself can be viewed in our library.

Jiang's Stanzas

Many experts on ancient books, not without reason, believe that the most mysterious book in the entire history of mankind is the manuscript of Jiang's Stanza. According to legend, this knowledge was brought to Earth by aliens from Venus. Aliens passed it on to the most ancient civilization that existed in Asia. Apollonius of Tyana, who lived in the 1st century AD. e. got acquainted with the texts of "Jiang's Stanza", which the priests-brahmins of India, recognizing in him "their own", gave him for reading. He himself admits that it was this book that taught him to do miracles, but at the same time, for some unknown reason, everyone who came into contact with the book began to get uncomfortable.


During her travels, the famous occultist Helena Blavatsky learns about the existence of the "forbidden book", and that she can read it with the help of clairvoyance, from an Egyptian magician. In 1852, Helen went to India, and received from the Brahmins (Brahmins) "Stanza Jiang" as a gift. It was the texts from this book that inspired her to write her "Secret Doctrine". She soon receives the first warning that if she doesn't return Jiang's Stanza, she will be in big trouble. Elena does not listen to warnings, and keeps the book in a safe. After a while, she becomes seriously ill, but the doctors cannot diagnose her.


In a dream and in reality, a woman is haunted by terrible visions. Relief brings a new journey to India where she is assisted by yogis. Elena returned to Europe on a ship, and although the ship explodes at night, she miraculously survived. Now she had no doubt that some powerful organization had taken up arms against her. For the sake of her salvation, she threatens to publish the contents of this book, but misfortunes continue to mystically haunt her. She died in London, and the text of Jiang's Stanza mysteriously disappeared from her safe.

Voynich manuscript

The Voynich manuscript has been the most unique mystery of humanity for more than five centuries. Written in an unknown language, by an unknown author and replete with rather strange pictures, this book got its name from the book dealer Mikhail Voynich, who in 1912 accidentally found it in a collection of documents in a college near Rome. The strangeness of the manuscript is that it was written in an alphabet unknown to science. Many tried to decipher it, over time, everyone knew that it was impossible to "crack" the cipher of a book if it was encrypted, or to translate it into one of the generally available languages.


The history of the manuscript is mysterious and unusual. Its first known owner was Rudolf Bohemian, who bought it from an unknown merchant in 1586 for a fabulous price of 600 gold ducats (today roughly $ 60,000). Then he passed into the possession of the alchemist Georgs Bares, who tried but could not translate the book and for its mysteriousness called it the Sphinx. Shortly before his death, he donated his entire library to his friend Johann Marci, former rector of the University of Prague. The manuscript contains a letter written in 1666. In it, Marzi wrote to the scientist Kircher, asking for help in deciphering the strange book. But Kircher, like everyone before him (and after him, too) could not decipher the folio. He placed the book in the library of the Collegium of Rome, where it remained for over 200 years before the capture of the papal state by the king of Italy. So the book came to Villa Mondragon,where Voynich found her in 1912.


The manuscript itself is 15 by 20 centimeters in size and consists of 240 pages made of parchment. The strange, encrypted text was handwritten with a pen, 5 ink colors, and illustrations. The book is divided into 5 parts. The first one is the largest and takes up half of the book - botanical. One or two figures are drawn on each page of this part with a detailed description in one or two paragraphs. Moreover, the images of plants cannot be identified. The second part is devoted to astrology and astronomy. It is replete with images of the Moon and the Sun. The third section is devoted to biology. Various tubes and blood vessels are drawn in it. The fourth is pharmaceuticals and the fifth is the prescriptions section.


During this time, many hypotheses have been put forward for decoding the text. One of them says that the book is an astrological treatise or is a description of medieval herbs. And no one would have begun to encrypt the text so skillfully had it not been for unsafe or extremely secret information in it. Successful counterfeiting theories break down into statistical analysis of the book, which claims that the text in the manuscript looks like a language, not a collection of words. It is indeed an unknown language, real or made up, but fully functional. All attempts to translate are crumbled. In 2004, James Finn, in his book Pandora's Hope, made the curious judgment that the tome was written in Hebrew. But the same words there periodically change. For example, the Hebrew word ain means "eye"it appears in the text as aiin and aiiin. Then it becomes clear why the text cannot be deciphered, since in this case there are countless decryption options. To date, the manuscript has gone online. There is a special site where images of all pages of the manuscript are displayed and thousands of people try to solve the riddle of the book every day. Perhaps the author still managed to come up with a code that cannot be deciphered.which cannot be deciphered.which cannot be deciphered.

You can see the original manuscript here.


Apocrypha - books, stories based on biblical motives, but for various reasons are not included in the biblical canon. Apocrypha arose long before Christianity. After the return of the Jews from the Babylonian captivity, the Old Testament priest Ezra made an attempt to collect all the holy books and separate from them those that were counterfeit (or giving ambiguous conclusions, in a word, defaming Christianity). Those books that contradicted the path chosen by Christianity and diverged from the traditions of the Old Testament tradition, carried a trace of the influence of pagan myths and superstitions of neighboring peoples, and containing occult practices and magic incantations, were strictly eliminated or destroyed. Later, some of these apocryphans still became part of the Talmud. There are many apocryphal in Kabbalah.


The Gospels of Jesus' disciples, the Gospel of Mary (mother of Jesus), of Mary Magdalene, the Gospel of Thomas: the Gospel of childhood (about the childhood of Jesus, from 0 to 12 years old), the Gospel of Thomas (Jesus from 12 to 30 years old), the Gospel from Thomas the Israelite (Jesus is between 30 and 33 years old). The most sensational book is "The Secret Book of John", which describes what Jesus told his Apostle John at the Last Supper. Stored in the Vatican are several variants found in Romania, Hungary and Latvia. For the storage and reading of this book, the Holy Inquisition sent to the stake without further ado.


The Vatican repositories contain up to 12 versions of this book, differing only in the completeness of the text. Today the funds of the Vatican library number about 70 thousand manuscripts, 8 thousand early printed books and 1 million later editions. In the oldest museums of the Vatican, which are run by the library, there are more than 100 thousand prints, maps, about 200 thousand handwritten documents, coins, medals and a very significant number of various kinds of works of art that are difficult to count by piece. Now that you know all this, how can you trust Bible students as the primary source of God's sermons? At the same time, the storehouse will not open their doors to any historian, only those pleasing to God visit these places. This is why Dan Brown, who points to the apocrypha as the source of his novels (even if fictitiously), is bathed in glory.

Black book

Many legends go about the "black books", although there is no information at all about them, who wrote them, whether any ancient text was their progenitor, and how widely the book itself is spread. All knowledge about this book borders on myths and legends, and all copies that are anything like it turn out to be fakes. In fact, this can also be called "Grimoires" - manuals on black magic, books in which magical rites were recorded, and indeed any book containing magical, occult knowledge. But it is about this book that there are several statements.


Before compulsory education appeared, writing was considered that such knowledge was passed from generation to generation (Black Book, which means such people were called "warlocks"). It was believed that even scrolling through such a book could lead to death (People were always afraid of the unknown and unidentified), and after reading this book, a person became a supreme Magician and many secrets of nature were subject to him, while a weak person went crazy.


The Black Book has found its way into cinema. Warlock, Elvira Ruler of Darkness, etc. - who opens the book, imposes on himself the responsibility and can gain power, not having coped with it, he himself becomes a slave to the demons he has caused.

A few more destroyed books that will never be written again:

In 1933, the National Democrats in Germany burned all copies of the book Rosicrucians. To the history of the Reformation”. Why they did it and what secrets were revealed in the book is unknown. Although they borrowed some symbols of the Rosicrucians, as well as certain rituals. In 1970, a new edition of this book was published, but there is no evidence that it corresponds to the first.


After the death of the famous occult writer Stanislas de Guaita, in 1897 his heirs received a notice, on pain of death, to destroy four unpublished manuscripts of this writer devoted to the problems of black magic, as well as all of his archives. Fearing for their lives, the heirs destroyed everything.


The writer Saint-Yves d'Alveidre also receives a letter in 1885 in which he is obliged to destroy his last work, “India's Mission in Europe and European Mission in Asia. The Mahatma problem and its solution. It also destroys all instances without delay. But by some miracle one book survived, and the publisher Dorbon in 1909 republishes the book in a very limited edition. It would seem that nothing threatens her, but in 1940 the Germans, having seized France, destroyed the entire circulation without a trace. Now, by the way, many fakes of this writer are sold on the Internet, as is the book itself, supposedly preserved for posterity.


Remember, even the most absurd book historians might need. Take care of your books!