Tamerlane - The Invasion Of Russia. The Most Mysterious Hike - Alternative View

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Tamerlane - The Invasion Of Russia. The Most Mysterious Hike - Alternative View
Tamerlane - The Invasion Of Russia. The Most Mysterious Hike - Alternative View

Video: Tamerlane - The Invasion Of Russia. The Most Mysterious Hike - Alternative View

Video: Tamerlane - The Invasion Of Russia. The Most Mysterious Hike - Alternative View
Video: Беслан. Помни / Beslan. Remember (english & español subs) 2024, September

In 1395, a terrible misfortune hung over Russia, the troops of Amir Temur marched to Moscow and its lands. And they moved with one goal to betray the Russian lands to fire and sword. Since the time of Khan Batu there was no greater danger, Russia literally hung by a thread.


A young youth Tokhtamysh flees from Urus Khan to Samarkand, seeking protection from Tamerlane. He received him with great honors, made him his brother, he did not yet know what kind of snake he warmed up on his chest.


The great commander, conqueror of the Universe - Iron Lamer (as he was called in Europe) finally defeated his traitor friend Tokhtamysh, on April 15, 1395, on the Terek River, Tamerlane would inflict a major defeat on the troops of Tokhtamysh.

The Golden Horde will not survive such a blow and afterwards it will disintegrate into small khanates. Tokhtamysh himself will run away like a hare and hide in the deepest hole from Temur's wrath.

Once Tokhtamysh and Tamerlane vowed to be brothers to each other, taking Amir Temur under his wing will help Tokhtamysh become the head of the Golden Horde.

Promotional video:

But only after receiving power and strength, Tokhtamysh immediately forgot all the oaths and words of devotion.

Before Temur had time to return to Samarkand, his former friend and brother began to seize the lands belonging to Tamerlane. The great commander, taken aback by such a vile blow in the back, tried to convince the ungrateful friend, but he no longer listened to the words, the madness of power completely captured Tokhtamysh.

And this is the result: having lost everything, and most importantly, self-respect, he will be forced to run across the steppe like a frightened gopher, looking for salvation and help in everything.

Punitive campaign

Before the campaign of Temur, the Russian lands were weakened by the unceasing inter-war, as before the invasion of Batu and before Tamerlane, there was no talk of the unification of Russian princes. Everyone was for himself!

Having tasted blood and victories, a huge army demanded a continuation of the feast and Amir Temur decided to punish Tokhtamysh's allies. And the first and main ally was Moscow.

He decided to use the example of the Russian lands to show what will happen to those who dare to help his enemies. Like the first Mongol conquests, when they completely destroyed Central Asia, turning a blooming garden into a desert, so Temur decided to walk across Russia with fire and sword.


For reference: Tamerlane was distinguished by special cruelty, after the capture of Isfahan, he ordered to build a pyramid of skulls, designed to frighten all rebellious. Therefore, one can doubt with what intentions Temur went to Moscow.

The Arab chronicler who accompanied him will describe the beginning of this punitive campaign

"Like Genghis Khan, Amir Temur will dot the fields with killed people … The rivers overflowed their banks, carrying a terrible stream of human bodies … They killed everyone who got in the way of the invincible army"

What force could Moscow put up against Tamerlane. Yes, in principle, none.

Firstly - the Moscow principality found itself in a band of troubles, after the Kulikovo battle, Moscow was invaded by Tokhtamysh, plus a plague came to the Russian lands, which decimated a significant part of the population.

Secondly, the army of Tamerlane was an invincible military machine, led by some of the best generals in the history of mankind. At that time, there was no force in the whole world capable of stopping Temur.

And the army put up by Prince Vasily, he would have defeated without looking.

Minutes before death

Like an annoying fly, the Tokhtamysh buzzed somewhere, gathering a new army in the steppe, maybe this will force Tamerlane to change his mind?


The most terrible hour in the history of our country has come. Having seized and ruined Yeletsk, the commander stopped like a tiger, pondering a further jump.

And suddenly, unexpectedly, the most mysterious event in world history happened, after standing for two weeks near Yeletsk, Amir Temur removes the troops and returns to Samarkand.

Historians are still arguing about what forced Temur to change his mind, the planned campaign was suddenly interrupted, as if the commander faced a force superior to him.

We will not build our own versions, but turn to our dear readers.

What do you think forced, Tamerlane, to interrupt the campaign? What event saved Moscow from destruction?